






Academic Achievements



Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Aim of the Study

1.3 Thesis Organization

Chapter Two Pun in English Advertisement

2.1 A Brief Introduction to Advertisement

2.1.1 Definition of Advertisement

2.1.2 The Aim and Function of Advertisement

2.2 Definition of Pun and its Linguistic Features

2.2.1 Definition of Pun

2.2.2 Linguistic Features of Pun

2.3 Classification of Pun in Advertisement

2.4 Function of Pun in Advertisement

2.4.1 Humorous Effect

2.4.2 Attention-attracting Effect

2.4.3 Memory-strengthening Effect

2.4.4 Aesthetic Effect

Chapter Three Literature Review

3.1 Translatability and Untranslatability of Pun

3.2 Pun Translation Studies Abroad

3.3 Pun Translation Studies at Home

3.3.1 Sociosemiotics Approach

3.3.2 Functional Theories Approach

3.3.3 Pragmatic Approach

Chapter Four Reception Aesthetics Theory

4.1 An Overview of Reception Aesthetics Theory

4.2 Main Concepts of Reception Aesthetics Theory

4.2.1 Indeterminacy of the Text

4.2.2 The Subjectivity of the Reader

4.2.3 Horizon of Expectations and Aesthetic Distance

4.3 Implication of Advertisement Translation Strategy From Reception Aesthetics

Chapter Five The Application of Reception Aesthetics to Pun Translation in English Advertisement

5.1 TL Readers to be Considered on Pun Translation in English Advertisement

5.1.1 TL Readers’ Cultural Cognition

5.1.2 TL Readers’ Linguistic Habit

5.1.3 TL Readers’ Aesthetic Experience

5.2 Specific Techniques of Pun Translation

5.2.1 Retaining pun

5.2.2 Recasting Pun

5.2.3 Parody Translation

5.2.4 Biased Translation

5.2.5 Compensation

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

6.2 Limitation for Present Research

6.3 Suggestion for Future Research


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