








Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Research Purpose

1.3 Research Significance

1.4 Research Organization

Chapter2 Literature Review

2.1 The Definition of Situation

2.2 The Study of Situational Teaching Method

2.2.1 The Definition of Situational Teaching Method

2.2.2 The Approaches of Situational Teaching Method

2.2.3 The Current Situation of the Study of Situational Teaching Method

2.3 The Relevant Study of English Vocabulary Teaching

2.3.1 The Definition of Vocabulary

2.3.2 The Current Situation of the Study of English Vocabulary Teaching

2.4 The Study of Situational Teaching Method Applied to The Vocabulary Teaching

2.4.1 The Study of Situational Teaching Method Applied to The Vocabulary Teaching at Home

2.4.2 The Study of Situational Teaching Method Applied to The Vocabulary Teaching Abroad

2.5 Theoretical Foundations

2.5.1 Situated Cognition Theory

2.5.2 Constructivist Theory

Chapter3 Research Design

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Research Participants

3.3 Research Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaires

3.3.2 Tests

3.3.3 Interview

3.4 Research Process

3.4.1 Before the Experiment

3.4.2 During the Experiment

3.4.3 After Experiment

3.5 Teaching Sample in the EC

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Data Analysis on Questionnaires

4.1.1 The Analysis of Pre-Questionnaire

4.1.2 The Analysis of Post Questionnaire

4.1.3 The Comparison Analysis between Pre-Questionnaire and Post Questionnaire

4.2 Data Analysis on Tests

4.2.1 The Analysis of First Test in EC and CC

4.2.2 The Analysis of Second Test in EC and CC

4.2.3 The Analysis of Third Test in EC and CC

4.2.4 The Respective Analysis of Test in Experimental Class

4.2.5 The Compared Analysis of Test in EC and CC

4.3 The Data Analysis on Interview

4.4 Discussion

4.4.1 Discussion on Students’English Vocabulary Learning Attitude

4.4.2 Discussion on Students’Vocabulary Leaning Performance

Chapter5 Conclusions

5.1 Major Findings

5.2 Limitations

5.3 Suggestions


Appendix Ⅰ:Questionnaire

Appendix Ⅱ:The First Test

Appendix Ⅲ:The Second Test

Appendix Ⅳ:The Third Test

Appendix Ⅴ:The Results of the Three Tests in the Controlled Class

Appendix Ⅵ:The Results of the Three Tests in the Experimental Class

Appendix Ⅶ:Interview and Answers in EC

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