







Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.1.1 The importance of reading

1.1.2 The current situation of reading teaching and learning in senior high schools

1.1.3 The methods to address this issue

1.2 The purpose of the research project

1.3 The significance of the research

1.4 Overall structure of the thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 The Eclectic Approach based on CALL

2.1.1 An Introduction of the Eclectic Approach based on CALL

2.1.2 Advantages of the Eclectic Approach based on CALL

2.2 Theoretical Foundation for the Research Project

2.2.1 Digital Game-Based Learning(DGBL)

2.2.2 Constructivism

2.3 Previous studies on the Eclectic Approach based on CALL in Reading Teaching

2.4 Summary

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research methodology

3.2 Research questions

3.3 Research participants

3.4 Research methods

3.4.1 Questionnaire


3.4.3 Interview

3.5 Research procedures

3.5.1 Pilot Study

3.5.2 Pre-questionnaire

3.5.3 Pre-test

3.5.4 Experimental teaching

3.5.5 Post-questionnaire

3.5.6 Post-test

3.5.7 Interview

3.5.8 Data collection and analysis

3.6 Sample teaching plan

3.6.1 Sample lesson for the Eclectic Approach based on CALL on reading in EC

3.6.2 Sample lesson for traditional method on reading in CC

3.7 Summary

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Data analysis and discussions of Research Question1

4.1.1 Analysis and discussion of Questionnaire I

4.1.2 Analysis and discussion of Interview I

4.2 Data analysis and discussions of Research Question2

4.2.1 Analysis and discussion of the questionnaire II

4.2.2 Analysis and discussion of Interview II

4.3 Data analysis and discussions of Research Question3

4.3.1 Analysis and discussion of the tests on reading

4.3.2 Analysis and discussion of Interview III

4.4 Summary of Chapter Four

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

5.1.1 Major findings on Research Question1

5.1.2 Major findings on Research Question2

5.1.3 Major findings on Research Question3

5.2 Pedagogical implications

5.2.1 Adequate attention given to balancing form and meaning

5.2.2 Synthesisting the progression of classroom activities

5.3 Limitations of the research

5.4 Suggestions for the further research


Appendix Ⅰ:Questionnaire Ⅰ for English Reading Motivation among Senior HighSchool Students(Chinese Version)

Appendix Ⅱ:Questionnaire Ⅰ for English Reading Motivation among Senior HighSchool Students(English Version)

Appendix Ⅲ:Questionnaire Ⅱ for Reading Strategy in English reading learning(Chinese Version)

Appendix Ⅳ:Questionnaire Ⅱ for Reading Strategy in English reading learning(English Version)

Appendix Ⅴ:Pre-test

Appendix Ⅵ:Post-test

Appendix Ⅶ:Interview Ⅰ-Ⅲ(English and Chinese version)

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