

论文题目:赤道几内亚Plaset SL企业国际营销战略研究

摘要:受新冠肺炎影响,赤道几内亚在国际营销发展大势上遇到了很大困难。出口下行压力加大,出口也明显下滑。地方保护主义和贸易壁垒使当前的国际营销实践雪上加霜。面对国际营销发展形势的现实,赤道几内亚企业要想在国际营销舞台上处于有利地位,必须结合国际营销环境,根据自身实力调整国际营销战略。Plaset SL企业自1989年开始在赤道几内亚生产丝绸产品和手工地毯,具有丰富的丝绸产品销售经验,目前面临的问题是制定和发展其国际营销战略,以最好的方式进入国际市场,特别是整个非洲市场。本文以Plaset SL为研究对象,借助国际营销战略、环境分析、波特竞争力分析和国际市场渗透战略组合等相关理论,采用文献研究法、理论分析法、调查统计分析法等研究方法对企业营销管理进行深入研究,分析企业机会和挑战,结合自身资源和能力确立以市场开发战略为主。首先对Plaset SL企业外部环境进行宏观分析,其次对行业环境采用迈克尔·波特五力模型进行分析,随后将Plaset SL企业当前的市场环境和内部资及能力进行SWOT分析。在此基础上,结合实际调查数据的汇总统计分析,论述了Plaset SL企业的国际营销战略设计,并对Plaset SL企业国际营销战略的改进提出了建议。





Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background and significance

1.1.1 Background

1.1.2 Significance

1.2 Literature review

1.2.1 Foreign literature review

1.2.2 Domestic literature review

1.3 Research methods techniques and contributions

1.3.1 Research method

1.3.2 Technical route and framework

1.3.3 Contributions

Chapter 2 Theorical definition of international marketing

2.1 The definition of international marketing

2.1.1 Definition of international marketing in foreign countries

2.1.2 Definition of international marketing domestic

2.2 The formation of the company's strategy penetrating into the international market

2.2.1 Company's strategy penetrating into the international market

2.2.2 Market entry strategy

2.2.3 International marketing program elements

2.3 The theory of strategic analysis

2.3.1 External environment analysis theory

2.3.2 Internal environment analysis theory

2.3.3 SWOT evaluation theory analysis

2.4 Methodology of the research

Chapter 3 Analysis of the environment of EG Plaset SL company

3.1 Overview of Plaset SL in Equatorial Guinea

3.1.1 Analysis of the research survey

3.1.2 Market situation

3.1.3 Overseas marketing situation of EG Plaset SL company

3.2 Analysis of external environment of EG Plaset SL company

3.2.1 Analysis of macro-environment of EG Plaset SL company

3.2.2 Analysis of internal environment of EG Plaset SL company

Chapter 4 SWOT and competitive analysis and empirical study on EG Plaset SL company

4.1 Opportunities and threats of EG Plaset SL company

4.2 Strengths and weaknesses of EG Plaset SL company

4.3 Competitive analysis of EG Plaset SL company based on Michael Porter's five forces model

4.3.1 An overview of Michael Porter's five forces model

4.3.2 Industry competitors

4.3.3 Succedaneum

4.3.4 Suppliers

4.3.5 Customers

4.3.6 Potential entrants

4.4 Empirical study on EG Plaset SL company's export competitiveness in Africa based on export data evaluation method

4.4.1 The choice of export competitiveness index

4.4.2 Empirical analysis

Chapter 5 International marketing strategy design of EG Plaset SL company

5.1 Marketing objectives

5.2 The selection of the target segments

5.3 Positioning of EG Plaset SL company home made carpets

5.4 Functional marketing strategy

5.4.1 Product

5.4.2 Price

5.4.3 Distribution

5.4.4 Promotion

5.5 The strategy formation model of EG Plaset SL company

Chapter 6 Suggestions for improving international marketing of Plaset SL company

6.1 Optimize the production conditions of products

6.2 Expand product categories

6.3 Optimize price strategy

6.4 Expand Internet marketing channels

Chapter 7 Conclusion and recommendations



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