


国际导游 英文导游词 加中文译文《吉林雾凇》


Jilin Frosty Pine

Jilin Frosty Pine mixing the winter beauty into ice, is marked as ‘spring scenery in winter’.吉林雾凇将冬天的美与冰雪相融,被称作“冬之春景”。It is praised as one of the Chinese four natural wonders, as the other three are the landscape of Guilin,stone frost of Yunnan,Changjiang Gorges.它被称为中国四大自然奇迹之一,其余三个是桂林山水,云南石林和长江三峡。

As a natural wonder ,it is rare and some-what miraculous. 作为自然奇观,它罕见而神奇。In some places in our country,maybe,the frosty pine appears in people’s sight somewhere.However,Jilin’s has its special characteristic.在我国的一些地区,雾凇可能会出100、现在人们的视线中。然而,吉林的雾凇有它的独到之处。

The pine along the 10 miles bank, dangled in the falling frost yesterday. 松树悬挂着昨日的落雾,绵延河岸10英里。In the light of a new day, all the trees are dressed in white. 在新的一天的光芒中,所有的树银装素裹。Old pines with shining white in the 10 miles bank are definitely a miracle.10英里河岸上的古松闪耀银光,的确是个奇迹。 This is Jilin Frosty Pine. 这就是吉林雾凇。Frosty Pine, Shugua, as its commonly called, was firstly recovered in ancient China. 雾凇,也常被称为树挂,首先发现于古中国。Before Christianity, Spring and Autumn recovered it as Shujia. 再基督教之前,春秋时代发现了它并命名为“树稼”。In the north and south dynasty, explained that it comes from the icy fog and disappeared in the sun. 在南北朝,将其解释为来自冰雾,逝于阳光。In the process of history, there are other surnames of this phenomenon. 历史上,这种现象还有很多别名。There are two kinds of this phenomenon, granule and crystal.此现象分为两种,软凇和硬凇。Jilin’s belongs to the later. It can only be formed in the severe conditions, such as water vapour,air temperature below -25centigrade,wind power below 3 level.吉林雾凇属于后者。只有在极端状况下,才能形成,比如水蒸气、空气温度低于零下25摄氏度,风力3级以下。

Here ,maybe ,you want to ask the reason of mass formation in Jilin,Can you guess that? 这里也许你会问吉林形成如此多的雾凇的原因,你能猜到吗?Maybe I can give you some reference,也许我能给你一些提示。Fengman Hydropower Station is on the upper reaches of Songhua River.丰满水电站位于松花江上游。A dam stores the water and helps form Songhua Lake. 大坝储水形成了松花湖。Each winter, though a thick ice large covers the whole lake, the water below ,decades of meters in depth still remains 4 degree centigrade.每个冬天,在覆盖整湖的厚冰下,水下几百米深处仍达4摄氏度。 The water flow out of the base of the dam is 30 degree centigrade higher than the ground temperature so the river through Jilin city is ice-free, most important, the flows of fog are evaporating nearby the river. 流出大坝的水比地表温度高30摄氏度,所以吉林的江水是不结冻的,最重要的是,江边雾气蒸发。Accompanied the wind and gas pressure, large amount of fog coagulates on the branches of trees. This is the general cause.加之风和气压,大量的雾凝结在树枝上。这就是大致原因。

Jilin Frosty Pines last longer, and appears thicker and more usual than other areas’ for its right location. 吉林雾凇持续时间更长,形成更厚,由于位置较好比别的地方更加常见。The best time to enjoy is between late of December and late of February next year, around 60 times of its appearance. 观赏雾凇的最佳时间是在12月末和次年的2月末,攻击出现大概60次。The process mentioned above can be divided into three: night fog, hanging ice branch morning, and falling icy flower at the noon.以上提到的过程能分为三部分:晚上的雾,早上挂在树枝,中午冰花缤纷落下。 Stepping into the Frosty Pines, we are faced with a silvery and illusion world. It is on wonder that pre-president Jiang Zemin wrote poem for it when inspecting jilin in 1991 on Jan 9.走入雾凇,我们看到的是一个银色梦幻的世界。难怪前主席江泽民曾在1991年1月9日视察吉林时为它题诗。

Around 10am ,the ices on the branches begin to fall down ,its another kind of beauty—the beauty of the end.上午10点左右,树枝上的冰开始掉落,这是另一种美——终结的美。

Frosty Pines not only show beauty to people, but also affect a lot indeed.雾凇不但为人们展现美景,影响实际也很大。Geologists suppose that Frosty Pines are natural cleaner and noise-killer as well. 地质学家认为雾凇是自然的清洁工,也是噪声杀手。In the river city, there is a known-well Frosty Pine landscape named Frosty Pine Island. 在江城,有一个知名的雾凇地貌,叫做雾凇岛。It is located on 位于.. The island is surrounded with water, because of its geographical location .鉴于它的地理位置,雾凇岛被水环绕。It is a world of fog in winter, which makes the frosty pine a common but grand scene and Frosty pine world is rewarded to this area.在冬天,它是雾的世界,这让雾凇成为常见且壮观的景象,雾凇遍处。

Since 1991,jilin government has held China-Jilin Frosty Pine Ice Festival on the basis of frosty pine wonder. 从1991年开始,吉林市政府就已经以雾凇奇景为基础举办中国-吉林雾凇冰雪节。In the latest two years, the festival is better and better. 最近两年,这个活动越办越好。A series of activities, like the calligraphy, photography and Chinese drawing, etc, promote the Jilin city a upper stage.一系列活动,比如书法、摄影、国画等等,把吉林提升到一个新的高度。 Now, we arrive at the Songjing Road, which is best spot to enjoy frost pine.现在,我们来到了松江路,这是欣赏雾凇的最佳地点。 Let’s see the sculpture ahead,that is the symbol of Jilin City –Rower,on which there are 4 character Ji Liu Yong Jin, that means the city’s spirits.我们看到的前面的雕塑,就是吉林市的标志——摇橹人,上面的四个汉字“激流勇进”,代表着城市的精神。

In the right hand of us ,it’s the Catholic Chthedral, which was built by a French between1917-1926.在我们的右手边,是天主教堂,由一个法国人建于与1917年到1926年间。 I know ,you must be too impatient to wait for the visiting ,but I need to remind you of taking camera,and wearing gloves ,so now let’s go!我知道,你们一定等得不耐烦要去观赏,但是我要提醒你们拿好相机 ,戴上手套,现在我们出发!


榆林市位于陕西省最北部。国务院命名的 历史文化名城。榆林市是政治、经济和文化中心。 资源丰富,尤以煤、天然气为最,令世界所瞩 目,且悠久的历史,给这块土地留下许多珍贵 文物和名胜古迹。现已发现的古遗址和出土文 物,可以上溯到旧石器时代,有仰韶和龙山文 化的陶器、石器,商周的青铜器,匈奴文物, 东汉画像石等一批十分珍贵的文物古迹。经文 物普查,全市有文物点3015处,收藏文物一万 六千多件,其中有部分属国家珍贵文物。有省 级重点文物保护单位千处,县区级文物保护单位122处,现简要作以下介绍。


位于榆林城北5公里处,明长城口红山脚下 的榆溪河谷,因山皆为红石,故得名为红石 峡。两山虎峙,石峡中开,一注清流,绿洲而 来。红石峡东壁原来建有红山寺,据《创建石 佛殿碑记》记载,“为宋、元间古刹”,故红 石峡最早开凿至少可追溯到宋代,有近千年的历史。



有“东有山海关,西有嘉峪关,中有镇北台, 连



位于榆林城东95公里,据《州志》云,白 云山因峰顶常有白云缭绕,故名。山势由西北 向东南倾斜,直抵黄河西岸,依山建庙,故名 白云山庙。也称白云观,据《葭州志》和庙内石碑记载,庙由道人李玉风创建于明万历三十三年 (1605)。玉风道人云游到白云山,见这里孤峰耸 立云天,雾霭漂浮,犹如仙镜,就住在山上,静 心修煤油,同时还采药为当地百姓治病,他死后,人们便在山上修庙来纪念他。白云山共建庙宇房屋 五十三座,建筑面积八万多平方米,规模宏大,气 势壮观,是陕西省明、清建筑比较庞大的一组建筑群。


位于榆林城北170公里,成吉思汗陵,坐落在内蒙古鄂尔多斯草原,数百年来,巴音吕呼格河的涓 涓溪水环绕着耸立在阿拉腾甘德尔包旁边的陵园, 这里蓝天如碧、苍松翠柏,绿草如菌,牧马嘶鸣,牛 羊成群、簇拥着圣主的陵寝。


位于榆林最北端的神木县境内,126公里,“淖” 是蒙古语,意思是水泊、湖泊。红碱淖地状似三角形, 东西最宽处10公里,南北最长处1公里,深8.2米,水最深处10.5米,湖面海拔高为1200米,属高原性内陆湖泊,四周有7条季节河泊禽类在这里繁衍生息。



位于榆林最西端的横山县境内,120公里,统万 城是东晋时匈奴铁弗部连赫勃勃建立的“大厦国”的 都城,遗址在靖边县东北约80公里处的无定河东北岸 俗称为“白城子”,至宋代,城周围为沙漠所覆盖,遂成淡废墟。

第三篇:个人介绍 自我介绍 英文

Personal Introduction

Good morning, Ms Wu. I am glad to be here for this introduction about myself.

My name is Zhang Song, 22. I come from Dazhou City of Sichuan Province. Yes, I was born there which left the memory of my whole childhood and youth.

I’m thinking about a question all the time. Whether I have a serious face what make it difficult to close. But it is not true. And I find way to correct it by smiling more. So, you can easily guess that I’m a quite boy but I also have so many friends.

About my hobbies, I like singing and surfing on the Internet. What I really hate is PE Sport. Maybe it’s not a good habit and I also realize this situation. Thus, I hardly fall into indoosman gens.

Finally, I want to share my dream what to be a singing star one day. Thanks!

第四篇:英文自我介绍 简单英语自我介绍

英文自我介绍 简单英语自我介绍范文

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. Ch ina. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptan ce into your Ph.D. graduate program. Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widel

Algorithm. By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations. It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, too. In the second semester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances. To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost, I proposed a Dynamic Layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale. I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea. Recently, I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite Predictive Problem. This project is now under construction.

Besides, In July 2000, I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference (ASCC) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation. In my senior year, I met Prof. Xiao-Song Lin, a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside, I learned graph theory from him for my network research. These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.

I hope to study in depth

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.


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