



According to the chart / graph / diagram / table, we clearly learn that _________. As earlyas _________,___________. Then,_________. Last,__________. In contrast, by_________,__________.

There are many reasons accounting for _________. Firstly,

_________.Secondly,__________. Finally,_________. As a result,_________.

As far as I am concerned,_________. For one thing,__________. For another,________.In brief, I hold that__________.


What is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above indicates that in recent years,more and more people pay attention to _________. The number of those who _________ hasincreased ________, and furthermore,____________.

There are two factors responsible for the changes. In the first place,_________.Moreover,__________. Yet, it is noticeable that __________.

From the analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that__________. It is possible thatin the future, the tendency will__________.


As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above,

__________ has chargeddrastically in the past _________. While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is__________. Meanwhile, the number of _________ has soared up to ________.

There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes. The first is that_________. Secondly,__________.

In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________. At the sametime,_______. To sum up ,_________.



Recently it seems that____________.MANY people,especially___________,think it willcertainly do good to_____________because_____________.Moreover,_________.

Nevertheless,after careful consideration,I have to state that the above view is more thanbiased,given the following readons.First ofall,____________.Besides,__________.Furthermore,__________.

We can see clearly that although_________may bring favorable results,there are stillproblems concerning_______.It seems necessary for ___________to make a carefulconsideration befero________.

(2) 模版2

Until recently most people hold hostile attitudes towards_______.Some people view itas_____________while others consider it____________.

Recent research,however,shows that___________is of great benefit in manyrespects._________,scientists tell us,_____________.Surprisinglyenougu,____________also_______.The most remarkable thing about_______isthat_______.

Now we can draw the conclusion that_______.I strongly advocate that we should makegood use of it to_________.

(3) 模版3

In current society,we come across too many peole who put much emphasis on__________.In many cases,________has become the sole criterion for judging aperson’s__________.

I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on________.To begin with,we shouldnot take it for granted that those who__________will naturally______________.


The above discussion points to a fact that_______________.Consequently,it is of vitalimportance for us to realize that_____________.



With the rapid growth of national economy,more and more_________,which causes aserious problem of_________.

Urgent measures are needed to tackle the above-mentioned problem.On the one hand,_________so that ____________is at hand.On the other hand,_____________.Moreimportantly,____________.

All in all,only when______can we solve the problem of _____________so as to meeteveryone’s need .Ultimately,_____________.



__________.It has become such a serious problem that it is arousing theconcern of the entire society.

To put an end to the serious problem, in my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides. Firstof all,__________. Moreover,___________. Last but not least,___________.

In my point of view, only when all of us join in the efforts of __________ at all levels can weexpect to have _________ and ___________.


If the Chinese people even want to improve their life quality, the problem of __________has to be solved. With more and more people _______, this problem is becoming more andmore serious in terms of scale and scope.

First of all,_________. What’s more,__________. Only when all the people stop pursuingpersonal interests at the price of ________ can we hope to put an end to this unfavorablesituation.

The _________ is of great importance to every member of our society. As long as thegovernment, society and individuals make joint efforts, a sound solution is not far away.



It is quite natural for ________to ponder over the question of whether to_______________.

Many _________will choose not to______________,generally for three reasons.On the onehand,___________.On the other hand,______________.Mostimportantly,__________.Nevertheless, oher people adopt a completely different view,thinkingthat_____________.

Moreover, they further argue that___________.

From what we have discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that the question quitedepends on personal choice.In my own eyes,________.


When taking about whether _____________,we will be most surprised to fnd that thepresent situation is utterly complicated,For one thing ,__________.For another,_________.

Three factors,in my point of view,account for this phenomenon.First andforemost,________.Secondly,____________.Last but not least,____________.

As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe that____________,only when_____________.


A national debate has sprung up on_____________.Many people welcome it withapplause and enthusiasm,believing that___________.

However, those who strongly oppose the _________are not among the minority.Theyhold that______________.Moreover,____________.In aword,___


From my perspective,________should be____________.On the one hand,personally Iwould argue that_____________.On the other hand,____________.Inconclusion,____________.


(1) 模版1

Different people have different views on_____.Some people think that_____,whereasothers aegue that __________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ___________.For one thing,I firmlybelieve that ___________.For another,_____________.Just thinkof________,who/which_______.

Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusionthat______.Only if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________.


In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns a new chapter of_________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.

The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.Inaddition,_______.Finally,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidablechallenges.In the first place,_____________.In the second place,________.What’smore,_______________.In summary,we should_______________.


Nwadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,rangingfrom __________to_____________.

The popularity of _______will have a great influence on ______.On the onehand,_________.On the other hand,__________.




1. 列出生活中反映一两件家乡变化的事, 如购新车、住新房等。

2. 列出最近发生的一两件国家大事,如成功举办奥运、“神舟七号” 顺利升空等。

3. 要表达出你的喜悦和自豪之情,并谈谈你的感想。

Great changes have taken place since our country was founded 60 years ago. In the past we lived in the small and old houses and now we move into new broad ones which are more than one hundred square meters. At the same time, many families have own their new cars.

Besides, our country hosted the 29th Olympic Games successfully in 2008 and we took the first place in winning gold medals. Another inspiring event was that the Shen Zhou Ⅶ was sent into space smoothly, which shows our scientific research get great achievements.

We are very happy and proud of all these achievements. I am sure our country will become even stronger and richer. I love our motherland very much. Let’s work hard to make contribution to our country in the future.甲型流感:(1)


1. 平时外出戴口罩,少去人群集中的公共场所, 避免接触病人等。

2. 勤洗手,保证充足睡眠,多锻炼多运动等。

参考词汇: 猪流感swine flu; 口罩 face mask.

Swine flu has come to our School! However, there is no vaccine to1

protect its virus. How do we protect us from it?

Swine flu has come to our School! However, there is no vaccine to protect its virus. How do we protect us from it?

We advise that you should wear face mask and avoid going to the crowded place when you go out. We remember not to be in close contact with the patients infected with swine flu. On the other hand, the best way to stay away from this virus is to wash your hands often, and make sure that you have enough sleep. At the same time, we should do more

exercise so that we can build up our body.

We are sure that we must overcome the threat against swine flu as long as we take proper measures and insist on taking exercise every day.



1. 介绍有些人不同的好习惯和坏习惯。

2. 习惯与卫生的关系:习惯是卫生基础; 不好的习惯,会导致一些传染疾病传播,如AIDS,SARS, H1N1流感等。

3. 你的看法……。

It is generally believed that different people have different habits. Some people are addicted to habits like drinking and smoking, while others pay special attention to healthy diet and never taste things like alcohol and cigarettes.

It goes without saying that there is close relationship between personal habits and public health. On the one hand, good habits serve as

the necessary basis of public health, that is to say, without good habits, public health can’t be guaranteed. On the other hand, infectious disease is the natural result brought by dirty habits, like

AIDS, SARS, H1N1 flu and so on.

Personally, I think it is high time we placed emphasis on improving personal habits and public health. If we mind our manners and behave ourselves well, there must be a bright and encouraging future.


I would like to be a volunteer in my spare time. My reasons are as follows:

First of all, it is a good virtue to help others, even in modern society. We all need others’ help in case we get into trouble. Secondly, we are able to better ourselves by helping others because we gain valuable experience and build up our confidence while serving others. What’s

more, volunteering makes us feel better about ourselves, thus making our life more enjoyable. More importantly, we can make the world a better place to live in by volunteering to improve it.

In summary, volunteering can make a difference to our life, so I think it is very rewarding to be a volunteer.金融危机下大学生就业


观点 理由

一部分人 喜欢比擅长重要。 兴趣是最好的老师,精通与擅长的可能性会大大增加等。另一部分 擅长比喜欢重要。 擅长更容易成功,后天努力培养兴趣。

你 …………

Recently the students in our class have discussed the following topic: which is more important for college graduates to choose jobs, being interested in it or being good at it?

Some agree that the love of job is very important because interest is the best teacher. People are often willing to do what they like doing. If you are not good at it in the beginning, you can work hard and gradually improve your skills to make you good at it. Others hold their view that if you are good at it, you have more chances to achieve success very soon. While you work, you can do all you can to gain the interest in it little by little.

From my point of view, I think we should make full use of our strengths to change them each other regardless of the fact that you like it or you are good at it.

2010英语四级作文范文:“快乐女声” 等选秀热

2009年 “快乐女声” 的火爆已渲染。你对此现象进行简单的调查,结果如下: 有些人认为 “平民平等参与,有机会一夜成名等”。也有些人认为 “快女” 中还存在一些不尽人意的地方, 如 “浪费时间和精力,影响学习,产生一夜成名的不良志向 (bad ambition) 等”。请根据以上情况为 “无为论坛” 写一篇报告并发表自己的观点。

To: Wuwei Forum

From : Li Hua

Date: June 20, 2009

Subject: Super Girl

Super Girl has already been very hot all over China since it started on May 7, 2009 in Beijing. We have had a survey about the phenomenon recently。

There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say Super Girl is their favorite. They hold their view that Super Girl can offer a stage for ordinary people to take part in it equally and have the chance of becoming famous overnight. While others think that Super Girl makes the girls waste time and energy so that it can have some bad effects on their study. In addition, it can cause some teenagers to have bad ambition about becoming famous overnight.

From my point of view, it is wrong of young people to admire Super Girl too much, because they may mislead young people. I think to learn more and work hard is the real way to success.



Protection of Environment

1. 目前环保还存在着许多问题。 2. 为了保护环境, 3. 各国政府做了大量的工作。 4. 我的看法。

There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in

the environmental protection today.



According to the chart / graph / diagram / table, we clearly learn that _________. As earlyas _________,___________. Then,_________. Last,__________. In contrast, by_________,__________.

There are many reasons accounting for _________. Firstly,

_________.Secondly,__________. Finally,_________. As a result,_________.

As far as I am concerned,_________. For one thing,__________. For another,________.In brief, I hold that__________.


What is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above indicates that in recent years,more and more people pay attention to _________. The number of those who _________ hasincreased ________, and furthermore,____________.

There are two factors responsible for the changes. In the first place,_________.Moreover,__________. Yet, it is noticeable that __________.

From the analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that__________. It is possible thatin the future, the tendency will__________.


As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above,

__________ has chargeddrastically in the past _________. While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is__________. Meanwhile, the number of _________ has soared up to ________.

There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes. The first is that_________. Secondly,__________.

In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________. At the sametime,_______. To sum up ,_________.



Recently it seems that____________.MANY people,especially___________,think it willcertainly do good to_____________because_____________.Moreover,_________.

Nevertheless,after careful consideration,I have to state that the above view is more thanbiased,given the following readons.First ofall,____________.Besides,__________.Furthermore,__________.

We can see clearly that although_________may bring favorable results,there are stillproblems concerning_______.It seems necessary for ___________to make a carefulconsideration befero________.

(2) 模版2

Until recently most people hold hostile attitudes towards_______.Some people view itas_____________while others consider it____________.

Recent research,however,shows that___________is of great benefit in manyrespects._________,scientists tell us,_____________.Surprisinglyenougu,____________also_______.The most remarkable thing about_______isthat_______.

Now we can draw the conclusion that_______.I strongly advocate that we should makegood use of it to_________.

(3) 模版3

In current society,we come across too many peole who put much emphasis on__________.In many cases,________has become the sole criterion for judging aperson’s__________.

I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on________.To begin with,we shouldnot take it for granted that those who__________will naturally______________.


The above discussion points to a fact that_______________.Consequently,it is of vitalimportance for us to realize that_____________.



With the rapid growth of national economy,more and more_________,which causes aserious problem of_________.

Urgent measures are needed to tackle the above-mentioned problem.On the one hand,_________so that ____________is at hand.On the other hand,_____________.Moreimportantly,____________.

All in all,only when______can we solve the problem of _____________so as to meeteveryone’s need .Ultimately,_____________.



__________.It has become such a serious problem that it is arousing theconcern of the entire society.

To put an end to the serious problem, in my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides. Firstof all,__________. Moreover,___________. Last but not least,___________.

In my point of view, only when all of us join in the efforts of __________ at all levels can weexpect to have _________ and ___________.


If the Chinese people even want to improve their life quality, the problem of __________has to be solved. With more and more people _______, this problem is becoming more andmore serious in terms of scale and scope.

First of all,_________. What’s more,__________. Only when all the people stop pursuingpersonal interests at the price of ________ can we hope to put an end to this unfavorablesituation.

The _________ is of great importance to every member of our society. As long as thegovernment, society and individuals make joint efforts, a sound solution is not far away.



It is quite natural for ________to ponder over the question of whether to_______________.

Many _________will choose not to______________,generally for three reasons.On the onehand,___________.On the other hand,______________.Mostimportantly,__________.Nevertheless, oher people adopt a completely different view,thinkingthat_____________.

Moreover, they further argue that___________.

From what we have discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that the question quitedepends on personal choice.In my own eyes,________.


When taking about whether _____________,we will be most surprised to fnd that thepresent situation is utterly complicated,For one thing ,__________.For another,_________.

Three factors,in my point of view,account for this phenomenon.First andforemost,________.Secondly,____________.Last but not least,____________.

As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe that____________,only when_____________.


A national debate has sprung up on_____________.Many people welcome it withapplause and enthusiasm,believing that___________.

However, those who strongly oppose the _________are not among the minority.Theyhold that______________.Moreover,____________.In aword,___


From my perspective,________should be____________.On the one hand,personally Iwould argue that_____________.On the other hand,____________.Inconclusion,____________.


(1) 模版1

Different people have different views on_____.Some people think that_____,whereasothers aegue that __________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ___________.For one thing,I firmlybelieve that ___________.For another,_____________.Just thinkof________,who/which_______.

Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusionthat______.Only if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________.


In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns a new chapter of_________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.

The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.Inaddition,_______.Finally,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidablechallenges.In the first place,_____________.In the second place,________.What’smore,_______________.In summary,we should_______________.


Nwadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,rangingfrom __________to_____________.

The popularity of _______will have a great influence on ______.On the onehand,_________.On the other hand,__________.




























含义:这句话中,"画"指朱孟画了自己擅长的手,"不画"指滕香没有画自己不擅长的手。莫教授的意思是,现在画画,如果不能避短就长,画还不如不画的好。作用: 这句话是莫教授对滕香这一次获奖的感慨,滕香的获奖是因为她"不画"自己不擅长的手。同时,这句话也使朱孟有所领悟,为他在第二次参赛最终获奖埋下伏笔。(共4分。"含义"2分,"作用"2分)





写出了孩子上小学第一天的胆怯和对母亲的依恋,表现了母亲对年幼孩子的牵挂之情,为后文写儿子长大独立、渐行渐远做铺垫,也为了引出后文中目送父亲衰老离去。 (共4分。每个要点1分,意思近即可)








Significance of Higher Education 1. 人们对高等教育的意义日益重视 2. 高等教育的意义

3. 我认为……


(1) Nowadays people of all strata (pl. for stratum 阶层) begin to explore the significance of higher education, partly because university students are facing the increasingly serious unemployment situation now. (2) The essence of higher education lies in the following aspects. (3) In university, students can get a precious opportunity to experience the complicated social life, as university is the society on a very small scale. (4) It is in this period that students can learn a considerable amount of knowledge. (5) What’s more, students can learn to get on well with others and to deal with actual difficulties, which will prove to be of great value. (6) From my personal perspective, higher education is of prime significance in that it can cultivate students’ comprehensive quality. (7) I am to make good use of this period to enhance my integrated strength and get ready for the future social life. (137 w)


How to Choose a Major 1. 很多学生对如何选择专业感到困惑 2 选择专业最重要的原则

3 我的建议


(1) How to choose the most suitable major has long been a heated topic among college students. (2) Many students as well as their parents may feel confused concerning how to make a wise decision. (3) The most important principle is supposed to be choosing the field that interests you most. (4) Only by being engaged in the field that appeals to us can we have an ideal platform on which we can possibly work out our potential. (5) Were one not interested in

1 his major, how could he achieve any success or lead a meaningful life on campus? (6) All in all, I firmly hold that although some majors are not, we’d better not choose them if we are not interested in them, or it will only be a waste of time and effort.

(129 w)

预测范文3: How to Be a Qualified University Graduate 1 大学毕业生应具备的素质有很多 2. 如何来培养这些素质

3 我认为 ……


(1) There are numerous qualities that one has to possess in order to be a qualified university graduate such as confidence, adaptability, communication skill, diligence and perseverance. (2) Among these qualities, adaptability and communication skill may be counted as the most important ones. (3) To acquire such qualities, the following measures are to be taken. (4) First of all, we are supposed to participate in a wide rang of social activities, which can help us learn to tackle actual difficulties so as to enhance our adaptability. (5) What’s more, we can participate in the team work to work and change our ideas with others, which can help us improve our communication ability.

(6) Viewing from my own perspective, I will make good use of every opportunity to qualify myself as a university graduate.



Charity Cause 1 目前,慈善事业在社会生活中起着日益重要的作用

2 有人认为慈善事业应致力于国内事务,而有人认为慈善应不分国界 3 我认为……


(1) Currently, charity cause is playing an increasingly important role, especially when natural catastrophes (disasters) strike a certain area. (2) A good many people advocate that the donated money should be used especially for internal issues, since in this way the

2 general public can enjoy the immediate benefit and enhance the spirit of patriotism. (3) Opposite opinion also exists. (4) People claim that to use the money in helping those in the greatest difficulty regardless of their nationality is more rewarding, thus the significance of the charity cause can be well demonstrated. (5) What’s more, it is against the trend of globalization to confine to a particular nation.

(6) I firmly believe that distributing the donated money internationally is a much preferred option. (7) People from all corners of the world are to make their combined effort when facing difficulties.

(133 w)


Private Car or Public Transport 1. 有人认为应该刺激私家车消费 2. 有人认为应该大力发展公共交通事业

3. 我认为……


(1) As the standard of living in China has improved, people who can afford private cars are on the increase. (2) Some insist that people should be encouraged to make purchase of private vehicles, which can stimulate consumption in this area and contribute to the GDP growth. (3) Others, however, are voicing quite a loud protest. (4) They point out that private cars are responsible for the tremendous amount of air pollution which is accelerating the process of global warming, while public transport vehicles are more environment-friendly with lower levels of carbon emission and thus should be highly promoted. (5) Personally, I think that compared with private cars, public transport is a green alternative. (6) Even though private cars provide people with a lot of convenience, they do more harm to the local environment, which goes against low-carbon living as well. (7) Therefore, people should be encouraged to take public transport more often rather than rely totally on private cars. (153 w)

3 预测作文6:

Craze for Traditional Chinese Learning 1. “国学热”悄然兴起 2. 人们对此褒贬不一 3. 我的观点


These days, traditional Chinese learning has gained great popularity in China. A few experts call upon Chinese people to learn traditional Chinese culture and a growing number of Chinese are joining the trend. There are varied opinions as to the craze. Some maintain that Chinese people should take time to learn traditional Chinese culture, which boasts countless classics and shows the wisdom of living. Whereas, others argue that it’s not advisable to touch upon these classics as they don’t fit into the modern society anymore. As far as I’m concerned, I stand in line with the former. For one thing, classics of Chinese studies cover the best part of Chinese culture. For another, with the learning of these classics, traditional Chinese culture can be passed down through generations. Therefore, we should spend more time on traditional Chinese learning, and try to make them suited to the modern times.

(148 w)


On Low-Carbon Living 1. “低碳生活”日益深入人心 2. 我对“低碳生活”的理解

3. 我应该怎么做


As people are gradually aware of environmental protection, a new concept of “low-carbon living” has been recognized and accepted by more and more climate-conscious people in China. From my perspective, low-carbon living is an emerging living style aimed to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in all aspects of life. It contributes considerably to environmental protection by reducing air pollution and preventing global warming effectively. As a college student, I’m supposed to live a low-carbon life by

4 starting with such small things as avoiding using disposable chopsticks, travelling by bike or on foot if possible, making more use of LED devices and turning off electric devices when leaving, etc. Lots of little steps can make a huge difference. I’m convinced that if we make joint efforts, a low-carbon life will eventually stop climate change from getting worse.

(138 w)


Qualities of University Teachers 1. 教师在高等教育中起着日益重要的作用 2. 高校教师应具备的素质 3. 我的建议


Currently, increasing importance has been attached to higher education. Consequently, the teachers on campus have become increasingly important. And as to the teachers’ qualities, people have higher standard. To have a solid academic foundation and to be considerate of others are the essential qualities. Without the systematic and in-depth information of the specific field, teachers would not render valuable information to the students. To be considerate of the students’ feelings is also of vital importance. In addition, teachers are often expected to communicate and interact with students. Last but not least, teachers should teach students according to their individual innate abilities. From my point of view, all teachers should enhance their teaching quality and always take the students’ feelings into account. (121 w)


The NEET Group 1. 社会上出现了“啃老族”(the NEET group) 2. 分析产生这种现象的原因 3. 这种现象可能带来的影响

( 注:NEET: Not in Education, Employment or Training)


5 In today’s society, there is a group of youngsters who are currently are not in education, employment or training. They are labeled the NEET group, who are occupied with nothing all day long and are supported by their parents. From my point of view, the reason why the NEET group has emerged is that their parents have been doing too much for them, which deprives them of their chance to learn to take care of themselves and finally, makes them get used to being attended by their parents. If they keep going on like this, they may well regard life as meaningless and develop psychological problem in the long run. Besides, they may rely too much on their parents to be independent in mind. Therefore, I firmly insist that the NEET group go out to earn a living for themselves rather than stay at home counting on their parents.

(149 w)


On the Decline of English Classes

1. 近年来,有的高校减少了大学英语教学的课时量 2. 有人支持,有人反对

3. 我的看法


Recently, it is reported that some universities have reduced English classes. People are having a hard time reaching consensus on whether it is sensible or not. Some people tend to think that it is the general trend to cut down college English classes. It may be based on the idea that the result is unsatisfactory considering the time and energy consumed. However, many individuals argue that it is not advisable to decrease college English classes. The main concern is obviously that English is becoming more and more important and deserves the efforts of the students. For my part, it is unreasonable to reduce college English classes because English plays a crucial role in contemporary society. What’s more, English is very useful when communicating with foreigners.


2、(be) absorbed to 专心于

3、account for 说明(原因等)

4、(be) accused of 控告,谴责

5、acquaint with 熟悉,熟知

6、adapt to (使)适应,适合;改编,改写

7、add to 增添,增加;补充说

8、add up to 合计达,总计

9、adhere to 附着,粘着

10、adjust to (使)适应于,把...调节到

11、agree to (+物)同意,赞成

12、agree with (+人)同意,赞成

13、aim at 瞄准,对准;旨在

14、allow for 考虑到

15、amount to 合计,共计,等于

16、answer for 对...负有责任

17、aplolgize to sb.for sth.为...而向...道歉

18、appeal to 诉诸,求助

19、apply for 申请,请求

20、approve of 赞成,同意;批准,核准

21、arise from 由...引起,由...产生

22、arrive at 到达(小地方);达成,得出

23、arrive in 到达(大地方)

24、ask after 探问,问候

25、ask for 询问,要求

26、assign to 指派,选派

27、associate with 使联系,使联合;交往

28、attach to 系上,贴上;使附属,使依恋

29、attempt at 企图,努力

30、attend to 照顾,护理;专心于

31、attribute to 把...归因于,归咎于

32、back up 支持,援助;后退

33、bear/keep in mind 记住

34、begin with 从...开始

35、believe in 相信,信任

36、belong to (在所有权关系等方面)属于

37、benefit from 受益,获益

38、blame for/on 责备;因...而受到责备

39、boast of/about 自夸,夸耀,吹牛

40、build up 积累,堵塞;树立

41、burn out 烧光,烧毁;烧起来

42、burst out + n. 爆发,突然发作

43、burst out + V-ing 爆发,突然发作

44、care for 照顾,照料;喜欢;宠爱

45、catch up with 赶上

46、check in 办理登记手续

47、check out 记账后离开;检验,核查

48、cheer up 高兴,振作

49、clear away 把...清除掉,收拾

50、clear up 使变清;放晴;清理

51、combine with 结合,联合,化合

52、comment on 评论

53、communicate with 与...通讯;交流

54、compare to 比较,对比;把...比作

55、compensate for 补偿,赔偿

56、complain about/of 抱怨,申诉

57、compy with 照做,遵照,应允

58、conceive of 想像,设想

59、concentrate on 集中,专心

60、(be) concerned with 关心,挂念,从事于

60、(be) concerned with 关心,挂念,从事于6

1、as far as..be concerned 就...来说

62、confine to/with 限制

63、conflict with 冲突,抵触

64、congratulate on 祝贺,向...致祝词

65、consent to 同意,赞成

66、consist of 由...组成

67、consist in 在于;存在于

68、consult with 商量,商议

69、contrast with 对比,和...形成对照

70、contribute to 捐献,捐助,贡献;投稿

71、control over 控制,支配

72、convert to 变化,变换,转换

73、convice of 使确信,使信服

74、cope with 对付,应付

75、correspond to 相当,相类似

76、correspond with 相符合,成一致

77、count on 倚靠,指望

78、count up 算出...的总数,共计

79、cover up 掩饰,掩盖

80、cure of 治愈,医治;矫正

80、cure of 治愈,医治;矫正

81、deal in 经营

82、deal with 处理,论述,涉及

83、dedicate to 奉献,把...用在

84、deduce from 演绎,推断

85、define...as 把...定义为

86、depend on/upon 依靠,信赖,取决于

87、derive from 起源,衍生

88、despair of 对...绝望

89、deviate from 背离,偏离

90、devote to 致力于,把...奉献给

91、die down 变弱,逐渐消失

92、die out 消失,灭绝

93、differ from 不同

94、differ with 与...意见不同

95、direct to/at 把...对准,针对

96、disagree with 不同意,不一致

97、disappoint at/with 对...失望

98、discharge from 排出;流出;释放;解雇;出院

99、dispose of 处理,销毁,去掉

100、distinguish from 区别, 识别,辨别,辨认


1、distribute over 散布


2、divide by 除


3、do away with 废除,除掉


4、do without 没有...也行


5、double up 弯着身子;把...折起来


6、draw in (火车、汽车)到站


7、draw on 动用,利用


8、draw up 起草,制订


9、dress up 打扮,穿上盛装

110、engage in 使从事于,使忙于


11、equip with 装备,配备


12、exchange for 交换,调换,兑换


13、experiment on/with 进行实验


14、expose to 使暴露,受到;使曝光


15、face up to 大胆面向


16、feed on/with 向...提供,以...为食


17、feel for 摸索,摸索着寻找


18、figure out 计算出;领会到


19、fill in/out 填充,填写

120、find out 查明,发现


21、free of/from 无...的,免去...


22、focus on (使)聚焦,(使)集中


23、frown upon 皱眉


24、glance at/over 提到,影射,扫视


25、guard against 提防, 预防,防止,防范


26、hang about/around 闲荡,闲呆着


27、hang on 坚持;不挂断;抓紧不放


28、hang on to 紧紧抓住


29、hang up 挂断(电话)

130、have on 穿着,戴着


31、head for (使)朝...行进,(使)走向


32、head on 迎面的,正面的


33、hear of/about 听到


34、hear from 收到...的(来信)


35、can/could not help 禁不住,忍不住


36、hinder from 阻止,妨碍


37、hurry up 匆匆完成,(使)赶快


38、identify with 认为...等同于


39、impose on 把...强加给;利用,欺骗

140、impress on 印,留下印象


41、improve on/upon 改进,超过


42、inform of/about 通知,告诉


43、inform against/on 告发,检举


44、inquire of/about 询问,打听,调查


45、insist on/upon 坚决要求,坚持


46、interfere in/with 干涉,介入;妨碍,干扰


47、involve in 卷入,陷入;牵涉,包含


48、knock down 击倒,撞倒


49、knock out 击倒,击昏

150、laugh at 因...而笑,嘲笑


51、lead to 导致,通往


52、learn of 听到,获悉


53、learn from 向...学习


54、leave alone 不干涉


55、leave behind 留下,忘记带


56、leave for 动身去


57、leave off (使)停止


58、leave out 遗漏,略去


59、lie in 在于

160、limit to 限制,限定


1、line up 排成一行


2、long for 渴望,极想


3、major in 主修,专攻


4、meet with 遇见,碰到


5、mistake for 把...误认为


6、mix up 搅匀;混淆,搞混


7、model on/after 模仿


8、multiply by 乘以


9、name after 给...取名,命名

170、object to 反对,不赞成


1、occur to 被想到,被想起


2、operate on 开动;动手术


3、originate in/from 起源,发生;首创


4、owe to 应把...归功于


5、participate in 参与,参加


6、pass away 去世


7、pass on 传授,传递


8、persist in 坚持不懈,执意;持续


9、persuade of (使)相信

180、piece together 拼合,拼凑


1、plunge into 纵身投入,跳入;猛冲;使突然陷入


2、point out 指出


3、prefer to 更喜欢,宁愿


4、preside at/over 主持


5、prevail over 取胜,占优势;盛行


6、prevent from 预防,防止


7、profit by/from 得利,获益


8、provide sb. with sth. 提供,供给


9、provide sth. for sb. 提供,供给

190、quarrel about/over 争吵,口角


1、range over 论及,涉及


2、react against 反应,起反作用;反抗


3、read about/of 读到


4、reason with 理喻,与...评理,劝告


5、recover from 痊愈,恢复;重新获得


6、refer to 参考,查阅;涉及,提到


7、refer to...as 把...称做,把...当做


8、regard...as 把...看做,认为


9、register with 注册,登记

200、relate to 有关联


1、rely on/upon 依靠,依赖


2、remark about/on 评论,议论


3、remember to 向...致意,代...问候


4、remind sb. of sth. 使想起


5、remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事


6、reply to 回答,答复


7、report to 报导,报告


8、resign to 辞职,辞去,放弃;托付给


9、resort to 求助;诉诸于,采取,凭借

210、respond to 响应,回答

211、rest on 依靠,依赖;被搁在, 停留在

212、restrain from 阻碍,控制,抑制

213、result from 起因于,由...产生,因...而造成

214、result in 导致,结果是

215、ring off 挂断电话, 走掉, 离开

216、ring up 打电话;<美> 把(款项)记入现金记录机, 登录

217、rob of 抢劫,****

218、scrape through 勉强通过

219、search for 寻找,探查;搜查, 搜索

220、seek after/for 寻找,追求,探索,试图,企图


21、select from 挑选,选择


22、send for 召唤,派人去请,派人去拿;函索


23、send in 递送,呈报,呈送,递交


24、send off 寄出, 邮寄,发送,派遣, 解雇, 给...送行


25、separate from (使)分离;(使)分开


26、settle down 定居; 平静下来, 专心于;解决,调停


27、settle to 静下心来


28、shake off 抖落,摆脱,甩掉


29、share in 分享,分担

230、share with 分与,分派,分配,分享,共用


31、side with 支持,站在...的一边, 和...抱同样的见解


32、slow down/up (使)放慢,减速


33、smell of 有...的气味,有...的味道


34、specialize in 擅长于,专门研究,专攻


35、speed up 加速


36、stem from 起源于


37、step on 踩,踏上


39、stick to 粘在...上,粘住;坚持,信守
