







(1)能够听、说、认读五个有关水果的单词:apple,orange,banana, grape,pear,并能正确运用;注意单词banana、grape的复数形式。

(2)能够运用句型What is this/that? It is a/an…进行对话,注意单词在名词前a/an的变化。







(1)重点:学习单词apple、 pear 、banana 、orange 、grape 的正确读音以及句型What is this/that? It is a/an…的学习。注意单词在名词前a/an的变化和单词的复数形式。

(2)难点:注意单词在名词前a/an的变化和单词banana、grape的复数形式;能正确运用句型What is this/that? It is a/an…在日常生活中进行对话。




1、导入新课:大屏幕出示所要学习的水果的谜语,要求学生猜谜语。“同学们喜欢猜谜语吗?老师这里有几个谜语,想让同学们猜猜,快看大屏幕:黄金布,包银条,两头弯弯中间翘”(剩下的4种水果也用猜谜形式引出) “同学们真聪明,那同学们想不想知道这些水果用英语怎么说呢? 好,今天我们就一起来学习吧。”


(1)把新单词板书在黑板上,逐个跟读、拼读。首先是全班读,接着是男生女生轮流读、最后是通过小组间竞赛读和开火车读的形式巩固单词读音。强调banana 、grape的复数形式是bananas和grapes(通过在大屏幕出示one banana,two bananas,they are grapes的图画,这样再来教学这两个单词的复数形式。)

(2)大屏幕出示What is this/that? It is a/an…的对话语音,老师及时在黑板上板书新句型What is this/that? It is a/an…。让学生把刚学的单词运用起来,(如:老师手拿苹果卡片,问:What is this?生答: It is an apple.)强调apple、 orange的首字母是元音字母而且发音是元音开头,所以单词前必须是an(如:an apple、an orange),而pear 、banana 、grape是辅音字母开头,所以单词前是a(如a pear)。再通过师生、生生互动交流进行对话练习,首先是全班跟读,接着是师问生答和生问师答互动读,最后是同桌之间到小组之间的生生问答,达到巩固且能掌握并熟练运用。


(1)游戏“水果蹲”:老师说明游戏规则,先在小组内进行;再邀请5位同学上台,分别以刚学习水果单词命名,进行“水果蹲”游戏。如“apple蹲apple蹲,apple蹲完 pear 蹲” (2)游戏“听音乐传球”:老师说明游戏规则,老师播放一段音乐,音乐停止时球传到水谁手上谁就要起立,邀请自己的同桌或自己想邀请的同学一起进行What is this/that? It is a/an…的对话。(指着大屏幕上的水果或黑板上的单词)



今天我们一起学习了新的单词apple、 pear 、banana 、orange 、grape和他们的复数形式以及新的句型What is this/that? It is a/an…和单词在名词前a/an的变化,课下同学们要多读并多用学过的单词句子与同学们交流哦。



八、板书设计 Fruit apple





—What is this?

—Is a/an ...

—Is a/an ...



备课人 时间:40mins 内容:字母(M-P)+水果(apple,orange,peer,peach,banana) 1.(2mins)提前进教室与学生交流+告诉学生接下来定自我调节让每位学生满意. 2.课前复习/热身:(7mins)“字母(I-L)+水果(apple,orange,peer,peach,banana)” (1)复习跟读字母(I-L)

(2)老师让一学生在前面模仿各种动物(告诉他是什么动物),让其他同学猜说出其英文名。 3.新课:

(1)字母M-P(15mins) 学习

先示范字母的读音,要求学生仔细听,认真观察教师的口型,再进行模仿。每个字母都要用升降调来读。 逐个板书英文字母。书写每个字母时,教师要做好示范,从起笔到收笔,用几笔写成的都要示范清楚。带着学生用右食指在空中模仿,然后让学生在四线格上临摹。 英语字母游戏


“N”。依次O,P,M,N„„ .待上个游戏完成后,再要求第一个同学报出“MN”,第二

个同学快速接上“NO”,第三个同学快速接上“OP”„„以 此类推,直到全班同学都参与进去。



(2)水果(15mins) 学习

.老师教授单词:使用描述其特征让同学猜词并给出实物感知的方法。 游戏

.两人一组,一同学描述,一同学说出英文名,多者获胜。 4.家庭作业(1mins) 抄写M-P每个字母及五个水果单词各五遍 5.告诉学生接下来定自我调节让每位学生满意。


Unit 8 Fruits

一、 教学目的:

1、 知道常见的水果名称。

2、 会用”….的…”句式描述水果. What’s this? This is a/an…

3、 锻炼学生的听、说、认、读能力。

二、 教学重点:

1、 能听懂读说单词:apple pear banana lychee orange

2、 重点句型:What’s this?

This is a/an…

3、 注意水果单数的表现形式:a pear/banana/lychee,但是要注意apple、orange前面要用an.

三、 教学难点:

1、 注意每个单词的正确发音,尤其是orange、 banana的发音

2、 句型This is a/an…的用法,学生在课堂上能熟练的运用这个句型描述所学的水果

四、 教学准备:

1、 准备各种水果图片或者水果实物:苹果、梨子、荔枝、香蕉、橘子等。

2、 多媒体课件PPT及录音设备

3、 把学生分成两个小组,A组和B组,并带领学生喊口号。

五、 教学过程

Step1:Warm up

1、 Greetings: T: Hello , everybody, Good morning. Nice to meet you. How are you? T: Today , Miss zou is very happy, do you know why? Because we are going to learn some fruits, I like fruits ,it is good for our body .Pay attention you are group A, you are group B . Now group A, go go go

Group B, go go go


2、 Games:(Magic eyes)T: Very good now please look at the screen, and guess what’s this?(课件快速闪示,让学生去猜这是什么,并复习用前面所学单词与句型)如:It’s a book/chair/fan/…然后引导学生用book/chair/fan/…回答。

3、 Chant: Book book this is a book Chair chair this is a chair

This is a

Fan fan this is a fan Light light this is a light Pen pen this is a pen (通过这一环节复习所学句型及回答what’s this ? It’s a …并引出新句型This is a …,老师提问,鼓励学生用This ia a 回答) Step 2:Presentation:


2、T:Boys and girls please pay attention, there is a bag in my hand, can you guess what’s this ?I will tell you this is one kind of fruit. You can touch or smell. (请一些同学来猜这是什么水果,可以用手摸,鼻子闻,鼓励学生用This is an apple来回答,回答对之后再拿出apple的卡片,学生大声跟读apple, apple。并强调apple的发音,及一个苹果的表达方式,我们要用an apple.可以通过游戏来玩单词,如大小声,开火车,正反面,转转转) T:What’s this? S: This is an apple.(句型也可以玩起来,但是不要和单词玩相同的形式)

4、 T:Now everybody, pay attention, I will be a magician, take out an half pear, let students guess what’s this?(这一环节学

生只能远看,因为准备的是梨子的一部分,让学生看、猜。引导学生用This is a pear回答,单词游戏,句子游戏,注意pear的发音)

5、 T:Are you hungry do you want to eat something. Take some food to the students let them taste and ask what’s this? (这一环节是把香蕉切成丁块,让学生去尝,老师问what’s this ?学生回答This is a banana.通过游戏及邀请小老师来巩固单词和句子。)

6、 T:I will draw a picture on the board, can you guess what’s this?(首先先画出一小部分让学生去猜,然后将整个图形画完,学生猜出来了能相应的加分,老师提问,What’s this ?It’s an orange.注意orange前面加的是an.)

7、 T: Put out a picture, and ask what’s this? Encourage students to answer this is a lychee.(通过游戏,小老师来巩固,在每个环节小老师是不能少的) Step 3:Practise:

1、 T:Well, how cool, you are so perfect. Then please listen to the tape.(播放课件,第一遍请学生听,第二遍请学生跟读,第三遍请学生分角色对话,A组和B组扮演不同的角色)

2、 T:I will invite a student come to the stage to talk with me .Give the students some cards and I take some cards,

ask what’s this? This is a/an…After that ask two students for a group to play)

3、 最后在PPT上展示今天所学的水果,老师问what’s this?学生齐声回答It’s a /an…,也可以请个别学生或小组回答,通过这一练习进一步巩固今天所学知识。 Step 4: End To finish this class in a song Step 5:Homework

1、 Listen and read page 41, point to fruits and say this is a/an…

2、 Work in pairs. Then tell your friends or your family fruits are good to our health.


Teaching Plan

Teaching content: words related to food and drink. Teching time: 40minutes Teacing objectives:

1.Let kids know the following words: apple, pear, banana, peach, orange, watermelon, candy, chocolate, milk, egg, coca –cola. 2.let kids combine English with their daily life and enjoy the fun of English. Teaching procedures:

简单的开场白引入到food and drink 这一主题上来。 第一部分: 复习水果名称

1. 通过水果模型教授apple, pear, peach, orange,banana. 2.

第一次游戏:邀请几组小朋友根据老师指令如Draw an apple 画出相应水果,以调动小朋友积极性. 第二部分:教授新单词

1.告诉小朋友给她们带来一个新朋友Lily, 将Lily 的图片贴在黑板上,通过讲述Lily一天的饮食陆续引出milk, egg, candy, chocolate, coca-cola 等单词(注:这些单词均以图片的直观形式陈现在小朋友面前。 关于Lily 的故事应尽量生动),每引出一个单词即教读3遍。可视情况重复几次。

2.第二次游戏:将milk,egg,等单词贴在不同区域,邀请3个小朋友上台,听老师口中的单词,听完后小朋友应尽快站到相应区域,看看谁最快找到正确位置。以检验学生是否掌握这些生词。(此过程中一定要注意学生安全) Following up: 让小朋友回家后告诉父母自己当天所学的日常词汇,增强他们的成就感





1. Listening: Listen and identify the key words.2. Speaking: Pronounce the words properly.

3. Communicating: Use nouns to identify objects.


1. Master the pronunciation of the new words.2. Use the patterns to solute the tasks.

3. Use the fruit words in daily life.



小学英语新课程标准要求,合理地设计教案,在课堂上有计划地组织任务型的教学活动, 让他们有目的地进行学习活动,能调动学生的积极性, 提高学生的学习兴趣。





cassette player, cassette, some fruits, word and picture cards.2.学生准备:

real fruits, colour pens, some paper, pencils.


Pre-task preparation:

1. Sing some songs and do some actions.(利用歌曲, 并配上动作,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习积极性,同时复习以前学过的知识。)

a) Good Morning.

b) Read, draw, sing.

2. Play games: (利用游戏等引出新的教学内容)

1) Simon Says. (Listen and act)

2) Touch and guess: Feel the fruit and say out the words.

3. Introduce the fruit:

This is a/an… That’s a/an…

4. Today we’ll learn “Look and learn” in Unit 5 (Fruit).

While-task procedure

1. Show the real objects and teach the new words of fruit. (运用实物、图片等,配上动作,教学本课的新单词,。)

1)(Put up a banana.) What’s this? ---- It’s a banana. This is a banana.Banana, banana,香蕉,香蕉apple弯又弯。

2)(Taste the pear.) What’s that? ---That’s a pear.

Pear, pear是梨子,梨子pear甜又香。

3)(Touch the mango.) This is a mango.

Mango, mango是芒果,芒果mango甜又酸。

4)(Point to a peach)That’s a peach.

Peach, peach是桃子,桃子peach大又鲜。

2. Stick on the word and picture cards on the board, and then read the words for several times.

3. Point to the cards, repeat the words in chorus, then in groups.

4. Read one by one.

5. Listen to the tape, follow it and point to each picture as it is being read out.

6. Re-arrange the word and picture cards in random order.

Post-task Activities

1.Play games(Divide the whole class into groups and have a competition): (分组进行游戏、竞赛等,复习和巩固这节课上学过的知识。同时加入竞争机制,增加教学的趣味性,提高学生的竞争意识。)

1)Say some words,ask someone to pick out the correct words and put it on the board.2)Say the words and point them out.

3)What fruit do you like? (Ask some pupils to answer and pick them out.)

4)Teacher hides some words and the pupils guess the words.

5)Which group is the quickest?

Divide the whole class into six groups. Each group has the name of a fruit. When I say a fruit’s name, the whole group has to stand up and do the actions.

Apple, apple, show me your book. Pear, pear, touch your arms.

Peach, peach, close your eyes. Mango, mango, open your book.

2. Read the rhyme: (利用朗朗上口的rhyme巩固新知,提高学生的学习兴趣。)

banana,banana香蕉,香蕉banana 弯又弯,




3. Listen and draw the fruit. Then show me your drawings and stick some better pictures on the blackboard. (利用小学生爱画画的特点,锻炼和提高学生的听力和绘画能力,同时展示一些优秀的作品,使学生有成就感。)

4. Count the stars to see which group is winner. (实施评价,展示结果,及时对教学情况进行反馈,让学生树立自信,培养合作精神。)


1. Write down the words under your drawings.

2. Say out the fruit words in English when you see some fruit.




1. 通过第一教时的学习,学生已经学会说四种水果的名称,并能表达自己喜欢吃什么水果,在开展教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性明显提高。

2. 本课是继续学习让学生用一些简单句式,如Smell the ……Fell the ……或Taste the ……来表述自己的意愿。用Is this a/an… ? 句式进行提问。



a.) 会听说单词banana, pear, mango, peach.b.)能听懂指令: Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach. 并能做出反应。

c.)能用Is this a/an……? Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。


a) 能用所学水果单词结合句式Smell the……, Feel the……, Taste the……给出指令。

b) 在学习和生活中能用所学句型表述自己的意愿。

c) 能用Is this a/an…? 句式对身边的物品进行提问。





1.Pre-task preparation


Sing a song

Greetings.Teacher and students greet each other.


1)Students review the words by reading the cards.

2) Game: What’s the missing?通过玩“记忆游戏”来复习所学单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。

While-task procedure

1.Show some fruit to students.

2.Teacher repeat several times.

3.Have students listen and act according to your commands. “Smell the banana.”“ Fell the pear ”“ Taste the peach.”

4.Listen to the tape several times and repeat several times.

5.Divide the class into groups of three to practice acting the commands. In each group, one student gives commands and the others do the actions. Then let them change roles.

Select groups to act the commands to the class.

Play a game: Who is the quickest student to respond?

(Ask every student to act according to your commands.)通过小组活动,听口令,做动作,进一步熟悉口令,并能发口令。通过游戏活动“谁的反应快?”进一步巩固口令,使学生在游戏活动中巩固所学知识。

Teaching:Is this a/an…?Yes, it is.No, it is not.

1.Hold up a banana and ask “ Is this a banana?” “Yes, it is.”

Repeat several times in English. Students follow and repeat.

2.Listen to the tape.

Students listen carefully. 用实物引出肯定回答,让学生模仿跟读。 通过听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调。

Post-task activity

1.Pair work

2.Let students work in pairs.(Provide them with some pictures of fruit)通过对话,提高语言表达能力。

3. Group work

4. Use stationery to let students practice the language. ( Four students make a group)通过小组活动,操练句型,进一步提高学生的语言运用能力。

Play a game

Use plastic or real fruit to let students practice the language. Get one student come up to the front and ask “Is this a …?” and the whole class is to say “Yes, it is” or “No, it is not”.通过游戏活动,进一步巩固操练句型,使群体与个体有机结合,使每个学生都参与活动,让学生始终在轻松、愉快的氛围中学习语言。


1. Listen to the tape on page22-23.2.Read page 22-23 after the tape.

3.Tell the words to their family.






1) 学会用peach, banana, mango, pear来表述单词。

2) 能够辨认所学单词,并能把图片和单词进行配对。

3) 能用Is this a ….? Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。





1.Pre-task preparationWarmer

Sing a song

Talk:Good morning. What fruit do you like? Why?

T: Ask pupils to answer the questions.

Encourage the children to tell the reason .在师生之间问答交流中,完成了对上节课知识的复习。


1)Guess the fruit (apple, pear, banana,mango)

1.Play a guessing game.(Guess the fruit)

e.g. It’s red and round. It’s sweet and juice. What is it?

(S: Guess……)(apple, pear, orangelemon)让学生在听的基础上进行猜谜,通过猜谜,使学生了解了各种水果的特征和色味,既训练了学生的听力,又丰富了学生的词汇。

2)While-task procedure


2.Students follow and repeat.

3. Ask pupils to describe the peach.

3). Game

Play a guessing game. What is this?It is a/an……(Students touch the bag and guess)让学生运用触觉摸一摸,并猜一猜包里是什么水果,让学生通过视觉和触觉来辨别其形状,诱发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在游戏活动中复习巩固单词。

3.Post-task activity

1). Make new rhymes

1.Listen to the rhyme.

2.Make new rhymes using ‘peach’, ‘banana’, ‘pear’.

3.Encourage students to act outrhymes in pairs by using the new words.

4.Read the word cards.(Multi-media)

5. Playing a watching game.通过编儿歌和表演儿歌,学生的创造能力和合作精神都得到提高,同时也为学生提供了充分展示自己才华的机会, 同时也复习了单词、句子。巩固操练了新旧知识,也进一步强化了语言训练。


1.Listen to the tape on page24

2.Read page 24 after the tape.

3. Present the new rhyme to their family.


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