



1. 一位勇敢的同班同学


As time goes by, it makes me forget many persons. But there is one person who is always in my mind. She‟s Mary, my brave classmate. I′ll introduce her to you.

I clearly remember, it was a cloudy day. Our marks came out. When I received my papers, I felt very sad. At that moment, the sky was dark and my heart was broken. Suddenly, one hand was on my shoulder. It was Mary. She smiled and said, “Don′t give up. You know, „He who laughs last laughs best‟. If you put your heart into study, you‟ll improve yourself”. I listened carefully and thought she was right. I studied harder than before. Actually, I admire her brave attitude very much. She is so brave that she can face up to her problems and she is always happy.

She‟s Mary. She is so brave that she can face up to her problems and she is always happy. I‟ll remember her forever. 2. 一位初四年级发生在我同学间的令人感动的事


During the four years in middle school, I met many classmates. They‟re like wind in summer that makes me cool. Now I‟ll tell you a moving story.

Clearly remember it was in Grade 9. It was in a math test, I got a bad grade. After class, I cried on Lucy‟s shoulder, “How could I get so bad a grade?” Lucy comforted me gently, “Don‟t worry. I‟ll help you.” She accompanied me to do a lot of maths exercises every day. Every time before she explained me the exercises, she had prepared for a long time. She explained carefully to make me understand clearly. With Lucy‟s help, I was better at math. In the following test, we both got the high marks. How moving and encouraging!

After that, I realize classmates are the most important people in school lifetime. Lucy is the most unforgettable person who is always in my memory. 3. 初中阶段一位严厉的老师

A STRICT TEACHER A teacher‟s like a candle, which burns himself to light up his students. I met a teacher and I‟ll introduce the strict teacher of middle school to you. My teacher is Mr. Hu. He is very strict with us. His teaching style is quite different from that of other teachers. He always encourages all of us to think by ourselves and learns on our own way. Now our abilities to study have been improved. He always makes us study hard because he is strict with us, all of us study harder and harder. Also we study happily. With the help of him, our marks are improved quickly. Though he is quite strict with us, all of us love him a lot. This is my strict teacher. He is such an excellent teacher that we got so much from him, not only the knowledge but also kindness. All these will be useful to my life. 4.……请通过一件事的叙述,向我们介绍一位在生活中给予你关爱的家人吧!

A FAMILY MEMBER WHO GIVES ME CARE There‟s a person called a relative in everyone‟s heart, who isn‟t handsome or beautiful but shows you real love and care . Let‟s get to know my mom giving me care.

As time flies, mom isn‟t as beautiful as before. However, her care never changes. I clearly remember it was a silent night. Dad had already slept when I was busy with my homework. Study seemed to be more boring for being alone. At that moment, a glass of hot milk appeared on my desk. “ It‟s too late. But I‟ll accompany you until you go to bed.” Mom was sitting opposite to me and began to put away the books in mess. I suddenly felt study was interesting and easy as if I was given the big power. Because of the power, I finished homework quickly. When I pulled my head, I saw that mom was still sitting here. However, it was already twelve o‟clock. The darkness of that night seemed to disappear. With my mum, I knew the meaning of love. Only mothers can offer the love which is never tiring. Mother‟s love never changes. Cherish every moment with my mom, whose love is like pure water. 5,向我们介绍你身边的一位诚实的同学吧!

AN HONEST CLASSMATE As an old Chinese saying goes, “Honesty moves mountains.” There‟re also many honest people around us, who set us examples. Let me introduce my honest classmate to you in detail. Lily is an honest girl who is ordinary. However, she has the most valuable character-honesty. On a hot day in summer, our teacher left the classroom and asked everyone not to talk with others .Seeing the door closed by the teacher, we began to chat happily and forget what our teacher had said. When hearing the noise from the classroom, our teacher became angry. She asked who had spoken loudly but received no answer. We were all keeping silent. To our surprise , Lily stood up slowly. Lily admitted the mistake, He was like a lonely soldier, who would accept the punishment. We were shocked because of her courage to hold honesty. Our teacher praised her because of Lily‟s honesty. Comparing with Lily‟s honesty, we were all like the thieves , who lost honesty.

Ling, my honest classmate, teaches me honesty in my life. From her, I find the lost honesty that I‟m seeking. Let‟s sow the seeds of honesty and pass the flower of the seeds to others! 6.向我们介绍一下你慈爱的(kind)祖父/母吧。


We can‟t live happily without family members‟ care and love. Because of my grandfather‟s love, I grow up happily. Now, let me introduce my kind grandfather to you.

I still remember it was Thursday. I broke my robot. I was afraid to tell my grandpa because he was always strict with me. So I hid it. But at last my grandpa found it. I realized the importance of the mistake at that time. I thought he must punish me for breaking robot and dishonesty. To my surprise, he didn‟t punish me, he repaired it instead. He also told me that I should be honest no matter what happened to me. At that time , I realized that honesty is a good character .I never forget it. How kind my grandpa is! Thanks to him, I knew we should be brave to admit mistakes we made.

This is my kind grandpa. I love him very much the same as he loves me. Due to his kindness .I know the true meaning of honesty. 7.记述一件帮助邻居的事吧!

There goes a saying “ The rose is in her hand, the flavor in mine.” And in my deep memory, I have such an experience of helping my neighbor. I‟m here to tell you about it.

Once I met my neighbor, Lucy in Grade Seven, crying for her poor math. I decided to help her with math every night. Patiently, I explained the problems to her and we discussed together. Two weeks later, she showed her math test paper with a full mark! Seeing Lucy‟s smiling face, I truly felt the satisfaction and the pleasure in my heart. And I came to understand that happiness is the scent of soul.

The experience does influence me. No matter how many days passed by, I still remember the feeling. From it, I harvest the comfort and warmth in my mind. I will cherish this experience and do others a favor when they need help. 8.请你讲述一件你与父母一起做家务的经历吧。


We may have many unforgettable experiences in our daily life. These experiences may be pleasant, sad and exciting. No matter what it is, we must remember it deeply. Let me tell you one of my unforgettable experiences. It is about doing housework with my parents.

It was a sunny afternoon, the sunshine come into my house. My parents decided to do some housework. After a while, both of my parents felt so tired that they took a deep breath. I thought that I should do some housework with them to make contributions to this family. I joined them. We did housework quickly. We cleaned every place that we could reach. We cleaned carefully. After the whole afternoon, we finished. Beautiful and clean rooms are in front of us. What a nice place our home is! Even though we were exhausted, we had beautiful smiles on our faces. We were all very happy and proud of ourselves. What a good job we did!

This is the unforgettable experience about doing housework with my parents. Through this experience, I learn much. The most important is that we should often do some housework. We should do everything we can to repay our parents. 9.一次和同学经历难忘的课外活动


In my life , with my classmates, I spent some wonderful time, especially activities after class which were unforgettable. They are like pure jewelry that makes my school life more beautiful and brighter. Now let me tell you a story about an unforgettable activity after class.

I remembered I joined in an activity after class two years ago.In honor of the Earth Day, our school organized a tree-planting activity. I was so excited that I could‟t wait to start the trip.We planted trees in a quiet and beautiful park. We first dug some immense holes. Then,we put the tree seeds into these holes. After putting enough soil into it, we watered these seeds. Though it was a tiring experience, I felt happy because of this activity. Though I was tired, my heart was full of happiness.

I won‟t forget the meaningful activity forever. It let me know the importance of protecting the environment. What a great experience to let me grow! I hope to join in more activities in future. 10. 一件令我感到伤心的事


Friendship is like a long river running through your heart, which makes us happy or sad. A sad experience will be kept in my mind. Let me tell you the experience.

I clearly remember it was a rainy day. My best friend said to me sadly, “My father found a new job in Shanghai, so I have to leave here.” Looking at her sad face, I suddenly felt we both value our friendship so much. Also, I reminded the beautiful and unforgettable time we spent together. We helped and learned from each other. We not only made progress together but also grew up together. I hugged her and said, “Our friendship will never be lost.” Just then, I saw her beautiful smile with tears. Though she moved away, we also kept in touch with each other by e-mail.

I will forget this sad experience. Friends are easier lost than found. I will keep this valuable friendship in my deep heart.

11. 一件发生在我和好友间催我上进的事


Friends are our wealth. They can encourage us to grow strongly. I have ever had an experience that encouraged my friend and me. Now, let‟s share it.

It was a rainy day. I got such bad grades that I couldn‟t believe it. I walked home alone, thinking about nothing but my poor grades. Suddenly, I found my hand caught by a warm hand. I turned around and say Lucy‟s smile. She said sincerely, “Don‟t be sad, I believe you‟re the best!” Lucy‟s words made me encouraged and gave me confidence. Then, she went to my home and helped me with my study. When she taught me patiently, she encouraged me now and then. Her encouraging words really gave me encouragement. With her help, I had no excuse to give up. I overcame the oneself in the inside; my faith grew stronger and stronger. Also, I found the way to solve the bad grades. At last, I became successful.

I‟ll remember Lucy‟s encouraging words and never lose heart. These words full of encouragement are my wealth.



Winning an honor for class makes us not only proud but also powerful. I have such an experience. Do you want to listen to it?

Last term, after a long time of studying hard, I came across the final exam. I wanted to get good grades not only for myself but also for my class. The teacher told me I was the hope and pride of my class. My good grades could encourage the other classmates to study harder. It was my duty. During the exam, I looked at the questions and checked my answers as carefully as possible. When I met some difficulties, I solved them in different ways. Expectedly, I got in the top ten of the grade. A feeling of honor appeared in my heart. Certainly, all my teachers and classmates took pride in me. Also, the other classmates had more courage to get good grades.

This is the experience I won an honor for my class. In it, I not only made myself more powerful but also made me love my class more. 13. 一堂难忘的英语课


English is like a boat, which brings us into colorful cultures. We can learn more knowledge through English classes. Now let me share an unforgettable English class in Grade Nine with you.

Clearly remember, it was a cold day. It had been snowing for a night. In the morning, my English teacher came into the class and said, “Look, the snow is so beautiful. Why not go to the playground and learn more English to improve your level. All the classmates cheered for the exciting thing. We went to the playground and played with snow, made snowmen and so on. The teacher told us a lot of foreign cultures about snow. Among them, Christmas Day in the western country attracted us. We put a red hat on the snowman‟s head and made its nose a big red ball. How happy we were! It opened up our eyes. It was the most unforgettable class that I‟ve ever taken.

What an unforgettable English class! I learned plenty of fantastic things. It has become a treasure of my school life and I kept it in the bottom of my heart.


In other words,用另外的话说

On the other hand,另外一方面

As far as I am concerned , 就我而言

In a word ,In all ,To sum up , 总而言之…

As far as I know , 据我所知

In my point of view , 以我的观点

On the contrary , 相反的

Draw a conclusion , 得出结论

In conclusion ,最后

As the popular saying goes ,

Experience is the mother of wisdom .经验乃智慧之母

Great minds think alike . 英雄所见略同

Facts speak louder than word .事实胜于雄辩

At first最初

At present 现在,当今

Currently 目前,最近

First (ly) 第一

In the beginning 起初

First of all 首先,第一

In the first place 首先,第一

Nowadays 现在

For one thing … (for another ) 首先。。。(其次)

Recently 最近

In general 一般说来

On the one hand … (on the other hand ) 一方面 。。。( 另一方面) Generally speaking 一般地说

Needless to say 无需说

After a few days 几天以后

After a while 过了一会儿

At the same time 同时

For example 例如

For this purpose 为了这个目的

From now on 从此

Furthermore 而且;此外

In addition 此外

in addition to … 除 。。。之外

in fact 事实上

in other words 换句话说

in the same way 同样地

meanwhile 与此同时

obviously 明显地

secondly 第二

thirdly 第三

what is more 而且;此外

in / by contrast 对比之下

especially 特别地

fortunately / unfortunately 幸运地 / 不幸地

in spite of 尽管……;谁然……

on the contrary 相反地

otherwise 否则

above all 最重要

as a result 结果

as I have said 如我所说

at last 最后

finally 最后

in conclusion 总之,最后

in short 简言之

in a word 总之

in sum 总之,简言之

on the whole 总体来说; 整个看来

therefore 因此

to speak frankly 坦白地说

to sum up 总而言之

to summarize 简言之

for this reason 所以

undoubtedly 无疑

obviously 显然

as a result 结果

The Life In Grade Three

The life in Grade 3 covers plenty of feelings .Itis just like a box of chocolate which has different tastes in it——sweet and also bitter.Because of the coming enter exam to the high school,the competitive atmosphere of school gives us lots of pressure.My Chinese writing was a hard nut to crack to me.The bad result was a disaster at that time.Fortunately,I have an outstanding teacher who has a reputation of being patient.She always cheered me up and helped me whole heartedlt.Eventually,I can handle it myself.The sense of accomplishment is exceptional,and the grateful feeling is indescribable.

In addition to that ,friendship plays an important role in my life.The great thing about making friends is that they can keep you in a good mood .We treasure the time of facing the challenges together.So I can say,no schoollife would be complete without invaluable friendship.As we are expected ,we must get good grades and get into a top leading school to have a splendid future.The life in Grade Three is a memorable time that you should experience.



As far as ...is concerned就….而言

As the proverb says俗语说的好…

It`s generally recognized that... 大家公认的是……

Nothing is more important than the fact that...没有什么比此更重要的是….



As has been mentioned above...像上述提到的一样,

……However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,


It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论

From my point of view,…..在我看来……

四,能句型so that…..以便(表目的)

so...that...太….以致于….. (表结果)

举例:every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages.

Compared to/ In comparison with letters, e-mails are more convenient. As is known to all/ As we all know, computers have played an important role/part in our daily life.

Why do you go to university? Different people have different points of view.


as well as, not only…but (also), including,

A. Not only do computers play an important part in science and technology, but also play an informative role in our daily life.

B. All of us, including the teachers / the teachers included, will attend the lecture.

C. He speaks French as well as English.=He speaks English, and French as well.=He speaks not only English but also French.

D. E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.


on one hand ,on the other hand, on the contrary/contrary to ..., though, for one thing ;for another, nevertheless

A. I know the Internet can only be used at home or in the office, but on the other hand, it is becoming more and more popular for much information as well as clear and vivid pictures.

B. It is hard work; I enjoy it though.

C. Contrary to what I had originally thought, the trip turned out to be fun.

四. 递进用语:

even, besides, what’s more, as for, so…that…, worse still, moreover, furthermore; but for, in addition, to make matters worse

A. The house is too small for a family of four, and furthermore/besides/what’s more/moreover /in addition/worse still , it is in a bad location.

五. 例证用语:

in one’s opinion, that is to say, for example, for instance, as a matter of fact, in fact, namely

A. As a matter of fact, advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life.

B. There is one more topic to discuss, namely/that is ( to say ), the question of education.

六. 时序用语:

first/firstly, meanwhile, before long, ever since, while, at the same time in the meantime, shortly after, nowadays,

A. They will be here soon. Meanwhile, let’s have coffee.B. Firstly, let me deal with the most important difficulty.

七. 强调用语:

especially, indeed, at least, at the most, What in the world/on earth.. , not at all ,

A. Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.

B What in the world/on earth are you doing?

八. 因果用语:

thanks to, because, as a result, because of/as a result of , without, with the help of..., owe ...to...

A. The company has a successful year, thanks mainly to the improvement in export sales.

B. As a result, many of us succeeded in passing the College Entrance Examinations.

九. 总结用语:

in short; briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, in a word, as you know, as is known to all

A. Generally speaking, sending an e-mail is more convenient than sending letters.

B. In short, measures must be taken to prevent the environment being polluted.


一、写人写物(最喜欢的…)提示:常用一般现在时 1. 自我介绍的句型

My name is…/I am … years old.

I am from/ come from…/I am a student in Class…, Grade…. I like …best/ My favorite …is…/My hobby is…

… is a cartoon character who…./ fall in love with

The cartoon is called …./It tells the story of …

have a happy ending/We should try to learn from ….

二、环境保护提示:常用现在时,情态动词和被动语态 1. 环境保护 常用词句:

care about / take one’s own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags There are … people in my family./They are …/I have got… My father/mother is a…/My father/mother works in… 2. 爱好(介绍自己和他人的爱好)

常用动词词组:collect stamps/ fans/ model cars/ tickets/ dollshave a collection of …/ be interested in…

表爱好的名词:climbing, dancing, growing vegetables, looking after animals,

mountain biking, painting, playing volleyball, sailing, singing, writing, taking photos,

其他词组:such as/for example/as a result/as well as…,句型:Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative.

Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help

you learn new skills.

I spend some of my free time playing volleyball.

It’s sometimes difficult to remember that we shouldn’t spend all our timeon our favourite hobby.

There are many other interesting things to do in life and we try to dosomething new or different.3. 最喜欢的电影、节目

The film is …/ It’s a fantastic adventure film.

The actors both act well in this film and make their characters believable. The story is about …

The film isn’t true to life, but it’s very exciting and funny. In my opinion, there’s too much fighting. 4. 描述最喜欢的书

My favourite book is …/It’s a story about…

…be written by …/The hero of the story is… …be to do with…/It describes that……be known as for o/show one’s interest in … It’s thought to be one of the greatest books in the world.5. 描述卡通人物

win the heart of …/The most popular cartoon is

do harm to/make a real difference to …It’s better to use a china cup./change …into…

recycled materials/save energy water electricity try to do …/throw …away

We should try our best do something to protect our environment.By planting more trees, we can help keep the air clean.In this way, we can reduce the dangers of pollution. 2. 关于污染 常用句型:

Traffic problems create air pollution.There is too much rubbish in the streets. It’s difficult to provide clean water.

Too many cars on the roads cause traffic problems. Traffic problems create air pollution.

An increasing population is an environmental problem in many countries.

三、体育与健康:提示:常用到现在时,非谓语动词 1. 关于健康饮食 常用短语:

be bad for/The menu is terrible. disadvantage of junk food/Typical meals include… put on so much weight/have health problems go to the gym/sleep well

It’s important to have a healthy meal./make changes to the diet ban junk food from the school/improve our diet persuade people to eat healthy food/try to get fit encourage teenagers to eat more healthy food

give a chance to do sth/sb. spend… on… 2. 健康、安全的生活

参考词组: look after/have an accident/get a fever

stay safe/keep fit/put on weight


I’m not fit./I get a lot of colds. I get a fever when I get flu./Help!

It’s nothing serious./He has got a wound in his leg.There is blood on her finger.

He’ cut his head./His shoulder hurts and he’s broken his leg. I feel a bit cold./You’ll soon be OK!



make progress/be proud of…/be best at/require a certain effort,continue to… / go to an English corner/be used for…/ remember vocabulary everyday use/be essential for… /the importance of… /a simple way to2. 参加英语课程等活动

take part in/The courses last for four weeks. It starts at the beginning of July.

provide weekly tests to see progress you’re making

experience life/do some activities/create friendships with sb. There are many things to do, such as…

We have a wonderful time learning …. in …

五、旅游及交通安全: 提示常用过去时或将来时,有时可用现在完成时。 1. 出行方式常用词句

fly to/ take a flight/ boat to/ set off/ take off,go sightseeing by bus and by taxi

We took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace.We arrived by air / plane / train / ship on Monday. We took a taxi to our hotel. 2. 旅行中做的事情和感受

The trip was very long./There’re plenty of fun things.It was one of the most interesting trips that I ever had.

We had a great time./I had a wonderful time in ….( have quite a good time/ have a great time / take photos of …)

It’s famous for …./We spent two days there.There are some places of interest, such as…

I am/was on holiday in…/It took us …hours to get there.

It’s the greatest wonder I have ever seen./…be impressed by … 3. 描述景观的词句: 描述景观的句子常用一般现在时 How … is it?…be +数词+量词+adj.

in the east at the bottom of on both sides in front of on the edge of disappear into the distance/Visiting …is fun.It’s great way to learn about …/Entry to the museum is free. It’s a good idea to do…/You can stay as long as you like. It opens at …/First,…Then,… After that,…Finally,… On the first day,…The next day,… Finally,…

be surprised at…/arrive at/go on a …ride

take a plane back to … /be far from/ show the rich culture六. 日常活动

1. 如何度过公共假日:

提示:过去时、将来时,现在时,日期表达法,假日名称大写 常用词句:

have a day off/go camping/enjoy ourselves/ have a picnic get together

People all over the world celebrate the new year.

They listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun.Just before 12 o’clock, everyone counts down from 10.Everyone shouts loudly, “Happy New Year!”

It is often a family day. Some people relax at home.Some families get together for a special meal.

When the weather is fine, many families go out for a walk.Many people make resolutions for the new year.

It’s time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new. 2. 户外活动和个人安全 参考词句:

keep to the path/walk along…/keep together/go off on one’s own get lost /go rock climbing, think about personal safety/go down this path cross the stream /lead the way/need a rest/pick the rubbish/keep a clean camp site/tidy up/make lots of noise/make a gesture 七. 校园生活及师生关系

1. 友谊: 提示:写人必须伴随写事情,常用一般过去时

参考词句:have some close friends, make friends, talk happily with my friends,be/become close to sb. / It made me feel happy, lively and warm.2. 学校生活参考词句:

(1)学校设施:Your school is not as big as ours.

Most classes have got a computer and Internet. There are a few science labs and a large library.

And there is a swimming pool and a hug sports ground.

(2)上课时间:The school day is from … to ….Lessons begin at ….We have a break at ….

There are three one-hour lessons with a fifteen minute break. (3)学习活动:I have 11 subjects.

We also do things like learning to cook as well as drawing.I get good grades in both subjects.I will ask for teacher’s advice.I really did well in English.

I’m going to help him with his English.

(4)课外活动:We have a large sports ground where we play football, tennis

both during and after school hours.

After school activities, such as sports clubs and languagesocieties are popular.

Students may join as many clubs as they like. 3. 毕业感言参考词句:

make a speech/the school leavers’ party/it’s time to say goodbye to…work hard together/in the future/junior high school educationcontinue their close friendships/stay in touch / thank you for…owe…to…/pay back/be strict with sb/role modelswish you success

八. 应用文(日记、信件、通知、演讲稿)


开头:Greetings from…! Thank you for your postcard from…(回信时). 时态:可用现在进行时来描述当时的心情和经历。

结尾:See you soon!/ Best wishes!/ I hope you will have a good time. 九 提出问题和解决问题:(烦恼与微笑) 1. 提建议的句型:

Try/Rememberto …/I’m going to give you some advice. Why don’t you …?/Why not …?

You should/shouldn’t …/How about …?/What about …?It’s a good idea to …

2. 提出问题,解决问题: 提示:常用现在时,条件状语从句(if) 常用词句:


I feel terrible. / Should I tell him about it?

The problem is that I am just not good at schoolwork.How can I get my parents to agree?

解决问题:You’ve made two mistakes. First ,…. Second….

I think you should / must….

If you offer to do some jobs or help him with his work, he’ll

realize that you’re truly sorry.

If your grades are better next term, your parents won’t worry somuch.

After all, he thinks you are good at it.Maybe your parents will listen to him.

十 理想工作和和谐社会 (今夕生活对比) 1. 谈论未来,现在的城市以及过去生活的话题

将来时:I am going to do/ I plan to do/ I am looking forward to doing

There will be…/ There is going to be…

现在时:The population of… is … /The city has … peopleThe capital of… is…/…is bigger/ smaller than… 过去时:I was born in…/There were lots of things to do in…

There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms.There was a big garden with lots of trees.It was great to play there.

We were looking forward to doing sth.

2. 今夕生活对比:提示:常用到形容词和副词的比较等级

People are healthier today, and they live longer than they did in the past. We know more about medicine today.

People don’t eat as well as in the past, and don’t take as much exercise as they did. Public transport is much better today.














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