



ILOVEENGLISH 我爱英语 Hello, everyone!

My name is Andy.

Today my speaking title is “I Love English.”

If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Because I love English. First, English has become an international language. If you know English, you can make a trip round the world. Second, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you hope to get knowledge, you must learn English.

Third, I want to learn English because it can make our country strong. So I love English, I love my country-China.

Thanks for listening.

Thank you!


1. Which school do you study in? Which subject do you like best? Why? I like English best.Because English is an international language. If you wanna communicate with outsiders, the language you have to able to speak out is English. 我最喜欢的是英语,英语是国际语言,如果你想与外界交流用到的语言就是英语

2. How many people are there in your family? Can you tell us a story happened in your family? There are three people in my family, My parents and I There are three people in my family, My parents and I

3. Who is your best friend? Why he or she is your best friend? 4. Who is your English teacher? Do you like her / him ? Why? 5. Do you have to do homework every day ? How do you think of too much homework? 6. Do you like animals ? Why? 7. Do you like sports? Why? 8. Do you like singing? Can you sing any English songs? 9. Do you like watching TV? Which program do you like best? Why? 10. Who cook in your family? Which dish is your favorite ? Why? 11. What are your hobbies? Can you share with us some of your hobbies? 12. Do you like swimming? Why? 13. When do you get up in the morning? Do you often do morning exercises? Why? 14. Do you like eating hamburger or any other western food ? Why? 15. How do you go to school every day? Can you ride a bicycle to school? 16. Do you like ball games? Football, basketball, volleyball or any other kinds of ball? 17.

If today were your mother’s birthday, what would you give her for present? Why? 18. Do you know how many days are there in a week? Can you name them? 19. What’s the weather like today? What kinds of weather do you like best? Why?

20. How many seasons are there in a year? Can you name all the seasons? And which season do you like best? 21. What do you usually do on weekend? You play outside or study at home? Why? 22. Do you like flowers? Why? 23. Do you like going shopping ? Why? 24. What kinds of books do you like to read? Can you tell us one of your favorite books? 25. Do you like playing computer games? 26. Do you think playing computer games is fun or waste of time? Why? 27. How many months are there in a year? What are they? 28. Have you ever got up late for school? If one day you got up very late, what should you do? 29. Do you know your father’s hobbies? Can you tell us some of your father’s hobbies? 30.

Who’s your best friend? Why he or she is your best friend? 31. Do you like eating ice cream? What kinds of food do you like best? 32. If you were a tourist guide , could you introduce your city to us? 33. Do you think learning English hard or easy? Why do you learn English? 34. Do you learn something on weekends? What kind of thing would you like to learn? 35. What is your favorite activity on weekends? 36. Do you like traveling? Which city do you think is the best place to visit? Why do you think so? 37. What is the name of the festival for children?When is that day? 38. Do you have many friends in your school? Who is your best friend? What do you do when you are together? 39. When and where were you born? 40. What kind of presents do you want most? 41. Do you have a computer in your home? What can you do with the computer? 42. Do you want to be a teacher? If possible, which subject would you like to teach? Why? 43. What fruit do you like best? Do you know what kind of fruit we often eat in summer? 44. What fruit do we have in autumn? 45. Can you tell us something about your hometown? 46. How would you like to celebrate your next birthday? 47. Do you like traveling? If you could go anywhere of the world, where would you go? 48. Among all the subject you take at school, which subject you dislike most?

49. Do you have any hobbies? Does if affect your studies? 50. Which is your favorite animal? 51. What do you want to do when you grow up? 52. What’s your favorite sport? And tell us why. 53. What 3 words will you use to describe yourself? 54. What is your favorite color? And why? 55. Which animal do you like best? Do you agree with that animals are our friends? 56. Have you ever made your parents angry? Tell us a story about that. 57. Can you tell us something about your school life? 58. Some people say that watching TV is not good for a primary school student. Do you think so? 59. Do you like playing computer games? Why or why not? 60. English and Chinese, which one you like better? Why?


一、 活动主题








1. 学院推荐


2. 在三个校区同时进行海选(评选五十名选手进入初赛)












u 培训阶段一:定题考练







u 培训阶段二:现场考练





u 培训阶段三:名师讲坛









l 初试身手——定题演讲(30’)



l 我心飞扬——才艺展示(30’)





l 观众互动环节“我来出题你来猜”(5’)


l 沙场点兵——即兴演讲(30’)


















youth and faith



my name is tiffany, a year 2 student from the university of macau. i am currently an active member of the university public speaking team, president of the honours college student association, and also the vice president of the event department in marketing society. i am very active and outgoing. i enjoy being with people, engaged in conversations with them so that i can understand them more. i like public speaking as it can help increase my self-esteem and self-confidence. aside from public speaking, i am also good at english recitation. i have joined the macao-wide english individual recitation for a number of times when i was studying in the secondary school.


imagine a car without a steering wheel. tough to imagine, right? well, actually that’s the image you see if a person has no faith. faith helps to guide us in our lives, encourage us to persist, and give directions when we are lost.

in this peaceful era, our life paths seem to be already well-planned and determined. what we have to do is to follow. yes, we may face different sorts of challenges, but at least they are less harsh when compared to those in the past. we do not need to worry about starving to death, or how to earn enough money to buy food for our siblings and sustain our lives.

it is like driving from a muddy road into a highway. in the muddy road, path, you would say, as it is formed only by crossing on it many times, flattening the ground to form a smoother area so we can pass. the road is so bumpy and rough, with holes here and there and rocks lying all over. when we drive along this road, we have to be very careful, having a firm grip on the steering wheel, ready for a sudden turn or a large boulder that may appear any second. however, when we drive on a highway, everything becomes different. the road is smooth, straight, and visible. since there is no unseen obstacle, we may lower our guard, relax a bit, and loosen our grip on the steering wheel. one may even think, if we only have to drive on a smooth straight road like this highway, why would we need a steering wheel?

nevertheless, one cannot foresee the future. accidents do happen. for example, a car may suddenly appear in front of you. at such times, if you did not have the steering wheel, how could you make a sudden turn? just as no one could foresee the sichuan earthquake nor the japan tsunami. if the one being trapped under the debris did not have faith, he/she would not have survived until being rescued. if we did not have faith, we could not recover from our sadness and rebuild our home.

faith is unique, just as happiness is. we feel happy for different reasons, we believe for different things. how can we know what we believe in? recall the last time you are discouraged, and you felt you had lost all hopes in your life. what pulled you back into the world? what pushed you to stand up and continue to strive again? that is your faith, your belief. faith is what makes you feel you can when others say you can’t.

faith is important…, faith is vital…, faith is necessary for us to live our lives. if we do not have faith, we are like a car without a steeling wheel. we can only afford to move along a straight and smooth path, and cannot meet any challenge in our lives. one must understand that no matter how smooth the road is, it is impossible for a car to go without a steering wheel. or, put it in another way, have you ever seen a car without a steering wheel on the road? so, act now, my friends, find out what you believe in, find out your anchor in your life, hold on to your steeling wheel of your car, drive on, and reach your destination.

thank you very much.




这里是【2009年中央电视台 “希望之星”英语风采大赛河南赛区省决赛】的比赛现场,欢迎大家的到来.我是主持人祁永庆(王瑛)。






在选手两个环节都结束后,评委进行打分,我们会去掉一个最高分,和一个最低分,剩下的分数相加,就是这位选手的最终得分。同时为了以示公正,前三位选手的得分情况我们会在第四位选手结束后公布,第四位选手的成绩将在第五位选手结束后公布,以此类推。 同时现场的观众朋友们,也请您尊重我们的比赛,不要给选手任何提示,并把手机调至静音状态。


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