




天马行空:诗文书法气势豪放,不受拘束。 倚马可待:特指人的文思敏捷。

信笔涂鸦:形容书法拙劣或胡乱写作,可用于自谦之词。 文不加点:形容写文章很快,不用涂改就写成。

淋漓尽致:文章谈话详尽透彻,也只暴露得很彻底。 连篇累牍:文词冗长,叙述篇幅得多。 绘声绘色:形容叙述描写生动逼真。 短小精悍:形容人身材矮小而精明能干,也形容文章篇幅身无长物:没有多余的钱,形容清贫。 一文不名:一个钱也没有。

头角峥嵘:形容年轻人,气概不凡,才华出众。 不绝如缕:形容声音细微悠长,也形容形势危急。 厝火积薪:把火放到柴堆下面。比喻潜伏着很大危险。 风雨飘摇:比喻局势动荡不安,很不稳定。




骇人听闻:使人听了非常吃惊,多指社会上发生的事情。 耸人听闻:故意说夸大或惊奇的话,使人害怕。


秀色可餐:形容姑娘美貌,也形容风景秀丽。 素昧平生:一向不相识,用于人,不用于物。 鬼斧神工:形容建筑雕塑技艺精巧。


美轮美奂:形容建筑物高大美观,也形容装饰布置漂亮。玲珑剔透:形容器物精致,结构奇巧,也形容人聪明伶俐。一言九鼎:形容说话有分量,不表守信用,不能用于自己。首鼠两端:在两者之间犹豫不决,常误用为言行不一致。精益求精:学术、技术、作品、产品好了要求更好。 登堂入室:比喻学问技艺社会地位,由浅入深,由低到高,循序渐进,达到更高的水平。

长此以往:一般用于坏事,并且指以后要发生的。 无独有偶:不止一个竟然还有配对的,常用于坏事。 不一而足:指同类的事物不只一个而是很多,无法列举齐全。中性词。 在劫难逃:旧时指注定要遭受某种灾祸,现指坏事情一定要发生。

侧目而视:不满又惧怕的看着。 七月流火:天气渐渐转凉。




指手画脚:形容说话时兼用手势,也只轻率指点批评。 东山再起:比喻失势后重新任职,用于人而不用于物。 别无二致:去分不出两者的差别。

等量齐观:对有差别的事物同等看待。 休戚相关:彼此之间祸福相互关联。 息息相关:形容联系密切。

泾渭分明:比喻界限清楚或是非分明。 姹紫嫣红:形容各种颜色的花卉艳丽好看,不能单指一种花。

相敬如宾:只能用于夫妻之间相互敬重。 破镜重圆:指夫妻分散或破裂后重新团圆。 碧海青天:形容女子对爱情坚贞。

趋之若鹜:多人争着去追逐不好的事物。 城下之盟:被迫签订的条约。

粉墨登场:多比喻登上政治舞台,含讥讽之意。 司空见惯:看惯了就不觉得奇怪,后不加宾语。 相濡以沫:同处困境之中,相互依靠救助。 暴虎冯河:比喻有勇无谋,冒险蛮干。


刮目相看:用新的眼光来看待,比喻一个人前后变化大。 另眼相看:用另一种眼光看待,多指对某个人或某种人不同一般。


无所不知:没有达不到的地方,凡能捉到的坏事都做了。 不情之请:不合理的请求,常用作向别人求助的客气话。 哀兵必胜:遭受压迫而悲愤奋起的军队必定胜利。

重整旗鼓:至失败后重新集中力量再干,不用做贬义。 不法常可:不盲目效法因袭历来所认可的事。

李代桃僵:指兄弟相助相爱,后比喻互相顶替代人受过。 抛砖引玉:比喻用自己不成熟的意见或作品引出别人更好的意见或好作品。自谦之词。 刍荛之见:


总角之交:指童年时就结交的朋友。 忘年之交:指年龄差距很大的朋友。 白头如新:指朋友相知不深。

振聋发聩:用语言文字唤醒麻木的人,言论发人深省。 震耳欲聋:形容声音很大。

不矜不伐:不自以为了不起,形容谦逊。 师心自用:只凭主观,自以为是。


箪食壶浆:形容军队受到群众热烈拥护和欢迎的情况。 箪食瓢饮:一箪食物,一瓢饮料。形容读书人安于贫穷的清高生活。



如数家珍:好像数自家的珍宝一样,不是自己的东西。 没齿难忘:至别人给予的好处或帮助不能忘记。



危言危行:说正直的话,做正直的事。 枕戈待旦:形容时刻准备作战。





1 进行顺利。





胸有城府:形容心机深沉,毫不外露,难于窥测。贬义。 绠短汲深:绠:汲水用的绳子。比喻能力弱,难以承担巨大的任务。


秋风过耳:像秋风吹过耳边,与己无关,形容漠不关心。 八面玲珑:本指窗户明亮轩敞。后用来形容人处世圆滑,待人接物面面俱到。 图穷匕见:比喻事情发展到最后,真相或本意显露了出来。 荼毒生灵:荼毒:毒害、残害;生灵:指百姓。指残害人民。

切齿腐心:切齿:咬紧牙齿;腐心:形容心中极恨。形容愤恨到极点。 怒发冲冠:指愤怒得头发直竖,顶着帽子。形容极端愤怒。 悲歌击筑:以之为典,抒写悲壮苍凉的气氛。 反弹琵琶:现在喻指突破常规的思维和行为,从反面看问题,与常规事物对着干。 镜花水月:原指诗中灵活而不可捉摸的意境,后比喻虚幻的景象。







崭露头角:指青少年突出的显露出才能和本事。 哗众取宠:以浮夸的言论迎合群众,骗取群众的信赖和支持。


闲言碎语:与正事无关的话,没有根据的话。 罪不容诛:罪恶极大,杀了也抵不了所犯的罪恶。 罚不当罪:当:相当,抵挡。处罚和罪行不相当。

权宜之计:权宜:暂时适宜,变通;计:办法。指为了应付某种情况而暂时采取的办法。 金蝉脱壳:比喻用计脱身。

削足适履:比喻不合理的迁就现成条件。 盆满钵满:指取得丰厚的利润。


蒸蒸日上:形容事业一天天向上发展。 从善如流:形容很快接受别人的好意见。

从善如登:指为善如登山那样不易,比喻学好很难。 鹿死谁手:不知政权落在谁的手里,或不知谁将获得比赛的胜利。




教学相长:通过教学不但学生能进步,教师也能得到提高。 耳熟能详:听的多了能说得很清楚详细。





沸反盈天:形容喧哗吵闹,乱成一团。 出奇制胜:用对方想不到的办法来取胜。

责无旁贷:贷:推卸。自己应尽的责任,不能推卸给旁人。 推波助澜:助长声势,扩大影响,贬义。 敬谢不敏:客气的拒绝某事,谦词。



2.风声鹤唳:前秦苻坚领兵进攻东晋,大败而逃,溃兵听到风声和鹤叫,都疑心是追兵(见于《晋书 谢玄传》)。形容惊慌疑惧。






8.灯红酒绿:形容五光十色的繁花景象或极其奢侈的生活。 9.万人空巷:家家户户的人都走出了巷子和胡同。形容庆祝、欢迎的盛况轰动一时的情景。


11.万马齐喑:比喻死气沉沉,令人窒息的沉闷局面。 12.半斤八两:比喻彼此一样,不相上下。(多贬义) 12.莘莘学子:莘莘,众多。 13.不孚众望:不能使人信服。







——古人写文章都是文不加点,今天的人读起来很吃力。 ——他写稿子常常是文不加点,笔走龙蛇,简直使人无法卒读。


21.弹冠相庆:弹去帽子上的灰尘,表示庆贺。形容因即将做官而互相庆贺。也指坏人准备上台。——斯韦思林杯终于回到了我们的怀抱。当普天弹冠相庆时,人们不得不佩服蔡振华在用人上的智慧。 ——今年学校又新建住房4栋,"五一"前后又有一百二十六名青年教师将乔迁新居,个个都弹冠相庆。

22.涣然冰释:涣然,消散的样子。冰释,像冰一样消融。形容疑虑、误会、隔阂等完全消除。 ——诚然,这并不意味着所有烦恼只需哈哈一笑便涣然冰释,笑不过是改变情绪的一种方法。









——李大伯拍着孩子们的肩头,语重心长地说:"你们是明日黄花,是祖国的未来和希望,一定要珍惜时间,努力读书啊。" 28.琳琅满目:满眼都是美玉。比喻精美的物品、美好的文章或有用的人才很多。

29.望其项背:能够望见别人的颈项和脊背,表示赶得上或比得上。项,脖子。背,脊背。一般用于否定形式。 30.比翼双飞:特指夫妻亲密无间,形影不离。

31.耳提面命:不但当面告诉他,而且凑近他的耳朵给他讲。形容长者严厉而又恳切地教导。 ——他是我最真诚的朋友,经常对我耳提面命,使我能够在工作中少犯许多错误。


33.豆蔻年华:专指代女子十三十四岁。 ——这位老人唯一的儿子正值豆蔻年华,却因盗窃和打架斗殴而被判刑4年。













——今天天气真好,我们在操场上,真是如坐春风。 42.不以为然:是含有“认为不是、不对”的意思。


43.鼎力相助:敬辞,大力帮助(表示请托或感谢时用)。 ——你有什么困难尽管说出来,我们一定鼎力相助。 44.醍醐灌顶:纯酥油浇到头上。佛教比喻以智慧灌输于人,使人彻底醒悟。






47.期期艾艾:形容口吃。 ——如今,他的脸上早已没有了刚下岗时期期艾艾的神情,浑身上下都透着成功者的自信。

48. 耳熟能详:听得多了,也就能详尽地说出来。 ——好的文章只要读得多了便耳熟能详。







——应用文,比如“合同”“调查报告”“总结”等官样文章,一般不使用文学语言。 53. 颐指气使:说话只用面部表情来示意。形容有权势的人傲慢的神态。 ——在课堂上,老师不仅认真仔细地进行讲解,而且还颐指气使,示意大家积极发言。


55.汗牛充栋:形容藏书很多。 ——在东湖高新技术开发区中,像我们这样的大学生汗牛充栋,比比皆是,根本算不得什么。

56. 暴殄天物:意思是任意残害虐杀各种生物,后来也指不知爱惜物品,任意糟蹋浪费。

57. 间不容发:距离很近,中间不能放进一个头发。比喻情势危急到了极点。 58. 耳濡目染:形容听得多了,看得多了,长期浸润其中,无形中受到影响。

59. 怙恶不悛:怙,依赖;悛,悔改。坚持做恶不肯悔改。 60.非池中物:不是久居池水中的东西。比喻有远大抱负的人. 61.不名一钱:一个钱也没有。形容极其贫穷。名:占有。 62.美女簪花:形容书法的隽秀多姿,如同美女戴花。 63.饮鸩止渴:鸩,一种毒鸟。喝毒酒解渴。比喻采取极有害的方法来解决眼前困难,不顾后果。


64.破镜重圆:比喻夫妻失散或离异后重又团聚。 65.牝鸡司晨 :母鸡报晓。旧时比喻妇女掌权当政。 66.藕断丝连:莲藕已经折断,丝还连着。比喻表面上断了关系,实际上仍有牵连。多指男女之间情意未断。 67. 罄竹难书:磬,尽。把竹子用完了都写不完,形容罪行多,写不完。

68.不一而足:原来指不是一件事就可以满足,后来指同类的事物或情况很多,不止一件事或不止出现一次。 69. 以邻为壑:拿邻国当作排泄洪水的沟壑。比喻把自己的困难和祸害转嫁给别人。

70.差强人意:差,稍微,比较的。强,振奋。原来指能振奋人的意思。现在形容某人某事大体能使人满意。 71.络绎不绝:形容行人、车马来往不绝,连续不断。 ——在党和政府的关怀下,救灾物资络绎不绝地到达灾区,灾民们终于有了欢声和笑语。

72.评头品足:原来指无聊的人评论妇女的容貌。现在泛指对人对事说长道短,挑剔毛病。 ——文艺晚会结束后,评委们经过一番评头品足,反复比较,终于确定了获奖名单。

73.半青半黄:是指庄稼半熟半不熟,也可以比喻其他事物或思想未达到成熟阶段。 ——他气得脸色半青半黄,嘴唇哆嗦了半天,什么话也说不出来。

74.良莠不齐:比喻好人坏人混杂在一起。 ——我们对入校新生进行了一次摸底测试,结果是成绩悬殊,良莠不齐。

75.祸起萧墙:祸乱从内部发生。 ——没想到,由于楼房的工程质量不过关,结果造成严重事故,真是祸起萧墙。





78.指手画脚:现在多指不负责任地乱加指点、 批评,或任意发号施令。


79. 梁上君子:躲在屋梁上的先生。窃贼的代称。

——李登辉妄言台湾与大陆是"国与国"关系,并说这是代表"民意",企图将自己装扮成梁上君子,真是无耻到极点。 80.一蹴而就:一抬脚就成功。形容事情轻而易举,一下子就能完成。




82.借箸代筹:原意是借你面前的筷子来指画当前的形势。后来表示代人策划 。

——没有资金,没有原料,我们只有借箸代筹,渡过难关。 83.脍炙人口:原来比喻美味人人爱吃,后来比喻美好的诗文人人称赞传颂。

——反对腐败的口号一经提出,就产生了脍炙人口的影响。 84.萍水相逢:比喻素不相识的人偶然相遇。

——我们俩分别将近十年,想不到在这里萍水相逢。 85. 登堂入室:比喻学问或技能由浅入深,循序渐进,达到了高深的地步。也写作“升堂入室”。 ——当这名小偷登堂入室,准备再次盗窃王云家的财物时,被刑警当场逮个正着。





89.出水芙蓉:原来比喻诗写得清新。后比喻女性的美丽。 90.师心自用:固执己见,自以为是。





95.无所不为:没有什么不干的。指什么坏事都干。 96.济济一堂:形容许多有才能的人聚集在一起。 97.耳提面命:不但当面告诉他,而且揪着他的耳朵叮嘱。后形容恳切的教导。






1. 万人空巷:

形容庆祝欢迎盛况。(从巷子中出来了) 2. 一泻千里:江河水流迅速;文笔奔放流畅。 3. 一个巴掌拍不响:矛盾纠纷不是有单方面引起的。 4. 等量齐观:把有差别的事物同等看待。 5. 洛阳纸贵:杰出的作品风行一时。 6. 绘声绘色:叙述或描写生动不用于表演或模仿。 7. 评头论足:无聊的人随便谈论妇女的容颜,也只在小节上多方挑剔。 8. 见危授命:在危险关头用于献出生命。 9. 置之度外:不把生死利害放在心上。 10.食言而肥:为了自己占便宜而说话不算数,不守信用。



1 13.厝火积薪:比喻潜伏着很大危险。 14.琴瑟失调:夫妇不和。


16.见异思迁:意志不坚定,喜爱不专一。 17.运斤成风:手法熟练,技术神妙。 18.求全责备:苛责别人,对人对事要求完美。 19.泥牛入海:比喻一去不复返。 20.不名一文:形容贫穷到了极点(别无长物) 21.犯而不校:别人触犯了自己也不计较。 22.墙倒众人推:比喻在时势或倒霉时,备受欺负。


24.石破天惊:比喻文章议论新奇惊人。 25.出神入化:形容技艺高超达到了绝妙的境地。




2 29.沧海桑田:比喻世事变化很大. 30.踌躇满志:对自己的现状或取的成就非常满意。

31.川流不息:比喻行人车辆等接连不断。 32.耳提面命:形容热心恳切教导。



35.感慨系之:形容对当时的感触很深。 36.绠短汲深:比喻能力有限而任务繁重。 37.挂一漏万:形容列举不全而遗漏很多。 38管窥蠡测:比喻眼光狭窄见识短浅。 39过犹不及:做得过分和做的不够一样不好。


41.经天纬地:形容人治国的才能很大。 42敬谢不敏:以自己能力不够为理由恭敬地推辞。



3 45.李代桃僵:比喻兄弟互爱互助,后比喻以此代彼,或代人受过。 46.淋漓尽致:形容谈话或文章能把事物的情态或个人观点详尽透彻表达出来。

47.投桃报李:比喻友好往来,互相赠答 。 48.胸无城府:胸中没有心计形容襟怀坦诚。 49.一傅众咻:比喻由于不良环境的形象做是不能取得成效。 50.饮鸩止渴:比喻只顾解决眼前问题而不管后果。







4 补充:

1. 当面锣对面鼓:比喻面对面的谈判或交换意见。 2. 东方不亮西方亮:表示上有选择的空间。 3. 吴牛喘月:比喻因心疑而害怕。 4. 蜀犬吠日:比喻少见多怪。 5. 兵不血刃:形容战事顺利未经血战就取得胜利。 6. 生意盎然:形容草木长势旺盛和自然界蓬勃兴旺的景象。 7. 危言高论:正直而不同反响的言论。 8. 甘之如饴:表示甘愿承受艰难痛苦。 9. 金蝉脱壳:比喻用计逃脱而使对方不能及时发现。


( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory

解析: 选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: an apple tree—two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher—two men teachers。

( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析: 选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。

( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 解析: 选择B. 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语, 如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。

( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table. A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 解析: 选B. 此题最容易误选A.。 room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。

( ) 6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。

( ) 7. — Are you ________ American or English? — English. We are working in Wuhu. A. a B. C. the D. an 解析:选B 此题容易误选D. 句中American是形容词而非名词,如果句中改为Are you __________ or an English man? 就选择D。

( ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _______? A. don’t you B. doesn’t he C. do you D. does he 解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 其实不是对前面的句中进行反问,而是对he likes running进行反问。

( ) 9. —Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”? It is _____ useful umbrella. —What _______ good advice it is! A. an; an; a B. an; a; C. a; an; a D. ; an; a 解析: 选B. 大多数学生容易做错此题。记住an用在元音音素前而不是元音字母前,记住了这一点就知道了an umbrella 和a useful umbrella. 在最后一句中advice是不可数名词,前面不能接不定冠词。故选择B。

( ) 10. —When shall we meet again next week? — ____ day is possible. It’s no problem with me. A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any 解析: 此题非常难,选D. 下周任何一天都可以再次见面。Any在肯定句中意思是“任何的”。下周有七天容易排除A, B. 如果把next week 改为next Monday or Tuesday, 则必须选择A。

( ) 11. Robert has gone to ____ city and he’ll be back in a week. A. other B. the other C. another D. any other 解析:选C. 三个以上另外一个用another, other一般情况下修饰名词复数, the other表示两个中的另外一个,any other任何别的。句意:罗伯特去了另一个城市,一周后回来。

( ) 12.—A latest magazine, please. —Only one left. Would you like to have ________? A. it B. one C. this D. that 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 根据句意:— 买一份最新报纸,—只剩下一份了,你要买这份吗?据此我们知道指的就是手里的那份报纸,并不是同一类事物。

( ) 13. —Which book would you like to borrow? —_______ of the two books is OK with me. A. Either B. Both C. Any D. None 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 根据two books好容易排除C, D. 从谓语动词单数is 我们排除B。故选择A。

( ) 14. Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 解析: 选B. 考查学生对teach sb sth。的掌握情况。 此题容易误选C. 误选C的学生是看见后面有名词math, 思维定势名词前面必须用形容词性物主代词。

( ) 15. There are many trees on ________ side of the street. A. either B. any C. all D. both 解析:选A. 此题容易误选D. 街道只有两边,排除B, C. both后面接复数,on either side of the strreet等于on the both sides of. 。如果选择D. side必须用复数形式。

( ) 16.________ is the population of the city? A. How many B. What C. How many people D. How much 解析:B. 此题容易误选A, C. 人口多少用What. 相当于How many people are there in the city?

( ) 17. —Why don’t we take a little break? — Didn’t we just have _______ ? A. it B .that C. one D. this 解析:选 C. 同类事物用one. 句意:—为什么我们不休息一会儿?—刚才我们不是才休息吗?

( ) 18. The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answered___ of them. A.some B.lots C.each D.few 解析:A. 此题会误选D. 但前面有only, 如果去掉副词则选D。

( ) 19.About ______ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer. A. two thousand of B.two thousand C.thousand of D.two thousands of 解析:选D. 此题极容易选错,误认为是B. 但two thousand后面直接接名词复数,不能有冠词the, 句意是:歌迷中大约有2000人在那里等,想看看这位伟大的歌星。

( ) 20. —How many apples do I have? — You can have ______. I want none of them. A. one B. all C. both D.some 解析:选B. 学生易误选A , D. 其实如果没有I want none of them这句话,四个答案都是对的。从句意:我一个也不想要,就知道你可以吃所有苹果。

( ) 21.Japan is ________ the east of China. Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China. A. in; in B. to; in C. on ; to D. in; to 解析:选B. 日本位于中国东部(外面)用to, 台湾位于中国东部(内部)用in。

( ) 22.The postman shouted, “ Mr Green, here is a letter ________ you.” A. to B. from C. for D. of 解析: 选C. 介词的考查。句意:Mr Green, 这是你的信。学生容易误选A。

( ) 23.He hasn’t heard from his friend __________ last month. A. since B. by the end of C. for D. until 解析: A. 此题学生容易受思维定势not… until…的影响误选D。since用于现在完成时,如果此题是一般过去时就选择D。

( ) 24.—Jimmy lost his key yesterday. —________? It’s his third time in just one month. A. Has he B. Did he C. Was he D. Does he 解析:B. 根据上一句一般过去时可以判断。

( ) 25.You’ve passed the exam. I’m happy ______ you. A. on B. at C. in D. for 解析:选D. 句意:你考试及格了,我为你高兴。

( ) 26. I wonder ________ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time。 A. why B. how C. when D. where 解析:选B. 句意:我想知道他在如此短的时间内是怎样完成这么多不同工作的。

( ) 27. —Ought I to go right now? —_________. A. That’s very bad. B. Yes, you go ought to C. Yes, you ought D. No, you ought not to 解析: 选D. 句子的肯定回答为:Yes, you ought to. 否定回答为:No, you ought not to.

( ) 28. I don’t know when he ________. When he _______ here, I’ll call you in a minute. A. will come; will arrive B. comes; arrices C. will come; arrives D. comes; will arrive 解析:选C. 第一句是宾语从句根据语境用一般将来时,第二句是时间状语从句,由于主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替。

( ) 29. He turned ________ the radio a little because his father was asleep. A. on B. down C. up D. off 解析: 选B. 此题学生会误选D. 但后面有个副词短语a little, 故选择B, 意为:把收音机调小一点,父亲在睡觉。如果去掉a little则选择D。

( ) 30. I don’t know the homework _______ today. A. on B. in C. of D. for 解析: 选D. 句意: 我不知道今天的家庭作业。

( ) 31. —Would you like some coffee? —Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee _____ milk. A. with B. to C. of D. on 解析: A. 此题学生极易受思维定势prefer… to… 的影响误选B。句意:我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。

( ) 32. They each ___ a book. Each of them ___ from China. A. has;are B. have; is C. are having;are D. is having;is 解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。此题应该用一般现在时,排除C, D. each作同位语谓语动词与主语保持一致,each做主语谓语动词用单数。

( ) 33. — __________ you ________ your book to the library? — Yes. I returned it yesterday. A. Did, return B. Have, returned C. Will, return D. Do, return 解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 从句意看:你把书归还图书馆了吗?是的。我昨天归还了。对现在的影响是“书不在这儿了”。

( ) 34. Though it’s cloudy now, it _________ get sunny later. A. can B. may C. must D. need 解析: 选B. 表示可能性用may. Can主要表示两种用法,一种是表示能力,另外一种是请求许可; must必须;need需要。

( ) 35.It is in the library, you _______ talk loudly. A. may not B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t


( ) 36. If anyone wants to say something in class, you ________ put up your hands first. A. must B. may C. should D. can 解析:选C。 句意: 课堂上如果你想说点东西,你应该举手。

( ) 37.The pen _________ him ten yuan. A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent 解析:选B. 动词辨析。主语是物用cost. Pay, spend的主语是人。 Take的形式主语是it。

( ) 38. The train _________ for twenty minutes. A. left B. has left C. is leaving D. has been away 解析: 选D. 此题形式会误选B. 但瞬间性动词不能与一段时间for twenty minutes连用。

( ) 39. — How many books _____ they ________? — Five. But they haven’t finished reading even one. A. did…borrow B. had…borrowed C . will…borrow D. do…borrow 解析: 选A。 此题考查时态,根据语境:他们一本也没有读完。可知他们以前借了5本书。强调过去。

( ) 40. He _________ his bike,so he has to walk there. A. lost B. has lost C. had lost D. loses 解析:选B. 此题考查时态,根据语境他丢了自行车,对现在造成的影响是不得不走路。

( ) 41.—Could I use your dictionary? — Yes, you _________. A. need B. could C. can D. should 解析:选C。 此题容易误选B. 此题中Could并不是表示过去,而是委婉的征求意见,其肯定回答是Yes, you can.

( ) 42. In the past few years there _________ great changes in my hometown. A. have been B. were C. had been D. are 解析:选A。 此题容易误选A。 一般情况下in the past few years用于现在完成时,in the past用于一般过去时。

( ) 43.— Could you tell me when Mr. Li ____ in Huanggang? —Sure.. When he ________, I’ll call you. A. arrives; will arrive B. will arrive; arrives C. arrives; arrives D.will arrive; will arrive 解析:选B。 第一句是宾语从句根据语境用一般将来时,第二句是时间状语从句,由于主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替一般将来时。

( ) 44. —Mary dances best in our school. —I agree. I’ll never forget ____ her dance for the first time. A.see B.to see C.seeing D.seen 解析:选C。此题容易误选B。如果学生想正确选出答案,必须知道forget to do sth(忘记做某事);forget doing sth(忘记做过某事)。根据语境选择C。

( ) 45. —Is tea ready? —No, mother is _______ it ready now. A.doing B. cooking C. burning D. getting 解析:选择D。此题稍难,ready是形容词,get sth +adj准备好某事。

( ) 46. There are many people downstairs. What do you think ______ ? A.to happen B. happening C. is happened D. has happened 解析:选择D。 此题我们首先排除C. 因为动词happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态。B答案少了助动词is, A动词不定式表示将来,根据语境应该用现在完成时或现在进行时。

( ) 47. Remember to spend some time____ your loved ones,because they are not going to be around forever. A.from B.with C. in D.on 解析: 选B。 此题95%的学生容易选错。主要是受spend…on...思维定势的影响。其实句意是:记住与你喜欢的人度过一段时间,因为他们不会永远与你在一起。

( ) 48.—I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday. —Oh, how nice! Do you know when he _______? A. left B. was leaving C. has left D. had left 解析: 选A。根据句意萨姆已经去了青岛,容易排除B, D. when一般情况下不能与现在完成时连用。

( ) 49. —David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _______ ? —He is a doctor. A.who is he B.who he is C. what does he do D. what he does 解析:选择D。 此题可以用排除法,宾语从句用陈述句语序,容易排除A, C。 根据答语He is a doctor知道应该是问职业,who 是用来询问身份的。 ( ) 50. — I want to teach in Tibet when I graduate from the college。 —Me too.Teachers ___very much there。 A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. is needed 解析:选C。老师在那儿是被需要,排除A, B。主语是复数,排除D。故选择C。

( ) 51. —Tommy, do you know if Frank ____ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ____? —Sorry, I have no idea. A. will go, is going to be fine B. goes, is fine

C. will go, is fine D. goes, will be fine 解析:选C。 第一个if引导的是宾语从句,根据语境用一般将来时, 第二if 引导状语从句,由于前面主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替一般将来时。

( ) 52. I don’t have to introduce him to you ____ you know the boy. A. until B. unless C. since D. but 解析:选C。 连词的区别。根据语境:既然你认识这位男孩,我就没有必要向你介绍他了。注意,since除了有“自从”之意外,还有“因为,既然”之意。

( ) 53. —Would you please ____ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (明显的) mistakes? — Of course I will. A. look around B. look through C. look up D. look into 解析: 选B。 动词短语辨析。look around环顾;look through浏览;look up查找; look into调查。根据语句意:请你帮我浏览一下试卷看看有没有明显错误可以吗?

( ) 54. —This pair of shoes _______ really small for me. —Why not try another _________。. A. is, pair B. are, pair C. is, one D. are, one 解析: 选A。This pair of shoes/pants做主语,谓语动词的数取决于pair的单复数,如果pair是单数谓语动词就用单数,反之用复数,这样我们就排除B, D. 又因为shoes是复数,不能直接用one代替,故选择A。

( ) 55. If you don’t go to the meeting tomorrow, _____? A. he will, too B. he won’t, either C. he does, too D. he doesn’t, either

解析: 选B. 此题容易误选D。 由于整个句子是条件状语从句,前面的从句是一般将来时,后面的主句应该是一般现在时。

( ) 56. I don’t think we can finish all the work before Friday, ________? A. do I B. can we C. can’t we D. don’t we

解析: 选B。 此题学生最容易误选A, C. 以I think引导的宾语从句其反意疑问句应该对后面的从句进行反问,本题从句实际上是否定句,只不过否定转移到前面的主句去了。故选择B。

( ) 57. The shop ________ at 8:00 a.m. and it ________ for ten hours every day. A. opens; is open B. is opened; opens C. is open; has opened D. opened; opens 解析: 选A。 此题学生容易误选C. 要知道open作动词时是瞬间性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,故排除C. 根据时间副词every day不用一般过去时,排除D, 根据句意:每天开门10小时,表示状态,不表示动作,排除B。

( ) 58. The old man lives in a town. He lives

,but he doesn’t feel

. A. lonely, alone B. alone, alone C. alone, lonely D. lonely,lonely 解析:选C。alone意为单独,独自,lonely意为孤单的,寂寞的。

( ) 59.—Do you know _______? —I’m not sure.Maybe an artist. A.what the man with long hair is B.what is the man with long hair C.who the man with long hair is D.who is the man with long hair 解析:选择A。 此题可以用排除法,宾语从句用陈述句语序,容易排除B, D. 根据答语知道应该是问职业,who 是用来询问身份的。

( ) 60.—Why don’t you choose the red tie? —For me, it doesn’t _____ my shirt very well. A. fix B. accept C. compare D.match 解析:选D。 本题考查动词match搭配的用法,意思是“它与我的衬衫不搭配”应选择D。学生错选原因可能是把match当名词用,即:手表,比赛。其他选项不符合题意。 fix 安装;使固定;固定; accept 接受;compare 比较。

( ) 61. —Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing? —I’m watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and ______ on for another an hour. A.has been B.was C.had been D.will be 解析:选D. 本题考查时态。根据语境:比赛还要进行一个小时。用一般将来时。

( ) 62. —__________? —Things are going very well. A. How soon does it go B. How often does it go C. How far is it go D. How is everything going 解析:选D。 本题变相测试学生的口语能力以及对日常会话的理解 How is everything going?意思为:近况如何?,只有D项符合题意。

( ) 63. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _________ than that in the 19th.

A. bigger B. larger C. greater D. more 解析:选B。 本题考查population人口大小的固定用法,即由larger修饰。根据连词than 不难选出B答案。

( ) 64. —What’s the weather like tomorrow? —The radio says it is going to be even ______。 A. bad B. worst C. badly D. worse 解析: 选D。 even修饰比较级。而且根据语境应该是明天的天气比今天更加糟糕。

( ) 65. Though she talks ______, she has made ________ friends here。 A. a little, a few B. little, few C. little, a few D. few, a few 解析: 选C。 根据句意: 尽管她不太说话,但她在这里交了几个朋友。

( ) 66 . —My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard. —______. A. So my parents do B. Nor my parents C. Nor do my parents D. Neither my parents do 解析:选C。 此题考查倒装句,因为前面句中有否定词never, 故后面倒装句是nor/neither+助动词+主语。

( ) 67. He never does his work _______ Mary. A. as careful as B. so careful as C. as carefully as D. carefully as 解析:选C。副词的同级比较,副词修饰动词,排除A, B. as…as…与......一样......。

( ) 68. Many Chinese students think science subjects are ________ foreign languages. A. more difficult as B. less difficult than C. much difficult than D. so difficult as 解析:选B。 此题可以采用排除法。选择A的话必须把more改为as或把as改为than; 如果选择C, 则应该把much改为more或在much后面加more; 选择D则需要把so改为as。

( ) 69. _________ music she is playing! A. What nice B. How nice C. What a nice D. How nice a 解析: 选A.。 music是不可数名词,构成what+形容词+不可数名词+主谓!

( ) 70. His work is better than __________. A. anyone B. anyone else C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else

解析:选择C。 此题容易误选B. 比较级中,比较的对象应该前后一致。His work 应该与anyone else’s work相比较。

( ) 71. The nurse told the children the sun ______ in the east. A. rises B. rose C. will rise D. has risen 解析:选择A。 此题容易误选B. 在宾语从句中,如果主句用一般过去时,则从句用相应的过去时态,但如果从句表示客观真理,则用一般现在时。

( ) 72.—Are you sure you have to? It’s been very late. —I don’t know ______ I can do it if not now. A. where B. why C. when D. how 解析:选C。根据语境:如果现在不做,我不知道何时可以做。

( ) 73. —Hello, Jack! Haven’t seen you for a long time! —John! ________ A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. How’s that? D. How time flies! 解析:选D。 此题容易误选B。 根据语境选择D。 即时间过得真快!

( ) 74. I could not get through the door because there was a big stone ___________。 A. by the way B. on the way C. out of the way D. in the way 解析:选D。 此题学生容易误选B。 by the way顺便说;on the way在路上;out of the way不挡道; in the way挡道,妨碍。根据句意:因为有块石头挡道,所以我不能通过门。

( ) 75. Can you lend me the book ___ the other day? A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you talked to D. you talked about 解析:选D。 此题考查定语从句的用法,学生容易误选A, B. 此题容易排除C. talk to的宾语是人而不是物,又由于talk是不及物动词,谈论某物是talk abot, 引导词that是talk about 的宾语,可以省略。

( ) 76 —You never told us why you were late for the meeting,____? — _______. I think it is not necessary to explain. A.weren’t you; No B. did you; No C. did you; Yes D. didn’t you; No

解析:选B。 此题较难,学生非常容易选错。 首先此题容易排除A, D. 因为句中有否定词never, 反义疑问句的原则是前否后肯。在反义疑问句回答中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:没有必要解释,说明“你”没有告诉我为什么你迟到了。

( ) 77. — What is your little brother like? —________ . He enjoys telling jokes.

A. He is tall and thin B. He is shy and quiet. C. He is outgoing and funny. D. He is strong and heavy。

解析:What is your little brother like?既可以用来询问人的外貌,也可以询问人的性格特征,根据He enjoys telling jokes。说明他外向、滑稽。

( ) 78. Jim’s father got very angry _________. A.with that he had done B. with what he had done C. at what he had done D. at what had he done 解析:选C。此题容易误选B。 be/get/become angry with sb对某人生气,be/get/become angry at sth对某事生气。 所做的事发生在生气之前,宾语从句用陈述句语序,故选择C。

( ) 79. —What are on show in the museum? —Some photos _______ by the children of Yushu, Qinghai. A. have been taken B. were taken C. are taken D. taken 解析: 选D。此题学生最容易出错,误选B. 当然有的老师也会出错。此题考查过去分词作定语。此句子其实是个省略句,完整句中应该是:Some photos taken by the children of Yushu, Qinghai are on show in the museum.

( ) 80. —He didn’t go to the lecture this morning, did he? — _____ . Though he was not feeling very well. A. No, he didn’t B. Yes; he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didn’t

解析:选B。 此题考查附加疑问句的回答,在附加疑问句中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:Though he was not feeling very well. 尽管他感到不舒服,可知他去了。

( ) 81. — Have you found the information about the famous people ________ you can use for the report? —Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet. A.who B. what C. whom D. which 解析: 选D. 此题容易误选A, C. 其实,仔细分析句子结构,我们发现定语从句的先行词是the information而非people, about the famous people是先行词the information的后置定语。

( ) 82.The doctor did what he could _____ the dying man. A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving 解析:选B. 此题学生容易受思维定势影响影响会误选A, 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 83. The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1980. A. change B.has changed C. changing D. have changed 解析:选B. 此题也较难。 学生往往容易误选A, C. 根据句意:我习惯了的生活自从1980年以来发生了巨大变化。we were used to做The life的后置定语。

( ) 84. These coats are different _____ size. A. from B. of C. to D. in 解析: 选D. 此题学生最容易误选A. 句意:这些外衣尺寸大小不一。in 在这里是在...方面之意。

( ) 85. —Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon? —________, but I promised to go swimming with Eric。 A. Never mind B. Many thanks C. Take it easy D. With pleasure 解析: 选D. 此题考查日常交际用语,根据答语可知选择D. 即:我非常乐意和你们打篮球,但我答应和Eric去游泳了。

( ) 86. —Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David? —If I had to choose, David would be ____ choice. A. good B. better C. the better D. the best 解析:选择C. 此题容易误选B. 比较级一般情况下不加定冠词the, 但表示两者较......时,则必须加the。

( ) 87. —Where did you go on holiday this summer? England? —You are _____. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris. A. fuuny B.right C.cool D.close 解析: 选D. 此题容易误选B. 但细心的学生一看最后一句就知道England和Paris并不是一个地方,说明问话人没有说对。选择D意为你快要说对了。close在此句是形容词,意思是近的,接近的。

( ) 88. Shanghai is larger than _____ city in New Zealand. A. any other B. other C. all other D.any 解析: 选D. 此题学生也容易出错。句意:上海比新西兰任何城市都要大。如果把New Zealand换成China, 则选择A, 需要把它本身排除在外。

( ) 89. —Who is singing in the next room? —_____ must be Maria.

A. It B. She C. This D.There 解析:选择A. 此题容易误选B. 在英语中,对猜测的或指代身份不明的通常用it来代替。

( ) 90.—Again, my computer doesn’t work.

must be something wrong with the CPU. A. There B.That C.It D.This 解析:选择A. 此题容易误选C. 此题其实是考查there be句型。There be something wrong with sth某事出问题了。There must be something wrong with sth某事一定出问题了。

( ) 91. She was born _______ the evening of August 8, 2008. A. in B. on C. at D. with 解析:选B. 此题学生会误选A. 具体某天用on。

( ) 92.They preferred ______ in bed rather than _____ horses. A.to lie; to ride B.lying; riding C.to lie; ride D.lying; ride 解析:选择C. 此题容易误选B, D. 此题考查句型prefer to do sth rather than do sth。比起做某事宁愿做某事。

( ) 93.Can you imagine that

little ants can eat __ many big worms. A.so; so B.such; such C.such; so D.so; such 解析:选择C. 此题受思维定势影响容易选A. 本题中little意为“小的”而非“少的”。那么第一空就应该选择such。

( ) 94.We must do everything we can

waste water from running into rivers. A.keep B.kept C.to keep D.keeping 解析:选C. 此题学生容易受思维定势影响影响会误选A, 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 95. He’ll use what he has _____ her a new dress. A.bought B.to buy C.buying D.been bought 解析:选B. 此题容易误选A. 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 96.Everyone except Tom and John ______ seen the film. A.is B.has C.are D.have 解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。句子中主语含有except, with, as well was 等词时,谓语动词不受后面影响,与前面主语保持一致。everyone是不定代词,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 97.—Jolin, how long have you been a teacher as a pop star? —______the end of last month, after Jolin’s English Diary Book came out. A. Since B. In C. By D. At 解析:选择A. 此题学生容易误选C. D. 根据上句现在完成时,只能用since。

( ) 98. —Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? —Sorry, there isn’t ____Mr. Smith here. A. the B. a C. an D. / 解析:选B. 人名,地名等专有名词前一般没有冠词,但本句句意是:这里没有一个叫Mr. Smith的人。

( ) 99. ––Who is on the playground? —__________. A. No one B. None C. too much D. A lot 解析:选择A. none 可以回答How many引导的特殊疑问句,no one用来回答Who 引导的特殊疑问句。

( ) 100. She asked me _____ I would do it or not. A. if B. whether C. as D. until 解析:选B. if 和 whether都可以用来引导宾语从句,表示“是否”之意。但当后面有or not时只能用whether。

( ) 101.—Could you tell me___________? —She has a pain in her face. A. what is the matter with her B. what’s wrong with him

C. what the matter is with her D. what wrong is with him 解析:选择A.。 此题我们容易排除B, D, 因为后面的主语是She. 此题学生容易误选C. 其实本题中What 就是主语,故语序不变。

( ) 102.Put it down, Richard, you mustn’t read _______ letter. A. anyone’s else’s B. anyone’s else C. anyone else’s D. anyone else 解析:选择C. 此题容易误选A, B. anyone else任何其他人; anyone else’s 任何其他人的。

( ) 103. Do you have _______ to tell me? A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything 解析:选择C. 形容词修饰不定代词必须放在其后面,我们排除B, D. 此句是一般疑问句用anything。

( ) 104. Butter and cheese ______ in price. A. is gone up B. have gone up C. are gone up D. has gone up 解析: 选D. 此题容易排除A, B. 因为它们是错误结构,Butter and cheese是一种物质而非两种物质。

( ) 105. In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education. A. has B. have C. is D. are 解析:选择A.考查主谓一致。every +名词单数 and every+名词单数,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 106. A man of words and not of deeds _______ a graden full of weed。 A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like 解析:选择C. 句子主语是a man。句意是:注重语言而缺少行动的人犹如一个长满草的花园。

( ) 107. John plays basketball _________, if not better than Jim. A. as well B. so well as C. so well D. as well as 解析: 选D. 句意: John打球如果不是打得比Jim好,就是打得与他一样好。

( ) 108. _____ neither you nor he enjoy fast food? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 解析:选择A.按照就近原则选择A。句意:你和他都不喜欢快餐吗?

( ) 109. The population of the world


now. A. has, grown B. is, growing C. will, grow D. are growing 解析:选B. 本题考查主谓一致和时态。The population of作主语,谓语动词用单数,后面有时间副词now,所以用现在进行时。

( ) 110. Half of the students ______ made the same mistakes. A. has B. have C. is D. are 解析:选B. 分数作主语,谓语动词的数取决于后面的名词,名词是可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数,如果名词是不可数名词则谓语动词用单数。

( ) 111. Nobody but Jane and Lily ______ the secret。 A. knows B. know C. have know D. is known 解析:选择A. 此题考查主谓一致。句子中主语含有except, with, as well as,but 等词时,谓语动词不受后面影响,与前面主语保持一致。nobody是不定代词,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 112. The teacher and writer ______ coming to our school this afternoon。 A. is B. are C. be D. was 解析:选择A.此题容易误选B, the teacher and the writer指同一个人。本题意为:那位老师兼作家今天下午要来我们学校。

( ) 113. He as well as his classmates

English. A. like B. likes C. liked D. have liked 解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。句子中主语含有except, with, as well as,but 等词时,谓语动词不受后面影响,与前面主语保持一致。He是单数,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 114. —Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired? —Thank you.

. A. It’s your duty. B. Don’t mention it C. Do as you like D. It couldn’t be better

解析: 选D. 考查日常交际用语。It couldn’t be better意为“没有比这更好的了”。

( ) 115. —Remember to ask her to call me back. —_______. A. Never mind B. That’s right C. Up to you D. Got it 解析: 选D. 考查日常交际用语。Got it意为”明白了,知道了”。


( ) 116. Lucy did no better than Lily, because both of them didn’t pass the exam。 A. as better as B. as well as C. as badly as D. as bad as 解析:选择C. no better than意为“和……一样不好”。

( ) 117. He goes to work by bike once in a while. A. often B. never C. sometimes D. ever 解析:选择C. once in a while意为“有时,偶尔”。

( ) 118. She wasn’t afraid to tell him the truth, though he might get angry。 A. didn’t dare B. dared C. agreed D. disagreed 解析:选B. wasn’t afraid to do sth不怕做某事。

( ) 119. I would have been late for work if Mr. Green hadn’t given me a ride last Friday. A. lent me his bike B. let me take his bike C. reminded me of the time D. picked me up 解析: 选D. give sb a ride用车接某人,给某人搭便车。


( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory

解析: 选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: an apple tree—two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher—two men teachers。

( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析: 选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。

( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 解析: 选择B. 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语, 如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。

( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table. A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 解析: 选B. 此题最容易误选A.。 room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。

( ) 6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。

( ) 7. — Are you ________ American or English? — English. We are working in Wuhu. A. a B. C. the D. an 解析:选B 此题容易误选D. 句中American是形容词而非名词,如果句中改为Are you __________ or an English man? 就选择D。

( ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _______? A. don’t you B. doesn’t he C. do you D. does he 解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 其实不是对前面的句中进行反问,而是对he likes running进行反问。

( ) 9. —Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”? It is _____ useful umbrella. —What _______ good advice it is! A. an; an; a B. an; a; C. a; an; a D. ; an; a 解析: 选B. 大多数学生容易做错此题。记住an用在元音音素前而不是元音字母前,记住了这一点就知道了an umbrella 和a useful umbrella. 在最后一句中advice是不可数名词,前面不能接不定冠词。故选择B。

( ) 10. —When shall we meet again next week? — ____ day is possible. It’s no problem with me. A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any 解析: 此题非常难,选D. 下周任何一天都可以再次见面。Any在肯定句中意思是“任何的”。下周有七天容易排除A, B. 如果把next week 改为next Monday or Tuesday, 则必须选择A。

( ) 11. Robert has gone to ____ city and he’ll be back in a week. A. other B. the other C. another D. any other 解析:选C. 三个以上另外一个用another, other一般情况下修饰名词复数, the other表示两个中的另外一个,any other任何别的。句意:罗伯特去了另一个城市,一周后回来。

( ) 12.—A latest magazine, please. —Only one left. Would you like to have ________? A. it B. one C. this D. that 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 根据句意:— 买一份最新报纸,—只剩下一份了,你要买这份吗?据此我们知道指的就是手里的那份报纸,并不是同一类事物。

( ) 13. —Which book would you like to borrow? —_______ of the two books is OK with me. A. Either B. Both C. Any D. None 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 根据two books好容易排除C, D. 从谓语动词单数is 我们排除B。故选择A。

( ) 14. Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 解析: 选B. 考查学生对teach sb sth。的掌握情况。 此题容易误选C. 误选C的学生是看见后面有名词math, 思维定势名词前面必须用形容词性物主代词。

( ) 15. There are many trees on ________ side of the street. A. either B. any C. all D. both 解析:选A. 此题容易误选D. 街道只有两边,排除B, C. both后面接复数,on either side of the strreet等于on the both sides of. 。如果选择D. side必须用复数形式。

( ) 16.________ is the population of the city? A. How many B. What C. How many people D. How much 解析:B. 此题容易误选A, C. 人口多少用What. 相当于How many people are there in the city?

( ) 17. —Why don’t we take a little break? — Didn’t we just have _______ ? A. it B .that C. one D. this 解析:选 C. 同类事物用one. 句意:—为什么我们不休息一会儿?—刚才我们不是才休息吗?

( ) 18. The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answered___ of them. A.some B.lots C.each D.few 解析:A. 此题会误选D. 但前面有only, 如果去掉副词则选D。

( ) 19.About ______ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer. A. two thousand of B.two thousand C.thousand of D.two thousands of 解析:选D. 此题极容易选错,误认为是B. 但two thousand后面直接接名词复数,不能有冠词the, 句意是:歌迷中大约有2000人在那里等,想看看这位伟大的歌星。

( ) 20. —How many apples do I have? — You can have ______. I want none of them. A. one B. all C. both D.some 解析:选B. 学生易误选A , D. 其实如果没有I want none of them这句话,四个答案都是对的。从句意:我一个也不想要,就知道你可以吃所有苹果。

( ) 21.Japan is ________ the east of China. Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China. A. in; in B. to; in C. on ; to D. in; to 解析:选B. 日本位于中国东部(外面)用to, 台湾位于中国东部(内部)用in。

( ) 22.The postman shouted, “ Mr Green, here is a letter ________ you.” A. to B. from C. for D. of 解析: 选C. 介词的考查。句意:Mr Green, 这是你的信。学生容易误选A。

( ) 23.He hasn’t heard from his friend __________ last month. A. since B. by the end of C. for D. until 解析: A. 此题学生容易受思维定势not… until…的影响误选D。since用于现在完成时,如果此题是一般过去时就选择D。

( ) 24.—Jimmy lost his key yesterday. —________? It’s his third time in just one month. A. Has he B. Did he C. Was he D. Does he 解析:B. 根据上一句一般过去时可以判断。

( ) 25.You’ve passed the exam. I’m happy ______ you. A. on B. at C. in D. for 解析:选D. 句意:你考试及格了,我为你高兴。

( ) 26. I wonder ________ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time。 A. why B. how C. when D. where 解析:选B. 句意:我想知道他在如此短的时间内是怎样完成这么多不同工作的。

( ) 27. —Ought I to go right now? —_________. A. That’s very bad. B. Yes, you go ought to C. Yes, you ought D. No, you ought not to 解析: 选D. 句子的肯定回答为:Yes, you ought to. 否定回答为:No, you ought not to.

( ) 28. I don’t know when he ________. When he _______ here, I’ll call you in a minute. A. will come; will arrive B. comes; arrices C. will come; arrives D. comes; will arrive 解析:选C. 第一句是宾语从句根据语境用一般将来时,第二句是时间状语从句,由于主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替。

( ) 29. He turned ________ the radio a little because his father was asleep. A. on B. down C. up D. off 解析: 选B. 此题学生会误选D. 但后面有个副词短语a little, 故选择B, 意为:把收音机调小一点,父亲在睡觉。如果去掉a little则选择D。

( ) 30. I don’t know the homework _______ today. A. on B. in C. of D. for 解析: 选D. 句意: 我不知道今天的家庭作业。

( ) 31. —Would you like some coffee? —Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee _____ milk. A. with B. to C. of D. on 解析: A. 此题学生极易受思维定势prefer… to… 的影响误选B。句意:我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。

( ) 32. They each ___ a book. Each of them ___ from China. A. has;are B. have; is C. are having;are D. is having;is 解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。此题应该用一般现在时,排除C, D. each作同位语谓语动词与主语保持一致,each做主语谓语动词用单数。

( ) 33. — __________ you ________ your book to the library? — Yes. I returned it yesterday. A. Did, return B. Have, returned C. Will, return D. Do, return 解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 从句意看:你把书归还图书馆了吗?是的。我昨天归还了。对现在的影响是“书不在这儿了”。

( ) 34. Though it’s cloudy now, it _________ get sunny later. A. can B. may C. must D. need 解析: 选B. 表示可能性用may. Can主要表示两种用法,一种是表示能力,另外一种是请求许可; must必须;need需要。

( ) 35.It is in the library, you _______ talk loudly. A. may not B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t


( ) 36. If anyone wants to say something in class, you ________ put up your hands first. A. must B. may C. should D. can 解析:选C。 句意: 课堂上如果你想说点东西,你应该举手。

( ) 37.The pen _________ him ten yuan. A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent 解析:选B. 动词辨析。主语是物用cost. Pay, spend的主语是人。 Take的形式主语是it。

( ) 38. The train _________ for twenty minutes. A. left B. has left C. is leaving D. has been away 解析: 选D. 此题形式会误选B. 但瞬间性动词不能与一段时间for twenty minutes连用。

( ) 39. — How many books _____ they ________? — Five. But they haven’t finished reading even one. A. did…borrow B. had…borrowed C . will…borrow D. do…borrow 解析: 选A。 此题考查时态,根据语境:他们一本也没有读完。可知他们以前借了5本书。强调过去。

( ) 40. He _________ his bike,so he has to walk there. A. lost B. has lost C. had lost D. loses 解析:选B. 此题考查时态,根据语境他丢了自行车,对现在造成的影响是不得不走路。

( ) 41.—Could I use your dictionary? — Yes, you _________. A. need B. could C. can D. should 解析:选C。 此题容易误选B. 此题中Could并不是表示过去,而是委婉的征求意见,其肯定回答是Yes, you can.

( ) 42. In the past few years there _________ great changes in my hometown. A. have been B. were C. had been D. are 解析:选A。 此题容易误选A。 一般情况下in the past few years用于现在完成时,in the past用于一般过去时。

( ) 43.— Could you tell me when Mr. Li ____ in Huanggang? —Sure.. When he ________, I’ll call you. A. arrives; will arrive B. will arrive; arrives C. arrives; arrives D.will arrive; will arrive 解析:选B。 第一句是宾语从句根据语境用一般将来时,第二句是时间状语从句,由于主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替一般将来时。

( ) 44. —Mary dances best in our school. —I agree. I’ll never forget ____ her dance for the first time. A.see B.to see C.seeing D.seen 解析:选C。此题容易误选B。如果学生想正确选出答案,必须知道forget to do sth(忘记做某事);forget doing sth(忘记做过某事)。根据语境选择C。

( ) 45. —Is tea ready? —No, mother is _______ it ready now. A.doing B. cooking C. burning D. getting 解析:选择D。此题稍难,ready是形容词,get sth +adj准备好某事。

( ) 46. There are many people downstairs. What do you think ______ ? A.to happen B. happening C. is happened D. has happened 解析:选择D。 此题我们首先排除C. 因为动词happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态。B答案少了助动词is, A动词不定式表示将来,根据语境应该用现在完成时或现在进行时。

( ) 47. Remember to spend some time____ your loved ones,because they are not going to be around forever. A.from B.with C. in D.on 解析: 选B。 此题95%的学生容易选错。主要是受spend…on...思维定势的影响。其实句意是:记住与你喜欢的人度过一段时间,因为他们不会永远与你在一起。

( ) 48.—I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday. —Oh, how nice! Do you know when he _______? A. left B. was leaving C. has left D. had left 解析: 选A。根据句意萨姆已经去了青岛,容易排除B, D. when一般情况下不能与现在完成时连用。

( ) 49. —David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _______ ? —He is a doctor. A.who is he B.who he is C. what does he do D. what he does 解析:选择D。 此题可以用排除法,宾语从句用陈述句语序,容易排除A, C。 根据答语He is a doctor知道应该是问职业,who 是用来询问身份的。 ( ) 50. — I want to teach in Tibet when I graduate from the college。 —Me too.Teachers ___very much there。 A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. is needed 解析:选C。老师在那儿是被需要,排除A, B。主语是复数,排除D。故选择C。

( ) 51. —Tommy, do you know if Frank ____ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ____? —Sorry, I have no idea. A. will go, is going to be fine B. goes, is fine

C. will go, is fine D. goes, will be fine 解析:选C。 第一个if引导的是宾语从句,根据语境用一般将来时, 第二if 引导状语从句,由于前面主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替一般将来时。

( ) 52. I don’t have to introduce him to you ____ you know the boy. A. until B. unless C. since D. but 解析:选C。 连词的区别。根据语境:既然你认识这位男孩,我就没有必要向你介绍他了。注意,since除了有“自从”之意外,还有“因为,既然”之意。

( ) 53. —Would you please ____ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (明显的) mistakes? — Of course I will. A. look around B. look through C. look up D. look into 解析: 选B。 动词短语辨析。look around环顾;look through浏览;look up查找; look into调查。根据语句意:请你帮我浏览一下试卷看看有没有明显错误可以吗?

( ) 54. —This pair of shoes _______ really small for me. —Why not try another _________。. A. is, pair B. are, pair C. is, one D. are, one 解析: 选A。This pair of shoes/pants做主语,谓语动词的数取决于pair的单复数,如果pair是单数谓语动词就用单数,反之用复数,这样我们就排除B, D. 又因为shoes是复数,不能直接用one代替,故选择A。

( ) 55. If you don’t go to the meeting tomorrow, _____? A. he will, too B. he won’t, either C. he does, too D. he doesn’t, either

解析: 选B. 此题容易误选D。 由于整个句子是条件状语从句,前面的从句是一般将来时,后面的主句应该是一般现在时。

( ) 56. I don’t think we can finish all the work before Friday, ________? A. do I B. can we C. can’t we D. don’t we

解析: 选B。 此题学生最容易误选A, C. 以I think引导的宾语从句其反意疑问句应该对后面的从句进行反问,本题从句实际上是否定句,只不过否定转移到前面的主句去了。故选择B。

( ) 57. The shop ________ at 8:00 a.m. and it ________ for ten hours every day. A. opens; is open B. is opened; opens C. is open; has opened D. opened; opens 解析: 选A。 此题学生容易误选C. 要知道open作动词时是瞬间性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,故排除C. 根据时间副词every day不用一般过去时,排除D, 根据句意:每天开门10小时,表示状态,不表示动作,排除B。

( ) 58. The old man lives in a town. He lives

,but he doesn’t feel

. A. lonely, alone B. alone, alone C. alone, lonely D. lonely,lonely 解析:选C。alone意为单独,独自,lonely意为孤单的,寂寞的。

( ) 59.—Do you know _______? —I’m not sure.Maybe an artist. A.what the man with long hair is B.what is the man with long hair C.who the man with long hair is D.who is the man with long hair 解析:选择A。 此题可以用排除法,宾语从句用陈述句语序,容易排除B, D. 根据答语知道应该是问职业,who 是用来询问身份的。

( ) 60.—Why don’t you choose the red tie? —For me, it doesn’t _____ my shirt very well. A. fix B. accept C. compare D.match 解析:选D。 本题考查动词match搭配的用法,意思是“它与我的衬衫不搭配”应选择D。学生错选原因可能是把match当名词用,即:手表,比赛。其他选项不符合题意。 fix 安装;使固定;固定; accept 接受;compare 比较。

( ) 61. —Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing? —I’m watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and ______ on for another an hour. A.has been B.was C.had been D.will be 解析:选D. 本题考查时态。根据语境:比赛还要进行一个小时。用一般将来时。

( ) 62. —__________? —Things are going very well. A. How soon does it go B. How often does it go C. How far is it go D. How is everything going 解析:选D。 本题变相测试学生的口语能力以及对日常会话的理解 How is everything going?意思为:近况如何?,只有D项符合题意。

( ) 63. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _________ than that in the 19th.

A. bigger B. larger C. greater D. more 解析:选B。 本题考查population人口大小的固定用法,即由larger修饰。根据连词than 不难选出B答案。

( ) 64. —What’s the weather like tomorrow? —The radio says it is going to be even ______。 A. bad B. worst C. badly D. worse 解析: 选D。 even修饰比较级。而且根据语境应该是明天的天气比今天更加糟糕。

( ) 65. Though she talks ______, she has made ________ friends here。 A. a little, a few B. little, few C. little, a few D. few, a few 解析: 选C。 根据句意: 尽管她不太说话,但她在这里交了几个朋友。

( ) 66 . —My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard. —______. A. So my parents do B. Nor my parents C. Nor do my parents D. Neither my parents do 解析:选C。 此题考查倒装句,因为前面句中有否定词never, 故后面倒装句是nor/neither+助动词+主语。

( ) 67. He never does his work _______ Mary. A. as careful as B. so careful as C. as carefully as D. carefully as 解析:选C。副词的同级比较,副词修饰动词,排除A, B. as…as…与......一样......。

( ) 68. Many Chinese students think science subjects are ________ foreign languages. A. more difficult as B. less difficult than C. much difficult than D. so difficult as 解析:选B。 此题可以采用排除法。选择A的话必须把more改为as或把as改为than; 如果选择C, 则应该把much改为more或在much后面加more; 选择D则需要把so改为as。

( ) 69. _________ music she is playing! A. What nice B. How nice C. What a nice D. How nice a 解析: 选A.。 music是不可数名词,构成what+形容词+不可数名词+主谓!

( ) 70. His work is better than __________. A. anyone B. anyone else C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else

解析:选择C。 此题容易误选B. 比较级中,比较的对象应该前后一致。His work 应该与anyone else’s work相比较。

( ) 71. The nurse told the children the sun ______ in the east. A. rises B. rose C. will rise D. has risen 解析:选择A。 此题容易误选B. 在宾语从句中,如果主句用一般过去时,则从句用相应的过去时态,但如果从句表示客观真理,则用一般现在时。

( ) 72.—Are you sure you have to? It’s been very late. —I don’t know ______ I can do it if not now. A. where B. why C. when D. how 解析:选C。根据语境:如果现在不做,我不知道何时可以做。

( ) 73. —Hello, Jack! Haven’t seen you for a long time! —John! ________ A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. How’s that? D. How time flies! 解析:选D。 此题容易误选B。 根据语境选择D。 即时间过得真快!

( ) 74. I could not get through the door because there was a big stone ___________。 A. by the way B. on the way C. out of the way D. in the way 解析:选D。 此题学生容易误选B。 by the way顺便说;on the way在路上;out of the way不挡道; in the way挡道,妨碍。根据句意:因为有块石头挡道,所以我不能通过门。

( ) 75. Can you lend me the book ___ the other day? A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you talked to D. you talked about 解析:选D。 此题考查定语从句的用法,学生容易误选A, B. 此题容易排除C. talk to的宾语是人而不是物,又由于talk是不及物动词,谈论某物是talk abot, 引导词that是talk about 的宾语,可以省略。

( ) 76 —You never told us why you were late for the meeting,____? — _______. I think it is not necessary to explain. A.weren’t you; No B. did you; No C. did you; Yes D. didn’t you; No

解析:选B。 此题较难,学生非常容易选错。 首先此题容易排除A, D. 因为句中有否定词never, 反义疑问句的原则是前否后肯。在反义疑问句回答中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:没有必要解释,说明“你”没有告诉我为什么你迟到了。

( ) 77. — What is your little brother like? —________ . He enjoys telling jokes.

A. He is tall and thin B. He is shy and quiet. C. He is outgoing and funny. D. He is strong and heavy。

解析:What is your little brother like?既可以用来询问人的外貌,也可以询问人的性格特征,根据He enjoys telling jokes。说明他外向、滑稽。

( ) 78. Jim’s father got very angry _________. A.with that he had done B. with what he had done C. at what he had done D. at what had he done 解析:选C。此题容易误选B。 be/get/become angry with sb对某人生气,be/get/become angry at sth对某事生气。 所做的事发生在生气之前,宾语从句用陈述句语序,故选择C。

( ) 79. —What are on show in the museum? —Some photos _______ by the children of Yushu, Qinghai. A. have been taken B. were taken C. are taken D. taken 解析: 选D。此题学生最容易出错,误选B. 当然有的老师也会出错。此题考查过去分词作定语。此句子其实是个省略句,完整句中应该是:Some photos taken by the children of Yushu, Qinghai are on show in the museum.

( ) 80. —He didn’t go to the lecture this morning, did he? — _____ . Though he was not feeling very well. A. No, he didn’t B. Yes; he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didn’t

解析:选B。 此题考查附加疑问句的回答,在附加疑问句中,如果事实是肯定的,就用肯定回答,反之,则用否定回答。根据下句:Though he was not feeling very well. 尽管他感到不舒服,可知他去了。

( ) 81. — Have you found the information about the famous people ________ you can use for the report? —Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet. A.who B. what C. whom D. which 解析: 选D. 此题容易误选A, C. 其实,仔细分析句子结构,我们发现定语从句的先行词是the information而非people, about the famous people是先行词the information的后置定语。

( ) 82.The doctor did what he could _____ the dying man. A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving 解析:选B. 此题学生容易受思维定势影响影响会误选A, 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 83. The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1980. A. change B.has changed C. changing D. have changed 解析:选B. 此题也较难。 学生往往容易误选A, C. 根据句意:我习惯了的生活自从1980年以来发生了巨大变化。we were used to做The life的后置定语。

( ) 84. These coats are different _____ size. A. from B. of C. to D. in 解析: 选D. 此题学生最容易误选A. 句意:这些外衣尺寸大小不一。in 在这里是在...方面之意。

( ) 85. —Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon? —________, but I promised to go swimming with Eric。 A. Never mind B. Many thanks C. Take it easy D. With pleasure 解析: 选D. 此题考查日常交际用语,根据答语可知选择D. 即:我非常乐意和你们打篮球,但我答应和Eric去游泳了。

( ) 86. —Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David? —If I had to choose, David would be ____ choice. A. good B. better C. the better D. the best 解析:选择C. 此题容易误选B. 比较级一般情况下不加定冠词the, 但表示两者较......时,则必须加the。

( ) 87. —Where did you go on holiday this summer? England? —You are _____. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris. A. fuuny B.right C.cool D.close 解析: 选D. 此题容易误选B. 但细心的学生一看最后一句就知道England和Paris并不是一个地方,说明问话人没有说对。选择D意为你快要说对了。close在此句是形容词,意思是近的,接近的。

( ) 88. Shanghai is larger than _____ city in New Zealand. A. any other B. other C. all other D.any 解析: 选D. 此题学生也容易出错。句意:上海比新西兰任何城市都要大。如果把New Zealand换成China, 则选择A, 需要把它本身排除在外。

( ) 89. —Who is singing in the next room? —_____ must be Maria.

A. It B. She C. This D.There 解析:选择A. 此题容易误选B. 在英语中,对猜测的或指代身份不明的通常用it来代替。

( ) 90.—Again, my computer doesn’t work.

must be something wrong with the CPU. A. There B.That C.It D.This 解析:选择A. 此题容易误选C. 此题其实是考查there be句型。There be something wrong with sth某事出问题了。There must be something wrong with sth某事一定出问题了。

( ) 91. She was born _______ the evening of August 8, 2008. A. in B. on C. at D. with 解析:选B. 此题学生会误选A. 具体某天用on。

( ) 92.They preferred ______ in bed rather than _____ horses. A.to lie; to ride B.lying; riding C.to lie; ride D.lying; ride 解析:选择C. 此题容易误选B, D. 此题考查句型prefer to do sth rather than do sth。比起做某事宁愿做某事。

( ) 93.Can you imagine that

little ants can eat __ many big worms. A.so; so B.such; such C.such; so D.so; such 解析:选择C. 此题受思维定势影响容易选A. 本题中little意为“小的”而非“少的”。那么第一空就应该选择such。

( ) 94.We must do everything we can

waste water from running into rivers. A.keep B.kept C.to keep D.keeping 解析:选C. 此题学生容易受思维定势影响影响会误选A, 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 95. He’ll use what he has _____ her a new dress. A.bought B.to buy C.buying D.been bought 解析:选B. 此题容易误选A. 其实本题是考查动词不定式表目的。

( ) 96.Everyone except Tom and John ______ seen the film. A.is B.has C.are D.have 解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。句子中主语含有except, with, as well was 等词时,谓语动词不受后面影响,与前面主语保持一致。everyone是不定代词,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 97.—Jolin, how long have you been a teacher as a pop star? —______the end of last month, after Jolin’s English Diary Book came out. A. Since B. In C. By D. At 解析:选择A. 此题学生容易误选C. D. 根据上句现在完成时,只能用since。

( ) 98. —Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? —Sorry, there isn’t ____Mr. Smith here. A. the B. a C. an D. / 解析:选B. 人名,地名等专有名词前一般没有冠词,但本句句意是:这里没有一个叫Mr. Smith的人。

( ) 99. ––Who is on the playground? —__________. A. No one B. None C. too much D. A lot 解析:选择A. none 可以回答How many引导的特殊疑问句,no one用来回答Who 引导的特殊疑问句。

( ) 100. She asked me _____ I would do it or not. A. if B. whether C. as D. until 解析:选B. if 和 whether都可以用来引导宾语从句,表示“是否”之意。但当后面有or not时只能用whether。

( ) 101.—Could you tell me___________? —She has a pain in her face. A. what is the matter with her B. what’s wrong with him

C. what the matter is with her D. what wrong is with him 解析:选择A.。 此题我们容易排除B, D, 因为后面的主语是She. 此题学生容易误选C. 其实本题中What 就是主语,故语序不变。

( ) 102.Put it down, Richard, you mustn’t read _______ letter. A. anyone’s else’s B. anyone’s else C. anyone else’s D. anyone else 解析:选择C. 此题容易误选A, B. anyone else任何其他人; anyone else’s 任何其他人的。

( ) 103. Do you have _______ to tell me? A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything 解析:选择C. 形容词修饰不定代词必须放在其后面,我们排除B, D. 此句是一般疑问句用anything。

( ) 104. Butter and cheese ______ in price. A. is gone up B. have gone up C. are gone up D. has gone up 解析: 选D. 此题容易排除A, B. 因为它们是错误结构,Butter and cheese是一种物质而非两种物质。

( ) 105. In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education. A. has B. have C. is D. are 解析:选择A.考查主谓一致。every +名词单数 and every+名词单数,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 106. A man of words and not of deeds _______ a graden full of weed。 A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like 解析:选择C. 句子主语是a man。句意是:注重语言而缺少行动的人犹如一个长满草的花园。

( ) 107. John plays basketball _________, if not better than Jim. A. as well B. so well as C. so well D. as well as 解析: 选D. 句意: John打球如果不是打得比Jim好,就是打得与他一样好。

( ) 108. _____ neither you nor he enjoy fast food? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 解析:选择A.按照就近原则选择A。句意:你和他都不喜欢快餐吗?

( ) 109. The population of the world


now. A. has, grown B. is, growing C. will, grow D. are growing 解析:选B. 本题考查主谓一致和时态。The population of作主语,谓语动词用单数,后面有时间副词now,所以用现在进行时。

( ) 110. Half of the students ______ made the same mistakes. A. has B. have C. is D. are 解析:选B. 分数作主语,谓语动词的数取决于后面的名词,名词是可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数,如果名词是不可数名词则谓语动词用单数。

( ) 111. Nobody but Jane and Lily ______ the secret。 A. knows B. know C. have know D. is known 解析:选择A. 此题考查主谓一致。句子中主语含有except, with, as well as,but 等词时,谓语动词不受后面影响,与前面主语保持一致。nobody是不定代词,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 112. The teacher and writer ______ coming to our school this afternoon。 A. is B. are C. be D. was 解析:选择A.此题容易误选B, the teacher and the writer指同一个人。本题意为:那位老师兼作家今天下午要来我们学校。

( ) 113. He as well as his classmates

English. A. like B. likes C. liked D. have liked 解析:选B. 此题考查主谓一致。句子中主语含有except, with, as well as,but 等词时,谓语动词不受后面影响,与前面主语保持一致。He是单数,谓语动词用单数。

( ) 114. —Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired? —Thank you.

. A. It’s your duty. B. Don’t mention it C. Do as you like D. It couldn’t be better

解析: 选D. 考查日常交际用语。It couldn’t be better意为“没有比这更好的了”。

( ) 115. —Remember to ask her to call me back. —_______. A. Never mind B. That’s right C. Up to you D. Got it 解析: 选D. 考查日常交际用语。Got it意为”明白了,知道了”。


( ) 116. Lucy did no better than Lily, because both of them didn’t pass the exam。 A. as better as B. as well as C. as badly as D. as bad as 解析:选择C. no better than意为“和……一样不好”。

( ) 117. He goes to work by bike once in a while. A. often B. never C. sometimes D. ever 解析:选择C. once in a while意为“有时,偶尔”。

( ) 118. She wasn’t afraid to tell him the truth, though he might get angry。 A. didn’t dare B. dared C. agreed D. disagreed 解析:选B. wasn’t afraid to do sth不怕做某事。

( ) 119. I would have been late for work if Mr. Green hadn’t given me a ride last Friday. A. lent me his bike B. let me take his bike C. reminded me of the time D. picked me up 解析: 选D. give sb a ride用车接某人,给某人搭便车。


1. Try not to cough more than you cansince it may cause problems to your lungs.

A. checkB. allowC. stopD. help

2. Tony can hardly boil an egg, still cook dinner.

A. lessB. littleC. muchD. more

3. Police have found appears to be the lost ancient statue.

A. whichB. whereC. howD. what

4. The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police.

A. not to doB. not toC. not doD. do not

5. India attainedindependence in 1947, after long struggle.

A. 不填;aB. the;aC. an;不填D. an;the

6. It was only after he had read the papers Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.

A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what

7. at the cafeteria before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again.

A. Having eatenB. To eatC. EatD. Eating

8. —The town is so beautiful! I just love it.

—Me too. The character of the town is well .

A. qualifiedB. preservedC. decoratedD. simplified

9. Lionel Messi, the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.

A. setB. settingC. to setD. having set

10. “Never for a second,” the boy says, “ that my father would come to my rescue.”

A. I doubtedB. do I doubtC. I have doubtedD. did I doubt

11. Team leaders must ensure that all members their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.

A. get overB. look overC. take overD. come over

12. I should not have laughed if I you were serious.

A. thoughtB. would thinkC. had thoughtD. have thought

13. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins, the city

took on a new look.

A. reducingB. reducedC. being reducedD. having reduced

14. The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China,he

remembers starting as early as his childhood.

A. whereB. whichC. whatD. when

15. The children, had played the whole day long, were worn out.

A. all of whatB. all of whichC. all of themD. all of whom

16. Eye doctors recommended that a child’s first eye exam at the age of

six months old.

A. wasB. beC. wereD. is

17. The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total beliefyou

are better than anyone else on the sports field.

A. howB. thatC. whichD. whether

18. Bears fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough

to last them through their winter sleep.

A. pack upB. build upC. bring upD. take up

19. If what your friend comes up with surprises you, don’t reject it immediately.

, imagine that it is true.

A. ThusB. BesidesC. RatherD. Otherwise

20. The “Chinese Dream”$ isdream to improve people’s well-being and

Dream of harmony, peace and development.

A. the;aB. a;aC. a;theD. the;the

21. Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where

they could buy priced bikes.

A. competitivelyB. recentlyC. reasonablyD. affordably

22. —Thanks a lot for your book. I found it very interesting.

—. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

A. All the bestB. It is nothingC. No thanksD. Very well

23. There are a small number of people involved, possiblytwenty.

A. as few asB. as little asC. as many asD. as much as

24. one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.

A. WhoeverB. WhateverC. WhicheverD. Wherever

25. He wrote a letterhe explained what had happened in the accident.

A. whatB. whichC. whereD. how

26. I to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.

A. comeB. cameC. am comingD. was coming

27. It was not until near the end of the letter she mentioned her own plan.

A. thatB. whereC. whyD. when

28. If he had spent more time practicing speaking English before, heable

to speak it much better now.

A. will beB. would beC. has beenD. would have been

29. The accident caused someto my car, but it’s nothing serious.

A. harmB. injuryC. ruinD. damage

30. This is by farmovie that I have ever seen.

A. an inspiringB. a much inspiringC. the most inspiringD. the more inspiring

31. He may win the competition, he is likely to get into the national team.

A. in which caseB. in that caseC. in what caseD. in whose case

32. The university estimates that living expenses for international studentsaround $8,450 a year, whicha burden for some of them.

A. are;isB. are;areC. is;areD. is;is

33. My mom suggests that we eat out for a change this weekend.

A. shouldB. mightC. couldD. would

34. The manager wants to see changes in the company, and I am sure he will .

A. in particularB. in turnC. in chargeD. in time

35. My uncle hasn’t been able to quit smoking, but at least he has .

A. cut outB. cut downC. cut upD. cut off

36. Poetry written from the of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.

A. perspectiveB. priorityC. participationD. privilege

37. In much of the animal world, night is the time for sleep---pure and simple.

A. set asideB. set downC. set offD. set up

38. People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often

rather than based on fixed criteria.

A. appropriateB. consciousC. arbitraryD. controversial

39.Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that hedestroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.

A. accidentallyB. carelesslyC. deliberatelyD. clumsily

40. John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most ofare family members.

A. themB. thatC. whichD. whom

41. A Midsummer Night’s Dreamat the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.

A. opensB. is openedC. will openD. will be opened

42. The engine just won’t start. Something seems wrong with it.

A. to goB. to have goneC. goingD. having gone

43. —Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it.

—Thank you all the same.

A. It’s very kind of you.B. Oh, how careless of me!

C. I might as well go and get it.D. Well, I can do without it.

44. It’s aclock, made of brass and dating from the nineteenth century.

A. charming French smallB. French small charming

C. small French charmingD. charming small French

45. at the photos, illustrations, title and headings and you can guess what the reading is about.

A. To lookB. LookingC. Having lookedD. Look

46. Among the crises that face humans the lack of natural resources.


1.“咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。”描写的是哪种植物? A松树 B梅花 C竹子


《竹石 》郑燮


A合欢花 B夜来香 C夕颜 答案:A《佳人》杜甫

3.“香山居士”是下面哪位文人的号? A苏轼



D白居易 答案:D 4.“可怜荒古龚泉骨,曾有惊天动地文”形容的是哪位诗人? A杜甫 B苏轼 C李白

答案:C 《李白墓》白居易

5.“东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔”这里的东风指的是什么? A水淹七军 B草船借箭 C火烧赤壁 答案:C 《赤壁》杜牧

6.以下哪句是写到“祖国母亲花”? A灿灿萱草花,罗生北堂下

B满地芦花和我老,旧家燕子傍谁飞 C待到重阳日,还来就菊花 答案:A 《墨萱图》王冕


7.“北方有佳人,绝世而独立”中的佳人和李延年是什么关系? A情人关系 B兄妹关系 C父女关系 答案:B兄妹关系


8.诗经的《硕鼠硕鼠,无食我黍》诗中“黍”指的是那种农作物? A高粱


C谷子 答案:B 9.“功盖三分国 名成八阵图”是赞扬哪位历史人物? A汉武帝


C刘备 答案:B

这是唐代大诗人杜甫的诗《八阵图》.功盖三分国,名成八阵图。江流石不转,遗恨失吞吴。描写的是后汉三国时期的诸葛亮,诸葛亮在刘备三顾茅庐时就提出了三分天下的构想主张,并协助刘备建立了蜀国,形成了魏蜀吴三国鼎立的局面,《八阵图》传说是诸葛亮根据五行八卦所著的一套阵法。 10.有“诗坛硬汉”之称的是? A辛弃疾 B苏轼 C牛汉 答案:C 11. 在宋初词坛影响最大,成为词从晚唐五代过度到宋代的关键人物是? A 范仲淹

B欧阳修 C王安石

D晏殊 答案:D 12.南宋词坛的第一大家是?



C李清照 D姜夔 答案:B 13.北宋年间发生了一场有名的文字狱----乌台诗案。请问这个事件中哪个诗人因言获罪? A苏轼


C王安石 答案:A 14.“小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。”出自谁的《小池》? A杨万里



D陆游 答案:A 15. 含有地名或名胜古迹的诗句是?




D人生有情泪沾臆,江草江花岂终极 答案:B 16 对季节的判断有误的是?

A感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心(春) B.夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄(夏) C明月松间照,清泉石上流(秋) D 瀚海阑干百丈冰,愁云惨淡万里凝(冬) 答案:D 17.“醉翁”最早指的是下面哪位诗人? A 苏轼

B杜甫 C 欧阳修

答案:C 18.“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”指的是哪个风景区? A华山



D庐山 答案:D




B 张若虚 《春江花月夜 》

C 《杨炯 从军行》 答案:B 20.李清照的《如梦令》里的“绿肥红瘦”是描写什么季节的景象?










D十一月 答案:B 22.“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,编插茱萸少一人。” 这首古诗描写了我国民间一个传统节令的情景。这个传统节令是?




D重阳 答案:D 23.贾岛作诗,锤字炼句,精益求精,曾用“两句三年得,一吟双泪流”来评价自己的作品,请问,贾岛是写了哪句诗之后才让他对自己做出这样的评价? A.鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门


C 秋风吹渭水,落叶满长安 答案:A 24.“何须倩碧深红色,自是花中第一流“中的花指的是: A牡丹



答案:B 《鹧鸪天·暗淡轻黄体性柔》李清照 25.苏轼的号是?


B 颍滨遗老答案:C
