

论文题目:从经济角度出发的高科技综合体设计研究 ——以科蓝科技园综合体项目为例






上篇 项目课题研究

Chapter 1:Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Research Basis:Commissioned Design Project

1.3 Research Purpose

1.4 Research Subject,Content,Methods and Framework

1.4.1 Research Subject

1.4.2 Research Content

1.4.3 Research Methods

1.4.4 Research Framework

Chapter2:Investigation and Research

2.1 Research Status on High-tech Urban Complexes

2.1.1 The Development Process of Technology Parks– the Prototype of Today’s High-tech Urban Complexes

2.1.2 Relative Case Study– Kendall Square

2.1.3 The Evolution Progress of Urban Complexes Relative to Industrial Development

2.1.4 Organization,Development Model and Functional Distribution of Urban Complexes

2.1.5 Origin and Development of Chinese High-tech Urban Complexes

2.1.6 Relative Case Study– Dalian Software Park

2.1.7 Relative Case Study– Honghe Interactive Display Product Production Base

2.1.8 Chapter Summary

2.2 Economic Effect on the Conflict and Integration of Three Key Points– Land Value,Urban Development and High-tech Space

2.2.1 Economic Input-Output Analysis on Urban High-tech Complexes regarding Building as Carrier and Product

2.2.2 Economic Policies and Their Focus on Solving the Conflicts of the Three Key Points

2.2.3 Functional Distribution of Urban Complex and its Economic Value

2.2.4 Relative Case Study- Shanda Road Science and Technology Business District

2.2.5 Operating Models of Urban Office Buildings

2.2.6 Financial Cycling of Property and Funds for High-tech Industries

2.2.7 Chapter Summary

2.3 The Discussion on Reinforced Concrete Structure under Industrial Assembly System for R&D Complexes

2.3.1 Discussions on Prefabricated Building and Modular Space Organization of High-tech Complexes

2.3.2 Prefabricated Building Technique Research relative to Reinforced Concrete Structure

2.3.4 Chapter Summary

2.4 Modern Form and Space Organization based on Locality and Traditional Culture

2.4.1 Courtyard Space Layout of Vernacular Jiangnan Architecture in Modern Volume Design

2.4.2 Scenery Borrowing in Modern Volume Design

2.4.3 Chapter Summary

Chapter3:Design Analysis of Client Service(CSII)Technology Complex in Suzhou

3.1 The Industrial Background of Xiangcheng,Suzhou

3.2 Client’s Background

3.3 Site Analysis

3.4 Design Scheme and Space Layout

3.4.1 Courtyard Space

3.4.2 Waterscape Borrowing

3.4.3 Functional Distribution

3.4.4 Traffic Analysis

3.4.5 Plan Analysis

3.4.6 Elevation Analysis

3.5 Product Planning and Operating Methods

3.6 Technical Methods and Construction Materials

Chapter4.Conclusion and Discussions


Figures and Diagrams


About the Author

下篇 苏州科蓝科技园项目文本

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