



1.Herman Melville’s ______ is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc, in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry. A. Billy Budd

B. The Old Man and the Sea

C. White Jacket

D. Moby Dick

In addition to his novels, _______ wrote about 120 short stories and sketches. Among them are Young Goodman Brown and The Minister’s Black Veil.

A. Henry David Thoreau

B. Nathaniel Hawthorne C. Ralph Waldo Emerson

D. Herman Melville

______ is an appalling fictional version of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s belief that “the wrong doing of one generation lives into the successive ones” and that evil will come out of evil though it may take generations to happen. A.

The Marble Faun

B. The Blithedale Romance

C. Young Goodman Brown D. The House of Seven Gables

Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”? A. The Conduct of Life

B. Representative Men

C. English Traits D. The American Scholar

Which is generally as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism? A. Nature

B. Walden C. On Beauty

D. Self-Reliance

There is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually on the Puritan soil. A. Unitarianism

B. Mysticism

C. Romanticism

D. Puritanism

“The universe is composed of Nature and the soul… Spirit is present everywhere”. This is the voice of the book Nature written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which pushed American romanticism into a new Phase, the phase of New England ______. A. Romanticism

B. Transcendentalism C. Symbolism

D. Naturalism

Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book, of which the most famous and anthologized are ____ and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. A. A History of New York

B. The Pioneers

C. Rip Van Winkle

D. Leatherstocking Tales

Washington Irving’s first book appeared in 1809, titled ______. A. The History of New York

B. The Marble Faun C. The American Scholar

D. The Cop and the Anthem

In the early 19th century American moral values were essentially Puritan. Nothing has left a deeper imprint on the character of the people as a whole than did _____. A. Rationalism

B. Romanticism C. Sentimentalism

D. Puritanism

Which is the character who appears in the novel Moby Dick? A. Hester Prynne

B. Pearl

C. Mr. Hooper D. Ahab

Herman Melville called his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne ______ in American literature. A. The transcendentalist B. The largest brain with the largest heart C. The American scholar

D. Father of American poetry

Nathaniel Hawthorne is a master of psychological insight and central subject of his major works is the human soul. Choose his short story from the following ones. A. Omoo B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

C. Young Goodman Brown

D. The Pearl

The finest example of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan in ______. A. The Marble Faun

B. The Ambitious Guest

C. The Scarlet Letter

D. Young Goodman Brown

From Henry David Thoreau’s jail experience came his famous essay, ______ which states Thoreau’s belief that no man should violate his conscience at the command of a government. A. Common Sense

B. Civil Disobedience

C. Walden

D. Nature

Which essay is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson? A. Self-Reliance B. The American Scholar

C. The Divinity School Address

D. Of Studies

Which book is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson?

A. Nature

D. The Rhodora

B. English Traits C. Nature

D. The Rhodora C. The Rhodora

D. Representative Men

B. English Traits C. Nature

D. The Rhodora

Form the following, choose the characteristics of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poetry. A. Being highly individual

B. Harsh rhythms C. Lack of form and polish

D. All of the above

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first book _____ is the fundamental document of his philosophy, and expresses his constant, deeply felt love for he natural scenes. A. Leatherstocking Tales

B. Walden

C. Nature D. Daisy Miller

Choose William Cullen Bryant’s poem from the following ones. A. Voices of the Night

B. Ligeia

C. Song of Myself

D. Thanatopsis

In 1817, the stately poem called Thanatopsis introduced he best poet _____ to appear in America up to that time. A. Edward Taylor

B. William Cullen Bryant

C. Edgar Allan Poe

D. Philip Freneau

Choose Washington Irving’s works from the following items. A. Walden

B. A History of New York

C. Self-Reliance

D. Sister Carrie

In the 19th century America, Romanticism had certain general characteristics. Choose such characteristics from the following items. A. Moral enthusiasm B. Faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception C. Presumption about the corrosive effect of human society D. All of the above

Herman Melville’s _____ is not only an adventure story, but also a significant philosophical work on spiritual exploration.

A. The Egg B. The Over-Soul

C. Nature

D. Moby Dick

A new _____ had appeared in England in the last years of the 18th century. It spread to continental Europe and then came to America early in the 19th century. A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Naturalism

D. . Critical realism

Transcendentalism appealed to those who disdained the hash God of the Puritan ancestors, and it appealed to those who scorned the pale deity of New England _____. A. Naturalism B. Transcendentalism

C. Humanism

D. Unitarianism

Led by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson and _____, there arose a kind of teaching of transcendentalism in the early 19th century. A. Mark Twain

B. Theodore Dreiser

C. Henry David Thoreau

D. Herman Melville

Transcendentalists recognized ______ as the “highest power of the soul”.

A. intuition

B. thinking

C. logic

D. date of the senses

_____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club. A. Hawthorne

B. Thoreau

C. Whitman

D. Emerson

The appearance of The Scarlet letter marked the maturity of Nathaniel Hawthorne as a novelist. Soon he composed the other three important novels including _____, The Blithedale Romance and The Marble Faun. A. Walden

B. The House of the Seven Gables

C. The Prairie D. The Fall of the House of Usher

Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in _____ and Thoreau. A. Jefferson

B. Oversoul

C. Freneau

D. Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay The American Scholar____ has been regarded as “Americas Declaration of Intellectual Independence”. It called on American writers to write about America in a way peculiarly American.

At 19 in 1802_ Washington Irving ___began to write a series of sketches or essays on the theatre and the New York society, using the name of Jonathan Oldstyle.

__Herman Melville___is famous for writing stories about the sea and the islands of the Southern Pacific. In his masterpiece Moby Dick, he tells a story of a Whaling voyage which is set a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.

Herman Melville’s world classic novel Moby Dick was dedicated to _Nathaniel Hawthorne___, a novelist.

Herman Melville is best known as the author of one book named _Moby Dick___, which is, critics have agreed, one of the world’s greatest masterpieces.

Ralph _Waldo___ Emerson was responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England.

The civil war of 1861~1865 ended in the defeat of the Southerners and the abolition of__Slavery____.

___Ralph Waldo Emerson__ was a great American Transcendentalist and revolutionary Romanticist, whose first book Nature is the fundamental document of his philosophy.

In the early 19th century Rip Van Winkle had established __Washington Irving________’s reputation at home and abroad, and designated the beginning of American Romanticism.

Another renowned New England Transcendentalist was _Henry David Thoreau___, a friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson and his junior by some 14 years.

_Washington Irving___’s Rip Van Winkle is a fantasy tale about a man who somehow stepped outside the main stream of life.

27. The Transcendental Club often met at _Ralph Waldo Emerson____’s home in Concord.

In The Pioneers, __Natty Bumppo__ represents the ideal American, living a virtuous and free life in God’s world.

In the early 19th century, Washington Irving wrote The Sketch Book___which became the first work by an American writer to win financial success on both sides of the Atlantic.

The first important American novelist was _James Fenimore Cooper___.

In 1823 Cooper James Fenimore wrote The Pioneers, the first of the five novels that make up _The Leatherstocking Tales___.The remaining four books: The Last of Mohicans (1826), The Prairie (1827), The Pathfinder (1840), and The Deerslayer (1841), continue the story of Natty Bumppo, one of the most famous characters in American fiction.

In 1845, Thoreau began a two year residence at _Walden___ Pond.

The short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is taken from Washington Irving’s work named___The Sketch Book___.

Emerson’s truest disciple, the man who put into practice many of Emerson’s theories, was Henry __David__ Thoreau.

_____Edgar Allan Poe__’s poems have the musical quality and romantic beauty. The Raven is his best-known poem.

Published in 1823, _The Pioneers____ was the first of the Leatherstcoking Tales, in their order of publication time, and probably the first true romance of the frontier in American literature.

Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, of which the most famous and anthologized is_Rip Van Winkle___.

__Washington Irving__was regarded as the first great prose stylist of American romanticism.

__Washington Irving___was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War.

Washington Irving’s first book appeared in 1809.It was entitled _The History of New York___.

In 1836, a little book came out which made a tremendous impact on the intellectual life of America. It was entitled Nature by _Ralph Waldo Emerson___.

The way in which __Nathaniel Hawthorne__ wrote The Scarlet letter suggests that American Romanticism adapted itself to American puritan moralism.

The American Romantic Period stretches form the end of the 18th century through the outburst of the __Civil War__.

To A Waterfowl is perhaps the peak of _William Cullen Bryant___’s work, it has been called by an eminent English critic “the most perfect brief poem in the language.”

Emerson’s first book in 1836_Nature___brought American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of New England Transcendentalism.

The central figure in the Leatherstocking Tales is Natty Bumppo____, who goes by the various names of Leatherstocking, Deerslayer, Pathfinder and Hawkeye. Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’s novel _The Scarlet Letter___. Herman Melville’s novel__Moby Dick__ is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale.

The English author named _Sir Walter Scott____ was, in a way, responsible for the romantic description of landscape in American literature and the development of American Indian romance. His Waverly novels were models for American historical romance.

Leaves of Grass, either in content or form, is an epoch-making work in American literature; its democratic content marked the shift from romanticism to realism, and its free verse____form broke from old poetic conventions to open a new road for American poetry.

In 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne brought out his masterpiece _The Scarlet Letter___, the story of a triangular love affair in colonial America.

. In Washington Irving’s work _The Sketch Book___appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature.

For the whole 19th century _Emily Dickinson___was the only woman poet who enjoys high academic esteem today. She has been acclaimed as a poet of philosophical and tragic dimensions, a poet who was responsive to the challenging questions of man, nature and human consciousness.

The American Transcendentalists formed a club called__the Transcendental Club____.

As a philosophical and literary movement, _____ flourished in New England form the 1830s to the Civil War.

A. modernism

B. sentimentalism

C. rationalism

D. transcendentalism


一、殖民主义时期The Literature of Colonial America

1.船长约翰•史密斯Captain John Smith


“A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony”


“A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country”

《弗吉尼亚通史》“General History of Virginia”

2.威廉•布拉德福德William Bradford and John Winthrop

《普利茅斯开发历史》“The History of Plymouth Plantation”

3.约翰•温思罗普John Winthrop

《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”

4.罗杰•威廉姆斯Roger Williams

《开启美国语言的钥匙》”A Key into the Language of America”


Or “ A Help to the Language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England ”

5.安妮•布莱德斯特Anne Bradstreet


”The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America

二、理性和革命时期文学 The Literature of Reason and Revolution

1。本杰明•富兰克林Benjamin Franklin

※《自传》“ The Autobiography ”

《穷人理查德的年鉴》“Poor Richard’s Almanac”

2。托马斯•佩因Thomas Paine

※《美国危机》“The American Crisis”

《收税官的案子》“The Case of the Officers of the Excise”

《常识》“Common Sense”

《人权》“Rights of Man”

《理性的时代》“The Age of Reason”

《土地公平》“Agrarian Justice”

3。托马斯•杰弗逊Thomas Jefferson


4。菲利浦•弗瑞诺Philip Freneau

※《野忍冬花》“The Wild Honey Suckle”

※《印第安人的坟地》“The Indian Burying Ground”

※《致凯提•迪德》“To a Caty-Did”

《想象的力量》“The Power of Fancy”

《夜屋》“The House of Night”

《英国囚船》“The British Prison Ship”


“The Poems of Philip Freneau Written Chiefly During the Late War”

《札记》“Miscellaneous Works”



1.Renaissance: ( from 14th century to 17th century)

Definition: Renaissance is commonly applied to the movement or period in Western civilization, which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. An age of drama and poetry.

Reasons:the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture, the new discoveries in geography and astronomy, the religious reformation and economic expansion

Significance: a reflection of the class struggle waged by the new rising bourgeoisie against the feudal class and its ideology.

William Caxton—the first person who introduced printing into England.

Sonnet: originated in Italy, sonnet is a fourteen-line poem with a distinctiverhyme scheme and metrical pattern. It was introduced to England by Sir Wyatt in the early stage of English Renaissance and then further cultivated by Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare so as to produce respectively the Spenserian stanza and

Shakespearian stanza, both of which exerted great influence on the successing poets.Shakespearian Stanza: Shakespearean Sonnet is made up of three quatrains(四行诗节) with different rhymes, followed by a couplet. The rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg. Spenserian Stanza: invented by Edmund Spenser. It is a stanza of 9 lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter 抑扬格五音步& the last line in iambic hexameter抑扬格六音步, rhyming ababbcbcc.

blank verse—is unrhymed poetry with each line written in iambic pentamet Metaphysical Poetry:

 Definition:The term is commonly used to name the work in the 17th century written by the writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.Representatives: John Donne & George Herbert

Technique: Peculiar/Metaphysical conceits(奇喻)

 General Features: a. The diction is simple and echoes the words and cadence of

common speech.The imagery is drawn from the actual life yet subtle, the extended metaphors for such images are typically called “metaphysical/peculiar

conceits”. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet’s loved, with God, or with himself.

2.Neo-classic Period:

1)The Enlightenment Movement—The Age of Reason

Definition: The Enlightenment refers to a progressive intellectual movement

throughout Western Europe that spans approximately one hundred years from

1680s to 1789.

Purpose: to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and

artistic ideas.

2) Neoclassicism: (Main literary form—English Novels)

Definition: In literary criticism, this term refers to the revival of the attitudes and

styles of expression of classical literature. It is generally used to describe a period in

European history beginning in the late seventeenth century and lasting until about


Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature: fixed laws and rules for almost every

genre of literature. Prose: lyrical, epical, didactic, satiric or dramatic, each class

guided by its own principles. Drama: in Heroic Couplet; strictly observation of the 3

unity of time, space andaction; regularity in construction; type characters

rather than individuals. Mainstream of literature: realism—writers described the

social realities.

3.Romantic Period: (an age of poetry)

1) Romanticism

English Romanticism is said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of

Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with

Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the


2) Characteristics of the Age

 The Romantic Age is emphatically an age of poetry.Women novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed, for the first time, an important place in English literature. (Jane Austen)The greatest historical novelists Walter Scott belongs to this period. His

historical novels combines a romantic atmosphere with a realistic depiction of

historical background and common people’s life. Scott marked the transition

from romanticism to the period of realism that followed it.

4.The Victorian Period:

1) Victorian Literature

 The novel became the most widely read and most vital and challenging

expression of progressive thought.

 The Victorian age was also a great one for non-fictional prose.The poets of this period were mainly characterized by their experiment with

new styles and new ways of expression.

2) Critical Realism

 English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the 1840s and early 1850s.It found its expression mainly in the writing of novels and the greatest

English critical realist of the time was Charles Dickens—a humorist and

satirist, a great bourgoisie intellect who could not overstep the limits of

 his class.The English critical realism of the 19th century not only gave a satirical

portrayal of the bourgeoisie and all the ruling classes, but also showed

profound sympathy for the common people.

5.The Modern Period—marked by the publification of T. S. Eliot’s The Wast

Land: (Prevailing Genre: Fictions)

1) Cultural Background

Darwin’s Origin of Species and social Darwinism;Einstein’s theory of relativity; Freud’s

analytical psychology; irrational philosophers including Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and


2) The Differences Between Realism and Modernism:

Realism: Theoratical Base ---Rational PhilosophyFunction of Literature--- Educate

People and Criticize Social EvilsSubject--- Public, Exterior WorldConception of

Time &Space--- Clock Time, Geographic spaceForms and Techniques--- Hero, Plot

Tone--- Optimistic

Modernism: Theoratical Base --- Irrational PhilosophyFunction of Literature---

Expression of "Self"Subject--- Private, Interior World

Conception ofTime &Space--- Psychological Time &SpaceForms and Techniques---

Anti-hero, Anti-plot

Tone--- Pessimistic

Modernism is , in many aspects, a reaction against rationalism, it rose out of

skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. The Major theme of Modernism:

distoreted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society,

man and man, and man and himself.

Literary Trends: expressionism, surrealism(超现实主义), futurism, imagism and stream

of consciousness, existentialsm.


1. Literature of Colonial Period

a. Indian tribes had a rich store of oral literature in the forms of songs, spells, charms,

omens ,riddles and stories.

b. Three stages: Traditional literature, Transitional Literature, Modern Literaturec. The first permanent English settlement was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.

d. Puritanism :Origin of Puritan

Doctrines:based on Calvinism1)predestination2)original sin and total depravity

3)limited atonement4)theocracy

Influence on American Literature 1)Its optimism has exerted a great influence on

American literature2)Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception changed

gradually into a literary symbolism

e. Literature of Colonial Settlement: Forms: histories, travel account, biographies,

diaries, letters, autobiographies, sermons and poems. Characteristics:1) American

colonial literature is neither real literature nor American. 2) Their writings served either

God or colonial expansion

2. The Literature of the Revolutionary Period:

a. The Age of Reason: Definition:A rational society is that “reforms the mind,

sweetens the temper, cheers the spirits, and promotes health”(by Thomas


b. The forms of literature: ballads, skits, broadsides, newspaper poems, editorials,

essays, private and public letters, satires, pamphlets

3. The Literature of the Romantic Period

1) American Romanticism: an artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe

in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on

the individual’s expression of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and

forms of classicism, and rebellion against established social rules and conventions.

native factors: It is a period following American independence.(Political independence,

economic development and territorial expansion contributed much to literature.

foreign influence: Romanticism emerged from England and it added impetusto the

growthof Romanticism in America.

2) Distinct Features of American Romanticism

a. It was in essence the expression of a real new experience

b. American Puritanism served as a cultural heritage in American literature. c. American new ideals were strong enough to inspire Romantic spirit

d. both imitative & independent

4.The Literature of the Realistic Period:

a. Realism:is a term applied to literary composition that aims at an prejudice, idealism, or romantic color.

b. Time:Realism flourished from the Civil War to the turn of the century.

c. Features: (1) It stresses truthful treatment of material. (2) Characterization is the center of the story. (3) Open ending is a good example of the truthful treatment of material. (4) Realism focuses on common characters and everyday events. (5) Realism emphasizes objectivity. (6) Realism presents moral vision.

d. Two Literary Trends:

1)Local Color(or Local Corlorism/Regionalism etc.)

a. Local Color is a term applied to literature which, asthat have escaped standardizing cultural influences

b. Features: Presenting a locale which is distinguished from the outside world; Describing the exotic and the picturesque; Nostalgia; Showing things as they are; The influence of setting on character(environmental determinism)

2) Naturalism:

a. Background: 1) Darwinism’s key points: the struggle for existence or evolution, the survival of the fittest, natural selection. 2) SocialDarwinism: the weak and stupid would fall victim in the natural course of events to economic forces.

b. Definition: Naturalism is a critical term applied to the method of literary


c. Features:Humans are controlled by laws of heredity and environment. The universe is cold, godless, indifferent, and hostile to human desires.

The literary naturalists have a major difference from the realists. (Violent, sensational, sordid, unpleasant and ugly vs. genteel)

5. The Literature of the Modernist Period:

1). Modernism:

Cultural Background: Darwin’s Origin of Species; Freud’s analytical psychology(libido, id, ego, superego); Irrational Philosophers: Schopenhauer & Nietzsche

Modernist literature is characterized chiefly by a rejection of 19th-century traditions.

2) Imagism:(Leaders: Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell)

Definition: Imagism is the doctrine and poetic practice of a small but influential group of American and British poets calling themselves imagists between 1912 and 1917. Aiming at a new clarity and exactness in the short lyric poem, the imagists cultivated concision and directness, building their short poems around single images; they also preferred looser cadences to traditional regular rhythms.

Features: Free choice of subject matter, Free verse, Image Without interpretation or comment

Influences: a. The imagist theories call for brief language, describing the precise picture in as few words as possible. This new way of poetry composition has a lasting influence in the 20th century poetry. b. The second lasting influence of Imagism is the form of free verse. There are no metrical rules. There are apparent indiscriminate line breaks, which reflects the discontinuity of life itself. That is art of the poem. (The poet uses the length of the lines and the strange groupings of words to show how life itself can be broken up into somehow meaningless clusters.)

2)The Lost Generation:

.first used by Gertrude Stein, an American woman writer, who was one of the leaders of the group,the term defines a sense of moral loss or aimlessness. The WWI destroyed the innocent ideas, many good young men went to the war and died, or

returned damaged, both physically and mentally; their moral faith were no longer valid--- they were “Lost.”

In the Narrow Sense: a group ofAmerican writers, including Hemingway,

F.S.Fitzgerald, J.Dos Passos, E.E.Cummings, Sherwood Anderson, and Hart Crane, etc.

In the Broad Sense: the entire post WWI American young generation

Main Characteristics: Suffering from the war, losing beliefs, being cut off from life, indulged in drinking and partying.


A summery of first two lessons

From the previous classes, we've essentially get an brief idea of some basic knowledge about the United Kingdom. The main knowledge points can be concluded as follows:

The full name of the complicated country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Britain is no longer an imperial country, though its past has huge effects. The two main effects respectively lie in Britain'international relationships and the make-up of the British population.

UK, as a multiracial society, has the remarkable class regional and economic differences.

London, the capital and the largest city, is dominant in the UK in all fields. England, the largest in geography and population of the four nations, dominant in culture and economy.

A British invasions history which experiences from stages.

Scotland, the most confident of its own identity, has spent a history as a unified state independent of the UK.

Scotland joined the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish parliament.

A brief introduction to Wales.

Northern Ireland has an active cultural life but has its problems because of the conflicts and the influence of UK.

Irish desires for an indepent Irish state all the time, therefore issues accurred in frequent succession. The Home Rule Bill, the East Rising of 1916 and the Sinn Fein Party made Irish independent.

There exists religious conflicts between the Irish and the British because of the ethnical distinction.

British government organised a partition of Ireland as a compromise.

More violent campaign, IRA's violence and Bloody Sunday.

In order to halt the terrible conflicts, Ireland and Great Britain aim to cooperate with each other and arrive at a resolution. Finally, the Good Friday Agreement was emerged.

Learning first two lessons has laid a good foundation for our further study on the following lessons. I'm looking forward to comprehend more knowledge about British politics, economy, culture and foreign relations and so on.



Chapter 1 the making of England



Clustering 丛 团








Christianity基督教christian 基督教的 第二页



















Minstrel(中世纪)游方诗歌演唱者 Fragmentv、n 碎片 片段


Grapple (with)扭住(对手)扭打格斗 Avail(against sb) 抵挡

Combat格斗 搏斗 战斗

Retreat撤退 退却






Trophy奖品 战利品


Belche喷(火) forth its fire


Envelope包围 包住






































sustain奇妙的 头韵 辅音 隐喻 侍者 责备 淡的色调或痕迹a tinge of 永久的 北欧海盗掠夺散文没收赠与小块土地男爵封臣誓言保护资产显示至高无上编年史的 突出的最突出的、占支配地位的混合照管主教大主教 男修道院长辛苦工作 支撑41个单词






slogan口号 格言】




































Masterpiece奴役天鹅绒布料 装饰 貂皮 貂香料黑麦庄园浮华最高统治者抗议。报复受压迫的背叛的 不忠的恳求 呼吁流行的诗体比赛、武士骑马比赛密码。道德标准道德的骑士精神学徒身份1表情严肃的2庄重的3隆重的正式的1循环周期2系列(如组歌或组诗)边缘结局 结果倒塌赞助 支持控告编造不正当的改变形式或用途名著 杰作41单词


Amuse是某人消遣 第十一页


Amid在()当中 Barren贫瘠的 Scanty不足的 Industriously勤劳的 Plough耕田 Idler






















Sum up




无工作(的人) 暴漏揭露寄生物、靠他人生存的人会吏、助祭布道仪仗队1跳跃2冲。窜 1文书、办事员2(议会法院等)书记员、秘书4教士牧师掠夺sth 红衣主教 1美德2.(女子)贞操 托钵修士 隐士、隐居修道士祭桌 慢步行走的人领地 风帽 提出(理由或借口) 给与(奖励) 雾气 咕哝(某事)、低语声 形成对()的看法 1(with sb)(on/about sth)讨论、探讨、商谈、请教2sth(on sb)授予某人(学位或头衔) 严厉的 建议

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