

论文题目:英语专业学生英语课外阅读投入现状调查研究 ——以桂林三所高校商务英语专业大二本科生为例

摘要:2007年,由美国Dana Gioia教授主持的国家艺术基金会开展了一项国民调查,结果显示,阅读不仅影响个人的阅读技能,还与学术成就高度相关,而且阅读在人们生活中起着重要的影响作用。在我国,国家新闻出版研究院于2013年开展的国民阅读调查则显示,与发达国家相比较,国内国民的阅读量不太乐观。对外语专业学生来说,阅读是语言输入的重要方式之一,它在语言学习中起到的重要作用已成为不可争辩的事实,故人们对外语阅读教学及阅读研究一直都非常重视。然而,早在2006年,国内有关研究就发现,大学生轻视外语课外阅读的现象普通存在。那么,这种现象至今是否还普遍存在呢?如果存在,其程度又是怎么样的?这是值得继续探讨的问题,也是本研究的选题依据。相关文献资料显示,国外已有学者从学习投入的视角对阅读进行了研究。本研究在国内外已有相关文献资料的启发下,以学习投入理论为指导,采用定量和定性的研究方法,从学习投入的三个维度(认知投入、行为投入、情感投入)对广西师范大学、桂林理工大学、广西师范大学漓江学院的156名商务英语专业大二本科生进行调查。调查主要目的旨在回答如下问题:(1)目前英语专业学生英语课外阅读投入现状如何?(2)不同学校之间的英语课外阅读投入是否存在显著性差异?(3)影响英语课外阅读投入的因素有哪些?(4)有何方法提高英语课外阅读投入?调查结果显示:(1)受调查学生的阅读投入总体均值低于临界值(M=2.91,SD= 0.598,Min=1.20,Max=4.33);(2)普通本科院校之间不存在显著差异,但独立学院与本科院校之间却存在显著差异(F(2,153)=8.31,p<0.05):广西师范大学漓江学院显著高于广西师范大学(MD=0.568)和桂林理工大学(MD=0.605);(3)调查结果还显示,影响学生英语课外阅读投入的因素有:学生的自我管理能力、快乐阅读的经历、阅读技能和策略、阅读的环境以及阅读动机等。针对研究所发现的问题,本文从学校、教师和学生三方面提出如下建议:(1)学校应投资建设阅读中心,为学生英语课外阅读提供足够场所,从而营造浓厚阅读氛围;(2)教师要结合教学为学生及时提供阅读指导,创造条件帮助学生体验快乐阅读,激发阅读兴趣;(3)学生要培养良好阅读意识,进一步认识英语课外阅读的价值与阅读的必要性,提高阅读策略。受限于诸多的主、客观原因,本研究还存在一些局限性,如调查范围不够大、样本小,对效度有一定的影响;对阅读成绩与阅读投入、阅读能力与阅读投入、不同英语专业之间的阅读投入等关系是否存差异没有深入探究;对存在问题的分析论证尚欠深度,等等。



Abstract in Chinese

Abstract in English

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Purposes and Significance of the Study

1.3 Overall Framework of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Related Definitions

2.1.1 Understanding of Reading

2.1.2 Out-of-Class Reading

2.2 Relevant Researches Abroad and at Home

2.2.1 Researches Abroad Researches of the Relationship between Theory and Model Researches on Reading Engagement

2.2.2 English Reading Researches at Home

2.2.3 Summary

2.3 Theoretical Foundations of the Study

2.3.1 Learning Engagement Theory

2.3.2 Krashen's Input Hypothesis

Chapter 3 Research Design

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Research Subjects

3.3 Instruments to Be Used

3.3.1 Questionnaire

3.3.2 Interview

3.4 Procedure of the Investigation

3.4.1 Questionnaire Design

3.4.2 Pilot Test

3.4.3 Administration of Questionnaire and Interview

3.5 Data Processing

Chapter 4 Result Analysis and Discussions

4.1 Independent-Samples T Test for Item Analysis

4.2 Reliability and Validity of the Data

4.2.1 Internal Consistency Reliability

4.2.2 Internal Validity Content Validity Construct Validity

4.3 Descriptive Statistics of the Questionnaire

4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics of Respondents' Personal Information

4.3.2 Descriptive Statistics of English Reading Engagement

4.3.3 Descriptive Statistics of Cognitive Engagement

4.3.4 Descriptive Statistics of Behavioral Engagement

4.3.5 Descriptive Statistics of Affective Engagement

4.3.6 Descriptive Statistics of Reading Motivation

4.4 Inferential Statistics of the Questionnaire

4.4.1 Comparison of Universities on Engagement

4.4.2 Comparison of Gender on Engagement

4.4.3 Correlations between Each Factor and Reading Engagement

4.5 Qualitative Analysis of the Interview

4.5.1 Interview Questions Involved in Reading after Class

4.5.2 Responses to the Questions Listed Above

4.6 Discussions

4.6.1 Problem of Time Spent in Reading after Class

4.6.2 Problem of Low Engagement in Reading after Class

4.6.3 Problem of Lacking Instructions

4.6.4 Problem of Lacking Happy Reading Experiences

4.6.5 Problem of Environment and Reading Engagement

4.6.6 Problem of Reading Motivation and Reading Engagement

Chapter 5 Major Findings and Suggestions

5.1 Major Findings

5.2 The Relevant Suggestions

5.2.1 Establishing more Self-access Reading Centers by School

5.2.2 Offering Timely Instructions by English Teachers

5.2.3 Helping Students Experience Happy Reading by English Teachers

5.2.4 Improving Awareness and Taking Active Action to Read

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6.1 Summary

6.2 Limitations of the Study and Further Research Suggestions

Appendix 1 Questionnaire

Appendix 2 Interview

Appendix 3 Item Analysis of the Questionnaire


Publications During the Postgraduate Program


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