


摘要:2020年初持续至今的新冠疫情对旅游服务业产生颠覆性影响。民众的出行意愿、出行方式及目的地选择都有了新的需求及变化,无论是线上OTA企业或线下传统旅行社,无疑是一次重新洗牌的机会。疫情发生之前,旅游业在经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。但在线旅游平台Online Travel Agency(简称OTA)的进入和强势发展,对传统旅行社营销模式带来了极大挑战,传统线下旅行社的市场销售份额逐年下滑。现实中,传统线下旅行社除了大型综合性旅行社外,国内70%以上还是中小型旅行社为主。在OTA的挤压及大型旅行社占据份额的影响下,加上这两年疫情的影响,中小旅行社如何突出重围,一套适合自身的市场营销策略就显得尤为重要。本文以小型旅行社ZY为研究对象,通过营销现状和外部竞争环境的分析,总结出营销中存在的问题,并结合实际提出相应改进意见,为ZY旅行社的经营发展提供有益的转型建议。首先,通过产品策略、营销渠道、人员策略等几个方面进行全面分析,找出ZY旅行社当前营销策略存在的问题,包括缺乏精准定位,客户群体相对单一,营销渠道有效性低,人员配置不够合理、绩效管理不到位;其次,品牌建设不足与渠道管理较弱,详细分析了ZY旅行社营销所存在问题及产生原因。结合ZY旅行社的实际情况,给出了营销策略优化建议:运用STP理论工具和利基市场的理论找准适合自身的垂直领域。聚焦文化旅行赛道,品牌优化策略,打造个人及公司IP,树立可信任的鲜明的形象,由IP带动品牌。在产品推广方式方面,以输出好的内容形式进行产品推广种草。加强线上宣传营销策略,充分利用各种新媒体的平台进行扩散,同时扩充属于公司的私域流量。在出行方式方面,推出以小包团定制方式,更加灵活促成出行。人员问题,积极解决行业人才流失的问题,组织好符合发展需求的员工,打造专业团队,控制好成本。






Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of topic selection

1.2 Research significance

1.3 Research methods

1.3.1 Literature collection

1.3.2 Data survey

1.3.3 Interview

Chapter 2 Literature and Theoretical Review

2.1 Introduction to OTA and traditional travel agency business models

2.1.1 Introduction to Online Travel Agency OTA Business Model

2.1.2 Introduction to the business model of traditional offline travel agencies

2.2 Research on Tourism Marketing Theory

2.2.1 Tourism market theory

2.2.2 Tourists'consumption behavior

2.3 Research on Differentiated Marketing Theory

2.3.1 Differentiated marketing theory

2.3.2 STP theoretical concepts

2.3.3 Ansoff matrix

2.3.4 Niche market theory and its characteristics

Chapter 3: Case Description

3.1 Overview of ZY Travel Agency

3.2 The main business scope of ZY Travel Agency

3.3 Challenges currently faced by ZY Travel Agency

3.4 The current problems faced by ZY travel agency

3.4.1 Lack of clear self-market positioning

3.4.2 Outdated marketing methods

3.4.3 Low product competitiveness

3.4.4 Lack of professional sales staff and effective incentive system

Chapter 4: Case Analysis

4.1 Market segmentation analysis of ZY travel agency

4.1.1 Undifferentiated marketing strategies of leading companies in tourism market

4.1.2 Small-scale OTA six-person travel net focuses on market segments

4.1.3 Analysis of fit market segments suitable for ZY travel agency

4.2 ZY Travel Agency's Target Market Analysis

4.2.1 Analysis of existing customer groups and target customer groups of ZY Travel Agency

4.2.2 Analysis of Competitors in the Target Market of ZY Travel Agency

4.3 Analysis of ZY Travel Agency's Market Positioning

4.3.1 Analysis of product positioning strategy

4.3.2 Analysis of price positioning strategy

4.3.3 Analysis of Service Strategy Positioning

4.3.4 Analysis of Marketing Channel Positioning Strategy

4.3.5 Analysis of personnel strategy

4.3.6 Analysis of Physical Display Strategy

Chapter 5 Suggestions of ZY Travel Agency's Differentiated Marketing Strategy

5.1 Focus on market segments-cultural communication+ tourism track

5.2 Different promotion methods, product promotion in the form of good output content

5.3 Differentiate brand optimization strategies, create IP, and expand private domain traffic

5.4 Optimize detailed services and differentiate the integration of products

5.5 Building a professional team of ZY travel agency

Chapter 6 Enlightenment& Conclusion

6.1 Research enlightenment

6.2 Research conclusion

6.3 Research deficiencies and prospects


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