







Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research background

1.2 Research purpose and significance

1.3 The overall structure of the study

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 The introduction of STA

2.1.1 Definition of STA

2.1.2 Principles of STA

2.1.3 Procedures of STA

2.2 Theoretical foundation of STA

2.2.1 Constructivism Learning Theory

2.2.2 Second Language Acquisition Theory

2.2.3 The Theory of Situated Cognition

2.3 Studies of STA at home and abroad

2.3.1 Studies of STA abroad

2.3.2 Studies of STA at home

2.4 The application of STA to English grammar teaching

2.4.1 Research status at home and abroad

2.4.2 The application in English grammar teaching

2.5 Summary

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research questions

3.2 Research subjects

3.3 Research instruments

3.3.1 Test

3.3.2 Questionnaire

3.3.3 Interview

3.3.4 SPSS software

3.4 Research procedure

3.4.1 Pre-test and pre-questionnaire

3.4.2 Training procedures

3.4.3 Post-test and post-questionnaire

3.5 Teaching cases

3.5.1 A teaching case of EC

3.5.2 A teaching case of CC

3.6 Data collection

Chapter Four Data analysis and Discussion

4.1 Analysis and discussion of questionnaires

4.1.1 Results and analysis of pre-questionnaire in EC and CC

4.1.2 Results and analysis of post-questionnaire in EC and CC

4.1.3 Results and analysis of pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire in EC

4.1.4 Results and analysis of pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire in CC

4.1.5 Discussion of questionnaires

4.2 Analysis and discussion of tests

4.2.1 Results and analysis of pre-test in EC and CC

4.2.2 Results and analysis of post-test in EC and CC

4.2.3 Results and analysis of pre-test and post-test in EC

4.2.4 Results and analysis of pre-test and post-test in CC

4.2.5 Discussion of tests

4.3 Analysis and discussion of the interview

4.4 Summary

Chapter5 Conclusions

5.1Major findings

5.2 Pedagogical implications


5.4 Suggestions for further study


AppendixⅠ Questionnaire

AppendixⅡ: Pre-test

AppendixⅢ: Post-test

AppendixⅣ:The list of Pre-test scores before the Experiment in EC and CC

AppendixⅤ:The List of Post-test scores after the Experiment in EC and CC

AppendixⅥ:Data of the Pre-questionnaire

AppendixⅦ:Data of the Post-questionnaire

AppendixⅧ.Interview Questions


The list of the research papers published by the author

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