




字词的读音:一代天骄 田圃 喧嚷 洗礼 襁褓 亵渎 鄙夷 恣睢 忐忑 庸碌 谀词 扶掖 狡黠 诘难 滞碍 诓骗 谮害 腆着 需掌握的成语:

温声细语: 用温和的声音轻轻地说话;声音温和而委婉,多形容女子。 润如油膏: 形容土地肥沃;细腻光滑得像油,像脂肪涂抹的一般。 旁骛 在正业以外有所追求;不专心。骛,追求。

敬业乐群: 敬业:专心于学业;乐群:乐于与好朋友相处。专心学习,和同学融洽相处。对自己的事业很尽职,和朋友相处很融洽。


不二法门:原为佛家语,意为直接入道,不可言传的法门。后比喻最好的或独一无二的方法。 言行相顾:指言行不互相矛盾;语言和行为相符。

强聒不舍: 聒:声音嘈杂,使人厌烦。舍:舍弃。形容别人不愿意听,还絮絮叨叨说个不停。 弥留之际:弥留:本指久病不愈,后多指病重将死;际:时候。病危将死的时候。 媚上欺下: 讨好上司,欺侮下属.



恪尽职守 kèjìnzhíshǒu 尽自己的努力,严守自己的职业或岗位。比喻谨慎认真地做好本职工作。恪:谨慎,恭敬。尽:完善。

廓然无累: 超然物外,不被世事所累。廓:空阔. 重蹈覆辙: 蹈:踏;覆:翻;辙:车轮辗过的痕迹。重新走上翻过车的老路。比喻不吸取教训,再走失败的老路。

涕泗横流 tìsìhéngliú 眼泪鼻涕满脸乱淌。形容极度悲伤或激动。涕,眼泪。泗,鼻涕。 自知之明 zìzhīzhīmíng 透彻地了解自己(多指缺点)的能力。指了解自己的情况,对自己有正确的估计。指正确认识、估价自己的能力。

气吞斗牛 qìtūndǒuniú ①形容精神旺盛,意气高昂,精神焕发的样子。形容气魄很大。②形容怒气、怨气或豪气极盛,直冲天际。

方枘圆凿 fānɡruìyuánzáo 方榫(sǔn)头不能楔(xiē)进圆孔洞,比喻两件事不相容,或者比喻事情的不可能。 一抔黄土 yīpóuhuángtǔ


化为乌有 huàwéiwūyǒu 变得什么都没有。指全部消失或完全落空。乌有:哪有,何有。乌:虚幻,不存在

无与伦比 wúyǔlúnbǐ 指事物非常完美,没有能与它相比的。伦:类,伦比:类比,匹敌。 怒不可遏 nù bù kě è 愤怒得难以抑制。形容十分愤怒。遏:止。 歇斯底里 xiēsīdǐlǐ 形容情绪激动、行为失常的状态。 根深蒂固 gēnshēndìgù 比喻基础深厚,不容易动摇。

持之以恒 chízhīyǐhéng 长久坚持下去。 持:坚持;恒:恒心。

格物致知 géwùzhìzhī 穷究事物原理,从而获得知识。格:推究;致:求得。

袖手旁观 xiùshǒupángguān 把手笼在袖子里,在一旁观看。比喻置身事外,既不过问,也不协助别人。

寻章摘句 xúnzhāngzhāijù 从书本中搜寻摘抄片断语句,在写作时套用。指写作时堆砌现成词句,缺乏创造性

味同嚼蜡 wèitóngjiáolà 象吃蜡一样,没有一点儿味。形容语言或文章枯燥无味。

1 吹毛求疵 chuīmáoqiúcī 疵:毛病。吹开皮上的毛寻疤痕。比喻故意挑剔别人的缺点,寻找差错。

不求甚解 bùqiúshènjiě 只求知道个大概,不求彻底了解。常指学习或研究不认真、不深入。 狂妄自大 kuángwàngzìdà 狂妄:极端的自高自大。指极其放肆,自高自大,自中无人。 咬文嚼字 yǎowénjiáozì 形容过分地斟酌字句。多指死扣字眼而不注意精神实质。

豁然贯通 huòránguàntōng 指一下了弄通了某个道理。豁然:通达的样子;贯通:前后贯穿通晓。

开卷有益 kāijuànyǒuyì 表示读书总会有所得益。开卷,打开书本阅读。

怀古伤今 huáigǔshāngjīn 怀念过去,哀叹现在。指一种没落、倒退、悲观的思想情绪。 为民请命 wèimínqǐngmìng 有相当地位的人代表百姓向当权者陈述困难,提出要求。请命:请示保全生命。

唯唯连声 wěiwěiliánshēng 唯唯:谦卑的应答。连声应答,以示顺从。 茶饭无心 cháfànwúxīn 没有心怀喝茶吃饭。形容心情苦闷。 挖心搜胆 wāxīnsōudǎn 指苦苦思考,费尽心思

精血诚聚 jīngxuèchéngjù ①精聚为髓,精髓化生为血(精血同源),由于肝肾同源于精血,指把心力都聚集在一起。②也指认真学习,费尽心思;呕心沥血地做成了一件事情。③也指花费心思和精神所取得的成就。

★8.下列各句中加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A.现代科学技术日新月异,我们需要终身学习。 ....B.要想提高成绩,必须要有韦编三绝的学习精神。 ....C.有了错误,还讳疾忌医,这是十分有害的。 ....D.班主任凡老师虚张声势,把大家的学习热情鼓动起来了。 ....★9.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( ) A.古人中刻苦学习的楷模很多,真是汗牛充栋。 ....B.林光常博士的讲座,将伪科学揭露得淋漓尽致,使听众深受教育。 ....C.她是一个从长计议的人,将一个暑期的学习计划定得井井有条。 ....D.谈起电脑,互联网,他竟然说得头头是道,左右逢源,使在场的专家也惊叹不已。 ....★10.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )

A.这所学校的学生来自不同的家庭,生活态度、文化素养、举止言谈等都显得格格不入。 ....B.世纪之交,我们党面临的形势、任务和环境正在发生翻天覆地的变化。 ....C.张教授正在课堂里口若悬河地讲着法律知识,他的儿子却在家中被执法机关缉拿归案。 ....D.在有的国家的某些地区,青少年吸毒已蔚然成风,引起了当局的注意。 ....★11.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )

A.侦察员小王谈了自己的看法,队长和老王听后相视一笑,小吴的看法与他俩不约而同。 ....B.鲁迅先生的杂文,写得十分深刻,直到今天读起来,还是觉得入木三分。 ....C.家用电器降价刺激了市民消费欲望的增长,原本趋于滞销的彩电,现在一下子成了炙.手可热的商品。 ...D.博物馆里保存着大量有艺术价值的石刻作品,上面的各种花鸟虫兽、人物形象栩栩如生,美仑美奂。 ....★12.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )

A.这篇文章没有中心,东拉西扯,内容空洞,语言贫乏,令人莫衷一是。 ....

2 B.从高处眺望,辽阔的绿色大草原上,几座白色的油井房星罗棋布,煞是好看。 ....C.瘦西湖畔桃红柳绿,春色迷人,外地游客纷至沓来,领略秀美的湖光山色。 ....D.他对工作一向拈轻怕重,勇挑重担。 ....★13.下列各句中加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A.中华民族在任何内忧外患,艰难险阻面前,都表现出坚韧不拔,不可战胜的英雄气概。 ....B.回顾三十余年的坎坷,我并无伤感,也不怨天尤人。 ....C.朱自清先生的《春》,语言流畅,文笔优美,是一篇脍炙人口的散文佳作。 ....D.你那种漠不关心班集体的态度是不对的,应该尽快转变。 ....★14.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )

A.公安机关决定在相关部门的配合下,坚决打击贩卖人口这种光怪陆离的犯罪行为。 ....B.为了救活这家濒临倒闭的工厂,新上任的领导真可谓是处心积虑。 ....C.家乡的变化真大,乡亲们都富了起来,昔日的土墙、茅屋,都面目全非了。 ....D.新班同学的文化程度参差不齐,给教学工作带来一定的困难。 ....


初一上期末易错点总结 一.写出下列词组

1. 为某人买某物__________________ 2. 一点都不_____________________ 3.帮助某人做某事__________________4.试穿...______________________ 5. 想要做某事______________________ _________________________ 6. 告诉某人做某事________________7.告诉某人不要做某事_________________ 8. 不得不做某事____________9. ...怎么样?_______________/______________ 10.该做...的时间___________________ _____________________________ 11.因....而感谢_____________________12.为自己取用....____________________ 13.在某方面帮助某人______________14.为什么不_________________________ 15.让某人做某事____________________________________ 二.翻译下列句子

1.你认为这条裤子怎么样?____________________________2.________________________ 2. 我们需要多少大米?________________________________ 3.你想要和我一起去野餐吗?____________________________ 4.去放风筝怎么样?_____________________________________ 5.为什么不试穿一下呢?___________________________________ 6.怎么了?_______________________________________________ 7. 你真是太好了_________________________________________ 8.谢谢你帮助我______________________ /_____________________________ 9.该回家了_________________________/_____________________________ 10.你能让他给我回个电话吗?____________________________________ 11.你穿上这件裙子很漂亮___________________________________ 12.你想要吃点什么?___________________________________ 13.你想要喝点东西吗?________________________________ 14.请随便吃些鱼吧___________________________________ 15.这是我家人的一张照片__________________________________ 16.你能在英语方面帮助我吗?_________________________________ 三. 用所给词适当形式填空

1. Why don’t you ____________(have) a rest? 2. Would you like ___________(go) to swimming with me ? 3. He wants___________(buy) a gift for his mother 4. How about___________(have)some fish? 5.We are in the same school, but in different____________(grade) 6.Please tell him __________(call) me back 7.Thank you for ___________(help) me 8. This pair of shoes are nice, I want to try _______(it) on 9.He often help his teacher___________(clean) the classroom 10.Would you like ________(some) eggs? 三.选择

1. ____________do you like this man ? ---He is kind to us A.How B. What

C. Who

D. where 2.I want to buy a car____________my son A.for

B. of

C. with

D. on 3.Teacher often tell us _______________on the road. A. not play

B. not to play

C. to play

D. not playing 4.How about __________out for a walk A. to go


C. go

D.goes 5.They sing songs _________Sunday morning,but we__________ A.on ,aren’t

B. in ,don’t

C. on, don’t D.in , aren’t 6.Tina often forgets ___________her homework A.do

B. doing

C. to do

D. to doing 7._______speak in the class, listen carefully. A. Not

B. No

C. Do D. Don’t 8. Could you ask the kid_______with the dog? A.not play

B. not to play

C. doesn’t play

D. isn’t playing 9.The girl ________red is Kate A. in

B. on

C. from

D. at

10. Boys and girls ,welcome to my home and _______ A.help yourself

B.helps yourself

C. help yourselve D. help you 11.These pants look nice ! Can I ________ A.try on it

B. try it on

C. try them on

D. try on them 12. I live far from school,__________I never late A. and

B. so

C. but

D. because 13. He __________his mother ________eating meat A.like , likes

B.likes ,is like C. is like ,likes

D. likes,likes 14. Is this ________schoolbag ? ---No, it isn’t. __________is here A.your ,My

B. your, mine C. yours,My D.yours,mine 15.Our Egnlish is very kind______us, It’s very kind________her A.to,of B. of ,to

C. for , to D. for ,of 16. What’s wrong _______you ? I can’t find bus No.2 A.with

B.about C. to

D. with



U N I T 1:

be friendly to 对……友好的be kind to 对……友善的best wishes最美好的祝愿 on the right在右边go skiing去滑雪go skating去滑冰

U N I T 2:

make phone calls to 给……打电话get angry生气come back to 回到 except for除……之外work on忙于

U N I T 3:

hold out 拿出go after追赶…think about考虑 walk around四处走走inahurry迅速,赶快quarter of an hour十五分钟:一刻钟 compare…to… 将……与……比较as…as 和……一样change one’s mind改变主意either…or不是……就是……right away立即;马上just at that moment正在那是 come up to走到跟前;走进

U N I T 4

billions of数以亿计take photographs拍照片as well as除…之外all over the world全世界 think of考虑到

U N I T 5

as well除此之外;还look up 查阅a number of一些be interesting in对……感兴趣 work…out找出…的答案of this kind同类的because of因为;由于change…into使……变成around the world全世界范围内know some about 知道;了解

U N I T 6

part of部分in pieces破碎的instead of代替get sick生病 come true成为现实;实现rather than而不是run out of用尽

U N I T 7

fell asleep入睡come out of从…出来tell … the truth说出实情 play joke on开…的玩笑get away from摆脱;逃离in order of按照…的顺序 break down砸破;破坏get to达到…地步(或程度)


暑假英语作业------Multiple Choice

1. Try not to cough more than you cansince it may cause problems to your lungs.

A. checkB. allowC. stopD. help

2. Tony can hardly boil an egg, still cook dinner.

A. lessB. littleC. muchD. more

3. Police have found appears to be the lost ancient statue.

A. whichB. whereC. howD. what

4. The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police.

A. not to doB. not toC. not doD. do not

5. India attainedindependence in 1947, after long struggle.

A. 不填;aB. the;aC. an;不填D. an;the

6. It was only after he had read the papers Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.

A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what

7. at the cafeteria before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again.

A. Having eatenB. To eatC. EatD. Eating

8. —The town is so beautiful! I just love it.

—Me too. The character of the town is well .

A. qualifiedB. preservedC. decoratedD. simplified

9. Lionel Messi, the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.

A. setB. settingC. to setD. having set

10. “Never for a second,” the boy says, “ that my father would come to my rescue.”

A. I doubtedB. do I doubtC. I have doubtedD. did I doubt

11. Team leaders must ensure that all members their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.

A. get overB. look overC. take overD. come over

12. I should not have laughed if I you were serious.

A. thoughtB. would thinkC. had thoughtD. have thought

13. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins, the city

took on a new look.

A. reducingB. reducedC. being reducedD. having reduced

14. The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China,he

remembers starting as early as his childhood.

A. whereB. whichC. whatD. when

15. The children, had played the whole day long, were worn out.

A. all of whatB. all of whichC. all of themD. all of whom

16. Eye doctors recommended that a child’s first eye exam at the age of

six months old.

A. wasB. beC. wereD. is

17. The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total beliefyou

are better than anyone else on the sports field.

A. howB. thatC. whichD. whether

18. Bears fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough

to last them through their winter sleep.

A. pack upB. build upC. bring upD. take up

19. If what your friend comes up with surprises you, don’t reject it immediately.

, imagine that it is true.

A. ThusB. BesidesC. RatherD. Otherwise

20. The “Chinese Dream”$ isdream to improve people’s well-being and

Dream of harmony, peace and development.

A. the;aB. a;aC. a;theD. the;the

21. Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where

they could buy priced bikes.

A. competitivelyB. recentlyC. reasonablyD. affordably

22. —Thanks a lot for your book. I found it very interesting.

—. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

A. All the bestB. It is nothingC. No thanksD. Very well

23. There are a small number of people involved, possiblytwenty.

A. as few asB. as little asC. as many asD. as much as

24. one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.

A. WhoeverB. WhateverC. WhicheverD. Wherever

25. He wrote a letterhe explained what had happened in the accident.

A. whatB. whichC. whereD. how

26. I to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.

A. comeB. cameC. am comingD. was coming

27. It was not until near the end of the letter she mentioned her own plan.

A. thatB. whereC. whyD. when

28. If he had spent more time practicing speaking English before, heable

to speak it much better now.

A. will beB. would beC. has beenD. would have been

29. The accident caused someto my car, but it’s nothing serious.

A. harmB. injuryC. ruinD. damage

30. This is by farmovie that I have ever seen.

A. an inspiringB. a much inspiringC. the most inspiringD. the more inspiring

31. He may win the competition, he is likely to get into the national team.

A. in which caseB. in that caseC. in what caseD. in whose case

32. The university estimates that living expenses for international studentsaround $8,450 a year, whicha burden for some of them.

A. are;isB. are;areC. is;areD. is;is

33. My mom suggests that we eat out for a change this weekend.

A. shouldB. mightC. couldD. would

34. The manager wants to see changes in the company, and I am sure he will .

A. in particularB. in turnC. in chargeD. in time

35. My uncle hasn’t been able to quit smoking, but at least he has .

A. cut outB. cut downC. cut upD. cut off

36. Poetry written from the of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.

A. perspectiveB. priorityC. participationD. privilege

37. In much of the animal world, night is the time for sleep---pure and simple.

A. set asideB. set downC. set offD. set up

38. People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often

rather than based on fixed criteria.

A. appropriateB. consciousC. arbitraryD. controversial

39.Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that hedestroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.

A. accidentallyB. carelesslyC. deliberatelyD. clumsily

40. John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most ofare family members.

A. themB. thatC. whichD. whom

41. A Midsummer Night’s Dreamat the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.

A. opensB. is openedC. will openD. will be opened

42. The engine just won’t start. Something seems wrong with it.

A. to goB. to have goneC. goingD. having gone

43. —Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it.

—Thank you all the same.

A. It’s very kind of you.B. Oh, how careless of me!

C. I might as well go and get it.D. Well, I can do without it.

44. It’s aclock, made of brass and dating from the nineteenth century.

A. charming French smallB. French small charming

C. small French charmingD. charming small French

45. at the photos, illustrations, title and headings and you can guess what the reading is about.

A. To lookB. LookingC. Having lookedD. Look

46. Among the crises that face humans the lack of natural resources.

A. isB. areC. is thereD. are there




You look great in your new suit. 你穿上新衣服后看上去棒极了。

I bought a good suit in a clothing store. 我在衣服店里买了一套很好的套装。


I bought a new suit in the central city this year. 我今年在市中心买了套公寓。


I hope it will suit you, sir. 我希望它能适合你,先生。


1、take a picture of 给……照相

Could you take a picture of me with the lake in the background?


2、take good care of 好好照看

The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.


53、tend to


The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.




1、浏览。 read (straight) through

I’d better read it through again. 我最好还是再通读一次。

I didn’t read straight through the way you read a novel.


2、结束、完成(工作)be (go) through

I had a hard time getting through this test. 完成测验对我来说很难。

That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage.


After two sleepless nights, I’m finally through with it.


3、接通。get sb through

Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please? 能帮我接通Lemon医生吗?

4、睡过了。sleep through

How could you sleep through it? 你怎么能睡过头了呢?

5、播放出来。come through

The power indicator was on, and it was running, but somehow the sound didn’t come through.



1、拒绝。turn down

有人会因为频繁的公务旅行(frequent business trips)而turn down一份还不错的工作。

而当因为某些事情而拒绝别人的邀请(turn down one’s invitation)时是最难以启齿的尴尬时刻,只能以I’d love to, but…等来搪塞。

1、转向,转移。 turn attention to 转移注意力

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