




(二) Bryan



the average life span/the average life expectancy 寿命


population explosion 人口负增长

negative population growth 电视连续剧




































a TV series

anchorperson,anchorman,anchorwoman host;hostess ritual girl

benefit/charity performance an entertainment center a beauty salon a massage parlor a sauna

celebrity worshipper a fasion show health-care food

body-building exercises;fitness exercises fitness and entertainment facilities the beauty craze

fans;addicts;fanciers;zealots a talk show

a plastic surgery

audio and video tapes and disks contact lenses beauty contest Miss Hong Kong self-service shops gourmet festival the culinary art green food soft drinks

fast-cooking spaghetti/instant noodles black box temple fair

a group wedding ceremony extramarital relations/affair the third party;the third person puppy love;calf love;cub love a nursing home for the aged the only child


同性恋男子、女子 单亲家庭




euthanasia;mercy-killing gay,lesbian

single-parent family wall calendar job-hopping

rural labors;migratory workers from the interpersonal relations home tutor countryside 人际关系





































the citizen identity card(ID card) handicapped(disabled)people EQ

a head-hunting company

transient/floating/flowing population a consultancy company hearsay

photocopier/xerox/duplicator electrical household appliances stringed bridge

an automatic teller machine(ATM) bid for the Olympic Games a notary office welfare lotteries Guinness

mad cow disease

airport construction fee

Mafia-style organizations;gangland piracy


smuggled goods money laundering human smuggling

swindle money out of customers a drug abuser

sexual harassment pornography wanted man

AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) productive forces

the means of production

the economic base and the superstructure individualism money worship

unhealthy practices


encourage healthy trends 见义勇为的英雄人物

justice-upholding volunteers 赌博




Some women shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion.A fashion-follower,who is mercilessly exploited year after year by the so-called “top disigners” in Paris or Rome,often stands in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. 2


From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous age.We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases.A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery. 3


We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors,the Joneses.If we buy a new television set,Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one.If we buy a new car,we can be sure that Jones will get one better,or two new cars. 4


Today is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.To our delight,countries around the world are joining hands to combat illicit drug abuse.Sixteen days ago,the General Assembly of the United Nations conculed a three-day Special Session of fighting the world drup problem,sounding a clarion call for an unprecedented worldwide war against drugs. 5


In the past,most American women remained mothers and housewives.Few of them had been able to take leading roles in political,social and economic life.Now women asked if it was not time to give each woman a full opportunity to use her mind and skills in the building of a better world for all? 6


Among the world’s best-selling popular singers,Latin American Heart-throb Ricky Martin is one the top of the charts and winning awards everywhere.A new wave of musical trend is sweeping across American and the world-the Latin American sound rediscovered. 7


In societies where most people can earn a living only by working for others,being unable to find a job is a serious problem. 8


Because of its human costs in deprivation and a feeling of rejection and personal failure,the extent of unemployment is widely used as a measure of workers’ welfare. 9


The proportion of workers unemployment also shows how well a nation’s human resources are used and serves as an index of economic activity. 10 没有人会怀疑这样一个不争的事实:艾滋病的祸端已经无处不在。曾几何时仅在非洲,美洲和海地流行的疾病现今渐渐威胁着亚洲,西欧和拉美。我们都心如明镜,艾滋是致命的,无药可治。近年来艾滋病所引发的恐惧已经达到了临界程度。

No noe would deny that the terrifying scourge of AIDS is spreading virtually everywhere.What was once a popular disease in Africa,America and Haiti is now a growing threat in Asia,Western Europe and Latin America.We all have a clear idea that AIDS is fatal,and there is no cure at all.So in recent years the fear it engenders has started to reach a critical mass.


接待 receive/give reception to/play host to 主人(东道主) host/hostess/hosting country/city 客人(嘉宾/贵宾) guest(distinguished guests/honored guest/guest of honor) 闭幕式 closing ceremony

开幕式 opening ceremony/inauguration 开幕致辞 opening address 在。。。之际 at a 。。。moment

具有十分重要的意义 be of great significance/be highly meaningful

不需此行 a rewarding trip 场合,时刻 occasion

趁此机会 take this opportunity

给。。。的历史增加了新的一页 add a new page to the history of 共同开创中美经贸合作的新局面 1work together to open a new chapter in China-US trade and economic cooperation 2work together to expand the horizon of trade and economic cooperation between China and US 供给。。。住宿,招待,为。。。安排 (在。。。)下榻 to accommodate 贵宾,佳宾 distinguished guest 欢迎仪式 welcoming ceremony 冷餐接待会 buffet reception 前所未有的 unprecedented 热情欢迎 warm welcome 热情接待 warm reception

盛情款待 generous hospitality/warm reception 盛情邀请 gracious invitation/kind invitation 无与伦比的热情好客 unequalled hospitality 应。。。的邀请 at the invitation of。。。

重温旧情,结交新友/会见老朋友,结交新朋友 renew old friendships and establish new contacts

回顾过去,展望未来 look back at the past and into the future 本着。。。的精神 in the spirit of。。。

概述 General Terms

欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 welcome/opening/closing speech 开/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 签字仪式 signing ceremony 友好访问 goodwill visit 宣布开/闭幕 declare…open/closed

热情友好的讲话 warm and friendly speech 尊敬的 respectable/honorable 东道主 host 嘉宾 distinguished/honorable guests 值此……之际 on the occasion of

以……的名义 in the name of 全体同仁 all my colleagues 由衷的 heartfelt 荣幸地 have the honor of (doing…)

愉快地 have the pleasure (in doing…/to do…)

大洋彼岸 the other side of the ocean 友好使者 envoy of friendship 商界 business community 增进理解 promote understanding 促进合作 enhance/strengthen cooperation

符合……的共同利益 meet the common interest of 回顾过去 looking back on; in retrospect 展望未来 look into the future 最后;总之 in conclusion 提议为……干杯 propose a toast to

明/皓月当空 with a bright moon 拨冗光临 take the time off one’s busy schedule 良辰佳时 a wonderful time 金秋 golden autumn 祝……圆满成功 wish…a complete success

融洽的气氛 a congenial atmosphere 美妙的音乐 splendid music 热情动人的讲话 gracious and eloquent remarks 无比盛情的款待 incomparable hospitality 再叙旧情 renew one’s old friendships

结交新朋 establish new contacts 恋恋不舍 feel reluctant to part 千言万语说不尽 no words can fully express 前所未有的 unprecedented 卫生 public health; hygiene; sanitation 双边关系 bilateral relationship 剪彩 cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony 奠基礼 foundation stone laying ceremony 亲切的问候 cordial greetings 兄弟般的 fraternal

移交仪式 turning-over ceremony 开工典礼 commencement ceremony

称谓与头衔 Address and Titles

陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下 Your/His/Her Highness ; Your/His/Her Excellency; Your/His/Her Royal Highness 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency 总理 premier; chancellor 首相 prime minister

医院院长 president 董事长 president; chairman 大学校长 president 中小学校长 principal; headmaster 院长;系主任 dean

总书记 general secretary 总建筑师 chief architect 总干事 secretary-general; commissioner 总监 chief inspector 总领事 consul general

副总统 vice president 副部长 vice minister 省长 governor 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow

编审 senior editor 译审 senior translator 副总经理 deputy general manager 助理教授 assistant professor 主任医师 senior doctor

代理市长 acting mayor 执行主席 executive/presiding chairman 名誉校长 honorary president 院士 academician

牛刀小试:汉译英 Give It a Try






Ladies and Gentlemen,

On this beautiful moon-lit evening, I would like to, on behalf of our Managing Director Mr. Ouyang, and all of my colleagues, express our gratitude to you for sparing time from your tight schedule at this busiest season of the year to attend our Mid-autumn festival party.

We are honored to have invited some municipal officials, our business partners from New Zealand, and some veteran employees of our company.

You are to enjoy the genuine traditional Chinese cuisine and wines as well as some wonderful entertainment program.

At the beginning of the party, please allow me to propose a toast to prosperity of China, to our successful cooperation and to everybody’s health.


口译分类词汇——接待 Reception

概述 General Terms

宾至如归 home away from home 不眠之夜 white night 持枪礼 rifle salute 怠慢 neglecting/slighting 当天的主宾 principal guest of the day

泛泛之交 bowing/nodding acquaintance 工友 fellow worker 化装舞会 masquerade; fancy dress ball 活动日程 itinerary; schedule 鸡尾酒餐厅 cocktail lounge

饯行 give a farewell dinner 健康证书 health certificate 接待 host; receive 接待员 receptionist 接风 give a dinner for a visitor from afar

经费担保 financial support 冷餐会 buffet reception 冷遇 cold welcome 盟友;刎颈之交 sworn friend 密友 bosom friend

牌友 card partner 外事办 foreign affairs office 喜宴 bridal dinner 校友 alumnus(男); alumna(女)

新闻界的熟人 journalistic acquaintance

野餐会 picnic party 招待 entertain 招待会 reception/entertainment party 招待所 hostel; lodging house 注目礼 eye salute

祝你胃口好! Bon appetite!

在机场 At the Airport

安全检查 security check 班车 shuttle bus 办理海关例行手续 go through customs formalities 包机 charter a plane; a chartered plane 报关 make a customs declaration

出境签证 exit visa 出租车候车处 taxi stand 到达时间 arrival time 登记卡 boarding pass 国宾 state guests

过境签证 transit visa 海关 the Customs 海关行李申报单 customs baggage declaration form 候机大厅 waiting hall 机场大楼 terminal building

旅行支票 traveler’s check 旅游签证 tourist visa 免税 duty-free 盼望已久的客人 long-awaited guest 起飞时间 departure/ take-off time

热烈拥抱 hearty embrace 入境签证 entry visa 入境手续 entry formalities 手提行李 hand baggage 双手拥抱 bear hug

随身携带行李 carry-on baggage 外币申报单 foreign currency declaration form 外交护照 diplomatic passport 往返票 round-trip ticket; return ticket 问讯处 information desk

行李标签牌 baggage tag 行李寄存处 baggage depositary 行李认领处 baggage claim 行李手推车 baggage handcart/pushcart 行李提取处 baggage/luggage claim

一次性/多次性入境签证 single-/multiple-entry visa 应纳关税物品 dutiable goods/articles 再入境签证 re-entry visa 曾用名 former name 种痘/预防接种证书 vaccination/inoculation certificate

宾馆餐厅 Hotels and Restaurants

按摩室 massage parlor 保龄球场 bowling alley 闭路电视 close-circuit television 标准间 standard room 餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan

茶道 sado 超豪华酒店 super deluxe hotel 大堂 lobby 单人间 single room 单人套房 chambers

弹子房 billiard room 迪斯科舞厅 discotheque 订房间 book a room 饭店/旅馆登记表 hotel registration form 高级套房 deluxe suite

高级夜总会 super club 公寓式饭店 apartment hotel 豪华套房 luxury suite 纪念品柜 souvenir stand 价目表 hotel tariff

健身房 gymnasium 叫人按钮 room service button 结账/退房时间 checkout time 卡拉OK厅 karaoke hall 客房服务生 chamber boy

客房女服务员 chamber maid 客满 no vacancy 山庄别墅 mountain villa 双人间 double room 未经预约的客人 walk-in guest

迎宾馆 guest house 永久地址 permanent address 预定金 reservation deposit 预付 pay in advance 总统套房 presidential suite

牛刀小试:汉译英 Give It a Try



我叫张凯,是负责你们在本市的观光活动的导游。 我们现在正站在大家即将入住的五星级酒店的大堂。

酒店的配套设施非常齐全,有弹子房、迪斯科舞厅、健身房、卡拉OK厅等。 酒店客房从单人间到总统套房数量充足,即使没有预约的客人也不会失望。 酒店灵活的结账离店时间能节省客人的时间和金钱。 好了,大家经过香港的转机才到达这里,一定很累了。 请到我这里来领房卡,好好休息一下。


Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. I am Zhang Kai, your local guide. We are now in the lobby of the five-star hotel in which you will stay during your visit here. This is a well-equipped hotel with billiard room, discotheque, gymnasium and karaoke hall. This hotel has plenty of rooms ranging from single room to presidential suite; even walk-in guests are not to feel disappointed. Checkout time is flexible, which will save your time and money. Ok, you must be tired after your long journey since you have had a transfer in Hong Kong. Please come and get the keys to your rooms and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning we’ll have breakfast on the third floor at 7 o’clock, then I’ll inform you of our visiting plan.


1.宣布会议开幕(闭幕):объявить конференцию открытой (закрытой). Конференция объявляется открытой (закрытой).

2. 致开幕(欢迎、闭幕)词выступить с вступительной (приветственной, заключительной) речью

3. 祝贺会议胜利召开поздравить с открытием конференции 4. 作报告(通报信息)выступить с докладом (сообщением...) 5. 向……(呼吁、号召)обратиться К кому с речью

6. 现在请…致欢迎词:Слово для приветствия представляется кому

7. 举行招待会欢迎代表团(的来访,到来)устроить приѐм в честь делегации 8. 我谨代表全校师生员工,并以我个人的名义от имени всего коллектива (состава) университета,а также от себя лично

9. 回顾过去,展望未来огладываться на прошлое и бросать взор в будущее

10. 取得预期成果добиться желаемых результатов

11. 借此机会(值此……之机)пользуясь случаем(по случаю чего, в связи с чем)

12. 就共同关心的问题交换意见обменяться мнениями по вопросу, представляющему взаимный интерес

13. 最后预祝……圆满成功!В заключение желаю чему большого успеха!(预祝会议圆满成功!Желаем, чтобы конференция завершилась полным успехом.)

14. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。Для настоящих друзей нет далѐких расстояний.

15.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎! Приятели приехавшие из далека принесли нам безграничную радость!

16. 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。Люди радуются и печалятся, встречаются и расстаются. Луна бывает полная и молодая. В жизни полно превратностей судьбы, в природе полно изменениями климата. Издревле не может быть, чего ты хочешь, то и получишь. Лишь бы дружба была вечной, в разных местах мы думали об одном и том же.

17. 我提议(愿举杯),为……干杯!Я предлагаю тост (хочу поднять бокал) за кого-что! За кого-что выпьем до дна! 18. 请接受我衷心的祝愿与节日的问候Примите мои самые сердечные пожелания и поздравления с праздником.

19. 建立战略协作伙伴关系установить отношения партнерства и стратегического взаимодействияотношения

20. 最后我要再次强调:В заключение ещѐ раз подчеркну, что

21. 我想对这次会议的承办者给予我们的盛情款待表示衷心的感谢! Я хотел бы выразить нашу сердечную благодарность организатору за оказанный нам радушный прием!

22. …之间的友谊源远流长Дружба между кем уходит в далекое прошлое. 23. 你们不远万里来到中国。Преодолев трудности дальнего пути, вы приехали в Китай.

24. 两边关系进入了一个新阶段。Двусторонние отношения вступили в новый этап.

25.双方将共同努力把中俄关系发展到新的高度。Обе стороны будут направлять совместные усилия на то, чтобы вывести китайско-российские отношения на новый уровень.

26. 请允许我再一次欢迎你们。Позвольте мне ещѐ раз поприветствовать вас. 27. 感谢你们友好的邀请和周到的安排поблагодарить вас за любезное приглашение и прекрасную организацию

28. 备水(薄)酒一杯,为贵宾们饯行подготовить скромный ужин (обед) в честь проводов высоких гостей

29. 应邀参加今天的晚宴по приглашению принять участье в сегодняшнем ужине

30. 在非正式场合讨论这些问题。побеседовать по всем этим проблемам в абсолютно неформальной обстановке

31. 会议最后签署了(通过了)共同声明(宣言,联合公报)Совещание закончилась подписанием совместного заявления. [ В заключение принята декларация (коммюнике).]

32. 做……我感到十分荣幸Для меня что делать большая честь.

33. 向……表示深切的同情和诚挚的慰问。выражать кому глубокое сочувствие и сердечное соболезнование.

34. 向……致以崇高的敬意和良好的祝愿выражать кому глубокое уважение и добрые пожелания 35. 《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》Договор о добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве между Китаем и Россией

36. 值此……之际,请接受我诚挚的祝贺。Примите мои сердечные поздравления по случаю чего

37. 给……留下深刻(难忘)的印象оставить у кого глубочайшее (незабываемое) впечатление

38. 请多多关照。Прошу любить и жаловать. 39.有宾至如归的感觉чувствовать себя как дома

40.Гора с горой не сходятся, а человек с человеком сойдутся.山与山不相遇,人与人总相逢。

6. 现在请…致欢迎词:Слово для приветствия представляется кому这里动词应该用предоставляется,представляется用于介绍时。这地方很容易弄混。


阁下 Your/His/Her Excellency 陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下 Your/His/Her (Royal) Highness 国家主席 President (of PRC) 国务委员 State Councilor 人大常委会委员长 NPC Chairman 部长 Minister 局长 Director/Head of the Bureau 校长(大学) President of … University 校长(中小学) Principal/Headmaster of … Middle School 系主任(大学学院下属) Dean/Chairman of … Department 中科院院长 President of the Chinese A

总书记 General Secretary 总检察长 Procurator-general 总会计师 Chief Accountant 总干事 Director-General 总代理 General Agent 总工程师 Chief Engineer 总导演 Head/Chief Director 总建筑师 Chief Architect 总编辑 Chief Editor; Editor-in-chief 总指挥 Commander-in-chief 总出纳 Chief/General Cashier 总领事 Consul-general 总裁判 Chief Referee 总监 Director; Chief Inspector 总经理 General Manager; Managing Director; Executive Manager 总厨 Head Cook; Chef 首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 首席运营官 Chief Operating Officer (COO) 首席财务官 Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 首席战略官 Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) 首席信息官 Chief Information Officer (CIO) 首席技术官 Chief Technology Officer (CTO) 首席仲裁员 Chief Arbitrator 首席谈判代表 Chief Negotiator 首席顾问 Chief Advisor 首席代表 Chief Representative 首席记者 Chief Correspondent

副总统 Vice President 副主席 Vice Chairman 副总理 Vice Premier 副部长 Vice Minster 副省长 Vice Governor 副市长 Vice Mayor 副领事 Vice Consul 副校长(大学) Vice President 副校长(中小学) Vice/Assistant Principal 副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General 副书记 Deputy Secretary 副院长 Deputy Dean 副总经理 Deputy/Assistant Manager 副教授 Associate Professor 副主编 Associate Managing Editor 副研究员 Associate Research Fellow 副编审 Associate Senior Editor 副审判长 Associate Judge 副译审 Associate Senior Translator

助理教授 Assistant Professor 助理研究员 Assistant Research Fellow 助理教练 Assistant Coach 助理工程师 Assistant Engineer 助理农艺师 Assistant Agronomist

高级工程师 Senior Engineer 高级讲师 Senior Lecturer

特派记者 Accredited Correspondent 特派员/专员 Commissioner 特约编辑 Contributing Editor

代理市长 Acting Mayor 代理主任 Acting Director 代理总理 Acting Premier 常务理事 Managing Director 常务副校长 Managing Vice President 执行主任 Executive Director 执行主席 Executive Chairman 执行秘书 Executive Secretary 名誉校长 Honorary President/Principal 名誉主席/会长 Honorary Chairman/President 客座教授 Visiting Professor 院士 Academician

以下机构的负责人可以用 “director”, “head”, 或“chief”表示:

来 国务院 the State Council

司(部属)/厅(省属) department 署(省属) office 局

bureau 所 institute 处 division 科 section 股 section 室/办公室 office


Chief Executive of the Hong Kong/Macao Administrative Region (SAR)



法庭口译常用句子(必备) 1. 现在开庭。广东省广州市中级人民法院刑事审判庭第一庭,今天依法就广州市人民检察院提起公诉的被告人汉尼夫走私毒品一案,进行公开开庭审理。请法警带被告人到庭。 The court is now in session. Today, the First Criminal Division of the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou is to hear in public the drug-smuggling case filed by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou against the defendant Haniff. Please bring the def

2. 被告人姓名、曾用名、化名、绰号、出生年月日、民族、籍贯、文化程度、工作单位、职务、户籍地、居住地?

Please state to court your full name, former name, alias, street name, birthday info, nationality, educational background, institution/business address, professional title, and home address.

3. 被告人因何事被拘留?何时被拘留?何时被逮捕?

Why were you detained? When were you detained? When were you arrested?

4. 根据广州市公安局逮捕证的记载,公安机关在2006年11月17向被告人宣布逮捕,被告人拒绝签名。

According to the record on the arrest warrant of the Guangzhou Police Bureau, the police announced the arrest to the defendant on November 11, 2006, but the defendant refused to sign the arrest warrant.

5. 被告人有无收到广州市人民检察院的起诉书?有无收到起诉书的英文版?何时收到的?距今天是否有10天了?

Did you receive the indictment filed by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou? When did you receive it? Has it been ten days since you received it?

6. 按照本院送达起诉书副本的记录,被告人收到起诉书副本的时间是4月5日。 The record of this court in respect of the service of the duplicate of the Indictment shows that the defendant received the duplicate (of the Indictment) on April 5.

7. 现在宣布法庭有关事项:今天负责审理本案的合议庭由审判员张坚雄、代理审判员黄坚、代理审判员巫光清组成,由审判员张坚雄担任审判长。速录员周秀玲担任法庭记录,书记员聂河军担任法庭其他工作。广东省广州市人民检察院代理检察员严世红出庭支持公诉。 I now announce the relevant issues concerning today’s court session. The collegial panel for / in charge of this case consists of Judge A and Acting Judges B and C, with Judge A as the presiding judge. Miss D, the Stenographer, is responsible for court records / transcript. Mr. E, the court clerk, is in charge of other relevant issues. Miss F, Acting Prosecutor from / assigned by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou, appears in this court session to support public prosecution.

8. 在送达起诉书时,被告人提出庭审时需英语翻译。受本院的聘请,来自广州泰领翻译公司的王XX担任法庭翻译。被告人,你是否同意?

When the indictment was served, the defendant stated that he was in need of an English interpreter during the court proceedings. Hired by this Court, Miss Wang from Guangzhou Talent Translation Services Co. will provide court interpreting service for you. Do you agree?

9. 依照刑事诉讼法第28条的规定,被告人对上述人员有申请回避的权利,也就是说,如果你认为上述人员与本案有利害关系可能影响本案公正审理的,可以申请换人。

In accordance with Article 28 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China , the defendant may demand the withdrawal of any one of the abovementioned personnel. That is, you may demand the withdrawal of any one of them / demand such withdrawal / make such demand if you believe that he or she has an interest in this case and may thus affect the impartial handling of the case / may thus lead to miscarriage of justice of the case.

10. 申请回避的理由有:1.是本案的当事人或者是当事人的近亲属;2.本人或者他的近亲属和本案有利害关系的;3.担任过本案的证人、鉴定人、辩护人、诉讼代理人的; The defendant may make such demand / The reasons (grounds) for making such demand are as follows: 1. where he or she is a party to the case or is a relative of the party; 2. where he or she or his or her relative has an interest in this case; 3. where he or she is/was a witness, expert witness, counsel, or representative in this case;

11. 申请回避的理由还包括:4.与本案事人有其他关系,可能影响公正处理的;5.上述人员曾经接受当事人及其委托的人的请客送礼;违反规定会见当事人及其委托的人的。 where he or she has any other relation to a party, which might lead to miscarriage of justice of this case; 5. where he or she has accepted the invitation(s) by or gift(s) from a party or anyone entrusted by the party, or met with, in violation of the relevant rules, a party or anyone entrusted by the party.

12. 被告人对以上合议庭、书记员、公诉人以及翻译是否听清楚了?被告人是否有这种回避的申请?

The defendant, are you clear about …? Do you have / apply for such demand?

13. 依照法律规定,被告人有权获得辩护。除自己辩护外,还可以委托辩护人为自己辩护。受被告人家属委托,由广东广大律师事务所聂俊杰律师担任被告人的辩护人,被告人你是否同意由该律师为你辩护?

In accordance with the law, the defendant enjoys the right to defense. Besides self-defense / exercising the right to defend for himself, he may entrust a counsel to defend for / on behalf of him. Entrusted by the family of the defendant, Lawyer A from the South Freedom Law Firm of Guangdong will represent the defendant in court. The defendant, do you agree to entrust Lawyer A to defend for you / on your behalf?

14. 按照法律规定,庭审期间,被告人、辩护人可以提出新的证据,传唤新的证人、调取新的证据,进行新的检查或勘验,被告人是否有这样的申请?

In accordance with the law, during the court session, the defendant and the defense counsel may present new evidence, summon new witnesses, collect new evidence, or conduct new inquest or examination. The defendant, do you have such application?

15. 控辩双方在申请举证时,应当说明所举证据的来源和所需要证明的内容。控辩双方向法庭提交证据,应当提供原件、原物,不能提交原件、原物的,应当说明理由。经法庭同意并核实后可以提交副本或者复印件。

When presenting the evidence, both parties / both the prosecution and the defense are required to state the source of the evidence and the content which the evidence is intended to prove/confirm. Both parties shall present the originals. In the absence of the original / In case the original is unavailable, the party shall state the reasons. Only upon approval and verification of the Court can the party present duplicates or photocopies.

16. 公诉人除开庭前向法庭提供的证据目录外,有无新的证据需要在法庭上提出?被告人及辩护人有无新的证据需要在法庭上提出?

Mr. Prosecutor, do you have any new evidence to present to court besides the evidence list you have submitted to court prior to the court session? Does the defense have any new evidence to present to court?

17. 今天的庭审分三个阶段:法律调查、法庭辩论、被告人最后陈述。现在进行法庭调查。首先由公诉人宣读起诉书。

Today’s court proceedings are divided into three stages: courtroom discovery / courtroom investigation, courtroom argument, and final statement by the defendant. Now the courtroom investigation stage commences. First, Mr. Prosecutor may read out the indictment.

18. 下面开始进行法庭调查。被告人是否听清楚公诉人宣读的起诉书内容?对起诉书指控的事实有何意见?

Now let’s begin courtroom investigation. Is the defendant clear about the content of the indictment read out by the prosecutor? Do you have any objections to the facts stated in the indictment?

19. 被告人,你在法庭上要如实回答公诉人提出的问题,听清楚了吗? The defendant should answer the prosecutor’s questions truly and honestly. Are you clear?

20. 双方已出示了证据,均已记录在案。对双方无异议的证据,采纳为本案证据。对双方有异议的证据,经合议庭评议后决定是否作为本案证据。

Both parties have presented their evidence which has been kept in records. The evidence to which both parties raised no objections is admitted as evidence for the case. The evidence to which both parties raised objections is subject to the deliberation of the collegial panel as to whether such evidence will be adopted.

21. 由于时间关系,今天上午的开庭到此,下午1时15分继续开庭。 The court is in recess now and will resume the session at 13:15.

22. 法庭调查到此结束。现在开始法庭辩论。公诉人先陈述公诉意见。

This is the end of the courtroom investigation stage. Now the courtroom argument commences. Mr. Prosecutor, you may present your statement of prosecution.

23. 双方已经各自作了陈述,进行了相互辩论。这些都已经记录在案。法庭辩论到此结束。合议庭会认真审议后做出结论。被告,你可以做最后陈述。

Both parties have presented their sides / opinions of the case and argued over them, all of which have been kept for record. This is the end of courtroom argument. The collegial panel will reach a conclusion after deliberation. The defendant may present your final statement now.

24. 法庭听取控辩双方的辩论意见,本案争议焦点在于:本案证据是否能够采信,认定本案事实的证据是否充分,以及指控的罪名是否成立,控辩双方庭后向法庭提交书面的材料。 Both parties have presented their cases and argued over them, which have all been kept in records. This is the end of courtroom argument. The collegial panel will reach a conclusion after a deliberation. The defendant, you may give a final statement.

25. 对控辩双方争议的焦点,合议庭会予以关注。法庭辩论到此结束。下面进行被告人的最后陈述,被告人对本案的处理有什么意见或要求都可以向法庭提出。

The collegial panel will pay attention to the foci of the issues that both parties can not agree upon. This is the end of courtroom argument. The defendant may present your final statement now. You may state to court your opinions or requests concerning the handling of this case.

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