




WASHINGTON—In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people that the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act next week, which independent economists have said will put Americans back to work, grow the economy, and give working people and small businesses a tax break. It is time for those who oppose the jobs act to explain why they are fighting against something that we know will improve the American economy, put teachers in classrooms, cops on the streets, and construction workers back to work rebuilding our roads and bridges. President Obama urged all Americans who support the American Jobs Act to call their Senators and tell them to put a stop to the gridlock in Washington and pass the jobs act next week.

Prepared Remarks of President

Barack Obama

Weekly Address

Saturday, October 8 , 2011

Next week, the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act. It’s a bill that will put more people to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. And it will provide our economy with the jolt that it really needs right now

This is not the time for the usual games or political gridlock in Washington. The challenges facing financial markets around the world could have very real effects on our own economy at a time when it’s already fragile. But this jobs bill can help guard against another downturn here in America.

This isn’t just my belief. This is what independent economists have said. Not just politicians. Not just people in my administration. Independent experts who do this for a living have said that this jobs bill will have a significant effect for our economy and middle-class families all across America. But if we don’t act, the opposite will be true – there will be fewer jobs and weaker growth.

So any Senator out there who’s thinking about voting against this jobs bill needs to explain why they would oppose something that we know would improve our economic situation. If the Republicans in Congress think they have a better plan for creating jobs right now, they should prove it. Because one of the same independent economists who looked at our plan just said that their ideas, quote, wouldn’t ―mean much for the economy in the near term.‖

If their plan doesn’t measure up, the American people deserve to know what it is that Republicans in Congress don’t like about this jobs plan. You hear a lot of our Republican friends say that one of the most important things we can do is cut taxes. Well, they should love this plan. The American Jobs Act would cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America. And if you’re a small business owner that hires new workers, raises wages, or hires a veteran, you get an additional tax cut.

Right now, hundreds of thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers have been laid off because of state budget cuts. This jobs bill will put a lot of these men and women back to work. Right now, there are millions of laid-off construction workers who could be repairing our bridges and roads and modernizing our schools. Why wouldn’t we want to put these men and women to work rebuilding America?

The proposals in this bill are steps we have to take if we want to build an economy that lasts; if we want to be able to compete with other countries for jobs that restore a sense of security for the middle-class. But we also have to rein in our deficit and start living within our means, which is why this jobs bill is paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share.

Some see this as class warfare. I see it as a simple choice. We can either keep taxes exactly as they are for millionaires and billionaires, or we can ask them to pay at least the same rate as a plumber or a bus driver. And in the process, we can put teachers and construction workers and veterans back on the job. We can either fight to protect their tax cuts, or we can cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America. But we can’t afford to do both. It’s that simple.

There are too many people hurting in this country for us to simply do nothing. The economy is too fragile for us to let politics get in the way of action. The people who represent you in Washington have a responsibility to do what’s best for you – not what’s best for their party or what’s going to help them win an election that’s more than a year away. So I need you to keep making your voices heard in Washington. I need you to remind these folks who they work for. And I need you to tell your Senators to do the right thing by passing this jobs bill right away. Thanks so much.


Last weekend, on the Fourth of July, Michelle and I welcomed some of our extraordinary military men and women and their families to the White House.

They were just like the thousands of active duty personnel and veterans I’ve met across this country and around the globe. Proud. Strong. Determined. Men and women with the courage to answer their country’s call, and the character to serve the United States of America.

Because of that service; because of the honor and heroism of our troops around the world; our people are safer, our nation is more secure, and we are poised to end our combat mission in Iraq by the end of August, completing a drawdown of more than 90,000 troops since last January.

Still, we are a nation at war. For the better part of a decade, our men and women in uniform have endured tour after tour in distant and dangerous places. Many have risked their lives. Many have given their lives. And as a grateful nation, humbled by their service, we can never honor these American heroes or their families enough.

Just as we have a solemn responsibility to train and equip our troops before we send them into harm’s way, we have a solemn responsibility to provide our veterans and wounded warriors with the care and benefits they’ve earned when they come home.

That is our sacred trust with all who serve – and it doesn’t end when their tour of duty does.

To keep that trust, we’re building a 21st century VA, increasing its budget, and ensuring the steady stream of funding it needs to support medical care for our veterans.

To help our veterans and their families pursue a college education, we’re funding and implementing the post-9/11 GI Bill.

To deliver better care in more places, we’re expanding and increasing VA health care, building new wounded warrior facilities, and adapting care to better meet the needs of female veterans.

To stand with those who sacrifice, we’ve dedicated new support for wounded warriors and the caregivers who put their lives on hold for a loved one’s long recovery.

And to do right by our vets, we’re working to prevent and end veteran homelessness – because in the United States of America, no one who served in our uniform should sleep on our streets.

We also know that for many of today’s troops and their families, the war doesn’t end when they come home.

Too many suffer from the signature injuries of today’s wars: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. And too few receive the screening and treatment they need.

Now, in past wars, this wasn’t something America always talked about. And as a result, our troops and their families often felt stigmatized or embarrassed when it came to seeking help.

Today, we’ve made it clear up and down the chain of command that folks should seek help if they need it. In fact, we’ve expanded mental health counseling and services for our vets.

But for years, many veterans with PTSD who have tried to seek benefits – veterans of today’s wars and earlier wars – have often found themselves stymied. They’ve been required to produce evidence proving that a specific event caused their PTSD. And that practice has kept the vast majority of those with PTSD who served in non-combat roles, but who still waged war, from getting the care they need.

Well, I don’t think our troops on the battlefield should have to take notes to keep for a claims application. And I’ve met enough veterans to know that you don’t have to engage in a firefight to endure the trauma of war.

So we’re changing the way things are done.

On Monday, the Department of Veterans Affairs, led by Secretary Ric Shinseki, will begin making it easier for a veteran with PTSD to get the benefits he or she needs.

This is a long-overdue step that will help veterans not just of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, but generations of their brave predecessors who proudly served and sacrificed in all our wars.

It’s a step that proves America will always be here for our veterans, just as they’ve been there for us. We won’t let them down. We take care of our own. And as long as I’m Commander-in-Chief, that’s what we’re going to keep doing. Thank you.

第三篇:美国总统每周电台演讲 2


WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Act Now toPass a Budget and

Raise the Debt Ceiling

WASHINGTON, DC— In his weekly address, President Obama said that the economy is makingprogress five years after the worst recession since the Great Depression, but to avoid anothercrisis, Congress must meet two deadlines in the coming weeks: pass a budget by the end of themonth to keep the government open, and raise the debt ceiling so America can pay its bills.Congress should vote to do these now, so that we can keep creating new jobs and expandingopportunity for the middle class.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly AddressThe White HouseSeptember 21, 2013

Weekly Address

Hi, everybody. It was five years ago this week that a financial crisis on Wall Street spread to MainStreet, and very nearly turned a recession into a depression. In a matter of months, millions of Americans were robbed of their jobs, their homes, their savings –after a decade in which they’d already been working harder and harder to just get by. It was a crisis from which we’re still trying to recover. But thanks to the grit and determination ofthe American people, we are steadily recovering. Over the past three and a half years, our businesses have created seven and a half million newjobs. Our housing market is healing. We’ve become less dependent on foreign oil. Health carecosts are growing at the slowest rate in 50 years. And in just over a week, millions of Americanswithout health care will be able to get covered for less than $100 a month. So our economy is gaining traction. And we’re finally tackling threats to middle-class prosperity thatWashington neglected for far too long. But as any middle-class family listening right now knows,we’ve got a long way to go to get to where we need to be. And after five years spent digging outof crisis, the last thing we need is for Washington to manufacture another. But that’s what will happen in the next few weeks if Congress doesn’t meet two deadlines. First: the most basic Constitutional duty Congress has is passing a budget. But if it doesn’t passone before September 30th – a week from Monday – the government will shut down. And so willmany services the American people expect. Military personnel, including those deployed overseas,won’t get their paychecks on time. Federal loans for rural communities, small business owners, andnew home buyers will be frozen. Critical research into life-saving discoveries and renewable energywill be immediately halted. All of this will be prevented if Congress just passes a budget. Second: Congress must authorize the Treasury to pay America’s bills. This is done with a simple,usually routine vote to raise what’s called the debt ceiling. Since the 1950s, Congress has alwayspassed it, and every President has signed it – Democrats and Republicans, including PresidentReagan. And if this Congress doesn’t do it within the next few weeks, the United States will defaulton its obligations and put our entire economy at risk. This is important: raising the debt ceiling is not the same as approving more spending. It lets uspay for what Congress already spent. It doesn’t cost a dime, or add a penny to our deficit. Infact, right now, our deficits are already falling at the fastest rate since the end of World War II. Andby the end of this year, we’ll have cut our deficits by more than half since I took office. But reducing our deficits and debt isn’t even what the current standoff in Congress is about. Now, Democrats and some reasonable Republicans are willing to raise the debt ceiling and pass asensible budget – one that cuts spending on what we don’t need so we can invest in what we do. And I want to work with those Democrats and Republicans on a better bargain for the middle class. But there’s also a faction on the far right of the Republican party who’ve convinced their leadershipto threaten a government shutdown if they can’t shut off the Affordable Care Act. Some areactually willing to plunge America into default if they can’t defund the Affordable Care Act. Think about that. They’d actually plunge this country back into recession – all to deny the basicsecurity of health care to millions of Americans. Well, that’s not happening. And they know it’s not happening. The United States of America is not a deadbeat nation. We are a compassionate nation. We arethe world’s bedrock investment. And doing anything to threaten that is the height ofirresponsibility. That’s why I will not negotiate over the full faith and credit of the United States. Iwill not allow anyone to harm this country’s reputation, or threaten to inflict economic pain onmillions of our own people, just to make an ideological point. So, we are running out of time to fix this. But we could fix it tomorrow. Both houses of Congresscan take a simple vote to pay our bills on time, then work together to pass a budget on time. Then we can declare an end to governing by crisis and govern responsibly, by putting our focusback where it should always be – on creating new jobs, growing our economy, and expandingopportunity not just for ourselves, but for future generations. Thank you.


Weekly Address: Congress Should Take Action to ContinueGrowing the Economy

WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama said that the economy is moving inthe right direction, but there is still more work to do. He called on Congress to act to give everyresponsible homeowner the chance to save money on their mortgage by refinancing at historicallylow interest rates, put more Americans to work rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, and fix ourbroken immigration system, so that we can continue to grow our economy and create goodmiddle class jobs.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly Address The White House JUNE 01, 2013

Hi, everybody. Over the past four and a half years, we’ve been fighting our way back from aneconomic crisis and punishing recession that cost millions of Americans their jobs, their homes, andthe sense of security they’d worked so hard to build. And thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, our businesses have nowcreated nearly 7 million new jobs over the past 38 months. An auto industry that was flat lining is once again the heartbeat of American manufacturing – withAmericans buying more cars than we have in five years. Within the next few months, we’re projected to begin producing more of our own crude oil athome than we buy from other countries – the first time that’s happened in 16 years. Deficits that were growing for years are now shrinking at the fastest rate in decades. The rise ofhealth care costs is slowing, too. And a housing market that was in tatters is showing new signs ofreal strength. Sales are rising. Foreclosures are declining. Construction is expanding. And homeprices that are rising at the fastest rate in nearly seven years are helping a lot of families breathe alot easier. Now we need to do more. This week, my administration announced that we’re extending a program to help more responsiblefamilies modify their mortgages so they can stay in their homes. But to keep our housing market and our economy growing, Congress needs to step up and do itspart. Members of Congress will be coming back next week for an important month of work. We’vegot to keep this progress going until middle-class families start regaining that sense of security. Andwe can’t let partisan politics get in the way. Congress should pass a law giving every responsible homeowner the chance to save about$3,000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at historically low interest rates. Congress should put more Americans to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, like theone that collapsed last week in Washington state. We’d all be safer, and the unemployment ratewould fall faster. And Congress should fix our broken immigration system by passing commonsense reform thatcontinues to strengthen our borders; holds employers accountable; provides a pathway toearned citizenship; and also modernizes our legal immigration system so that we’re reunitingfamilies and attracting the highly-skilled entrepreneurs and engineers who will help our economygrow. So there are a lot of reasons to feel optimistic about where we’re headed as a country – especiallyafter all we ’ ve fought through together. We’ve just got to keep going. Because we’ve got moregood jobs to create. We’ve got more kids to educate. We’ve got more doors of opportunity toopen for anyone who’s willing to work hard enough to walk through those doors. And if we work together, I’m as confident as I’ve ever been that we’ll get to where we need to be. Thanks and have a great weekend.



WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wished families across the country a “Merry Christmas” and encouraged everyone to support the troops and their families this holiday season. Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, December 25th, 2010

THE PRESIDENT: Merry Christmas, everybody. Michelle and I just wanted to take a moment today to send greetings from our family to yours. THE FIRST LADY: This is one of our favorite times of year. And we’re so fortunate to be able to celebrate it together in this wonderful home. This is the “People’s House.” So Barack and I try to open it to as many people as we can, especially during the holiday season. This month, more than 100,000 Americans have passed through these halls. And the idea behind this year’s theme, “Simple Gifts,” is that the greatest blessings of all are the ones that don’t cost a thing – the comfort of spending time with loved ones…the freedoms we enjoy as Americans… and the joy we feel upon giving something of ourselves. So in this time of family, friends, and good cheer; let’s also be sure to look out for those who are less fortunate, who’ve hit a run of bad luck, or who are hungry and alone this holiday season. THE PRESIDENT: Because this is the season when we celebrate the simplest yet most profound gift of all: the birth of a child who devoted his life to a message of peace, love, and redemption. A message that says no matter who we are, we are called to love one another – we are our brother’s keeper, we are our sister’s keeper, our separate stories in this big and busy world are really one. Today, we’re also thinking of those who can’t be home for the holidays – especially all our courageous countrymen serving overseas. That’s the message I delivered when I visited our troops in Afghanistan a few weeks ago – that while you may be serving far from home, every American supports you and your families. We’re with you. And I have no greater honor than serving as your Commander in Chief. Today’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen make up the finest fighting force in the history of the world. Just like their predecessors, they do extraordinary things in service to their country. What makes that all the more remarkable is that today’s military is an all-volunteer force – a force of mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives. THE FIRST LADY: That’s right. As First Lady, I’ve had the honor to meet members of our military and their families on bases and in communities all across the country. I’ve gotten to know husbands and wives doing the parenting of two while their spouse is on another deployment…children trying their best in school but always wondering when mom or dad is coming home…patriots putting their lives on hold to help with a loved one’s recovery…or carry on the memory of a fallen hero.

When our men and women in uniform answer the call to serve, their families serve too. And they’re proud and glad to do it. But as long as that service keeps the rest of us safe, their sacrifice should also be our own. Even heroes can use a hand, especially during the holidays. THE PRESIDENT: So we’re encouraging Americans to ask what you can do to support our troops and their families in this holiday season. For some ideas on how to get started, just visit Serve.gov. THE FIRST LADY: You’ll see that you don’t need to be an expert in military life to give back to those who give so much to us. There are countless ways to contribute by harnessing your unique talents. If you live near a base, you can reach out through your local school or church. If you don’t, you can volunteer with organizations that support military families. And anybody can send a care package or pre-paid calling card to the front lines, or give what’s sometimes the most important gift of all: simply saying “thank you.”

THE PRESIDENT: America’s brave servicemen and women represent a small fraction of our population. But they and the families who await their safe return carry far more than their fair share of the burden. They’ve done everything they’ve been asked to do. They’ve been everything we’ve asked them to be. And even as we speak, many are fighting halfway around the globe – in hopes that someday, our children and grandchildren won’t have to.

So let’s all remind them this holiday season that we’re thinking of them – and that America will forever be here for them, just as they’ve been there for us.

And on behalf of Michelle, Malia, Sasha… THE FIRST LADY: and Bo…

THE PRESIDENT: and Bo…have a very Merry Christmas. THE FIRST LADY: and an even happier New Year.

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