



China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) is one of the key national universities under the direct administration of the China’s Ministry of Education. It is also one of the universities which host a graduate school with the approval of the Ministry of Education, and one of that in the national “211 project”, a government program designed t

CUMT grew out of Jiaozuo School of Railroad and Mines, which was

established in 1909 and was later expanded and renamed Jiaozuo Institute of Technology. In 1950, Jiaozuo Institute of Technology moved to Tianjin and was renamed the China Institute of Mining and Technology (CIMT). It became the first higher learning institution in the field of mining in China.

In 1952, during a national readjustment of higher learning institutions, the

mining engineering departments of Tsinghua University and the now-defunct Beiyang and Tangshan Railroad Universities were merged into CIMT. In 1953, the Institute moved to Beijing and was renamed Beijing Institute of Mining and Technology (BIMT), where it became one of the eight most renowned institutes in Beijing. In 1960, BIMT was rated a key university in the nation. During the period of the Cultural Revolution, it moved to Sichuan Province and was renamed the Sichuan

Institute of Mining and Technology. In 1978, with the approval of the State Council, a new campus was established in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, with the school name restored to CIMT, and was rated by the government as one of China’s 88 key state universities.

In 1988, the institution was formally renamed the China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT), and in 1997, a second campus in Beijing was established with the approval of the Ministry of Education.

As the oldest higher learning institution with a focus on mining engineering in the country, CUMT has been and continues to receive much attention and support from leaders of the central government. On May 11, 1988, Deng Xiaoping inscribed in his own handwriting the name of CUMT (it appears on the cover of this brochure) which is a mark of great distinction in Chinese culture. On January 19, 1996, then President Jiang Zemin and vice-premier Wu Bangguo personally inspected the facilities for coal water mixture preparation technology on the Beijing campus. On May 18, 1999, Jiang Zemin wrote the inscription for CUMT’s 90th anniversary as “Be enterprising and innovative in exploration, be rigorous and meticulous in academic pursuits, and build the China University of Mining and Technology into a first-class university of science and technology in the field of energy resources.” On June 16, 1999, former premier Li Peng wrote a second inscription entitled “Develop the cause of energy resource science and education. Train outstanding talents for the new century.” Former vice-premier Li Lanqing visited the school on October 8, 1999, followed by Mrs. Chen Zhili, the State Councilor and former Minister of Education, who paid a visit in May 2002.

After over 90 years’ growth, a multidisciplinary system has emerged at CUMT. The system focuses on mining engineering and gives priority to engineering

disciplines. At present, on the main campus in Xuzhou, there are 19 schools with 60 undergraduate programs. CUMT offers 50 additional doctoral programs and 100 master’s programs. CUMT now has 8 key disciplines rated by the Chinese government as national priorities in education, and 13 recognized as key on the

ministerial or provincial level. Schools hosting the 8 key disciplines are able to invite special professors both in China and from abroad to help with discipline development under the “Specially Engaged Professorship under the Yangtze River Scholar Award Project”. Post-doctoral research opportunities are also available in 11 fields. During the ninth “Five-year Plan” period in 1996-2000, the “211 Project” was implemented, and during that period, CUMT achieved remarkable success in 12 research projects highlighted by three theoretical and five technical achievements of international standing. The university continues to operate under the “211 Project” today.

CUMT boasts a large and well-qualified staff. The main campus in Xuzhou hosts more than 3,000 staff with over 1,400 full-time academics, 230 professors and 333 associate professors. The university’s current academic staff includes 6 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 172 supervisors for doctoral candidates. Among all the academic staff, one has received the first “China Young Scientist Award”, one has been nominated the prize of the “China Young Scientist Award”, 2 have won the first “Famous Teacher Award” for universities and colleges nationwide, one has received the “National Model Teacher Award”, 9 have obtained the “China Youth Award for Excellence in Science and Technology”, one has received the title of “National Excellent Worker for Scientific and Technological Advancement”, 10 have possessed state-level titles as the “Outstanding Young and Middle Aged Experts”, 7 have been listed among the first and second level candidates for the “Millions of Talents Projects”, 9 have been listed among the “New Century Outstanding Talent Training Program”, 9 have obtained awards from the China Outstanding Youth Science Fund, 3 have been listed among candidates for the Eighth China Youth

Award for Excellence in Science and Technology. Additionally, 200 academics have received various state or ministerial-level honorary academic titles.

CUMT, with a history of nearly 100 years, has always focused on

student-centered education, and the quality of student education has continued to improve. Since its inception, CUMT has produced more than 100,000 graduates, among which 10 are top-level academicians in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Engineering, and 20 are ministers and provincial governors. Among CUMT’s

graduates are a large number of successful entrepreneurs, technicians and engineers who have excelled in their fields. Since China’s reform and opening up policy was adopted in 1978, CUMT has received 13 state-level awards for excellence in teaching quality, 9 state-level prizes for excellence in textbook publication, 52 ministerial and provincial-level awards for excellence in teaching achievements, 45 ministerial and provincial-level awards for excellence in textbooks or monographs. Three courses have won state-level awards for excellence, and seven have won provincial-level

awards. Seven papers have received prizes in the State Competition of One Hundred Excellent Doctoral Graduation Papers. Two post-doctoral fellows have won the title of “China Ten Excellent Post-doctoral Fellows” in 2000 and 2001 respectively. In the first State Competition of MBA Student Article Solicitation, CUMT students won the exclusive first prize. In university students’ academic and science competitions, CUMT students have won a series of titles, including the grand prize in the “Challenge Cup” University Student Extracurricular Scientific Achievements

Competition, the Zhou Peiyuan First Place Prize for the State Mechanics Competition, and honorable mentions in the First State Computer Science Competition and the State University Student Robot TV Competition. CUMT students have also won first prizes in both Chinese and international mathematical modeling competitions.

At present, the total student population on the main campus in Xuzhou exceeds 40,000 people, of which over 25,000 are undergraduate students, 5,000 are candidates for master and doctoral degrees. There are also over 170 international students.

Since its inception, CUMT has formed an excellent school spirit summarized in the motto “Diligence, Earnestness, Enterprise and Dedication,” and has also cultivated a glorious tradition emphasizing physical education. CUMT has developed a further “campus spirit” of studiousness, adherence to facts and creativity, hard work and efforts to improve. CUMT has produced numerous nationally competitive athletes. Since 1978, CUMT has broken over 80 records in many of China’s national collegiate games and won the “President Cup” three times, which is the greatest honor in

national collegiate competition. CUMT was also elected as the “Excellent University in Completing University Physical Education Requirements” many times over.

CUMT is designated as a “Base of National Collegiate Track and Field Training” by the National Physical Education and Sports Committee, and has won many honorable titles such as “National Advanced Collective in Mass Physical Education”, “Excellent School in the National Physical Education and Sports Appraisal” and “National Advanced School in Extracurricular Training among Higher Learning Institutions”.

CUMT has been committed to quality scientific research, and has achieved

abundant of high-level results, among which 31 have received three state-level awards and 431 have won provincial-level awards. The various indexes reflecting the overall academic level of CUMT are among the first rank in the entire country. Since the ninth “Five-Year Plan” period (1996-2000), CUMT has undertaken 7,115 research projects, of which 382 are national projects.

In recent years, CUMT has strengthened international exchanges and

cooperation with partners throughout the world. Now it has established academic links with nearly 50 universities and research institutions, such as, the University of Nottingham of UK, the University of Duisburg-Essen of Germany, the Swinburne University of Technology of Australia, the Kentucky University of the United States and the Hanoi University of Mining and Geology of Vietnam, etc. Concurrently, the University has sponsored a number of international symposiums, resulting in vigorous academic exchanges with the outside world.

CUMT features good facilities for teaching and research. The main library has holdings of over 1,950,000 volumes. The University has 2 national key laboratories, 1 national engineering research center, 1 state-level university science and technology park, 2 state-level and 9 ministerial-level key laboratories as well as 5

ministerial-level engineering research centers. In addition, it has a testing and analysis center, a rock mechanics and strata control center, a center for coal water mixture manufacturing and a long-wall coal caving center. Furthermore, CUMT has complete facilities for culture, sports and living.

CUMT covers an area of 297 hectares with a floor space of 1,130,000 square meters (The Wenchang campus covers an area of 107 hectares with a floor space of 530,000 square meters. The newly-built Nanhu campus covers an area of 190 hectares with a floor space of 600,000 square meters.). Now, a modern university campus has emerged, with characteristics of efficient layout, complete infrastructure, stylish architecture, a state-of-the-art information network, picturesque settings and pleasant environs.

For the new century, CUMT has set down an overall development strategy. In the next ten years, the university will give priority to science and engineering, while also endeavoring to ensure harmonious development with other disciplines such as liberal arts, management, law and economics. The university will also emphasize discipline development, student education, scientific research, and social service as well as school management. This will ensure that CUMT takes the lead in these aspects, so that the university will become a world leader in the field of mining engineering, with a clear advantage in and unique focus on energy sciences and technology. The university recognizes the need to make strides in a number of

interdisciplinary areas as well. Therefore, the mission of the University is to develop into a high-level multidisciplinary institution of both national and international standing, with a strong commitment to research.



加入社团是为了培养自己的能力,千万不要一门心思去钻营,那样的人没有人会喜欢。在每个社团兢兢业业的干好你的事,和学长们处理好关系,和同学们处理好关系,有人会看在眼里的�� 1,校学生会及各院学生会

如同其它学校一样,这是一个老牌的社团。由校团委直接领导,使团委下设的最大的社团,其下设有主席团、秘书处、学术部、文艺部、实践部、体育部、女生部、大学生权益委员会、社区管理中心、宣传部、网络中心和新闻部等职能部门。 并且开展很多大型活动,如“校庆杯”足球赛等。

美中不足的是,学校领导插手痕迹明显,学生会官僚主义作风有点重。 各院系学生会也都有自己的活动和组织机构,但因为院的规模不同,也有好坏之分 2.自强社

中国海洋大学大学生自强社(简称自强社)英文名称the Self-Reliance Association of OUC,缩写为SRAO。自强社成立于2005年12月15日,是由中国海洋大学学生工作处筹建并与中国海洋大学校团委共同指导和支持的学生社团。



基础社员:凡接受过各类针对家庭经济困难学生的奖助学金、社会资助、生活补助、减免学费的本专科生,自动成为自强社基础社员。 常务社员:基础社员或其他承认自强社章程、并书面提出入社申请的学生,经所在院系自强分社审查通过,均可参选成为常务社员,参与自强社常务工作。


2.优先获得学校推荐的勤工助学岗位的权利�� 3,大艺团

团委下设的第二大社团,成功的完成了80年校庆的演出任务,承办了多场大型晚会,社团成员除秘书处外,全是演员,全靠真本事进入社团,各有所长,秘书处以后会发展主持人。这里从上到下都很和谐,都很活跃�� 4,校及各院系研究会

全称是邓小平理论与三个代表重要思想研究会,说实话,我不知道他们是干什么的,干过什么。有人知道的话补充一�� 5,海之子网站

勉强把它算做社团吧,其实完全被学校控制,不是一个学生社团,海之子网站最著名的有一个海之子论坛,领导直接负责,经常进去转悠,特别是牢骚版。因为现在采用实名制,学生的参与热情大不如前。个人认为最有用的就是去发牢骚�� 6,海鸥剧社

又一个老牌社团,又一个娱乐性质的社团,里面的人和大艺团类似,基本上都是演员,以话剧为主,有自己的代表作,每年都要举行一些活�� 7,爱心社

这是一个不得不说的社团。中国海洋大学爱心社成立于1994年10月,在中国海洋大学校团委,志愿者协会的指导下面向校园和整个社会开展以献爱心为主题的各类活动。现已与玛丽斯特普国际组织,青岛市红十字会、北海舰队、青岛盲校、福利院、儿童康复中心、八大关街道办、中山路居委会、青岛五中、三十九中、201路公交车等机构都建立了长期的友好合作关系,收到了良好的社会效果,1996年原中央书记处书记孙金龙同志曾考察该社“社区援助”活动现场,给予很高评价:该社多次被中央电视台,中国青年报,青岛电视台,齐鲁晚报,青岛早报,半岛都市报及青岛晚报等各大媒体报道,被中共山东省委,山东军区政治部,山东团省委评为“省学雷锋先进集体”,被市团委,市青年志愿者协会授予“十佳青年志愿者服务队” “青岛市优秀学生社团”荣誉称号,被省教育厅授予“省优秀大学生社团”称号并被邀请参加山东青年志愿者先进事迹巡回报告团,向全省人民展示了海大人的优良风范。

干过很多值得表扬的事情,真的为海大人增色不少 8,勤工助学中心


9,友协 舞蹈者协会 武术协会 中国海洋大学电子竞技协会暨中国海洋大学游戏玩家联盟

海大足球协会 乒乓球协会 羽毛球协会 ”翼”之环保社 大学生心理健康协会

游泳协会 海大dv社 日语同学社 English CLub 海洋之心青年志愿者协会

轮滑协会 围棋社 影迷协会 动漫协会等等大小不一的协�� 10,各社团都会在开学时纳新,到时候大家可以看到到处都是纳新启示,很是热闹。

多数一句,千万不要眼花缭乱不知所措,并不是每个社团都能培养你的能力的。也不是每个部都适合你,一定要三思。多问问师兄们 还有,建议,只是建议,如果不想影响学习的话,就不要加两个以上的社团




集合海大热爱开源事业的同学,我们热爱开源,并且创造我们自己的开源文化和开源软件。,数独联盟,法律协会,英语爱好者协会,阳光使者团,杨帆前行志愿者协会,海燕轮滑社,蔓延动漫社,乒乓球协,跆拳道协会,中国海洋大学青青子衿社,中国海洋大学 生物科技协会,海游社,一个能带大家实现自己驴行天下梦想的社团!, 13,中国海洋大学企业管理协会 ,

你想成为创业者吗?你想获得免费的兼职机会吗?你想有更多的社会实践经历吗?你想与知名教授、企业家共同探讨交流吗?你想真正的锻炼自己各方面的能力吗?那就快加入我们吧,我们要成为最优秀的团队! 中国海洋大学企业管理协会以企业管理交流,社会实践与探索为目标,跨学科,跨学院,连接大学和社会的,不以盈利为主要目的的组织。我们要成为全国高校最具影响力的组织,塑造终生合作的事业伙伴。

中国海洋大学企业管理协会通过开展管理探讨和社会实践活动,提升会员管理水平和实践能力,搭建在校学生企业实习、就业和未来事业发展的桥梁,为个人的职业生涯发展积聚能量,增强社会实践能力,促进协会会员企业管理水平和实践水平的全面提高。 协会的原则是: 团结、务实、实践、创新、发展



建立请假制度。有特殊事情,不能参加协会和部门安排的活动,会员要事先向部长请假,部长要事先向会长请假。无故缺席连续三次及以上者;或者虽然事先请假,但没有合理的理由(如:学校安排的实习,学院的考试)连续三次不参加协会活动的,视为自动退出,予以除名。对于不服从协会活动安排,诋毁或者损害协会名誉,不利于协会内部团结,造成一定后果或者不良影响的,已经查实,予以撤职或者除名。 协会例会或者活动,各部门要确保出勤率。协会组织的各项活动,各部门,各会员要严格按照安排和要求出席。各部门要至少每一个月开展一次部门内会员的联谊活动或者郊游等交流,促进部门会员的学习和深度交流,各级管理者要积极帮助会员解决学习,兼职,实习和就业等困难。






协会的原则:团结,务实,实践,创新,发展。 协会的使命:成为全国高校最具影响力的组织














9、积极创新,大胆探索其他管理交流和社会实践的方式,推动协会会员管理水平的不断提 14,博雅文学社


博雅的社徽是个一个简易印章,以甲骨文的“水”字为形, “采于博,成其雅”是对印章含义的诠释。甲骨文字体的“水”代表了我们文学社深厚的文化底蕴而且取海洋之意,也就是“采于博”中的博,上善若水,博雅永远是善于接纳意见,广于吸收有益文化的社团。社徽整体的印章形式,则代表了了中国文化的缩影之一,呼应了“成其雅”,博雅是一个为广大的文学爱好者提供展示自我的友善平台。 博雅稿件以“积极、健康”为宗旨,要求原创,提倡创新。体裁不限,字数不限。通过《博雅》,我们为文学爱好者开辟一片天地。 博雅文学社还陆续开展了一系列学生活动,为振兴海大人文添风采。2005年9月,博雅文学社协办由香港中文大学主办的“第三届新纪元全球华文青年文学奖”华东地区中国海洋大学的征稿活动。11月,博雅文学社与青岛其他文学社联合举办了青岛市首届“联通UP杯手机短信文学大赛”。2006年,针对“无极”和“馒头热”,博雅文学社与兄弟社团举办了论坛活动。2006年9月,博雅文学社又与青大兰亭文学社举办“书内书外文化沙龙”活动。同月,举办《东京审判——我看我评》活动。2008年的“伊妹传情,温暖传递”大型原创美文征集传递活动也在顺利进行中。


15,经济学院的“海洋之心”志愿者协会,在04年创办的。虽然不像爱心社那样规模宏大,不过麻雀虽小,五脏俱全啊。有实践部、秘书处、外联部、综艺部、宣传部等。与青岛市市南区有很密切的联系,而且协会内部的每个部都有自己的专属活动,定时联系活动、举办活动。也挺好玩的。 (1)学生会

学生会是公认的最难进也最锻炼人的团体了。海大有隶属于学校的学生会,同时各学院也有自己的学生会。据很多同学反映,各学院的学生会一般要比校学生会锻炼的机会更多些,还望学弟学妹们根据自己的情况慎重选择。 (2)职业发展类

大学生职业发展协会 企业管理协会 (3)科研类 研究会 科技协会 (4)媒体类

1、 广播:海大之声



4、创意类:第三视点创意工作室(Visonpoint) (5)公益类

东乡行西部志愿者协会、爱心社、知心协会、自强社、晨夕社 (6)兴趣类






















该班采用先进的教育理念、新颖实用的教学方式、方法,把专业素质教育和非专业素质教育有机结合起来,做到“三商”(智商、情商、胆商)并举,“三能”(创新能力、领导能力、组织管理能力)并重,使学生在校期间具备企业家的基本素质,毕业后经过一定时期的实践锻炼成为企业的高层管理者。● 采取灵活的授课方式除集中学校的优势师资外,还从社会上聘请了知名企业的高层管理者、商战经验丰富的经理人和相关的政府领导授课。在教学过程中广泛采取案例教学、互动教学、讨论教学等方式,通过强化专业课程的学习,让学生系统掌握企业管理的理论体系。

● 注重实践能力的培养

在培养专业素质的同时,采取多途径的有效方式培养学生的实践能力,如:参观、考察、与企业高层对话、挂职训练、创业大赛、深入企业实际操作等。● 强化“企业家素质”培养

除对学生进行一般成功素质的训练、培养外,将我校研讨出的企业家素质予以分解,逐步落实训练方案,并通过行之有效的测评体系予以测评,要求学生逐项达标。● 实行小班教学、跟踪辅导










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