



Part ⅤError Correction (15 minutes) Teachers believe that students’ responsibility with62______ learning is necessary. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the

informations in the reading even if they do not discuss it in63 ______ class or give an examination. The ideal student is

considered to be one who motivated to learn for the sake of64______ learning, not the one who is interested only in getting high grades. Grade-conscious students may be frustrated with teachers who do not believe it is necessary to grade every assignment. Sometimes homework is returned with brief

writing comments but without a grade. When research is 65______

assigned, the professor expects the student to make the66______ initiative and complete the minimal

guidance. Professors do not have time to explain how the

library works; they expect students, particular graduate67_____ students, to be able to use the reference sources in the library. In the United States, professors have other duties

except teaching. Often they either have administrative work68______ to do or may be obliged to publish articles and books. But 69______ the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is very limited. Educational practices such as student

participation indicates a respect for individual responsibility70_____ and independence. The manner which education is71_____

provided in any country reflects basic cultural and social beliefs of that country. 62. with→for 63. informations→information 64. who∧→is 65. writing→written 66. make→take 67. particular→particularly 68. except→besides 69. But→thus/therefore/hence/so 70. indicates→indicate 71. which→/或者∧which→in

Part ⅣError Correction(15 minutes) “ Home, sweet home” is a phrase that express an

essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet. The ---S1--- cherished ideal of home has great importance for many people. This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth-century European settlers of the American west, was to find a piece of place, build a house for one’s family, and ---S2--- 2 started a farm. These small households were portraits of ---S3--- independence : the entire family—mother, father, and children. Even grandparents—live in a small house and working ---S4--- together to support each other. Anyone understood the life ---S5--- and death importance of family work. Although most people in the United states no longer live on farms, but the ideal of home ownership is just as ---S6--- strong in the twentieth century, as it was in the nineteenth. When U.S. soldiers came home before World War II for ---S7--- example, they dreamed of buying houses and starting

families. But there was a tremendous boom in the home ---S8--- building. The new house, typically in the suburbs,were often small and more or less identical, but it satisfied ---S9--- a deep need. Many regarded the single-family house the basis of their way of life. ---S10--- 答案:

S1. no→not S2. place→land

S3. started→start S4. working→work S5. Anyone→Everyone S6. but→. S7. before→after S8. But→And S9. it→they S10. house∧→as

3 Part Ⅳ Error Correction(15 minutes)

Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only he want to say it well, but he wants it --S1-- to be something that has not said before. He hopes the public will --S2-- listen and understand—he wants to teach them, and he wants them to learn from him.

What visual artists like painters want to teach are quite easy to make --S3-- out and difficult to explain, because painters experiences --S4-- into shapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countless millions impossible, are exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. --S5-- With their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes --S6-- and colors, or have felt the delight which it brought to the artist. --S7-- If one painter chooses to paint a deformed (畸形的)leg and a lake in

moonlight, each of which is directing our attention to a certain aspect of world. --S8-- Each painter is telling us something, shows us something,emphasizing something --S9-- —not all of which means that, consciously or unconsciously, he is --S10-- trying to teach us. 答案:S1. only∧→does S2.not ∧→been S3. are →is S4. and→but S5. are→is S6. With→Without S7. it→they S8. ∧world→the S9. shows→showing S10. not→





3、(8处) 亲爱的外公,你好:


亲爱的外公,今年寒假我不回来了等我明年考上初中以后,我和爸爸、妈妈一起回来看您和外婆。 祝您身体健康!

2008年元月 外生冬冬







(1)《水浒传》中“倒拔垂杨柳”的人物是( ) 。 (2)《三国演义》中“煮酒论英雄”的主要人物是( )。

2.请结合《三国演义》 ,说出诸葛亮与周瑜联手指挥的一场著名的以少胜多的战 役,是( ) ;再说出诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡是因为( )一事。

3.在《水浒传》中,绰号为“智多星”的人是( ) ,也被称为“赛诸葛” 。

4.《三国演义》中塑造了一位过五关斩六将、千里走单骑的英雄形象,这个英雄是( ).这部书中有关这个英雄的传奇故事还有很多,请用最简洁的语言写出 一个故事的名称及内容:

5.诸葛亮是《三国演义》中的重要人物,请说出小说中有关诸葛亮的两个故事 名称。例:舌战群儒。____________、____________。

6.下面是四大名著中的人物与情节,其中搭配不当的一项是( )

(1)鲁智深——倒拔垂杨柳 (2)诸葛亮——三顾茅庐

(3)孙悟空——大闹天空 (4)刘姥姥——三进大观园 7.古典名著《西游记》中,孙悟空最具有反抗精神的故事情节是 ( )。《水浒传》中一百零八将个个都有一段精彩的故事,人人都有一个特征鲜明 的外号。 请用一句话写出《水浒传》中你最熟悉的故事:

8.“天下三分”是指天下分裂为______ 、_______、_______三国。 9.《西游记》中的“大闹五庄观、推倒人参树”的是( ) 。 10.成语“万事俱备,只欠东风”出自四大名著( ) 中。 11.写出四大名著中含“三”的故事。




(日译汉 ,汉译日)





5、 田中给我修理电视机。(授受动词)

6、 不要在这里照像。(动词未然型)










1 This is a old apple. 2 What this in English? 3 what’s color is it? 4 How do your spell it? 5 What’s you name? 6 What’s he name? 7 Nice meet you. 8 I first name is Jim. 9 This is my a book. 10 Here’s your books. 11 Those is my two sisters. 12 He is my sister. 13 Where are your book? 14 Where is your computer game? It’s on bed. 15 Where are my mother keys? 16 Do you have soccer ball? 17 Does she has many books? 18 Let me to have a look at your photos. 19 That’s sounds good. 20 Do you like salads? 21 Do you like apples?

1 22 How much are your pant? 23 It’s seven dollar. 24 When is your brother birthday? 25 My birthday is June 3st. 26 What kind of movie do you like? 27 Do you want to go to action movie? 28 Can you play guitar? 29 Do you like musics? 30 What’s time do you go to school? 31what time does Tina does her homework? 32 I don’t have some children. 33 I like pears in Sunday. 34 What day is it today?

It’s February 2nd. 35 What’s the date?

It’s Monday. 36 I can’t play it very well. 37 What are you hobby? 38 My favorite movie is action movies and thrillers. 39 It’s interesting have a Chinese friend. 40 I want to go a movie. 41 I real like Math. 42 He can plays the piano. 43 He doesn’t his homework.

2 1. What this in English? 2. What’s color is it? 3. The apple is a black 4. How are you spell your name? 5. What is this on Chinese? 6. I father is a teacher. 7. He’s name is Mike. 8. Her mother name is Mary 9. What’s you name? 10. What is he name? 11. My first name is Brown 12. My last name is Mike 13. Is this you pencil? 14. Is that your computer ? Yes, it’s 15. I have a set of key. 16. Please call me in 34523876 17. This is my sisters 18. These are his brother 19. Is guo Peng your brother? Yes it is 20. This is my a sister 21. Is she your brother? 22. Your backpack is where?

3 23. Where are his key? 24. They are on desk 25. Please take these thing to your uncle. 26. Are you have a soccer ball? 27. My sister have five books 28. Does your uncle have a car? 29. Tom and Jim has many TVs 30. Let Li Lei plays computer games. 31. That sound good 32. He only watch them on TV 33. Sonia Hall has a sport collection 34. He doesn’t plays sports 35. Do you have tennis racket? 36. Do you like salads? 37. Do you like apple? 38. My brother plays basketball very good 39. Liu Xiang is a run star 40. I have a lots of books 41. For lunch, she has childrens 42. How much is the sweaters? 43. How much are the pant? 44. They are ten dollar

4 45. Can you help he? 46. I have bags in red for 6 yuans. 47. Let me have a look your book 48. When is your birthday? My birthday is March ten 49. When is your mother birthday? 50. How old is your sister 51. What is you age? 52. Does he want play soccer? 53. What kind of movie do you like? 54. I want to see a action movie 55. I like thrillers and I don’t like comedies 56. I favorite subject is English 57. Why do your sister like P.E.? 58. What time does you get up ? 59. Let’s to play the piano. 60. How about play the piano. 61. I want to am a sister. 62. He can is a sister 63. Can his sister goes to a movie? 64. How much are this pants? 65. What’s color is your sister? 66. Today is my eight birthday

5 67. Are you want to join the swimming club? 68. He doesn’t his homework. 69. They don’t have many homework 70. You can are in our soccer team 71. Are you want to go to a movie? 72. Can you play the volleyball? 73. I want to go to a movie with he.




(一)审题:一般情况下,一篇改错公文至少有5处错误。在这一部分需要看题干中的要求,在这一般有5处以上错误,建议考生可以写5-7处错误; (二)从明显错误点着手:如发文字号、主送机关、机关署名和发文日期等。这些点都是一目了然的,从大处着手。


(一)标题:1.完整性,规范性:特别是是必须有文种,标题中不能出现书号 ; 2.文种:是否符合本篇公文,与之相符;3.语言逻辑:标题语言的流畅; (二)发文字号 1.发文字号的机关代字、年份、顺序号等排列顺序;2.格式的正确写法;3.如遇“办公室(厅)”发文,注意发文字号是否有“办”字;4.机关代字是有规定代字,一般情况下无需更改。


(四)正文:1.开头—特定开头的公文;(1)办公室(厅)发文,应在第一段出现“经本级政府同意”或“授权”等字样;(2)批复、答复函等,开头应出现 “你单位或贵单位《XXXX》(发文字号)文件已收悉”语句;(3)通知、通告等开头语2.文段顺序号:规范使用:

一、(一)1. (1);3.内容:(1)请示和函:一文一事;(2)前后语言逻辑清晰4.结尾:请示、批复、函等特定结尾; (五)附件说明:1.是否有必要有: (1)文中未出现需有附件的情况,就不必有;(2)发布性通知无需附件。 2.附件说明编写在正文下空一行,左起空二字。3.多个附件说明编写:如附件:1.XXX 2.XXX 便可以,无需出现其他标点; (六)机关署名和日期: 1.机关署名是否有,署名是否正确2.日期必须阿拉伯数字。


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