


英语教案 where is

Where is …?


What’s your name ?

How are you? Where is your nose? How old are you? Where is your mouth?

Where is you nose? Here it is 老师先说一遍,学生可以跟着说 。

Let’s have a chant 引出where is …?句型


1、Where is your pencil-case? S: here it is. Where is your book? S: here it is Where is my book?/where is miss wang’s book? 引出 in –in the desk 学习in

老师将铅笔放铅笔盒中问 Where is the pencil? S; In the pencil –case. 教师引导用it’s in the pencil-case. 再将铅笔盒放进书包

Where is the pencil –case? S: it’s in the bag.


师生用Where is… It’s in the …问答

根据呈现的四个图画进行chant . Where is the ball? In the desk. Where is the book? In the bag Where is the fox ? In the box Where is the apple in the mouth.

2、将学生注意回到黑板上的图画 Where is my pencil? In the desk?


学习on on the desk. Where is my pencil? It’s on the desk. Where is my eraser? It’s on the desk.老师做动作将铅笔放在书本上 It;’s on the book. 将书本放桌上

It’s on the desk.

让学生也学老师的样边比划,边说 It’s on the …


最后一副图片是一个学生在桌子下面 引出under –under the desk. 学习under

老师边坐动作将铅笔盒放再书本下 Where is the pencil

S: It’s under the book. 做两到三个动作后


Put the bag under the desk Put the ball under the chair. Put the pencil-case on the chair Put the ruler in the desk.

老师根据图上的东西问答 Where is the bag?

S: It’s under the desk Where is the book? S: It’s in the ruler.


4、Now let’s look at these two pictures , picture 1 and picture 2 please find the differences.

Look at the picture 1 .Where is the fox? It’s under the house ,in the picture 2 .It’s under the tree.

Look at the cat. 同样方法进行操练,引导学生用It’s on /under/in 来说,并圈出来。

5、引出where is the baby bird? 学习故事,

逐句朗读 跟读,并且表演。 Let’s retell the dtory

学生逐一将学过的句子复述出来,教师课件呈现对话框,不出现对话,等学生说出来后 再呈现。


第二篇:Where is my ruler?教案


一:教学内容: 二:教学目标:

1, 学生能够对所学知识有更深的巩固(boy girl 颜色词汇,文具词汇)

2, 学生能够运用简单的句型进行方位表达(It’s on the…It’s in the…It’s under the…) 3, 学生能够进行简单的询问东西摆放的地方(Where is your ruler? Where is you…?)


重点:1,方位介词in on under的理解与掌握

2,重点句型Where is your ruler? It’s…的理解与掌握 难点:句型Where is your…?与It’s…的理解与应用



五:教学过程: Step 1:

打招呼(Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?) Step 2:

热身(Free talk)

T:今天,今天上课之前呢,老师想先给你们介绍一个超级可爱的宝宝,想不想认识下她? Ss:想!

T:Ok,look at the screen.(展示ppt小宝宝图片) Ss:……

T:好,看了照片后老师的问题也来了啊,Look at this baby, is this a boy or a girl?(复习上个单元学过的boy and girl单词) Ss:Boy/girl…

T:那到底是boy呢还是girl呢,Let’s see the picture again.(PPT中闪出“小侄女”字样)OK, now tell me this is a boy or a girl? Ss:girl. T:Yes, this is a girl. 想不想认识她多点呢? Ss:想! T:(PPT展示更多小侄女的图片并分别简单用一句话介绍下每张照片)那上个周末是老师在家里过得最累的周末,你们知道为什么吗? Ss:…… T:上个周末老师一直在家照顾小艺颖(小侄女的名字),她呢特别喜欢玩游戏,所以我就拼命的跟她玩游戏!其中有一个游戏老师发现她喜欢玩的时间最长,怎么都玩不厌。猜猜看会是什么游戏呢?


T:到底是什么游戏呢,look at the screen.(PPT展示“找东西”的图片) Ss:找东西!


Ss:bag, book, pencil, pen, crayon…

(老师用提问的方式诱导学生说出已经学过的bag, book, pencil, pen, crayon…等文具词汇,帮助学生复习巩固已学过的知识)

T:Yes, very good! Look at this, what’s this? (老师分别拿出各种文具再次提问学生,学生再次用回答的方式巩固文具词汇)

Step 3: 导入新课

T:那老师第一次会把什么文具藏起来让小艺颖去找呢?What did I hide for the first time? Guess! Ss:pencil, pen, book…

T:OK, let’s see what I hide.(PPT展示书包的图片)Look at the picture, what’s this? Ss:Book! T:Yes, this is a bag! Look at this bag, is this a green bag? Is this a yellow bag? Is this a black bag? Then what color is this bag? (老师通过提问的方式帮助学生已学过的颜色词汇) Ss:Red! T:Yes, this is a red bag. Then where did I hide this bag? Where is the bag? Guess!(如果学生一时无法领悟老师可适时提醒:书包会被藏在哪里呢?) Ss:电视机后面,桌子地下,沙发上……

T:Ok, let’s see where the bag is.(PPT展示书包在桌子上)Where is the bag? Ss:……

T:Yes, on the table. The bag is on the table. It’s on the table. Boys and girls where is the bag? It’s…(诱导学生说出on the table)

(老师要特别强调on the table尽量能多次重复,加深对学生的印象) Ss:……

T:Yes, very good!on the table. It’s on the table. …

依照引出书包学习on the table的方式,再分别引出book会被藏在in the bag。Pencil会被藏在under the table. Step 4:

记忆测试(要求学生回忆刚刚老师一共给小艺颖藏了几样东西,分别是什么,分别藏在哪里的,把刚刚学过的内容及时的再次复习巩固) T:How many things did I hide?(用做数数的手势提醒学生how many的意思)one? Two? Three? Four?... Ss:…

T:Yes,three things! And what are they? The first thing is…? Ss:Bag! T:Yes, bag! And where is the bag? Ss:…

T:Yes, It’s on the table! And the second thing is…? Ss:Book!

T:Yes, book. And where is the book? Ss:…

T:Yes, in the bag. It’s in the bag. The third thing is…? Ss:Pencil. T:Where is the pencil? Ss:…

T:Yes, under the table. It’s under the table. Step 5: 玩一玩


道具:一个盒子,一个袋子,一把尺子 规则:老师把尺子藏在袋子里或者盒子里或者盒子上面或者盒子下面,让学生猜Where is my ruler?学生必须用本节课的重点句子回答:It’s in the bag. It’s in the box. It’s on the box. It’s under the box. T:想不想今天我们也来玩下这个找东西的游戏? Ss:想!

T: Ok,look here, what’s this?(拿出准备好的道具盒子和袋子)Yes, this is a bag. And what’s in the bag? Look, it is a box. And what’s in the box? Look, what’s this? Yes, this is a ruler! Ok, I will hide this ruler.待会呢我会把这把尺子呢藏起来,我可能会把它藏在in the box, 也可能会藏在in the bag, 也可能会藏在on the box,也可能会藏在under the box.,You can have a guess!自己猜!OK? Now, turn back to the wall.(要求学生转身,不能偷看,老师快速把尺子藏好)

Ok, now turn back to the blackboard. Where is my ruler? Is it in the bag? Is it in the box? Is it on the box or under the box? Have a guess!


游戏规则:每个学生拿出一本书,一把尺子,听老师的指令藏尺子,如:老师说Put your ruler in the book学生必须把尺子藏在书的里面。老师说Put your ruler on the book.学生必须把尺子藏在书的上面。老师说Put your ruler under the book.学生必须把尺子藏在书的下面。每次藏完尺子老师都必须问学生:Where is your ruler? 学生如实回答:It’s in the book.或It’s on the book.或It’s under the book. T:Ok, now show me your book and show me your ruler. Put your ruler on the book. Boys and girls, Where is your ruler? Where is your book? Ss:It’s …

T: Put your ruler in the book. Where is your ruler? Ss:It’s …

T:Put your ruler under the book. Where is your ruler? Where is your book? Ss:It’s … T:Boys, put your ruler in the book. Girls put your ruler under the book. Boys, where is your ruler? Girls, where is your ruler? Ss:It’s …

T:Grup1, Put your ruler…..Group2, group3 and group4 ask group 1 together: Where is your ruler? Ss:… …


对话应用:Where is my ruler? It’s…

Step 6: Let’s chant Bag, bag, where is my bag? Look, look, it’s on the table. Book, book, where is my book? Look, look, it’s in the bag. Pencil, pencil, where is my pencil? Look, look, it’s under the table. (操练时可适当配上动作,并分角色有节奏的朗读。如:老师念每句的前两个单词,学生念后面的句子,加深学生对重点句型的掌握)

Step 7: 回忆复习


Step 8: 结束课堂

第三篇:Unit 13 Which and Where 优质课教案

Unit 13

Which and Where 教学目标:

1.创设情境让学生了解地点单词playground, school, classroom ,zoo的听说认读

2.通过创设情境让学生学会询问地点的表达方式。Which is a school? This is a school. 3.培养学生在生活中学习英语、运用英语的能力。 教学重点:

1. 学会并掌握句型 Which is a school? This is a school.的运用及表达。

2.引导学生在活动中、生活中准确表达地点单词,灵活运用句型,培养学生听说、运用英语的能力 教学难点:

单词playground,classroom及which的正确发音 教学方法:

合作探究法 教具准备:

1准备playground,classroom,school,zoo 的词卡。 2 纸盒一个

3贴画若干张 教学过程:

Step1 热身(Warm-up) (1) 分组、设置竞争机制

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes

T: Who wanna try?

Ss: Let me try……


Step2 呈现新课 (Presentation) (1)新授部分


②利用制作的课件,一步一步地引导引出单词。音拼法教授单词发音,引导学生发音,并练习。通过问题引出句型:what is this? /which is a school?This is a school. ③由于单词长,孩子不容易记住,注意难度分解和动作的添加,让他们在不知不觉中学会单词。为增加学生的学习兴趣,分为两组进行练习,第一组由“大风吹”游戏操练单词。本组练习单词为school、playground。第二组由“底气十足”游戏操练单词。本组练习单词为classroom、zoo。

④深入巩固单词记忆,分组操练。每大组中两个人一个小组,练习图片上的单词,给他们3~5分钟的时间,反复操练。鼓励他们上台领读,对于表演的小组给予及时的表扬。 Step3 趣味操练 (Practice) “A magic box”游戏操练句型


Box中包含本节新授单词,由学生随意抽取,抽取单词即为自身代表地点,轮流进行句型which is a school?This is a school. Step4课后作业(Homework) 1. 听录音,跟读单词句型5遍 。 2.坚持每天找家长读所学内容,并签字。 课堂总结:

本节课是unit13的部分单词教学,本课的教学重点是学习四个单词:school ,classroom, playground,zoo,以及理解运用句型which is a …? This is a….单词教学其实是很枯燥的,学习起来很无味,考虑到学生的好奇心及求知欲,我设计了不同的游戏和操练方法学习这几个单词。并加入了一些已经了解的句型,如:what is this?让学生在特定的语境内领悟和使用,进行有意义的交际,以此达到语言教学的真正目的。 教后记:


第四篇:Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag 教学设计)

Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag? 教学设计

xx中学 xxx


本单元以谈论物品位置(Things around the house)为话题,要求学生学会方位介词on, in, under, behind等的用法。题材颇具现代气息,贴近学生日常生活,内容丰富,词汇量大,通过描述物品位置、找寻物品、设置理想化居室等系列活动,让学生在听、说、读、写、做中学习语言知识,培养运用语言知识的能力,激发创新精神。而本节课在这个单元中对于物品方位的初步认知和表达起着重要的作用,主要通过问答方式教授学生如何表达单复数物品简单的方位。


1.句型:Where is/are …?

It is/They are ….

2. 方位介词on, in, under, behind等的用法 3. 名词的复数形式


1. 方位介词in, on, under behind的用法


3.新单词bed, table, bookcase…




(2)熟练运用介词in, on, under (3)熟练运用where问句及其回答

(4)掌握名词单复数及人称代词they的用法 2.能力目标

(1)学会用英语询问自己的和他人的物品的具体位置 (2)学会用英语准确描述物品的具体位置 3.情感目标

(1)培养学生整齐摆放自己物品的生活习惯 (2)通过小组对话、讨论等一系列的课堂活动,培养学生的合作精神


(1)交际策略: 学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中去




七、教学过程设计 Period 1 I. 教学目标 1. 知识目标

1)单词:Bedroom bed(s) schoolbag sitting room table chairs sofa table chairs books bookcase

2)句型: Where is/are …? It is/They are …. 2.能力目标

Use English to talk about the position of things II. 教学重点

掌握重点单词和询问物品的位置 III. 教学难点

1.正确使用介词in on under behind 2.名词的单复数变化及谓语动词的变化 IV. 教学设计 Step1. Lead-in Play the flash and have students sing along with it. Tell them to clap their hands if they would like to. Step2. Learn the new words Show the pictures of furniture, learn the new words. T: What is this? Ss: It is a … Step3. Guess Show a picture of box,and ask students to guess: Where is the cat? If they have correct answers. Encourage them. Step4. Presentation Show a picture of room, have students use the target language to make a dialogue.

For example:

T: Where is my schoolbag? S: It’s on the table 2.S: Where’s my pencil? S:It’s in the schoolbag 3. T: Where are my keys ?

S: They’re on the chair(红色的地方老师要强调,单数要用is复数要用are) Step 5. Finish 1a Have students read these words again and finish 1a. Match the words with the pictures.(Keys: b e h g d a, f c) Step 6. 听力练习1b.

Listen carefully and number the things in the picture 1-4. Check the answers. Step 7. Summary and Homework This class we talk about where things are, everyone has a good job, after class, please talk about them with your family members. Don’t forgetyou’re your things in a correct order. Step 8: Blackboard design

Unit4 Where is my school bag? Section A 1a-1c 1 Key vocabulary: where 、 table、 bed 、 chair、

on under、bookcase、sofa

2 Target language

Where‘s the/my …? (Where‘s=Where is)

It’s/ on/in/under the ….

Where are the/my …? They’re on/in/under the …. (They’re=They are) 3.区分:cat bat mat hat

第五篇:Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? 教学设计 教案


1. 教学目标

1. 掌握新单词

2. 掌握take/bring的含义及用法 3. 掌握情态动词can的用法 4. 掌握need的含义及用法

5. 能写一封便条请他人从某处取东西,并说清楚这些东西在哪里。 6. 掌握书信的一般格式。 【Learning objectives】 1. Words & expressions telephone desk pencil case schoolbag ID card floor bring take can need 2. Key sentences Please take these things to your sister. Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat, my notebook and a pen. 2. 教学重点/难点

【Important Points】 1.take 和bring 的用法

take v.“拿走”(把某物/人从说话人的地方带到别处去) bring v.“带来”(把某物/人从别处带到说话人的地方) to 是介词,表示方向。 take… to … 把……带到…… bring… to… 把……带来…… 2.can 的用法 Can you+动词原形+ ...? “你能……吗?/ ……好吗?”。 3.need的用法

need+名词. 我需要某物 如: 我需要一些帮助。 I need some help. 我需要很多钱。 I need a lot of money. 3. 教学用具

PPT, pictures, listening material 4. 标签


Period One: Section A~B Step One: Warming up Let’s talk!

T: Boys and girls, doyou know what are these? (teacher presenting the picture ofnotes) S1: I don’t know. S2: Are they notes? T: Yes, they are notes.Today we will learn to write a note to ask for help. First, let’s learn somenew words. Step Two: Vocabulary 1. Conversation: (Show some pictures and words on the screento teach the students the new words.) T: What’s this? S1: It’s a telephone.

T: Read after me. T-E-L-E-P-H-O-N-E,telephone. S: T-E-L-E-P-H-O-N-E, telephone. (Teach the other words “desk, pencil case,schoolbag, ID card” in the same way.) 2.Summary. 3. Practice 1. Practice on PPT. 2. Self check 1 Step Three: Sentence Pattern 1.Conversation: T: Look at the picture,this is Xiao Ming. Wang Ming, Can you tell us what is Xiao Ming saying? S: Please bring somebooks to me. T: Good. Look at thepicture, “bring” means“拿来”、“带来”是指将某物从别处带到说话者所在的地方来,动作由远及近。

T: Li Jun, Can you tellus what is Xiao Ming saying in this picture? S: I will take thesebooks to school. T: Is he at school now? S: No, he isn’t.

T: Very good. Look atthe picture, “take” means“带去”、“拿走”,指人或物从说话人所在地带到别处去,动作由近及远。

T: What is XiaoMing saying in this picture? S: The box is too heavyfor me to carry. T: Good. “carry” means搬运,也可以表示“肩挑”、“手提”,强调动作的移动性,不强调方向。

T: What is Xiao Mingsaying in this picture? S: I will get some waterfor you. T: Good. "get”means“拿”、“取”指说话人所在地出发,把人或物带回原处,表示动作的往返。

2.Introduction: “bring” , “take”, ”carry”, ”get” take v.“拿走”(把某物/人从说话人的地方带到别处去) bring v.“带来”(把某物/人从别处带到说话人的地方) to 是介词,表示方向。 take… to … 把……带到…… bring… to… 把……带来……

carry表示搬运,也可以表示“肩挑”、“手提”, 强调动作的移动性,不强调方向。 ② He often carries water for the oldman. ② The box is too heavy for me to carry. get意为“拿”、“取”指说话人所在地出发, 把人或物带回原处,表示动作的往返。 ① Can you get me some water? ② Please get a doctor at once. Bill is having a cold. 3.Practice on PPT. 4. Conversation T: Look at the picture, what’ this? S1: It’sa dog.

T: Yes, and it’s Tom’sdog. The dog is missing, so Tom ask you “Can you help me find my dog?”

Can you help him? S: yes, we can. T: Great. 5. Introduction: Can you+动词原形+ ...? 6.Conversation: T: Look at the picture,can anybody tell me what’s this? T: It’s Baymax!

S: Yes, and he needs ahug, do you want to hug him? S: Yes, we do. T: Good. when you areblue, do you need a hug? S: Yes, we do. 7. Introduction:need+名词 8. Parctice on PPT Step Four: Passage 1. Reading: T: Let’s read a note written by Feifei’sgrandma. T: Can you tell me who’sthe note written for? S1: Feifei. T: Yes, and why does Grandmawrite the letter? S2: Because she wantsFeifei to take some things to Feifei’s sister. T: Good. where is thenotebook? S3: It’s on the bed.

T: Good, and where arethe keys? S4: They are in thedrawer. T: Good. Now I want you to readthe note carefully. Then draw the missing things in the picture. S: OK. (Students read the note and drawthe picture.) (Teacher asks a student to sharehis picture and ask another student to check it.) Step Five: Writing 写作 1. Introduction: T: Here is a note by Chenyang. Canyou tell me what does Chenyang need? S: Her hat, her notebook and a pen. T: As you see, the form of a note is justlike the form of a letter. And I want you to pay attention to the positionpreposition(方位介词)。

2. Writing: T: Now I want you to fill in the blanks withthe picture of Chenyang’s room. (Give Students 5 minutes to finish the work.) 3.Practice T:Do you remember where you put your own things in your room? S:Yes, we do. T:Good. Now I want you to write a note to a friend and ask for four things fromyour room. Remember that you have to tell your friend where they are. T:If you can not remember where you put your things in your room, you can look atthis picture and pretend that this is your room. (Teacherpresenting the picture.) 4.Check T:Give your note to your friend and check if there is any mistake. 5.Example 课后习题

Read the passage and finish theexercises.

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