



[牛津中小学英语网]6BUnit1 第一课时教案、[牛津中小学英语网]6BUnit1 第一课时教案、课件

江苏译林6下 The lion and the mouse

Story time Teaching plan 一.

Teaching contents 江苏译林6下 the story time of ‘The lion and the mouse’. 二.Teaching aims. a. Aims of knowledge

1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to master the words ‘large, strong, sharp, and weak’ and describe it with their favorite animals.

2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to get a basic understanding of ‘verbs+ adverbs’ and through the reading, they can get a basic feeling of it. b. Aims of abilities

1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the story fluently and act it through group learning and self learning.

2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’

c. Aims of emotions

1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story. 三.Teaching focus and difficulties

1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’

2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story. 四.Teaching aids PPT, some pictures about these two animals, prizes for the children. 五.Teaching procedure

1. Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls, I’m your new English teacher; today we’re going to learn a very interesting story about two animals. They’re

S: The lion and the mouse.

T: I like lions, because they’re the king of the forest, they have a strong body, too. So what animals do you like?

S: I like dogs.

T: Why?

S: Because they’re cute and lovely.

T: What about you?

S2: I like….. Because they’re…… 2. Presentation

1. T: Now I know your favorite animals, let’s talk about today’s animals, lions.

S: The lion is large and strong (teach large and strong.)

S2: The lion has sharp teeth. (Teach sharp) T: So at the beginning of the story, there was a lion in the forest, (lead the students to read) he was large and strong. T: What about the mouse? S: The mouse is small. S2: the mouse is afraid of the lion. S3: The mouse is weak. (Teach weak) S4: The mouse also has sharp teeth. 2. T: Yes, one day, they met in the forest, how did they meet? Please read part2.

S: One day, the mouse walked by and woke the lion up.

T: How was the lion?

S: The lion was angry and wanted to eat the lion.

T: Yes, let’s read it together. (PPT presents the Chinese meaning of walked…by and woke…up)

T: Here woke is the past form of wake, wake…up.

T: We know the lion was angry, look at this picture and was the lion angry?

S: No.

S: The lion laughed.

T: Yes, the lion laughed loudly, why? Please read part 2 and choose.

S: Because the mouse said:” Please don’t eat me, I can help you some day.” But the lion thought it was funny.

T: Did you think it was funny?

S: Yes. I thought it was funny.

T: Why?

S: Because the mouse was so small and weak, I don’t think he can help the lion. 3. T: Yeah, maybe he can or may be not, next let’s read in pairs. T: Did the mouse laugh loudly?

S: No, he said quietly(指导学生朗读quietly)

T: If I was the lion, who can be the mouse? (示范和指导朗读)

T: Now you try.

4. T: So at last, did the lion eat the mouse?

S: No, he didn’t, he let the mouse go.

T: Yes. The next day, two men caught him with a large net.(PPT presents the net) 5. T: Guess what happened next? (PPT presents the three choices)

S: I think C is right.

S2: I think maybe A is right. (teach bit, bit is the past form of bite)

T: So let’s open the envelop and read part 3 and tell me which one is right.

S: We should choose ‘C’. Someone helped the lion.

T: Here someone means…

S: The mouse.

T: How did he help? Please read part4.

S: The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.(PPT presents the hole) 6.T: And the lion(引导学生说出) got out. We know the lion has sharp teeth, so why can’t he make a hole by himself? Please discuss this in groups.

S: I think the lion is too large so he can’t make a hole. S2: I think ……. 7. T: I think you did a good job here, now guess what happened at last? Please discuss in groups and write it on the paper. S: I think the lion and the mouse became friends.

I think one day the mouse got caught, the lion helped him.


8. T: Very good imagination, boys and girls, maybe the lion and the mouse lived happily in the forest, now let’s listen and repeat. 3. Consolidation 9. T: Next, it’s the show time; three people get into groups, please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (Showtime) 10. T: Well done, boys and girls, last question, what do you learn from this story? S: I think A is right. S2: I think B is right.

T: Well, boys and girls, I think ‘A and B’ are good choices, but if there is only one choice, the best choice is C, let’s read C together.

The lion and the mouse became friends; let’s see some pictures of animals, did they become friends, too? (PPT presents the pictures). 11. T: Thank you, boys and girls, let’s help each other from today. See you! 六.Homework 1. Read the story fluently. 2. Try to retell the story by yourself. 3. Share this story with more people.

七.Blackboard Design

Unit1 The lion and the mouse

Dec. 11

large, strong, sharp

small, weak, sharp

The lion(picture)

laugh at

The mouse(picture)

two men caught the lion

made a hole

became friends

八.Reflection after class



本节课是PEP教材小学英语五年级上册,第三单元What’s Your Favourite Food? 第一课时,主要学习食物单词和相关句型,我设计了记忆词汇练习,让学生学会记忆单词;并通过完成一个puzzle 让学生学会运用句型:What would you like for„? I’d like„




1) 能听、说、读、写单词:tofu, eggplant, tomato, potato, green beans, fish. 2)能听、说、认读单词: pork, cabbage, mutton. 3)能灵活运用句型:What would you like for„? I’d like„









5、文化意识目标: 了解西方饮食文化的习俗及区别。



2、本课的难点是词汇:cabbage, green beans和句型I’d like„的运用和表达。



StepⅠWarming up

T: Hello, boys and girls. Look at the pictures and listen: What are these? S1: A rabbit. T: What’s she doing?(教师模仿跑步状提示学生问题的意思。)

S1: Run like a rabbit. S2: Butterfly. Fly like a butterfly. T: What are these? S3: Apples, bread, milk, Coke... T: Very good. They are food. Let’s have a picnic and have the picnic food.

Ss: OK. (学生处于无比兴奋和期待的状态。)

T: This is a picnic cloth. What’s under it? Guess!


S4 : Fish. T: Yes. Ss: Chicken. T: No. „


(设计学生和教师一起去野外参加野餐的模拟情景,让学生有身临其境的体验,运用课件辅助呈现生动的野餐图和轻松的背景音乐,例如:小鸟歌唱、小兔子奔跑等,并展示课题What’s Your Favourite Food?和情景设置课题Picnic food。学生很快将注意力集中到画面和课堂上,通过这些生动的情景了解本节课要学的内容,同时准备真的食物藏在事先准备的餐布下面,利用猜一猜的游戏让学生表达语言。)

Step Ⅱ Words learning


Chicken, apples, ice cream, banans, fish, hamburger, orange, juice, milk. (1) The teacher uses the pictures and asks the Ss read the words one by one. (2) Let Ss use the sentences to express their feelings as: I’d like„


(3) Ss practice the sentences in pairs to review the words as:What would you like for „? I’d like„


Pork, tofu, mutton, potato, eggplant, tomato, cabbage , green beans. Use the guessing game to learn the words. The teacher hides one picture in her book and asks Ss to guess which picture is in her book.


T:How many words can you remember? S1:eggplant, pork„(学生能记住的词汇并不多)

T:How can you remember the words ? Look at the first letter of the words: c e g p„ I can remember: cabbage, eggplant, green beans, potato, pork„ Now please practice in groups. 通过首字母记忆法教会学生记忆这些单词,接着让学生合作思考记忆的方法,小组成员讨论激烈。

S2: potato, cabbage„ are vegetables. Pork, mutton„ are meat.

S3: I can remember the words: tofu, potato, tomato, cabbage„(学生能记忆的单词增多效果明显)



T: Now. Look at the screen. Guess: What’s meaning?(屏幕出示)

1、milk way

2、big fish

3、fire water

4、small potato S1: I think“milk way” means“牛奶路”.

T: No. S2: 银河? T: Oh, yes. You’re clever.


Step Ⅲ Guessing game

1、The teacher gives each food a number. For example: tomato is number one; potato is number two;cabbage is number three...

2、T: Lisa likes one. What does Lisa like? S: Lisa likes tomatoes. T: Tom likes two and three. What does Tom like? S: Tom likes potatoes and tofu. ... (设计意图:教师在此环节首先用简单的数字代替不同的食物,让学生形成类似的逻辑意识,以此巩固句型和单词。)

Step Ⅳ Let’s chant

T: Look and listen. I make a chant. Can you make a chant like that?(伴随着有节奏的背景音乐)

Potato, potato, I’d like potatoes.

Tomato, tomato I’d like tomatoes.

Fish, fish, Alice’d like fish.

Yummy, yummy, yummy food. S: Cabbage, cabbage, I’d like cabbage.

Tofu, tofu, I’d like tofu.

Green beans, green beans, I’d like green beans. Mutton, mutton, Tom’d like mutton.

Pork, pork, Sarah’d like pork.

Yummy, yummy, yummy food. „

(设计意图:本环节配合有节奏的音乐背景,我设计了一个chant,让学生将所学的语言知识点联系贯穿,学生通过感悟,能创造性的设计出更多的有关食物的chant。) Step Ⅴ Home task

The teacher presents some food in China and foreign countries. Let Ss collect more food that they know.


一.教学目标: 1 .能力目标

(1)能够询问时间并做出正确的回答,如:What time is it? It’s nine o’clock. (2)能够结合学过的语言描述自己的日常活动,如:It’s time for English class. (3)能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Time for breakfast, drink some milk. 2 . 知识目标:

(1)认读Let’s learn 和Let’s do 中的单词和句子

(2)能够掌握Let’s learn 中的新单词和句子并能做到听、说、读、写。 (3)理解并能够在教师指导下完成Let’s do部分 3 .情感、策略、文化等有关目标:

(1)情感态度:培养学生严格的时间观念,珍惜时光 (2)学习策略:注重合作学习与实践活动

(3)文化目标:了解时钟表示时间的方法及人体对时间的反应(即生物钟) 二.教学重点、难点:


难点:新句型“What time is it ?” “It’s nine o’clock.” “It’s time for…”的理解和运用



(2)教师准备一个教具钟(可以是自制的) (3)教师准备六张单词卡

(4)准备几个钟表卡片,起始时间为上课时间(有几个小组做几张,小组每答对一次前进一分钟) 四.教学过程


1.教师请一组学生表演第一单元story time中的故事 2.教师看完学生表演后,向学生提问:Where is zoom?

学生回答:He is in the canteen.


学生回答:He is hungry.

教师再问:Why is he hungry? What time is it?

引导学生答出:It is time for lunch. 接下来教师可以引导学生说一些与时间有关的单词(如果学生不会用英文可以用中文)如:The sun, The moon, The tree, The skin…. (二)呈现新课

1教师拿出准备好的教具钟放在黑板上说:Look! W hat is this?

It is a lock,然后指向12点说What time is it?

It is 12 Are you hungry? Why? 用动作示意学生说出 It time for lunch. 接下来,教师利用钟面上的时间与图继续教授时间的表达和其他几个单词,词组 2通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握正确的读音,尤其注意Breakfast 和O’Clock 的发音可采用男女竞赛的形式,在学生中展开互帮互学 3采用动作模仿让学生们模仿老师笔画在四线三格中写出:What time is it? It is…. 和六个新单词词组。


1教师将教具钟上的时针拨到不同的时间,提问学生,What time is it? 鼓励各小组学生进行比赛,看谁做出快速反应。






1试一试给同伴或家长发出Let’s do 中的指令,请他们做出动作。



PEP小学英语四年级下册 Unit6 Part A第一课时教学设计



2)、能力目标:能够听懂句型What are they?作出简单的回答They are…。 3)、情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生积极参与语言交际活动;树立爱护动物的意识。


1)本课重点:掌握有关农场常见牲畜的名称hen、 lamb、sheep 、cow、 horse and goat及复数形式的表达。



1. 准备多媒体课件。 2.图片、卡片。

四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm up 1.Greeting and talking T:I like animals,do you like animals S:Yes,Ido. Step3.趣味游戏 复习旧知 listen and guess 设计理念:听动物的声音能让学生心情愉悦,营造了和谐的英语学习气氛,起到了热身的作用,为下面的学习做了铺垫。(教学参考时间:3分钟) Step2. 创设情景,呈现新知 1.创设情景,初步感知 These animals are at a farm.There are many animals at the farm.Do you want to know their name .播放视频,板书课题。


2、齐学新知,循序渐进。幻灯片呈现动物图片及所要学习的新单词:hen、goat、horse、cow、sheep and lamb。

利用看图片导出单词,以各种游戏讲授单词,并且边学边板书,边学边评价。 设计理念:利用大量的游戏,让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,(游戏:当小老师、听声音小组合作学习、小组比赛等)。通过数动物引出单词的复数,再从单词过渡到句子,循序渐进、符合学生的认知规律。(教学参考时间:15分钟) Step 3:Pratice

1、Pair work。看课件

教师先示范,同桌用句型What are they ? They are….进行描述。

设计理念: 此活动不但操练了What are they ? They are….而且也培养学生交际能力,利用形象生动的情境,突破了教学难点。

2、Group ask group

3、Let’s PK every group choose two students,one read the words,the other point the words or put up the pictures. 4.Let’s do. a.让学生看图片,再播放,跟读,并做出相应动作。 b.I say you do.(S stand up) c.Group work 设计理念:Let’s do是一项TPR活动,深受孩子们喜爱,它的节奏和动作能刺激大脑皮层,激活记忆,使孩子们在对各指令的反应中自然习得语言。在学习了新单词之后,采用Let’s do这一TPR活动,加深记忆,巩固所学。 (教学参考时间:10分钟) Step4:趣味情景 拓展延伸 Visiting. 创设师生互动参观农场情景。

老师先做示范,再让学生分别饰演游客和导游,进行表演练习。 --- A : Welcome to my farm. Can I help you? --- B :Yes. --- A :What are they ? --- B :They are …..




5、Consolidation and homework 归类总结 ,布置作业 a.总结:运用归类法总结新知。

b.作业:Design your favourite farm and label it. Tell your parents about your design in English. 设计理念:设计主题,培养学生创新思维能力。

家校联合,培养学生养成语言交际的好习惯。 (教学参考时间:5分钟)


上层是: hen、 lamb、 sheep 下层是: cow、 horse goat



第五篇:牛津小学英语3A unit 7 It’s nice第一课时教案

牛津小学英语3A unit 7 It’s nice第一课时教案



(1). 能听懂服装类单词 a dress, a T-shirt, a jacket, a sweater, a coat, a skirt, a blouse 和物主代词his, her 以及形容词new. (2). 能听得懂,会说,会读句型look at , 以及其答应 it is smart/pretty/nice, 并会用how nice!表达赞美,感叹之意;能用this is 和 that is介绍物品。 (3).能利用常见的几类服装进行交谈。 (4)会唱歌曲colour song. 2.技能性目标:

(1). 能听懂服装类单词 a dress, a T-shirt, a jacket, a sweater, a coat, a skirt, a blouse 和物主代词his, her 以及形容词new. (2). 能听得懂,会说,会读句型look at , 以及其答应 it is smart/pretty/nice, 并会用how nice!表达赞美,感叹之意;能用this is 和 that is介绍物品。 (3).能利用常见的几类服装进行交谈。 (4)能流利地朗读,背诵A部分的对话。 3.情感性目标

(1)能积极、主动地向别人表达自己的赞美之情。 (2)能大胆地表演对话。



1、能听懂服装类单词 a dress, a T-shirt, a jacket, a sweater, a coat, a skirt, a blouse 和物主代词his, her 以及形容词new. 2、 能听得懂,会说,会读句型look at , 以及其答应 it is smart/pretty/nice, 并会用how nice!表达赞美,感叹之意;能用this is 和 that is介绍物品。 3、能利用常见的几类服装进行交谈。 4、会唱歌曲colour song.


1、正确发音单词new, a blouse, a dress, a skirt, a T-shirt, a sweater ,a coat, his, her. 2、进一步掌握物主代词的应用。




The second period Teaching Contents:

Unit 7

A. & B 1. word s:

coat, blouse, dress, shirt 2. patterns : Look at his/ her/ my new coat/ blouse/…

It’s pretty/ nice/ smart.

Thank you.

That is… Teaching Aims: 1. To understand and say the words : coat, blouse, dress, shirt 2. The Ss can understand and say the communication parlance : Look at his/ her/ my new coat/ blouse/…

It’s pretty/ nice/ smart.

Thank you.

That is …

3. To encourage Ss to learn English. Difficult and important points: 1能听懂,会说Look at …及其应答It is smart/pretty/nice/. How nice. 能用This is …和That is …介绍物品. 2 a dress , a coat ,a shirt. a blouse 和物主代词 his, her以及形容词new. Teaching Aids: 单词图片, 衣服 Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Revision and motivation 1. Greetings

T-Ss : Good morning / afternoon . How are you ? 2. Sing a song “Colour song”

T: Who is wearing yellow / green/… today? 3. Free talk (1) T-s1 How are you?

T: Look, this is my jacket.

S1: It’s nice /pretty/ How nice!

T: Thank you! Practice in pairs. (2)T-s2 Nice to meet you. How are you?

T: s2, this is s3. s3, this is s2.

s2-s3 How are you?...

T: This is s2’s jacket . This is his/ her jacket.

S3: How nice! Practice in three. Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. T(show a coat) Look at this coat. This is my coat. 这是我的外套。板书:coat.

范读coat. Ss listen.

开火车读 2. T: Coat, coat, this is my coat.

S (show their coats) Coat, coat, this is my coat.

T: Oh, your coat , that is your coat.

板书 That is your coat ( 那是你的外套 ) 带读 That ( 那个 ) 带读

that & this ( 动作 ) 3. T: Look at **’s coat . That is his coat. What colour?

Ss: …

T: We can say…?

Ss: It’s nice / smart. How nice!

T: **,别人夸奖你的衣服漂亮,你该怎么说?

S: Thank you .

板书:Thank you. (谢谢)


T-s1 T: Look at my coat.

S1: It’s nice.

T: Thank you. Practice in pairs. 4. T(show a shirt) : Look at this one. Is this a T-shirt?

Ss : No .

T: This is a shirt. ( 男式衬衫 )


范读,Ss listen



T: Now, show me your shirt.

T: Look at **’s shirt. Is it nice?

Ss : Yes. It is nice.

S1: Thank you. 5. T: 男式衬衫是shirt, 那女式的呢?

S1: Blouse.

T: Look at my blouse. Is it nice?

Ss : Yes. It’s nice.

T: Thank you. 板书:blouse



T: Show me your blouse.

T: That is **’s blouse. Is it pretty?

Ss: It’s pretty.

S2: Thank you . 6. Guess 用黑板上的单词猜猜卡片上的是什么

T: What’s this in the picture? Is this a coat?

Ss: No.

T: Is this a shirt?

Ss: No.

T: What’s this? (show picture) Oh, this is a dress.



带读dress (连衣裙)

T: Now, show me your dress.

T: Look at **’s dress. That’s a new dress. Do you know?




T: That’s her new dress. Is it pretty?

Ss: It’s pretty.

S1: Thank you. Step 3. Consolidation 1. 带读板书单词和句子

2. 每组为一个衣物类单词,师说单词,相应的学生起立 3. 师摆口型,生猜单词 4. Group work (1) s1: Look at my new coat.

Ss: It’s nice. / How nice!

S1: Thank you . (2)s1: Look at my new coat.

S2: That is his / her new coat.

Ss: How nice!

S1: Thank you! Step 4. Assign homework 1. Listen and recite the dialogue of part A. 2. Listen and repeat the words of part B. 3. Introduce your and your deskmate’s clothes to others. Blackboard Design:

unit 7 It’s nice


Look at my new coat .


It’s pretty/ nice/ smart . dress

Thank you. shirt

That is his/her/your coat .

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