




在下列8个动词和短语动词后接不定式和接动名词意义不同: remember to do(记住去做)

remember doing(记得做过) forget to do(忘记去做)

forget doing(忘记做过) regret to do (遗憾地做)

regret doing(后悔做了) try to do(设法做)

try doing(试做) go on to do(接着做另一事)

go on doing(继续做同一事) mean to do(打算做)

mean doing(意味着) stop to do(停下来去做)

stop doing(停止做) can’t help to do(不能帮助做)

can’t help doing(情不自禁做)

1. —You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting. —Well, now I regret ________ that. (全国卷) A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done 【分析】答案选D。由语境可知“我”“后悔”在会上提出异议,应接动名词。 2. —The light in the office is still on. —Oh,I forgot ________. (全国卷)

A. turning it off B. turn it off

C. to turn it off D. having turned it off 【分析】答案选C。表示忘记做某事,事情还没做,forget后接不定式。

3. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ________ for another hour. (上海卷) A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting 【分析】答案选A。由语境可知句中的mean表示“意味着”,后接不定式。

4. She reached the top of the hill and stopped ________ on a big rock by the side of the path. (全国卷) A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest 【分析】答案选C。休息是停下来的目的,且发生在stop之后,用接不定式的一般式。 5. Go on ________ the other exercise after you have finished this one. (全国卷) A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing 【分析】答案选A。表示做完一事后“接着做”另一事,go on后接不定式。


表示未曾实现的愿望或打算,即表示“本打算 / 想 / 希望做某事”但事实上却没做的事情,用plan, intend, mean; want, hope, wish, expect等动词的过去完成时,加不定式的一般式,或者这类动词的一般过去时,加不定式的完成式;was / were, would / should like加不定式的完成式;was / were going加不定式的一般式。如:

I would love ________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. (全国卷) A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone 【分析】答案选B。由句意可知,是表示过去未曾实现的期望,用“would love+不定式完成式”。句意是:昨晚我本想去参加聚会的,但是„(from )


在介词后一般用动名词,下面是一些含介词的固定句式(其中有的介词有时会被省略):prevent / stop / keep sb. / sth. from doing (阻止„做„);spend / waste time or money in doing (在做„方面花费 / 浪费时间或金钱);How / What about doing sth. (做„怎么样?);have some difficulty / trouble in doing (在做„方面有些困难);have a hard time in doing sth. (做某事很艰难); there is no sense in doing(做„是没有理由 / 道理的);thank (excuse / admire / praise / blame / scold / punish) sb. for doing sth. (因做某事而感谢 / 羡慕 / 表扬 / 责备某人)等。如: 1. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ________ the exam. (福建卷) A. pass B. to pass C. passed D. passing 【分析】答案选D。因为have a hard time (in) doing sth. 在做某事方面有困难。

2. According to a recent U. S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ________ TV. (上海卷) A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch 【分析】答案选C。spend some time (in) doing sth. 做某事花了多长时间。 3. I believe that’s the best way to prevent such a thing ________ again. (全国卷) A. to happen B. from happening C. happened D. happen 【分析】答案选B。prevent sb. / sth. from doing 阻止„做„。 4. Did you have trouble ________ the post office? (全国卷) A. to have found B. with finding C. to find D. in finding 【分析】答案选D。have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth. 在做方面有困难。


to是介词和固定词组很多,常见的有:look forward to(盼望), devote„to / be devoted to(致力于), be / get used to(习惯), lead to(导致), get down to(开始认真), pay attention to(注意), refer to(谈到), point to(指向), turn to(转向), object to(反对), equal to(等于、能胜任), belong to(属于)等。如:

1. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ________ some schools for poor children. (上海卷) A. set up B. setting up

C. have set up D. having set up 【分析】答案选B。devote„to„中to是介词,接动名词;all是devote的宾语,he had是省略了关系代词that的定语从句。

2. The discovery of new evidence led to ________. (上海卷) A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught 【分析】答案选C。lead to中的to是介词,后接动名词;逻辑主语the thief与catch是被动关系,所以用动名词的被动式(from )。

3. She looks forward every spring to ________ the flower-lined garden. (上海卷) A. visit B. paying a visit C. walk in D. walking in

【分析】答案选D。look forward to中to是介词,后接动名词。再说,若visit用作名词,后面要加介词to,才可接宾语,排除A和B;walk作名词,表



1.There ______ no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall.

A. wasB. beingC. wereD. had been

2.The policeman rushed into the room only ______ an old lady lying on the ground.

A. foundB. findC. findingD. to find

3. The boy lay on the ground, his eyes ______ and his hands ______.

A.closing; tremblingB.closed; trembling

C.closed; trembledD.closing; trembled

4.______, the girls raced on to the second runners.

A. Stick in handB. With a stick in her hand

C. Sticks in handD. Sticks in hands

5. Each of them got up early ______ to catch the early bus.

A. to hopeB. hopingC. so thatD. and

6.How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A. hearingB. heardC. hearD. to hear

7. We should prevent pollution ______ happily.

A. from livingB. livingC. to livingD. to live

8.I am busy now, so I can’t help ______ the machine.

A. repairB. to have repairedC. repairingD. fixing

9. Jane came very close ______ a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics.

A. to winB. winningC. to winningD. to be won

10.The boy seated himself in the corner with his back ______ to his father.

A. turningB. to turnC. to be turnedD. turned

11.----By the way, when did you get your bedroom ______?

----Last week.

A. to paintB. paintedC. paintingD. to be painted

12.He likes ______, but he doesn’t like ______ today because it is too cold.

A.to swim; to swimB.swimming; swimming

C.to swim; swimmingD.swimming; to swim

13.There is ______ what the weather will be like.

A. not knowingB. no knowingC. not knowD. no known

14.The novel is said ______ into many languages.

A. to translateB. being translated

C. to have been translatedD. having been translated

15. I’m examining the composition he has just finished ______ the possible mistakes in it.

A. correctingB. to correctC. correctedD. correct

16. They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.

A. to risk goingB. risking to go

C. for risk to goD. risk going

17. He spent as much time as he could _____ the child.

A. teachingB. to teachC. teachD. for teaching

18.----Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

----I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. hadB. wouldC. was going toD. did

19. How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A. hearingB. to hearC. heardD. hear

20.______ the room, a letter was laid on the ground.

A. EnteringB. Having entered

C. He enteredD. Mrs Green entering

21. They set out ______ for the ______ boy.

A. searching; losingB. searching; lost

C. to search; lostD. to search; missed

22.______ her mother had come, her face lit up.

A. HearingB. Having heard

C. When hearingD. When she heard

23. They arrived at their university very late, ______ the gate closely shut.

A. foundB. to findC. findD. finding

24.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No. You can have a rest or do something else.

A. typingB. to be typedC. typedD. to type

25. The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.

A. to be informedB. on informing C. informedD. informing

26. With a lot of difficult problems ______, the manager felt worried all the time.

A. to settleB. settlingC. settledD. being settled

27. Will those ______ the children from abroad come to the headmaster’s office?

A. teachingB. teachC. who teachesD. who teaching

28. After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

A. being interviewedB. interviewed

C. interviewingD. having interviewed

29. They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.

A. their not being ableB. their being not able

C. them not ableD. them being able not

30. They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.

A. to risk goingB. risking to go C. for risk to goD. risk going

31.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants(变异

体) of genes in human bodies.

A. Being exposedB. Having exposed

C. ExposedD. After being exposed

32. China became the 143rd member of the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001, thus ______ its 15-year wish to join the global trade body.

A. having realizedB. realizedC. realizingD. to realize

33. Tom looked at Jenny, tears ______ his eyes, and shouted out the words ______ in his heart for years.

A. filling; having hiddenB. filled; hidden

C. filling; hiddenD. filled; hiding

34. They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.

A. their not being ableB. their being not able

C. them not ableD. them being able not

35. Which will you enjoy ______ your vacation, traveling abroad or working in the countryside?

A. to spendB. spendC. spendingD. spent

36.----Will you please tell us how you can seize the robbers?

----I will spend a whole week ______ in your room to wait for their coming.

A. lockingB. to lockC. lockedD. being locked

37. I regret ______ you that they are unable to come to your wedding tomorrow.

A. informingB. having informed

C. to have been informedD. to inform

38. He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ______.

A. noticingB. noticedC. to noticeD. being noticed

39. After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

A. being interviewedB.interviewed

C. interviewingD. having interviewed

40. He spoke in such a high voice ______ out in the street.

A. as to be heardB. to be heardC. as to hearD. to hear

41. As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be set up in every town ______ 50 households or more.

A. havingB. to haveC. to have hadD. having had

42. The building project ______ next year is, I think, not easy ______ in time.

A. being carried out; to complete B. carried out; to be completed

C. to be carried out; to complete D. to be carried out; to be completed

43. The reason ______ she gave for not coming to the party is that her mother wouldn’t allow her to.

A. thatB. whatC. whyD. because

44. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel? I thought it was on this corner, but I seem to ______ a mistake.

A. makeB. be makingC. having made D. have made

45.----Here’s a new pair of shoes for you.

----Thank you, but there’s no need ______ a new pair for me.

A. to have boughtB. to buyC. buyingD. to be buying

46. What worried the boy most was ______ to visit his father in the hospital.

A. his not allowingB. his not being allowed

C. having not been allowedD.his being not allowed

47. To do a bit for the motherland, ______.

A. working hard is necessary

B. to learn a foreign language is needed

C. it is important to master science

D. one should serve the people whole-heartedly

48. Everything ______ into consideration, they ought to have another chance.

A. to takeB. takenC. to be takenD. taking

49. The officials discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next month.

A. carry outB. carrying outC. to carry outD. carried out

50. With a lot of difficult problems ______, the manager felt worried all the time.

A. to settleB. settlingC. settledD. being settled

51.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No, you can have a rest or do something else.

A. typingB. to be typedC. typedD. to type

52. The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.

A. to be informedB. on informingC. informedD. informing


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在英语中,不是用作句子的谓语,而是用于担任其他语法功能的的动词,称之为非谓语动词。非谓语动词有三种:不定式、动名词和分词。 一.非谓语动词与谓语动词之区别:


1)可以有宾语: He bought a house. He was considering buying a house. He wanted to buy a house. 2)可以被状语修饰:

He always gets up very early. He is used to getting up early. 3)可以有“体”式和语态的变化: She has finished her job. Having finished her work,she went home. She is treated fairly. She insisted on being treated fairly. 4)可以有自己的逻辑主语: My wife often works late. I dislike my wife’s working late. It was a hot day. It being a hot day, we stayed home.


1)可以起名词作用(如:不定式和动名词),在句中作主、宾、表语。 Your duty is to look after the children. Complaining is no use.

2)可以起形容词作用(如:不定式和分词),在句中作表语、定语和宾语补足语等。 The vase is broken. He is the a nice person to work with. We found the story amusing.

3)可以起副词作用(如:不定式和分词),在句中作状语。 They are working hard to win still greater victory. The sick man came in, supported by two nurses.


1.作主语(常置于句末,而用代替其做形式主语) To learn a foreign language is not easy. It is not easy (for me ) to learn a foreign language.

1 2.作表语

My job is to look after the babies. What I would like you to do is to keep silent about it.


He offered to go with us. I want to see him. He considered it his duty to support his family.

作宾语补语(在see, hear, observe, watch, feel, notice等感官动词以及let, make,have等动词后面,作宾补的不定式 to均省去) They asked him to sing a pop song at the concert. They heard him sing a pop song in the meeting room. He was heard to sing a pop song in the meeting room.


Do you have anything to eat in your bag? He is always the first to come and the last to leave.


In order to save the the child, he dived into the river. We are overjoyed to see you.


I found it impossible for him to do the job alone.


He will tell me how to use the dictionary. Where to get the book is what I want to know. He didn’t tell us where to go and when to set out.


They decided not to give up trying.


We are happy to be with you on this trip. She is sure to succeed in the election. I’m sorry to be troubling you at such a time. I’m glad to be working with you. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. The enemy was reported to have surrendered two days before.

10. 不定式的语态

This book is said to have been translated into many languages.

2 It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 三.动名词:


Saying so much is useless/no good/(of)no use It is useless/no good/(of)no use saying so much. Reading French is easier than speaking it.


My hobby is collecting stamps. My great pleasure is learning English.


(下列动词只能接动名词avoid, consider, deny, enjoy, escape, finish, mind, keep, practise, miss,regret, insist on, give up, put off, object to) He enjoys listening to classical music. We must avoid making such mistakes again. I wouldn’t mind waiting for another ten minutes. (有些动词后面可接动名词,也可接不定式:begin, start, continue, like, hate, prefer但动名词表示的意义是在一般情况下的行为,而不定式则表示某个具体的、一次性的行为。)

I like swimming, but I don’t like to swim this afternoon.


Are you used to eating American food? She went to school without having breakfast.


Do you mind (my) opening the window. Tom insisted on my brother’s going with him.

动名词和不定式作宾语,意义不同的几组词: stop to do sth

(停下一件事去做另一件事) stop doing sth

(停止做某事) Remember to do sth.(记住要做某事) Remember doing sth(记得曾做过某事) Forget to to do sth(忘记要做某事) Forget doing sth (忘记曾做过某事)

Regret to do sth(因要做某事而感到不安) Regret doing sth(因做了某事而感到后悔) Go on to do sth (接着做另一件事) Go on doing sth (继续做某事) Try to do sth(尽力做某事) Try doing sth(尝试做某事) Need to do sth(需要做某事)

3 Need doing (需要被做) Want to do sth(想做某事) Want doing


Used to do sth (过去常常做某事) Be used doing sth(习惯做某事)


He was praised for having made a great contribution to his country. His having been elected chairman of the club surprised us greatly. Jane like being read to when she is ill. He did it without being asked.


分词有两种:现在分词和过去分词。现在分词表示的意义是主动的、进行的;过去分词表示的意义是被动的、完成的。 The developing countries The developed countries


The story is very interesting. I am interested in English. The film is moving. We were moved by the film.


It is an interesting book. We must learn from the working people. The boy singing on the stage is my brother. This is a book written by a famous scientist.


(see, hear, feel, notice, watch, 分词说明动作正在发生;不定式说明动作发生的全过程。) I saw him going into the room. I saw him go into the room.


1) 作时间或原因状语:

working in the open air,he often sings songs. Having finished his work, he went to bed. Knowing that it was going to rain, he decided not to go out. 2) 作伴随状语:

They stood there waiting for the bus. He lay in bed reading a novel.


词 之 现在分词



1. 掌握分词作定语、表语、补足语、状语(时间、原因、方式、结果和伴随等状语的用法)。 2. 掌握动名词作主语、宾语的用法。








非谓语动词和独立主格结构主要用法如下: 1.动名词作主语、宾语;

2.只跟动名词作宾语的动词或动词短语; 3.动名词的复合结构在句中作状语;



1. V/V.S (一般现在时,经常性动作)



3. am/is/are + V.ing (现在进行时,表正在进行) 4. was/were + V.ing (过去进行时,过去正在进行)

5. will + V.或 am/is/are going to + V. (一般将来时,将来要做的动作)

6.would + V. 或 was/were going to + V. (过去将来时,过去某个时间点开始的将来) 7. have/has + V.过分(现在完成时,到现在为止已经做了什么) 8. had + V.过分(过去完成时,到过去某个点为止已经做了什么)

II非谓语动词有几个?是什么? 1. to + V. 2. V.ing 3. V.过分

III 本课重点V.ing形式

1 1.做主语

Eating too much is bad for our health.

Crying over spilt milk is no use.(覆水难收)

2. 做宾语(只能做某些及物动词的宾语) 她昨天读完了那本小说。

She finished reading that novel yesterday.



avoid(避免) consider(思考,认为 )mind


escape(避开) practice

prevent resist(抵抗)

imagine can’t help

give up put off

set about(着手) keep on

excuse(原谅) feel like(想要)

object to(反对)


Her job is teaching math.


The developing countries are trying their best to develop economy.


I saw him walking across the street. V.ing 做宾补,常放在see, hear, notice, watch,



feel, look at,

listen to, observe(观看), sense(感觉), get(让,使), have(让,使)等词之后


Putting down the newspaper, I walked over the window and looked out. (时间)

V.ing 做状语时,常表示时间,原因,条件,让步,方式,伴随,结果,目的等

IV Please do the exercise I and II in your hand-outs and check with your partner.

V Translate the sentences of exercise III in your hand-outs. 1. 这样做可以省很多时间和金钱。

Doing in this way can save a lot of time and money.(主语) 2.看到孩子,她禁不住哭了起来。

Seeing her child, she couldn’t helping

crying. (状语,表时间) 3.我们的工作就是演奏各种音乐。

Our job is playing all kinds of music.(表语) 4.他练习写字作为家庭作业。

2 He practiced writing for homework.(宾语) 5.你介意做一个关于学校生活的报告吗?

Would you mind giving a report about school life?(宾语) 6.拒绝邀请并不总是很容易的。

Refusing invitations is not always easy.(主语) 7.我吃完早饭后出去了。

After eating lunch, I went out.(状语,表前后时间) 8.老师给我们上了一堂写作课。

The teacher gave us a writing class.(定语) 9.正在读小说的男孩听到噪音后放下了书。

After hearing the noise, the boy reading a novel put down the book.(状语和定语)10.如果从山上看,这个公园很美。

If being seen from the mountain, the park is very beautiful.(状语,表条件)

V Homework

VI V.ing 做主语,宾语,定语,状语,宾补,表语各写5个句子。

第五篇:非谓语动词 之 动词不定式


(1)动词不定式:to study (to + 动词原形)

(2)分词:studying (现在分词)、studied (过去分词)

(3)动名词:studying (形式与现在分词相同)

一、 动词不定式

(一)作主语。 在不定式短语作主语的句子中,往往用 it 作形式主语,而不把不定式短语放在句子的后面。如:

To die like that is a terrible thing.=It is a terrible thing to die like that.

It’ll be a great shame for you to forget her. 你要是把她忘了,那可太不应该了。

It’s not proper for us not to accept the invitation. 我们不接受邀请不合适

但是,下列形容词做表语时,不定式的逻辑主语由 of 引出:

careless粗心的,clever聪明的,cruel残忍的,foolish愚蠢的,good好的,kind好心的 ,naughty淘气的,nice好的,polite礼貌的,right正确的,rude无礼的 ,silly愚蠢的,stupid傻的,unwise不明智的,wise明智的,wrong错误的,等等。

因为这些形容词都是描写人的性格和特点的形容词。“It is + 形容词 +of sb + to do sth”这样的句型更强调某人如何如何。 而“for sb to do sth”这一结构更强调做某事如何如何



2、不定式可以和how, which, what, who, whom, whose, when, where还有whether等词连用作宾语。常跟这种结构作宾语的动词有:ask询问,advise建议,consider考虑,decide决定,discover发现,discuss讨论,explain解释,find out查明,forget忘记,inquire打听,know知道,learn学会,remember记得,show演示,tell告诉,teach教,think想,understand懂得,wonder想知道,等等。例如:How to live a happy life is a difficult question to answer.

3、有些动词需要不定式作宾语补足语。这种动词常见的有:ask请求,advise劝告,allow允许,beg乞求,believe相信,call on号召,cause促使,compel强迫,command指挥,direct指导,enable使…能够,encourage鼓励,expect期望,feel觉得,force迫使,get使得,hate不喜欢,have使,hear听见,help帮助,inspire鼓舞,intend 打算,invite邀请,instruct指示,know知道,lead引导,let让,like喜欢,listen to 听,look at看,make 使得, notice注意到, observe观察,order命令,permit允许,persuade说服,prefer更喜欢,press施加压力,remind提醒,request请求,teach教,tell告诉,urge敦促,want 想要,warn警告,wish希望,等等。

Tony knew his girl friend to be a shy college student.

4、有些动词要求省掉to的不定式作宾语补语。这样的动词有:feel觉得,have使,hear听见,help帮助,let让,listen to 听,look at看,make使,notice 注意,see看见,observe 观察,watch观看 等,一类是感官动词,一类是使役动词。

A policeman saw the accident happen. 一位警察看见事故发生。



I heard the dog come in. 我听见那条狗进来。

=The dog was heard to come in. 有人听见那条狗进来。

I saw her go out by bike. 我看见她骑着自行车出去了。

=She was seen to go out by bike. 有人看见她骑着自行车出去了。

在had better(最好),would rather(宁愿),would sooner(宁愿),would (just) as soon(宁愿),cannot but(不能不,不由得不),cannot help but(不能不,不由得不)等成语后面也跟不带to的不定式:

He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

Rather than和sooner than同义,都是“宁可”,“与其…(不如)”,“不是…(而是)”的意思。当它们放在句首时,其后跟不带to的不定式;在其它位置时其后的不定式可带也可不带to:

Sooner than marry that man, she would earn her living as a waitress.

He decided to write rather than telephone. 他决定写信,不打电话。

The manager believes it is important to invest in new machinery rather than to increase wages. 经理相信重要的是投资买新机器,而不是增加工资。


在Why 起首的疑问句中跟不带to的不定式:

Why not come with us? 为什么不跟我们一起来呢? =Why don’ t you come with us?

5、不定式作宾语而后面还有宾语补语时,常用it来代替不定式短语,而把真正作宾语的不定式短语放在补足语后面。常见的动词有:consider认为,feel觉得,find发现,make使,think认为,等等。例如:I think it best to go. 我想最好走。

Do you consider it right to send our doctors over?


I hope that you’ll be happy. 我希望你快乐。

I suggest that you take him seriously. 我建议你要把他当回事。

I advise you not to take him seriously.我建议你不要把他当回事。

We demanded that they give us a definite answer. 我们要求他们给个确切的答

(三)作定语。不定式短语作定语时,一般放在被修饰的词之后,有些名词的后面常用不定式作定语。常见的有:ability能力,agreement一致,协议,ambition抱负、野心,anxiety焦急,attempt试图,campaign战役,chance机会,claim声称,courage勇气,decision决定,determination决心,drive努力,eagerness殷切的心情,effort努力,failure失败,hope希望,intention目的意图,motive force动力,movement运动、协议,need需要,opportunity机会,plan计划,promise诺言,readiness乐意,refusal拒绝,reluctance勉强不愿,resolution决心,tendency倾向,right权力,struggle斗争,threat威胁,time时候,way方法,willingness愿意,wish希望。

与这些词相对应的形容词或动词常接动词不定式。如ability →be able to, refusal →refuse to 等。


There is not any one to save him. 没有任何能救他的人。

He’s a not a man to tell lies. 他不是那种撒谎的人。


To gamble is to commit suicide, but not to get rich. 赌博就是自杀,而不是致富。To criticize others is to make enemies. 批评别人就是树敌。

To do everything is to do nothing.什么都做等于什么也做不成。

(五)不定式短语和疑问词连用(who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, how,还包括




Who to turn to is what she wants to know. 找谁帮忙是她想知道的。

It’s problem what to do. 干什么还是个问题。

How to be wealthy, healthy and happy will always remain a question mark.


The question is which to take first. 问题是先拿哪一个。

What remains for you to explain is how to put the plan into practice and whose help to seek. 剩下需要你解释的是怎样实施计划以及寻求谁的帮助。

The question is which of the methods to adopt.

(3)作宾语,常用这一结构作宾语的动词有ask, consider, decide discuss, explain, forget, find out, guess, inquire, know, learn, remember, see(=understand), show, settle(=decide), tell(=know), think, understand, wonder等。

I’ve found out where to buy them cheaply. 我发现了在哪里买这些东西便宜。

Do you remember when to switch off the machine?

有些双宾语及物动词,也可用这个结构做直接宾语。常用的有tell, inform, show, advise, ask, teach,等。如:

I showed her how to use the remote control.我向她演示怎样使用遥控器。

The salesman told him which switch to turn on first.


I must find a pen with which to fill in this form(=to fill in this form with).



We waved flags, beat drums and blew bugles to encourage the players.

为了强调,有时用in order to (为了)或so as to (以便)加动词原形,放在句首或句尾均可。例如;In order to improve my English, I read China Daily every day.


To be frank(with you), this is not satisfactory. 老实(和你)说,这不令人满意。

To be fair, she is an honest girl. 说句公道话,她是一个诚实的姑娘。

To tell you the truth, you are wrong.. 实话告诉你,你错了。


To hear him talk in that manner, you would think him a foreigner.



able有能力的,afraid 害怕的,amazed 感到惊异的,angry生气的,anxious 急于的,astonished 感到惊讶的, careful小心的, certain有把握的,clever聪明的, comfortable舒服的,cruel残忍的,deep深的,delighted 高兴的, difficult有困难的, disappointed感到失望的,determined 有决心的,eager 急于的, easy容易的,fit 合适的,foolish 愚蠢的,fortunate 幸运的, free自由的,frightened感到害怕的,glad高兴的,good好的, happy幸福的,hard艰苦的,lucky 幸运的,overjoyed 高兴的, pleased高兴的,possible 可能的,proud 自豪的,ready 准备好的,relieved 感到轻松的,right正确的,sad悲伤的,shocked感到惊讶的, sorry难过的,sure 肯定的, surprised感到惊讶的, unable没能力的,useless没用的,willing 愿意的,worthy 值得的,wrong 错误的等。

He’ll be angry to hear these words. 听到这些话他会生气的。

You’re lucky to have me as your teacher.有我当你们老师,你们很幸运。

He feels proud to be on the school football team.

(3)不定式做结果状语只限于下面几个词:learn得知,find 发现,see 看见,hear 听见, to be told被告知,make 使得 等。only+不定式常表示出乎意料的结果。例如:

He hurried to the airport to learn that the flight had already taken off.

(4) 不定式还可以与“be said, be reported,…”等连用构成复合谓语。这一结构可变成“It’s said, It’s reported,…”(见被动语态部分)。如:

It’s reported that an explosion has happened and it’s known that three have been killed.


(1) 一般式(to+动词原形):表示与主句谓语动词动作同时(或几乎同时)发生或在主句谓语动词之后发生的事情。例如:

We’re happy to have you on our side. 有你在我们这边我们很高兴。

I saw him go out.

(2) 进行式(to be+现在分词):表示主句谓语的动作发生时,不定式动作正在进行。例如:

She’s said /believed to be living nearby.

(3)完成式(to have+过去分词):表示在主句谓语的动作之前发生的事情。

如:I’m glad to have met your parents here. 我很高兴在这儿见到了你父母。

动词不定式的完成式和下列动词的过去时连用,表示过去没有实现的事情:plan, hope, expect, be, intend, mean, wish, 等。注意一定是它们的过去时。另外还有should/would like/love。这个结构表示“本打算/想/计划…”的意思。例如:

The game were to have taken place in Room

He planned to have gone abroad last week.


一般式:to be+过去分词

完成式:to have been+过去分词

You’re lucky to have been accepted . 你很幸运已经被接受了。

These criminals are to be hanged .这些罪犯是将被绞死的。


You will make it if you try (to). 如果你努力,你会成功的。

George says he is going to leave Shanghai, but I don’t think he really wants to. George 说要离开上海,但是我不认为他真的愿意走。


used to常常 be going to 打算

mean to打算 ought to应该

plan to 计划 want to要想

(十)两个不定式由and, or, except, but, than 连接时,第二个可省略to,尤其是两个不定式紧密相连时。例如:

I intend to call on him and discuss this question again.

We had nothing to do except (to) look at the posters outside the cinema.

句子中but后面的不定式带不带to,取决于but前面的句子里含不含do,只要有与do/did有关的词(do作谓语,to do作定语等等),but后面的不定式就省掉to。例如:

I can do nothing but go there alone. 除了独自一个到那里去,我别无选择。


1)Let’s _______ (早回家). → go home early

2)I am going _____ (问问题). → to ask some questions

3)I’ve been hoping ______ (会见格林先生)ever since I left school → to see Mr. Green

4)It is difficult ______ (照顾这么多小娃娃). → to look after so many babies

5)He likes _____ (在月光下散步).→to walk in the moonlight

6)She is afraid ____(独自去). → to go alone

7)I pretended ______ (睡着了). → to be asleep

8)I should like _____ (今晚去看那个话剧). →to go to watch that drama tonight

9)Be careful ____ (别着凉). →not to catch cold

10)Mr. Green seemed ____ (越来越不喜欢他).→to dislike him more and more

11)It is too heavy _____ (你搬不动). →for you to carry

12) You have to work hard ____(考试及格).→to pass the examination

13) Tom intends ____(找个新工作). →to look for a new job

14) What do you want ____ (吃)? →to eat

15) I hate _____(这么早离开),but I am afraid ____(我不得不这么早离开). →to leave so early; I have to

16)The enemy soldiers refused ____ (再战斗下去). → To fight anymore

17) He decided _____ (成为物理学家). →to become a physicist

18) The woman came out ____ (看看在发生什么事). →to see what was happening

19) I mean _____ (完成这个任务), one way or another.→to accomplish the task

20) He was planning _____ (和她一起去). →to go with her

21) He seems _____ (过去是个猎手). →to have been a hunter

22) I happened _____(看过这本书).→to have read the book

23) I happened ____ (正挨着他站着) when he was shot. →to be standing next to him

24) The enemy is believed ____ (已被击败).→to have been defeated

25) The teacher wanted the composition ______ (当堂做完).→to be finished in class

26) He appears _____ (是你的朋友) but I doubt if he is. →to be your friend

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