


摘要:为了进一步提高教学有效性及教学质量,我校(丽水学院附中)自2008年起开展了课堂教学发展性评估,学校专门聘请教学专家成立评估组,对全校教师的课堂实行“推门听课”,以便对课堂中出现的问题进行及时调研及诊断。同时,我们试图找到师生都能受益的方法。本研究基于布鲁姆目标分类理论和掌握学习理论以及建构主义学习理论,首先对我校英语课堂教学与学习现状进行了调查。调查发现由于缺乏英语教学理论的能力,教师的目标意识和学生的自我发展意识都存在着问题。 本研究所采用的研究方法包括案例研究法、行动研究法、同课异构观察法等。所收集的数据在时间上超过一年,主要来源于采访记录,教师反思性日志以及问卷调查结果。在数据分析的基础上,本文形成了一定的研究发现和结果:1.在教师中普及新课程课堂教学目标方面的理论和方法,切实提高教师目标意识及目标化课堂教学设计能力;2.探索并形成“以教学目标为内核的教学过程”的理念和应用性理论,形成高中英语目标化课堂教学模式的程式及具体操作方法。3.形成英语学科系列化的目标化课堂教学模式的教学案例及指导意见,作为教师学习和进行课堂教学设计的参照。 本研究主要研究地点为丽水学院附中,论文中用于深入研究的两轮实验则取自在其他学校举行的活动典型,目的是为了更好地比较我校教师所采用的教学模式与其他兄弟学校教师的教学模式的差别,以更好地分析其优缺点,达到“去粕存精”的效果。本研究试图在高中英语新课标的指导下提供适合我校学生的一种课程设计方式,也希望对其他有类似情况的学校有借鉴的作用。






Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Study

1.2 Aims of the Study

1.3 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Goals and Objectives of the English Course According to the New National English Curriculum

2.2 Benjamin Bloom's Mastery Learning and Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

2.2.1 Mastery Learning

2.2.2 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

2.3 Constructivism Learning Theory (CLT)

2.3.1. The Definition

2.3.2 The Application of CLT to Teaching

2.3.3 The Role of Instructors and Learners in a CLT class

2.4 Humanistic Psychology

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Case Study

3.2 Action Research

3.2.1 The Definition

3.2.2 The Action Research Process

3.3 Data Collection

3.3.1 Heterogeneous Classroom Observation

3.3.2 Reflection

3.3.3 Questionnaires

3.4 Data Analysis

Chapter Four Research Process

4.1 The First Experiment

4.1.1 The Setting

4.1.2 Participants

4.1.3 About The Teaching Material

4.1.4 The Teaching Process Observation

4.1.5 Reflection of the two teachers

4.1.6 Discussion and Findings

4.2 The Second Experiment

4.2.1 The Setting

4.2.2 Participants

4.2.3 About The Teaching Material

4.2.4 The Teaching Process Observation

4.2.5 Reflection of the Two Teachers

4.2.6 Discussion and Findings

Chapter Five Results

5.1 The Change Happening to Both the Teachers and the Students

5.1.1 The Change of the Teachers

5.1.2 The Change of the Students

5.2 The Principles of Senior English Objective Orientation Teaching Model

5.2.1 The Principle of Setting Appropriate Teaching Objectives

5.2.2 The Principle of Concerning the Students' Experience towards Teaching Objectives

5.2.3 The Principle of motivating the Student's Pro-activeness in Autonomous Learning and Teaching Designing

5.3 The Senior English Objective Orientation Teaching Model

5.3.1 Teaching (Learning) Objective Presentation

5.3.2 Autonomous Learning

5.3.3 Problem Inquiry

5.3.4 Problem Solving and Analyzing

5.3.5 Sub-layer Training and Practice

5.3.6 Self- assessment

5.4 A Sample of Senior English Objective Orientation Teaching Model

5.4.1 About the Teaching Material

5.4.2 Teaching Goals and Objectives of the Lesson

5.4.3 Teaching Procedures

Chapter Six Conclusion



Appendix ⅰ:The Original Teaching Material for the First Experiment

Appendix ⅱ:Ms. Gao's Worksheet for Assessment

Appendix ⅲ:Ms. Weng's Adaptation of the Teaching Material

Appendix ⅳ:The Teaching Material for the Second Experiment

Appendix ⅴ:The Teaching Material for the Sample of Senior English Objective Orientation Teaching Model

Appendix ⅵ:课堂观察记录表

Appendix ⅶ:学生情况调查表

Appendix ⅷ:作者简介

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