




第一节 一般术语

1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures 2. 工程结构设计

design of building and civil engineering structures 3. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering 4. 土木工程 civil engineering 5. 公路工程 highway engineering 6. 铁路工程 railway engineering

7. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering 8. 水利工程 hydraulic engineering 9. 水利发电工程(水电工程)hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering 10. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works 11. 结构 structure 12. 基础 foundation

13. 地基 foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground 14. 木结构 timber structure 15. 砌体结构 masonry structure 16. 钢结构 steel structure

17. 混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure 18. 特种工程结构 special engineering structure 19. 房屋建筑 building

20. 工业建筑 industrial building

21. 民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture 22. 公路 highway

23. 公路网 highway network 24. 高速公路 freeway 25. 干线公路 arterial highway 26. 支线公路 feeder highway 27. 铁路(铁道) railway; railroad 28. 标准轨距铁路 standard gauge railway 29. 宽轨距铁路 broad gauge railway 30. 窄轨距铁路 narrow gauge railway 31. 铁路枢纽 railway terminal32. 铁路车站 railway station 33. 港口 port; harbour

34. 港口水工建筑物 marine structure 35. 通航(过船)建筑物

navigation structure; navigation construction 36. 灯塔 light house 37. 水利 water conservancy 38水利枢纽

multipurpose hydraulic project; key water-control project; hydro-junction

39. 水库 reservoir 40. 水工建筑物

hydraulic structure; marine structure; maritime construction 41. 档水建筑物 water retaining structure; retaining works

42. 进水(取水)建筑物 intake structure

43. 泄水建筑物 outlet structure; outlet works; sluice works 44. 输水建筑物 conveyance structure 45. 整治建筑物

rcgulating structure; training structure rectification structure 46. 水电站 hydro-electric station; hydropower station 47. 水泵站(抽水站、扬水站、提水站) pump station 48. 过木建筑物(过木设施) raftpass facility log pass facility 49. 过钿建筑物(过钽设施) fishpass facility50. 安全设施 safety device 部件混合组成的结构。 2. 板柱结构 slab-colume system 3. 框架结构 frame structure 4. 拱结构 arch structure

5. 折板结构 folded-plate structure 6. 壳体结构 shell structure 7. 风架结构 space truss structure 8. 悬索结构 cable-suspended structure 9. 充气结构 pneumatic structure

10. 剪力墙(结构墙)结构 shear wall structure 第三节 公路路线和铁路线路术语 1. 公路路线 highway

2. 公路线形 highway alignment 3. 平面线形 horizontal alignment 4. 纵面线形 vertical alignment 5. 公路选线 route selection 6. 公路定线 route location 7. 平面线 horizontal curve 8. 竖曲线 vertical curve 9. 变坡点 grade change point 10. 路线交叉 route intersection 11. 铁路线路 permanent way 12. 铁路选线 railway location 13. 铁路定线 location 14. 正线 main line 15. 站线 sidings

16. 最小曲线半径 minimum radius of curve 17. 坡段 grade section 18. 最大坡度 maximum grade 19. 平面交叉 grade crossing 20. 立体交叉 grade separation 第四节 桥、涵洞和隧道术语 1. 桥 bridge

2. 简支梁桥 simple supported girder bridge 3. 连续梁桥 continuous girder bridge 4. 悬臂梁桥 cantilever girder bridge 5. 斜拉(斜张)桥 cable stayed bridge 6. 悬索(吊)桥 suspension bridge

7. 桁架桥 trussed bridge 8.框架桥 frame bridge

9.刚构(刚架)桥 rigid frame bridge 10.拱桥 arch bridge

11.漫水桥 submersible bridge 12.浮桥 pontoon bridge 13.正交桥 right bridge 14.斜交桥 skew bridge

15.跨线(立交)桥 grade separated bridge; overpass bridge 16.高架桥 viaduct 17.正(主)桥 main span 18.引桥 approach span 19.弯桥 curved bridge 20.坡桥 Ramp bridge 21.公路铁路两用桥

combined bridge; highway and railway transit bridge 22.开合桥 movable bridge 23.单线桥 single-track bridge 24. 双线桥 double-track bridge

25. 桥跨结构(上部结构) bridge superstructure 26.桥面系 bridge floor system

27.桥支座 bridge bearing; bridge support 28.桥下部结构 bridge substructure 29.索塔(桥塔) bridge tower 30.桥台 abutment 第五节 水工期建筑物术语 1.坝 dam 2.坝轴线 dam axis 3.重力坝 gravity dam 4.拱坝 arch dam 5.支墩坝 buttress dam

6.土石坝 earth-rock dam; embankment dam 7.混凝土坝 concrete dam

8.橡胶坝 rubber dam; flexible dam; fabric dam 9.丁坝 spur dike; groin 10.顺坝 training dike 11.溢洪道 spillway 12.堰(溢流堰) weir 13.围堰 coffer dam

14.水工隧洞 hydraulic tunnel 15.深式进水口 deep water intake

16.堤坝式水电站 dam type hydropower station 17.引水(引水道)式水电站diversion conduit type hydropower staion 18.潮汐电站 tidal power station

19.抽水蓄能电站 pumped storage power station 20.水电站厂房 powerhouse of hydropower station 21.前池 forebay

22.压力管道 pressure nconduit 23.调压室 surge chamber 24.尾水渠 tailrace

25.船闸 navigation lock 26.升船机 shi lift; ship elevator 27.水闸 sluice; barrage 28.渠道 caual

29.渡槽 aqueduct; bridged flume 30.陡坡 chute 31.跌水 drop

32.坝内廊道系统 gallery system

33.消能防冲设施 energy dissipating and anti-scour facility 34.防渗设施 seepage control facility 35.排水设施 drainage facility

36. 反滤设施(倒滤设施) reverse filter 37.水轮泵站 turbine-pump station 38.水锤泵站 ram station 39.坝下埋管 under dam culvert 40.沉消池 silting basin41.堤 dike; levee

42.防波堤 breakwater; mole 43.码头 wharf; quay 44.斜坡码头 sloped wharf 45.墩式码头 dolphin wharf 46.重力式码头 gravity quay-wall 47.板桩码头 sheet-pile quay-wall

48.高桩码头 open pier on piles; high-pile wharf 49.浮(趸船)码头 floating pier; pontoon wharf 50.船坞 dock

51.船台 ship-building berth 52.滑道 slipway

第六节 结构构件和部件术语 1.构件 member

2.部件 component; assembly parts 3.截面 section 4.梁 beam; girder 5.拱 arch 6.板 slab; plate 7.壳 shell 8.柱 column 9.墙 wall 10.桁架 truss 11.框架 frame 12.排架 bent frame

13.刚架(刚构) rigid frame 14.简支梁 simply supported beam 15.悬臂梁 cantilever beam

16.两端固定梁 beam fixed at both ends 17.连续梁 continuous beam 18.叠合梁 superposed beam 19.桩 pile 20.板桩 sheet pile 21.路面 pavement 22.行车道 carriageway

23.变速车道 speed-change lane 24.人行道 sidewalk 25. 分隔带 Lane separator 26. 自行车道 bicycle path 27. 公路路肩 road shoulder 28. 路基边沟 subgrade side ditch

29. 截水沟(天沟) catch ditch ;intercepting channel30. 排水沟 drainage ditch

31. 护坡 slope protection; revetment32. 挡土墙 retaining wall 33. 铁路轨道 railway track 34. 钢轨 rail 35. 轨枕 sleeper 36. 轨排 track skeleton 37. 道床 bed38. 道碴 ballast39. 道岔 turnout

40. 铁路调车驼峰 railway shunting hump 41. 无缝线路 continuous welded rail 42. 钢轨扣件 rail fastening43. 护轮轨 guard rail 44. 铁路路肩 railway shoulder 45. 码头胸墙 wharf shoulder 46. 卸荷板 relieving slab 47. 靠船构件 berthing member 48. 系船柱 mooring post bollard49. 系船环 mooring ring50. 闸室 sluice chamber51. 闸门 sluice gate; lock gate 52. 闸墩 sluice pier 53. 护坦 apron

54. 海漫 apron extension 55. 消能池(消力池) stilling basin 56. 消能戽(消力戽) roller bucket57. 防渗铺盖 apron; impervious blanket58. 防渗帷幕 impervious curtain; cut-off59. 止水 sealing ; seal ; waterstop 60. 连接 connection


1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures 2. 工程结构设计

design of building and civil engineering structures 3. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering 4. 土木工程 civil engineering 5. 公路工程 highway engineering 6. 铁路工程 railway engineering

7. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering 8. 水利工程 hydraulic engineering 9. 水利发电工程(水电工程)hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering 10. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works

11. 结构 structure 12. 基础 foundation

13. 地基 foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground 14. 木结构 timber structure 15. 砌体结构 masonry structure 16. 钢结构 steel structure

17. 混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure 18. 特种工程结构 special engineering structure 19. 房屋建筑 building

20. 工业建筑 industrial building

21. 民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture 22. 公路 highway

23. 公路网 highway network 24. 高速公路 freeway 25. 干线公路 arterial highway 26. 支线公路 feeder highway 27. 铁路(铁道) railway; railroad 28. 标准轨距铁路 standard gauge railway 29. 宽轨距铁路 broad gauge railway 30. 窄轨距铁路 narrow gauge railway 31. 铁路枢纽 railway terminal32. 铁路车站 railway station 33. 港口 port; harbour

34. 港口水工建筑物 marine structure 35. 通航(过船)建筑物

navigation structure; navigation construction 36. 灯塔 light house 37. 水利 water conservancy 38. 水利枢纽

multipurpose hydraulic project; key water-control project; hydro-junction

39. 水库 reservoir 40. 水工建筑物

hydraulic structure; marine structure; maritime construction 41. 档水建筑物 water retaining structure; retaining works 42. 进水(取水)建筑物 intake structure

43. 泄水建筑物 outlet structure; outlet works; sluice works 44. 输水建筑物 conveyance structure 45. 整治建筑物

rcgulating structure; training structure rectification structure 46. 水电站 hydro-electric station; hydropower station 47. 水泵站(抽水站、扬水站、提水站) pump station 48. 过木建筑物(过木设施) raftpass facility log pass facility 49. 过钿建筑物(过钽设施) fishpass facility


share capital 股本 direct cost 直接成本 dividend 股息 dividend yield 股息率 fixed asset 固定资产 fixed budget 固定预算 fixed cost 固定成本 fixed deposit 定期存款 flexible budget 弹性预算 flexitime 弹性工作时间 flow chart 流程图 foreign exchange 外汇 balance sheet 资产负债表 balance of payments 国际收支差额 balance of trade 国际贸易差额 capital gearing 资金借贷比率,资本构成 gearing ratio 资本与负债的比率;资本借贷比率 capital intensive 资本密集 cash discount 现金折扣 cash flow 现金流转;现金流量 cash on delivery (COD) 交货付现 cash sale 现销 profit and loss account 损益帐;损益表profit margin 利润率;利润幅度 profitability 盈利能力;盈利水平 profitability ratio 盈利能力比率 intangible asset 无形资产tangible asset 有形资产tangible product 有形产品 gross loss 毛损 gross margin 毛利 gross profit 毛利

operating expense 营业费用 operating income 营业收益

operating profit 营业收益;营业利润 quality control 品质控制

quantity discount 数量折扣;大批量折扣

quick asset 速动资产

income statement 损益表;收益 income tax 入息税;所得税;溢利税 depreciation (1)折旧,(2)贬值,(3)损耗 depreciation rate 折旧率 ratio analysis 比率比析 net asset 账面净值 net income 净利益;净收益;净利;纯利 net loss 净损失net profit 纯利;净利 net operating income 营业净利 net operating profit 营业净利 net present value (NPV) 净现值经济指标 economic indicators社会总产值 total product of society国民生产总值 GNP (Gross Domestic Product)国内生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product)人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita 计划经济 planned economy市场经济 market economy 财政收入 state revenue 市场调节 market regulation 劳动密集型 labor intensive 优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources


XXXXX University

No. X, XX Road

XX District

XX, 000000

Dec. 20,2012

Michael Anderson

No. X, XX Road

XX District

XX, 000000

Dear Mr. Anderson,

My name is XXXX, a student of XXXXX University. I’m applying for Quality Controller Position which you advertised in the Job on October 10th.

My major is pharmacy and I will graduate next summer with a master degree. My studies have included courses in pharmaceutical analysis and chromatography. I’m familiar with the whole procedure of quality control and the use of instruments, such as UV, HPLC, GC etc. I have also

learned how to write the analytical report and related documentation. All these skills made me complete quality work independently.

Besides, I work carefully and have a strong sense of responsibility. Mr. Liu, my director teacher, thought well of my enthusiasm, intelligence and diligence. I also had a happy cooperation with my classmates. I am enthusiastic about pursuing a career as a quality controller in your company because of its innovation and good management.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,





Work background

A history of a person’s professional and/or non-professional employment.

Educational background

A history of a person’s formal schooling and/or training.Qualifications

The degree and/or depth to which a person’s work and educational background is a good fit for a particular job.


A formal document which identifies a person, outlines professional goals, describes work history and educational background, and identifies other activities, memberships in professional associations,etc., which are relevant to a career. It is a tool by which you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer.


At one time, a Curriculum Vitae was the formal document used todescribe your professional work and educational background. It hasnow been replaced by the resume, except in certain professions inacademia which include social sciences, physical sciences, and education.

Cover letter

An introductory letter which introduces yourself, states your intent,and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell whatyou can offer to a company. Most companies require a cover letterin addition to a resume.


A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and/orcareer objectives.


Tasks which you feel you excel at, positive personality traits that youfeel that you possess, and skills that you sell to a potential employer.

Strengths can include superior communication skills, high analyticalability, technical skills, managerial prowess, creativity, people skills,and desirable personality traits.


Areas that you perceive that you need improvement in, whether it bework habits, business knowledge, communication, etc. Anypotential weakness must be spun into a positive answer which converts it into a potential strength.








简历 (Rusume)

一个正规的个人鉴定,描绘出专业目标、工作经历和教育背景 以及与某专业相关的其他的活动,或参加的专业组织,等等。这是一种向一个可能成为你老板的人推销你技能和专业技巧的手段。

履历(C V)

Curriculum Vitae曾经是记录工作经历和教育背景的一份正式文件。现在已被Rusume( 简历 )取代,只在一些专业领域,包括社会科学、物理学和教育学中还保留着。











Fibers,Yarn | 纖維,紗

 C=Cotton | 棉L=Linen | 亞麻W=Wool | 羊毛S=Silk | 蠶絲N=Nylon, Polya mid | 尼龍,錦綸T=Polyester | 聚酯,滌綸R=Rayon | 人造棉,人造絲A=Acrylic | 人造毛,亞克力紗Viscose | 人造絲,粘膠纖維OP=Spandex | 彈性纖維,氨綸Lycra | 萊卡(杜邦彈性紗)Tactel | 特達(杜邦彈性紗)Spun | 短纖(捻成絲狀)Filament | 長纖,絲Micro fiber | 超細纖維Tencel | 天絲棉Recycled fibers | 環保纖維Metallic yarn | 金屬紗Sea lands cotton | 海島棉Carbon Fibers | 碳纖維Knitted Fabrics | 針織布料 Jersey | 單面平紋緯編布Rib | 羅(菱)紋布Single Jersey | 單面針織布Double Jersey | 雙面針織布Interlock | 雙羅紋組織,棉毛布Jacquard Knit| 提花針織布Pique | 凹凸組織織物Warp knitted fabrics | 經編針織布Weft knitted fabrics | 緯編針織布Flat Knit | 橫編針織Terry | 毛巾布,毛圈織物Fleece | 抓毛布,起絨布Terry fleece | 單面刷毛布Polar fleece | 雙面刷毛布Anti-pilling polar fleece | 搖粒絨布Looped Pile, Pile Knit | 毛圈織物Cut pile | 剪毛織物Plush, Long pile | 長毛絨Fur | 仿毛布Plain knitting | 平紋針織布Mesh fabric | 網眼織物Lace | 蕾絲Tricot | 特利可得經編布Tricot jersey | 經編平紋布Velour/Velvet | 絲絨/天鵝絨Waffle pique | 蜂巢紋凹凸織物

Functions | 功能性

 Anti-Bacterial | 抗菌Anti-Static | 抗靜電Anti-fungus |防霉Breathable and waterproof | 透濕防水Electromagnetic shielding | 防電磁波Far infrared | 遠紅外線Flame resistant | 防(火)焰Flam retardant | 阻燃Moisture absorbing & quick drying | 吸濕速乾Oil repellency | 潑油Soil release | 防油污Sun protective | 抗紫外線Water repellency | 潑水Wrinkle free | 防皺Wash and wear | 免燙Dyeing | 染色整理 Grey inspecting | 胚檢Singeing | 燒毛Desizing | 退漿Scouring | 精鍊Bleaching | 漂白Mercerizing | 絲光Setting | 定型Exhaustion | 浸染Padding | 軋染Cold batch | 冷捲固色Drying | 烘乾Steaming | 汽蒸(固色)Chem pad | 化學浸軋(固色)Thermofixation |烘乾固色Baking | 熱焙固色Oxidizing | 氧化顯色Reduction | 還原洗Soaping & Rinsing| 皂洗Resin finishing| 樹脂加工Curing | 烘焙Calendering | 軋光Sanforizing | 預縮Finished inspection | 成檢Packing | 包裝Woven Fabrics | 梭織布料 Plain | 平紋Twill | 斜紋Satin | 經向緞紋布Sateen | 緯向緞紋布Pongee | 繭綢,府綢Poplin | 細薄平紋梭織布,府綢Rayon flocking | 人棉植絨布

 Chambray | 有條紋格子的布Check | 格子布Corduroy | 燈芯絨Crinkle | 皺皺布Denim, Jean | 牛仔布Flannel | 法蘭絨布Gauze | 紗布Gingham | 條紋(或格子)布Interlining, Lining | 內裡布Micro fiber fabric| 超細纖維布Muslin | 平紋薄布(床單用)Oxford | 牛津布Quilted textile | 刺縫織物Ribstop | 格子提花裡布Suiting | 西裝布Taffeta | 塔夫塔綢Taslon | 塔史龍Yarn dyed fabric | 色紗織物Jacquard,Dobby | 提花布Inspection | 檢驗 Washing shrinkage | 水洗縮率Steaming shrinkage | 燙縮Color fastness | 色牢度Washing color fastness | 水洗色牢度Rubbing/Crocking color fastness | 耐摩擦色牢度Light color fastness | 耐光色牢度Perspiration color fastness | 耐汗色牢度Water color fastness | 耐水色牢度Phenolic Yellowing | 耐酚黃化Tensile strength | 拉伸/抗張強度Tearing strength | 撕裂強度Bonding strength | 剝離強度Seam slippage | 接縫滑裂Pilling resistance | 抗起毛起球性Abrasion resistance | 耐磨性Water repellency | 拒水性Water resistance | 抗水性Water vapour permeability | 透溼度Rain test | 雨淋Spray test | 一般撥水Oil perpellency | 一般撥油Soli release | 防污Water absorbency | 吸濕Wicking | 蕊吸Pilling | 起毛毬Abrasion | 耐磨

 PH value | PH值Yarn count | t紗支Weight | 克重Width | 幅寬Ends per inch/Warp rate| 經密Picks per inch | 緯密AZO free/ No AZO| 不含偶氮Fabric Finishing| 布料加工 Printing | 印花Flocking | 植絨Striking out | 起毛Embossed/Logotype | 軋花Coating(PVC/PU/PA) | 涂佈/上膠Gold print | 燙金Brushed |磨毛Crinked/Creped |起皺Stiffening |硬挺Anti-pilling | 抗起球Stone washed | 砂洗W/P (Water proof) | 防水W/R (Water repellent) | 潑水W/S (Water shrinkage) | 縮水Cutting | 裁切Laminiating | 貼合Sueding | 仿麂皮起絨Peach skin finish | 桃皮起毛加工Fleece finish | 起絨,刷毛加工Anti-pilling finish | 抗起球加工Resin finish | 樹脂整理Printing | 印花 Screen printing | 網版印花Block printing | 模版印花Blotch printing | 底色印花/單面印花Burn-out printint | 燒花印花Coat printing | 塗料印花Direct printing | 直接印花Discharge printing | 拔染印花Electrostatic flocking | 靜電植絨Flock printing | 植絨印花Mechanical flocking | 機械植絨Gold foil stamping | 燙金Silver foil stamping | 燙銀Transfer printing | 轉移印花Heat transfer printing | 熱轉移印花Ink-jet printing | 噴墨印花Jet printing | 噴射印花

 Registered printing | 雙面印花Registration | 對花印花Resist printing | 防染印花Roller printing | 滾筒印花Rotary screen printing | 圓網印花Srike-off | 印花打樣 Sample | 樣辦 Initial/Proto sample | 原樣/初樣Sales sample | 銷售樣Showroom sample | 展示樣Photo sample | 照相樣Pre-production/PP sample | 產前樣Test sample | 測試樣Shipping/Shipment sample | 船頭樣Counter sample | 確認樣,回樣Bulk sample | 大貨樣Swatch album | 樣簿/樣冊Headwear | 帽子 Cap | 便帽Hat | 帶沿的帽子Visor | 空心帽, 太陽帽Front panel | 前片Side & back panel | 中後片Button | 頂扣Buckle | 後扣Rullerband| 尺寸帶Braid | 曼波帶PE visor | 塑膠眉板Up visor | 上眉Under visor | 下眉Seam tape| 壓條Sweatband | 汗帶Foam | 泡棉Lable | 布標Home & furniture textiles傢飾布 Carpet | 地毯Curtain | 窗簾Drapery | 布幕,厚簾Upholstery fabrics | 裝潢用布Bed Sheets, Sheeting | 床單Bedspreads | 床罩Blankets | 毛毯Pillow cases | 枕頭套Quilts, Coverlets, Duvet | 被套Table covering | 桌布Wall Covering | 壁布

Others | 其他

 Grey | 胚布Bleach | 漂白Piece Dyed | 缸染Yarn Dyed (Y/D) | 紗織布Full width | 全幅Cuttable width | 有效幅寬Pinhole to pinhole | 針孔至針孔(幅寬)Velcro | 魔術貼Zipper | 拉鏈Interlacing, Mixed weave| 交織Blended | 混紡combed | 精梳Non-wove | 不織布,無紡布Quilting | 襯棉Cushioning material | 墊料/襯墊Micro Suede | 仿麂皮Man made leather | 合成皮革Leather | 真皮Pig skin | 豬皮Calf | 牛皮PU (polyurethane) | 聚氨酯PVC (polyvinyl chloride)| 聚氯乙烯PA (phthalic anhydride)| 聚醯胺Fur | 毛皮/皮草Fake fur | 人造毛皮/假皮草Tweed | 粗呢/粗花呢Buckram | 硬襯Resin collar interlining | 樹脂領襯Fusible interlining | 熱熔襯Adhesive interlining | 黏合襯Spandex, Elastic, Strec, Lycra | 彈力布Technical fabrics | 工業用布

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