








所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,它还包括了数的不一致 时态不一致及代词不一 致等.

例1. when one have money ,he can do what he want to .


剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wants.本句是典型的主谓不一致.

改为: once one has money ,he can do what he wants (to do)

二、修饰语错位(misplaced modifiers)

英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化.对于这一点中国学生往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解.例1. i believe i can do it well and i will better know the world outside the campus.


三、句子不完整(sentence fragments)




例1. there are many ways to know the society. for example by tv ,radio ,newspaper and so on .

剖析:本句后半部分"for example by tv ,radio ,newspaper and so on .”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句.

改为:there are many ways to know society ,for example ,by tv ,radio ,and newspaper.

四、悬垂修饰语(dangling modifiers)

所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清.例如:at the age of ten, my grandfather died. 这句中"at the age of ten"只点出十岁时,但没有说明” 谁”十岁时.按一般推理不可能是my grandfather, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改明确一点,全句就不那么费解了.


when i was ten, my grandfather died.

例1. to do well in college, good grades are essential.

剖析:句中不定式短语 “to do well in college” 的逻辑主语不清楚.




to do well in college, a student needs good grades.

五、词性误用(misuse of parts of speech)


例1. none can negative the importance of money.

剖析:negative 系形容词,误作动词。


none can deny the importance of money.

六、指代不清(ambiguous reference of pronouns)


mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.





mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid.

例1. and we can also know the society by serving it yourself.

剖析:句中人称代词we 和反身代词yourself指代不一致。改为:

we can also know society by serving it ourselves.

七、不间断句子(run-on sentences)

什么叫run-on sentence?请看下面的例句。

例1. there are many ways we get to know the outside world.

剖析:这个句子包含了两层完整的意思:“there are many ways.” 以及“we get to know the outside world.”。简单地把它们连在一起就不妥当了。


there are many ways for us to learn about the outside world. 或:

there are many ways through which we can become acquainted with the outside world

八、措词毛病(troubles in diction)



diction 是指在特定的句子中怎样适当地选用词语的问题,囿于教学时间紧迫,教师平时在这方面花的时间往往极其有限,影响了学生在写作中没有养成良好的推敲,斟酌的习惯。他们往往随心所欲,拿来就用。所以作文中用词不当的错误比比皆是。

例1. the increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution.


剖析:显然,考生把obstacles“障碍”,“障碍物”误作substance“物质”了。另外“the increasing use (不断增加的使用)” 应改为“abusive use (滥用)”。


the abusive use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes/leads to pollution.



in spite of the fact that he is lazy, i like him.

本句的“the fact that he is lazy”系同谓语从句,我们按照上述“能用词组的不用从句”可以改为:in spite of his laziness, i like him.



例1. for the people who are diligent and kind, money is just the thing to be used to buy the thing they need.



diligent, caring people use money only to buy what they need.



例1. the fresh water, it is the most important things of the earth.

剖析:the fresh water 与逗号后的it 不连贯。it 与things 在数方面不一致。


fresh water is the most important thing in the world.

十一、综合性语言错误(comprehensive misusage)


例1.today, money to everybody is very importance, our’s eat, cloth, live, go etc.




文章来源于文都国际教育:http:///kaopei/ielts/writing_ielts/11398.shtml 文都国际教育官方网站:http:///



There is no denying that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether从句 has become controversial. However, in spite of those who are against/ for …, I approve wholeheartedly of/ 或 I strongly object to the idea that …

Those who hold negative/ positive attitude towards … believe that … may exert adverse/ significant effect on us.… is always top of the list of their argument.For example,… (请用举例子的方法解释). Besides, those critics/ advocates also claim that … (此处写第二个原因)for the reason that ….

It is often the case that …(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to …, …, and …,(此处先总结写你所支持的几个理由),an increasing number of people including me are convinced that .. .For one thing, …。The evidence recently presented in research journals available to the public confirms that …此处写调查结果,通过数字来证明自己所列举的理由1。 Similarly,… should also deserve our special attention. In other words, …(换种说法解释)。If…not, ..(反过来在说一遍)。Last but not least, …

Obviously, it is hard for both sides to come to an agreement on this complicated issue, but I still commit to the notion that …(再重申你的立场)。

Agree or disagree (两边分) Introduction

Recent years have witnessed …………………(背景), which has aroused a heated debate of whether …………….(把要讨论的话题引入进来) Views on this issue vary from person to person. From my point of view, before airing my own opinion, I do think it’s necessary to analyze / explore this thorny issue from different angles / both sides of this thorny issue.

Main body

Those who ………………(正面观点)tend to present the following reasons. To begin with, …………… In addition, ……………….. What’s more, ……………… ………..(尽量用不同的论证方法)

However, other people may examine / explore this issue from another angle. For one thing, ……... For another thing, …………….Furthermore, ……………..


In conclusion, although it’s very difficult / hard to draw / come to / reach / arrive at an absolute conclusion to this issue, I would not hesitate to assent to the former / latter viewpoint because I’m fully convinced that ………………………


It is undeniable that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether从句 has become controversial. However, in spite of those who believe that sth. have more negative/positive effects, I hold opposite attitude.

The drawbacks of sth are obvious. Some people are really concerned about … They hold that …(请解释)。 Other feel upset at …(另外一个弊端), which will damage …/endager ….

It is often the case that …(此处总结上段提出的两个弊端)。But when it comes to …, …, and …,(此处先总结写你认同的几个好处),an increasing number of people including me are convinced that …...For one thing, …。 The evidence recently presented in research journals available to the public confirms that … 写调查结果,通过数字来证明自己所列举的好处1. Besides, 。。。(另外一个好处). In other words, …(换种说法解释)。This is another aspect of how sth benefits us.

All in all, sth has played a significant role in … It has both upsides and downsides. But it is my firm belief that its disadvantages/advantages of … outweigh the advantages/disadvantages.


There is no doubt that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether从句 has become a pressing one, not only to the government, but also to individuals. From my point of view, this may attribute to the following contributing factors. / this surely has produced some serious problems below.

One possible reason is concerned with … It is well-known that …(对该原因进行解释)。

Besides, … also attributes partly to sth.

Another thing that deserves our special attention is …

(Apparently, if no action is taken, some serious problems would be aroused.) For example,…

Moreover, another problem I should point out lies in the fact that … Last but not least,…

As far as the thorny issue is concerned, several effective measures should be put into practice as soon as possible. In the first place...... this sensible way has achieved some effectiveness in some areas. Moreover, …

To sum up, the reasons/ problems of … provided above are a few of the many but are worth our special attention. It is certain that only the government and the authorities concerned join hands in solving this pressing matter can the situation be improved greatly in the near future.

according to a recent survey ,four-million people dieeach year from diseases linked to smoking.

in view of the seriousness of this problem ,effective

依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸measures should be taken before things get worse.烟相关的疾病.


the latest surveys show that quite a few childrenhave unpleasant associations with homework.

proper measures must be taken to limit the number

最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be 感.

made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.

no invention has received more praise and abuse 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保than internet.


没有一项发明象互联网同时受到如此多的赞扬和批 评.

an increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction

people seem to fail to take into account the fact that of city .however ,this opinion is now being education does not end with graduation.

questioned by more and more city residents ,who

人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事complain that the migrants have brought many 实.

serious problems like crime and prostitution.越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作

many experts point out that physical exercise 用.然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness.抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,象犯罪和卖许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康.


nowadays ,many students always go into raptures many city residents complain that it is so few buses at the mere mention of the coming life of high in their city that they have to spend much more time school or college they will begin. unfortunately ,for waiting for a bus ,which is usually crowded with a most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on large number of passengers.their first day on campus.


当前,一提到即将开始的学校生活,许多学生都会兴高长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客.采烈.然而,对多数年轻人来说,校园刚开始的日子并 不是什么愉快的经历.

there is no denying the fact that air pollution is an

extremely serious problem :the city authorities their interpersonal skills ,which may put them in a should take strong measures to deal with it.

favorable position in the future job markets.



an investigation shows that female workers tend tohave a favorable attitude toward retirement.一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休.

it is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure.

a proper part-time job does not occupy student’s 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冬的痛too much time .in fact ,it is unhealthy for them to 苦生活.spend all of time on their study .as an old saying

goes :all work and no play makes jack a dull boyalthough this view is widely held ,there is little 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事evidence that education can be obtained at any age 实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句and at any place.老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻.


any government which is blind to this point may paya heavy price.


no one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.


an increasing number of people are beginning to

realize that education is not complete with people equate success in life with the ability of graduation.

operating computer .


when it comes to education ,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习.

the majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop







和技巧,做完后可以休息,但不要对听力和阅读的答案. 千万别对.







题可以轻松使用. 然后睡觉,一天紧张的工作可以结束,建议11点睡觉,熬太晚不代表效果好.



 用上午的2个小时左右再认真的听3遍,这一次不是只听答案的地方,而是要问自


 听完3遍后,把原文拿出来,把自己努力听了5遍还没听懂及听懂但不会写的单词做整理,提醒



 把每篇文章从头到尾彻底精读,很苦但是坚持会有效,把所有不认识的单词,和在读的过程中觉的很棒的词组和句子整理下来,以及关注所有的段落和题目逻辑展开手法,写在自己的读笔记中,整理的一遍其实就相当于在背单词同时也在为写作的词句打下基础.

 (很多学生做阅读省略这一步,觉得苦,绝对不行,如果想拿高分必须精度,这是打基础的一个过程)。晚上:周一晚上是口语,那么周二可以是写作,修改前一天写的文章,我想在写文章是一定有很多词不确定自己用的对不对,那就可







Environmental problems cannot be solved by one or a few countries. Instead, they should be solved with international effort. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

+1 many environmental problems are widespread that they can hardly be confined to one single country or region, such as oil spills and dust storms. It is crucial that these problems be solved with international efforts. Each country and person should be made aware of their unique role in environmental protection.

+2 The second reason why international joint efforts are needed to solve environmental problems is that each country has its own weakness in environmental protection. For example, although industrialised countries possess advanced technology and more financial resources for environmental protection, some of them do not want to address the problem of emission-induced climate change because they are afraid that reducing industrial and vehicle carbon emissions will slow down their industrial production and make their people’s lives less comfortable or convenient. Thus, other nations and international organisations have their roles to play in ensuring that industrialised countries fulfil their environmental responsibilities. --1 involve many practical issues; different views on environmental problems; difficult to achieve international consensus; unwillingness to sacriface at the economic benefits…转折: the willingness to coperate with each other at least will put them on the right track to finding solutions.


As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on the road system. Some people think that the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that car users should pay for the costs. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


+1 collect the tax money from the public. It is its responsibility to build the roads for the usage of the public / The government should use part of its tax revenue to meet taxpayers’ needs for better road transport systems.

+ 1 improving the infrastructure will contribute to the local economic development by attracting investment or bringing about business opportunties / Improving the road transport system is crucial to the economic growth of a country + 1 It helps the government to allocate valuable resources to different bureaus and the public.

road users:

1) the fund / financial aid/ grants/ appropriation/ from government is limited; collect tolls from road users as they benefit from the service directly / if the government does not have sufficient funds for the construction or expansion of the road.

2) ensure the proper usage of the road/ the public transport service. if offer free service to the road users, leads to increasing amount of traffic; be misused;

-----Combine two approaches / practice


The tourist industry has been expanding in some countries and international tourism has benefited these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1) promote economic development ---the sales of tickets, airlines, retail industry, and hospitality industry contribute to local economy 2) spread cultural elements;

3) urge the government to protect the cultural heritage and environmental protection


1) misunderstanding may cause cultural conflicts and disputes 2) cause environmental problems due to litters thrown by crowds of visitors ; damage to the natural views and cultural tourism attractions

文化:Some people think that the government should financially support art programmes. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Benefits: 1) + art education are highly appreciation by the public; be integral part of education system: improve aesthetic appreation; stimulate creativity and imagination

2) + be helpful to reduce stress level of the public; be benefical to the mental health of the general public

3) + music, as an expanding industry, is an important source of government’s revenue

4) + build national image; spread cultural elements; preserve cultural heritage/build national honor and belonging

5) + enrich leisure time and add pleasing experience to life


1) _ be money consuming. For some developing countries where people are living in poverty, the government should fund public welfare, such as education and public health instead of art programs. 2) Cause corruption in some government’s bureaus

(对比题:Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent public services and facilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. )


比public services and facilities更值得投资


public services and facilities投资很重要


Nowadays, distance-learning programs have gained in popularity (those teaching programmes that involve the use of written materials, video, television and the Internet), but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as those by attending a college or university in person. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1) better learning environment at school help children be concentrated on their studies. They are likely to achieve better academic performance.

2) Foster mental and physical development through communication with peers and teachers and comprehensive extra-curricular. 3) Apart academic achievements, teachers will help the students form a good learning habit, build confidence, independent and be aware with their progress timely.

Online: online learning offers convenience, flexibility, (灵活性),

a wider range of learning resources


Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted限制 in the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

同意限制 1) indifferent

2) have negative effects on children’s pschological health ; youngsters are likely to imitate these offensive behaviours, in the mistaken belief that these offences do not have serious effects.

Even worse, many young viewers even perceive criminals as idols or role models and adopt violent means to settle their conflicts with other people.

/ It is sometimes feared that extensive media coverage of crime can cause a surge in copycat crimes.

3) cause fears from the public / They are preoccupied with the idea that they are at a higher risk of victimisation./ The representation of crime in the media reminds people that dangers can strike at any time or location while life is tenuous.

4) hurt the feeling of victims and their families / violate offenders’


5) This has an adverse impact on their quality of life.


1)Despite the negative effect of media coverage of crime, it should not be censored.

2) Representation of crime in the media can raise people’s awareness of self-defense and prevention.

3) This is due to the fact that representation of crime in the media can raise people’s awareness of self-defense and also remind them about prevention.

Deter the potential criminals

Provide first-hand information to the public

----in light of these factors, in order to reduce the negative effects of crime reporting, we should curtail it in the media.


Advertising discourages us from being different individuals and makes us look the same. Do you agree or disagree?

Make us look the same V.S. do not make us look the same + associate products and social status /lifestyle; iphones; UNIQLO Some advertisements aim to persuade people that using the advertised products or services can make them healthier or better-looking Some other advertisements encourage people to associate certain brands with wealth, success and high social status. + spread product information to the market via different channels/mass media

+ Celebrities endorsement /Some people hope they can look like the celebrities featured in the advertisements. _income levels _personal preference

_ suit different careers; personality


In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have positive or negative effects on society?



+ lack of labour force; be less competitive and innovative/ be disadvantaged at the competitive global market + bring financial burden on the government, and families / put a heavy burden on the social welfare system.

+ demand for consume good declines; hinder the economic development

_ create more job opportunities in the medical industry; medical workers; nurses; may lead to a rising demand for healthcare workers and pharmacy 优势

_ have rich life wisdom / be aware of customs of minority cultures; dialects —strengthen familiy ties; be helpful in raising grandchildren and share chorework for their adult children


It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Talents + the achievement made by the talents in certain fields can never be comparable by others; For example Mozart / Talents help some students to develop skills that allow them to become outstanding while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable level. + many top talents have not received any formal training or guidance + ideas, inspirations are more crucial and valuable in all walks of life, such as art performance or sport field.

An average child也可以

+ everyone makes progress through guided practice and continuous teaching / we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire the skills associated with sport and music with continued teaching and guided practice. + the ones who are talented / with certain talents will not achieve excellence if they are not offered with right guidance


Some people believe that only the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can succeed in sports. Others think that success in sports depend on mental attitudes. Discuss both these views and give your own opinions.


+some believe that only the fittest and strongest participants can achieve success in sports competition. This belief is based on the understanding of sports as purely physical activities and the fact that the results of sports cometitions are often determined by the strength, speed, endurance, flexibility or balance that participants display. + it is the objective comparisions of participants’ performance according to these criteria that make many sports competitions worthwhile and fair. This is particularly true of individual sports such as swimming, track and field and weightlifting. 心态决定:

_ stamina-based sports such as cross-country cycling and triathlon are so demanding that even participants in the best physical condition need strong willpower to carry themselves through the competition and win. Without enough preserverance, a competitor would give up beofre the end of the race.


An increasing number of people change their careers and places of residence several times in their lives. Is this a positive or a negative trend?

benefits + enrich life experience; add excitement and joys in life; / are more enthusiastic about their jobs + increase work efficiency; Compared to the repetitive types of works, + build a wide range of social networking; gain different experience in many industries and fields; be more likely to be successful

+ feel a greater sense of fulfilment when they manage to do it successfully Drawbacks: _ lose job security

/ The inescapable fact is the business world has so many unforeseen factors that even those companies which rebuilt tens of thousands of workers can go bankrupt anytime.

_time and money consuming; weaken family ties --lose many opportunties in certain industries _ be hardly proficient in some fields

_ need money to pay for their basic necessities, such as accommodation, utility bills, food and new clothing

----when making job choices, Place more importance on whether the job suits their interests and talents Consider the salary that a job offers.

动物 Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines or othe products intended for huamn use. Others, however, criticise this as animal cruelty. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.


+ scientists agree with the view that animals are irreplaceable in those scientific experiments which can develop new drugs and test the security of products.

+ the main explanation is that animals bear a resemblance to humans in many aspects, such as cell structure.

+ findings from animal testing can be used to predict human beings’ responses in similar circumstances, so researchers can decide whether the drug can be applied on human beings.


--it is important to note that using humans to research is prohiibted by many countries because of on moral grounds.

--Although we have reasons to believe that animal testing is necessary, it does not mean that we can deny animal right.

--It is increasingly acknowledged that animals used in experiments normally suffer from pain and hurt, because animals abuse happens frequently.

--It is also common knowledge that animals are sentinent beings and capable of feeling pain.



1. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于。

2. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。

3. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面

4. be absent from…。 缺席,不在

5. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉

6. be busy with sth.于某事 。 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

7. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on

8. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

9. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

10. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外。 Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

11. of one‘s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

12. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同…。不一致

13. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁。 appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力

14. at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台

15. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上

16. on one‘s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有………重要性。

17. take…into account(=consider)把……考虑进去

18. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

19. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果

20. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的。

21. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地。

22. be based on / upon 基于

23. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;……………。 ahead of time 提前。

24. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。

25. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

26. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

27. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

28. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

29. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循

30. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的

31. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.

32. adjust……(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

33. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论怎样不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

34. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地。

35. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

36. take the floor 起立发言

37. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先。

38. have an advantage over 胜过。 have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件 have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

39. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用。

40. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意

41. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.

42. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请 ; apply for申请; apply to 适用。

43. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计

44. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎。

45. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到。

46. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责。

47. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合。

48. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…

49. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for

50. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉

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