





( )1. A. younger B. older C. taller

( )2. A. thinner B. shorter C. heavier

( )3. A. bigger B. stronger C. Lower

( )4. A. cleaned B. washed C. Had

( )5. A. slept B. stayed C. read

( )6. A. watched B. washed C. before

( )7. A. went B. saw C. rode

( )8. A. fish B. camp C. hurt

( )9. A. dining hall B. go cycling C. ago

( )10. A. grass B. gym C. easy


( )1. How tall are you?

A. I’m 1.6 metres tall. B. I’m 1.56 metres tall.C. I’m 1.52 metres tall.

( )2. What size are your shoes?

A. Size 35. B. Size 37. C. Size 36.

( )3. What did chen jie do last weekend?

A. She went shopping. B. She went fishing.

C. She went camping.

( )4. How was your weekend?

A. I’ts ok. B. I’ts bad. C. Just so so.

( )5. Why did you go there?

A. Because I like playing badminton.

B. Because I like going fishing.

C. Because I like going cycling.


( )1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

( )2. Bill isn’t taller than before.

( )3. She is good at running.

( )4. Now I love ice-skate. So I like winter.

( )5. We are all different now!



A. 写出下列形容词的比较级。

tall——( ) heavy——( ) fast——( )

long——( ) small——( ) strong——( )

slow——( ) young——( )

B. 写出下列动词的过去式。

is——( ) go——( ) see——( )

are——( ) read——( ) do——( )

wash——( )


( )1. —Did you clean the living room?

—Yes. I__________

A. did. B. do. C. does.( )2. —What did Lisa do yesterday?

—She __________ to music.

A. listens B. listen C. listened

( )3. —What did you do last night?

—I __________ TV.

A. saw B. Look at C. watched

( )4. She __________ yesterday.

A. Went fish B. Went fishing C. goes fishing

( )5. What __________ you do last Monday.

A. do B. did C. does

( )6. Before. I __________ quiet. Now I’m very active in class.

A. is B. was C. am

( )7. — __________did you go there?

—I went there by bike.

A. How B. What C. Where

( )8. —Did Tom like playing ping-pang?

—No he __________

A. does. B. did. C. didn’t

( )9. I __________ a horse yesterday.

A. rode B. ride C. rides

( )10. John __________ camping last weekend.

A. go B. goes C. went


1. heavy、are、how、you


2. you、do、what、did


3. size、what、your、are、shoes


4. did、go、you、where


5. happned、what




( )1. What did he do the day before yesterday?

( )2. Did she wash the clothes last night?

( )3. What did you do last weekend?

( )4. Did you go to the museum?

( )5. What was the weather yesterday?


A. Yes she did.

B. I went fishing.

C. No. I didn’t.

D. He read a book.

E. It was raing.


2013-2014学第一学期 海淀区小学六年级期末口语练习



1. Nice to meet you!

2. What’s your name? 3. Where do you live? 4. How many people are there in your family?




请根据图画内容和实际情况回答1. Look at this man. 问题。 Who is he?

2. When was he born? 3. Where was he from? 4. Was he a poet? 5. Why is he famous? 6. What other poets do you know?














班级 _________姓名 _________



() 1.A.moringB. afternoonC. eveningD. seven

() 2.A.JanuaryB.FebruaryC. AugustD. October

() 3.A.presentB. marketC. flowerD. mooncake

() 4.A,oldB.newC.youD.know

() 5.A.hatB. catC. petD. test


() 6. A. Yes,he does.B. No, he is.

C. Yes, he doesn’t.D. No, he hasn’t.

() 7. A. Red.B. Football.

C. English.D. The Spring Festival.

() 8. A. He does his homework.B. Yes, they do.

C.They clean the house.D.She buys new clothes

() 9. A. She ‘s my mother.B. They’re my friends.

C. My mother.D. I don’t go there.

()10.A. Happy birthday to you, too.B. Thank you.

C. It’s kind of you.D. You are good.

(三)听对话,完成句子,每空一词(每小题1分,共5分) M: Do you know the boy in 11__________ ?

W: Yes, he is my friend.

M: What’s his name ?

W: His given name is Jim, and his 12_________name is Black. M: When is his 13_____________ ?

W: It’s in 14____________ .

M: I think he’s 15__________ years old

W: You’re right.

(四) 听短文,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)

()16. How old is Mike’s brother ?

A. 12B. 11C. 10D. 5

()17. Does Mike’s sister like ice cream ?

A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesn’t.

C. Yes, he does.D. No, he doesn’t.

()18.When’s his mother’s birthday ?

A. January.B. February.

C. November.D. December.

()19.Where is the birthday cake ?

A. On the TV.B. On the table.

C. On the sofa.D. In the kitchen.

()20.Who buys the birthday cake ?

A. MikeB. His brother.

C. His sister.D. His father.

二. 词汇与句子(15分)


1.teach (名词) __________2.watch (复数) ________

3.like (反义词)__________4.you (名物代) __________

5.finish (单三) __________6.life (复数) __________

7. two (序数词) __________8.they (宾格) _________

9.love (形容词) __________10.aunt (对应词) ________


1.在九月_________________2.中秋节 ____________________

3.在星期四 ______________4.去游泳 ____________________

5.我朋友的父亲 ___________________


1. His friend _______ (have) a new computer.

2. Let’s ________ (play) the piano.

3. They ________________ (not do) their homework at the weekend.

4. Where ________ (are) Ma Jun and Susan?

5. Can he __________ (finish) his homework?

6. Would you like __________ (go) to the beach?

7. There are some _________ (orange) in the bag.

8. He ________ (not) get up at 6 o’clock in the moring.

9.Here _______ (be ) your present.

10.When is your _________ (sister) birthday?

三. 单项选择。(每题1分,共20分)

()1.name is Julia.is Tom’ s sister.

A.Her; SheB.His; HeC. His; SheD.My; He

() 2.This is a pictureher family.

A. inB. atC. onD. of

() 3.--is your pencil?

-- It’s in my bag.

A. WhatB. WhoC. HowD. Where

() 4. Let’sand fly kites in the park.

A. goB. to goC. goesD. going

() 5.Mrs Litwo sons. Theystudents.

A. has; isB.have; areC. has; areD. have; is

() 6.This ispear, and that isapple.

A. a; aB. an; anC. a; anD. an; a

() 7.--Wang Fei got a dress?

-- No, she.

A.Is; isn’tB. Do; don’t C. Does; don’t D.Has; hasn’t.

() 8.-- When is your father’s birthday?

-- It’sMay.

A. onB. inC. atD. for

() 9.This is your sweater. Please.

A. put it onB.put on itC.put them on D.put on them

()10. __________ are in the same class.

A.You , he and IB.I, you and he

C. He, I and youD.You, I and he

()11.It’s timeclass. Let’s gothe classroom.

A. for; inB. for ; toC. to; inD. to; into

()12.-- Can Jim _____________?

-- Yes, he can.

A. play pianoB.play a piano

C. play the pianoD.plays the piano

()13.The Greensat home.

A. amB. isC. areD. be

()14.There isn’tmilk in the glass.

A. someB. a lotC. anyD. many

()15.He usually has lunch ______________.

A. at 12:15 o’clockB. at twelve o’clock

C. in 12:15D.at half to twelve

()16.Look! Some orangeson the table,and some milk

A.are; areB. is; isC. are; isD. is; are

()17Monday I go to schoolseven.

A. On; atB. At; atC. On; forD. In; at

()18.--Your room is very nice.


A. YesB. NoC. Thank youD. Sorry

()19.I lovevery much.

A. theyB.heC. sheD.them

()20.Therea dress and two jackets on the bed.

A. haveB. isC.areD.has


1. He has got some new books. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ he got _______ new books ?

2. It is an orange tree. (改为复数句)

_________ orange ________.

3. She has lunch at school. (改为否定句)

She __________________ lunch at school.

4. He gets up at half past six .(对划线部分提问)

he get up?

5. The blue shirt is my sister’s. (对划线部分提问)

shirt is your sister’s?

6. These are his sweaters. (对划线部分提问)

sweaters are these?

7. Can she answer the questions?(否定回答)


8.There are twelve months in a year.(对划线部分提问)

months are there in a year?in the bottle.

9. She does her homework at home ? (对划线部分提问)

sheher homework?

10.Thanks a lot. (写出答语)


五. 单句改错。(每题1分,共5分)

1. Dose your brother has afootball ?()


2. Can you see they in the room?()


3. Li Lei isinover there.()


4. Let’s to gohome together. All right.()


5. What time are you havelunch ?()


六.从II 栏中找出与I栏中的句子相对应的答语。(10分)


()1.Is this your school?A.It’s the school hall.

()2.Is his friend Ann?B.No, it isn’t.

()3.What time is it?C.Yes, I have.

()4.Let’s go outside.D.It has got sixteen classrooms.

()5.Have you got a bike?E. It’s half past five.

()6.Are those toilets?F.It`s on the first floor.

()7.Where`s the Teacher`s Office?G..No, they aren`t.

()8.Do you have any brothers?H.Yes, I do.

()9.How many classrooms has your school got?I.All right.

()10.what`s this room?J.Yes,she is.


My name is Li Lei. I am1student of No.15 Middle School. Our school isn’t very big. It2about four hundred students. Every morning we come to school by bus or3bike. My home isn’t far from (离----远)the school. So I always walk4.

I am in Grade Two ,there are four classes in Grade Two.5are fifty students in my class. Twenty--seven are boys.6are girls. We study English ,Chinese and other7. We often play8after school. Our teachers9very good teachers. They like10work and like their students.

()1.A. aB. anC. theD. /

()2.A. haveB. hasC. there hasD.there is

()3.A. onB. toC. inD. by

()4.A. itB. schoolC. thereD. have

()5.A. HaveB. ThereC. HasD.have

()6.A. FourB. TwoC.Twenty-oneD.Twenty-three

()7.A. subjectB. subjectsC. studentD. students

()8.A. a footballB. the footballC. footballD. an football

()9.A. isB. areC. beD. /

()10.A. themB. theyC. theirD. theirs

八. 阅读理解。(15分)


My name is Harry . I’ m from England .I live in Bei jing, China, with my parents now. I have a friend. He is Jim. He is from Australia. We are in the same grade of the same school , but we are in different classes. We go to school and go home together. We live far from our school. So we go to school by bus. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. It’s four o’clock. It’s time to play football. Let’s go.

()1.Harry and Jim are.

A. brothersB. brother and sister

C. teacher and studentD. good friends

()2.They are in the same.

A. classB. roomC. teamD. school

()3.Theytogether .

A. go to schoolB. go home

C. go to the classroomD. Both A and B

()4.They haveclasses in the morning.

A. thereB. fourC. fiveD. six

()5. They go and play football ato’clock.

A. 7B. 4C. 5D. 6


There is a red hen(母鸡). She lives in a small house . On the hill near her house there is an old fox (狐狸). The old fox wants to catch (抓住) the hen very much. But he can’t because she is very clever(聪明).

One day , the hen isn’t at home . the fox goes into her house . The hen goes back home and the fox catches her and puts her in his bag. Then he runs back to his house . The hen has a good idea. She makes a hole(洞) in the bag and runs out. When the fox comes back for his supper. he finds only an empty(空的) bag there .


() 1.Where does the old fox live ?

A.Near the hill

B. On the house

C.On the hill near the house .

() 2.What does the old fox want to do ?

A.He wants to play with the hen.

B.He wants to have chicken for supper.

C.He wants to live in the hen’s house.

() 3.How does the hen run away?

A.She runs away from the window.

B.She makes a hole in the bag and runs out.

C.There is a hole in the bag and she runs away.

() 4.What’s in the bag at last?

A.There is a hen in it.

B.There isn’t anything in it.

C.There is an empty bag in it.

() 5.What does the fox have for supper that day?

A.He has chicken .

B.He hasn’t any food.

C.He catches the hen again and eats it.

( C )

This is our classroom. It’s a nice room. There are two windows in the wall.The walls are white. There is a map of China on the back of the wall. There are forty---five desks and forty---five chairs in the room.They are for the students .There is a big desk,too.It’s for our teacher.She is a good teacher .We all like her.


() 1.We have a very nice classroom.

() 2.There is only window in the wall.

() 3. A. map of China is on the back wall.

() 4.The students all have big desks.

() 5 Our teacher is not a man.


以My favourite festival 为题写一篇不少于50词的短文。




一、 试题分析







动词或there be句型及语法等在句子中的运用能力。此题失分率不高。但也有学生出现错误,证明平时的基础知识掌握不是很好。




二、 成绩分析

我们六年级参考人数110人,合格人数99个(60分以上), 合格率90%,平均分,良好线人数85人(80分以上),良好率77.27%,优秀线人数63人(90分以上),优秀率57.27%。



1. 有些单词没有记扎实,句子意思没有真正理解,课文没有掌握牢固。

2. 课文中的固定短语没有及时总结并加以运用。 3. 课堂用语的交流太少。

4. 综合运用语言的能力有待提高。

5. 课堂练习环节有点薄弱,尤其是基本语法和基本功的练习应该多加强。


1. 正确使用课堂用语,为学生提供有效的英语学习氛。在教学中注意情境教学,创设生活的情景为学生提供感悟、理解、模仿和运用英语的机会。

2. 加强课内外听、说、读、写的综合训练,以培养学生的综运用能力。

3. 重视基本语法的训练。可以通过做题形式对教材中的简单语法项目进一步巩固学习,要将所涉及到的语法项目在题中加以理解并运用,并给予适当地指导,不要让学生似懂非懂,反而影响学生以后对语法的进一步学习。

4. 理性对待学生训练过程中出现的错误、缺陷和不足,及时纠正学生发生的读音、书写等方面的问题。

5. 注意对重、难点句型及课文中短语的有效训。可以通过鼓励学生依据教材内容自编自演对话或短句形式来巩固这部分知识,也可通过有效的习题训练来引导学生逐步掌握解题技巧。

张寨联校:韩艳玲 2017年11月16日


































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