


摘要:中学阶段英语教育教学改革的不断深入和新课程标准的修订使英语教师角色随之调整和转变。现代教育技术赋能的英语教学对学生的自主学习能力提出了更高的要求。作为英语教学的主要实施者,教师角色对提升学生自主学习能力至关重要。本研究旨在探讨高中阶段英语教师角色与学生英语自主学习能力之间的关系,以建构主义和人本主义理论基础,依据Bajramia Lumturie所提出的四个教师角色,采用调查研究的方法,回答三个问题:1.当前高中英语教师所扮演的四个角色现状如何?2.当前高中生英语自主学习能力的水平如何?3.高中英语教师角色与学生英语自主学习能力之间是否具有相关性?如果有,相关程度如何?研究结果显示:1.当前高中英语教师所扮演的角色有促进者,咨询者,资源提供者和管理者,他们都处于中等水平,其中促进者是四个角色中最重要的(M=3.47),资源提供者分数最低(M=2.98);2.当前高中学生英语自主学习能力整体处于中等水平(M=3.17),其中理解教学目标、教学意图和教学要求的能力最强(M=3.70),监控和运用所习得的知识的能力最弱(M=2.90);3.高中英语教师角色与学生英语自主学习能力之间具有相关性并且为中度相关(r=0.458),其中,资源提供者与监控和评价英语学习过程的能力相关性最高(r=0.426),促进者与监控和应用所学知识的相关性最低(r=0.181)。基于上述研究结果,对教师的四个角色提出了针对性建议,以期更好的发挥教师角色的作用,进一步促进学生英语自主学习能力的培养与发展。





ChapterⅠ Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Research Purpose

1.3 Research Significance

1.4 The Structure of Thesis

ChapterⅡ Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Key Terms

2.1.1 The Definition of Teacher’s Role

2.1.2 The Definition of Autonomous Learning

2.1.3 The Definition of Autonomous Learning Ability

2.2 Theoretical Foundation

2.2.1 Constructivist Theory

2.2.2 Humanistic Theory

2.3 Previous Researches on English Teacher’s Roles

2.3.1 The Researches on the English Teacher’s Roles at Home

2.3.2 The Researches on English Teacher’s Roles Abroad

2.4 Previous Researches on the Learner’s Autonomous Learning

2.4.1 The Researches on the Learner’s Autonomous Learning at Home

2.4.2 The Researches on the Learner’s Autonomous Learning Abroad

ChapterⅢ Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Research Subjects

3.3 Research Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaire on English Teacher’s Teaching Behavior

3.3.2 Questionnaire on High School Students' English Autonomous Learning Ability

3.3.3 Interview

3.4 Data Collection and Analysis

ChapterⅣ Results and Discussion

4.1 The Status Quo of the Four Roles Played by Senior High School English Teachers

4.2 The Current Level of Senior High School Students' English Autonomous Learning Ability

4.3 Correlation between the Roles Played by Senior High School English Teachers and Students' English Autonomous Learning Ability

4.3.1 Correlation between English Teachers' Roles and Students' English Autonomous Learning Ability

4.3.2 Correlation between the Sub-scales of English Teachers' Roles and Sub-scales of Students' English Autonomous Learning Ability

ChapterⅤ Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

5.2 Pedagogical Implications for Teachers' Roles and Students' Autonomous Learning Ability

5.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Research


Appendix 1 英语教师教学行为调查问卷(学生问卷)

Appendix 2 高中生英语自主学习能力调查问卷

Appendix 3 英语教师角色与学生自主学习能力的访谈


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