


My good friend is Tom. He is a boy. He is my classmate. He is thirteen years old. Tom is tall and thin. He has two big eyes and long hair. He likes wearing jeans and sports shoes. We have same interests. We like playing basketball after school. He likes sports very much. He is a good student. He is good at math. He always helps me learn math. He can speak a little English. His favorite animals are pandas. Sometimes he goes to school on foot. He is my best friend forever.

My day

Hello, everyone! I get up early at six thirty. Then I have breakfast and go to school. In the morning we have four lessons, they’re two English lessons, one Chinese lesson and one history lesson. I like English best. At noon we have lunch at school, we have rice and vegetables, but we don’t like them very much. In the afternoon we have two math lessons and one music lesson. Math is difficult, but I study hard. And we sing a beautiful song. We finish school at a five to five. I play basketball with my friends after school. It’s fun! Then I go home and do my homework, next I have dinner with my parents and watch TV. I go to bed at nine o’clock.

My pet----- I have a pet cat. Her name is Ding ding. She is cute and clever. She has short hair. She is my good friend. I often feed water and meals after school. We often play with together. I often take her a walk to go out. Sometimes we sit on the sofa to watch TV. But now I am very busy. I don’t have too much time to play with her. I have to do too much homework every day.

All in all. I love her all the time.

My family I have a happy family .There are five people in my family. Hear is a photo of my family. My grandmother is old and kind. She often tells old jokes. My father is hard-working man. He works from morning to night. He is tall and thin. He is strict with me. But he loves me a lot. My mother is kind. She is of medium height. He gets up early to make breakfast for us. He looks after us everyday life. My brother and I are students. But we aren’t same grade. He is grade nine. He likes playing basketball very much ,I like playing basketball, too. We often play basketball on weekends.

My family is full of love. I love my family very much.

My weekend I have happy and interesting weekend. On Saturday morning, I ate breakfast.

Then I did my homework. It was a little hard for me . But I studied hard. In the afternoon, I played basketball with my friends in the park. In the evening, I watched talk show with family. It’s interesting. On the Sunday morning, I helped my mother cook. My mother taught me to make soup. Then we had breakfast and fed my cat. Next, I watched TV. In the afternoon, I went to school. In the evening I took classes. I went to bed at a quarter to ten.

My favorite subject is math



Wertsch(1985)指出 ,语言是意义建构的一种中介工具。建构知识的过程中不是独有教师的参与,单靠教师提供信息是不够的,因为学生是通过参与在教师的帮助下进行的有意义的对话中建构知识的。这些对话就被称为语言支架。或者说,语言支架就是教师为帮助学生建构知识的能力从实际水平发展到潜在水平的过程中所提供的语言支持。课堂话语能影响学生的思维,从而取得学习的成功(Cazden 1988; Johnston 2004)。



美国彼兹堡大学的Ankrum等人(2013)在其对阅读初学者进行的案例研究中,创制了一个编码方案(表1)来记录和分析他们在实际阅读课堂中所观察到的情况。基于此他们又发展了Roehle和Cantlon在1997年制作的教师对话编码表 (见表2)来对教师使用的语言支架进行分类分析。本文采用的便是这种分类方案。




T: Look at this sentence,“A man pulled his ears and gave Thomas a bad earache.” Ok, before we disscuss the meaning of it, I want you to tell me: when you are reading,what can you do about a word you don’t know? No.1?

S1: I can look it up in the dictionary.

T: yes, you can. Anything else?

S1: I can guess its meaning.

T: Good. So how to guess? We can guess the meaning from...No.2?

S2: From the text.

T: Excellent.So, can you guess the meaning of “earache”?It means ...

Ss: 耳痛

T: I think your guess is right. From the man’s movement“pulled his ear” and the following sentences like“He could not hear very well”, we can infer that it means a bad feeling or pain in the inside of one’s ear. Well, do you know another way of guessing?... (Teacher pauses) When I come to a word I don’t know, a voice in my head tells me : look at how the word is built! (Teacher writes “ear + ache” on the blackbord.)In fact,“ache” means pain, so I can guess “earache” is the pain in one’s ear.

在片段一中, 教师为学生的阅读搭建了几个不同的语言支架。一开始她使用了“邀请参与”,提出学生在阅读过程中常常会碰到的一个问题,即遇到不认识的单词时他们会怎么做。这样做能让教师推测到学生的最近发展区, 同时激活学生的已有知识和技能,在S1回答后给予表扬,引导学生使用“联系上下文猜词义”的阅读策略。在学生猜到词义为“耳痛”之后,教师使用了“验证推论”,对学生的回答给与肯定,并具体展现了验证过程。这么做可以鼓励学生积极自主地思考,同时强化学生的策略意识。接下来教师还“告知答案”,提供了“earache”的英文释义,为接下来的讲解做铺垫。之后教师又提出问题“邀请”学生思考其他的猜词策略,观察学生的反应并适时提供“显性建模”,通过描述“脑中的声音”告诉她怎么做,为学生示范她是如何依据构词法来猜词义的。这种出声思考能让学生洞悉教师的认知加工过程。而且, 像依据构词法猜词义的这种阅读策略有助于学生学会在阅读中利用自己原有的知识来建构新的知识。


T: Still remember the man in our textbook on page 18?What’s the title of the passage about the man?

Ss: A balanced diet.

T: What does he look like? Can you describe him?

Ss: Overweight.

T: Any more words?

Ss: Fat.

T: Is he husky?

Ss: No.

T: :Let’s look at the food list he has. Does he truly have a BALANCED DIET?

Ss: No.

T: No, ABSOLUTELY not. Sometimes the title does not tell us the truth. Now, can you tell us what’s the matter with his breakbfast? Does the food that he eats have something to do with the way he looks? Can you discuss in groups and tell us?

在片段二中,教师首先搭建了“邀请参与”的支架,让学生回忆上节课的话题A Balanced Diet以及话题的主人公。这样做有几个目的:教师能够借此评估学生们对于已学知识的掌握程度;教师还能为接下来的“澄清错误”创设情境;同时还为学生提供了一个质疑和反思的机会。在教师让学生describe主人公的样貌后引导学生质疑短文的标题,并“澄清”有时文章的标题并没有表明事实,并引导学生对话题展开小组讨论。这样做不仅能激发学生进行批判性反思,还有助于学生在社会互动中整合观点,建构更深层次的知识。


在对英语阅读初学者的策略教学中, 教师的多种语言支架提供了很好的帮助和支持。教师有意识的根据学生不同的能力和需求搭建不同的语言支架,能有效增强学生的信心,减轻初学者在阅读方面的畏难情绪, 让他们更积极主动地学习和应用阅读策略,提高其自主学习能力,并培养其良好的学习态度和批判精神。




I have a good friend, his name is Bill. He is from Sydney, Australia. Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October. He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese. He has lots of friends in Beijing. He often plays soccer after school with them. It’s his favorite sport. He likes Chinese action movies very much. He thinks they are interesting. His favorite actor is Jet Li.

Jenny is an American girl She is 13 years old. She is very tall and a little thin. She has long black straight hair. She is a good-looking girl .She likes wearing a red T-shirt and blue pant. She likes singing and dancing. Her favorite singer is Gloria Green. She thinks Gloria is great. Look! Jenny is coming. She is not wearing a red T-shirt today. She is wearing a red dress.


It’s Sunday morning .My mother and I are gong to the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some children are running. A dog is running after them . Four women are sitting there They

are talking. Two girls are playing with a big bal near them ..Three old men are standing under a big tree. They are watching the children. There is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it. There is a boat on the river. And an old man is sitting in the goat. He is dishing.Everyone in the park is having a good time. We are having a good time, too. 描写人物的短文

There are three people in Jim’s family . Mr. Green is his father . He is fat and he has short straighthair . Hewearsglasses . He is watching TV. His mother is Mrs. Green . She is a woman of medium height . She has curly hair. She is cleaning the room . Jim is very thin. He is playing with the ball. They are all happy.


Jenny had a busy weekend . Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home . She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon. That night, she went to the movies. On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach. . On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping .She had a party last night.

What a busy but happy weekend she had!

















二、重难点分析: 1.单词的复习

七年级新教材的突出特点是词汇量大,词汇是英语学习的基础,不熟练掌握单词,英语的学习将无从说起。因此要想方设法的搞好词汇的复习,在全面复习单词(默写)的基础上,对每单元的重点单词,按考试题型(根据中文写单词、根据音标写单词、用所给单词的正确形式填空),按单元顺序,以学案试卷的形式进行复习。 对于错题及时反馈(将错题改正后重做),做到天天清,课课清。


考试前需要复习的语法知识有:特殊疑问句用法,一般疑问句的变法与回答,情态动词等。计划对语法知识进行全面的总结。首先集中学生在新课堂和配套练习以及平日考试中相关知识的错题,进行再次的强化训练。再次,配合适量新练习,让学生达到懂语法并且会灵活用语法。最后,利用综合检测题试卷再次进行考察。 3.Section B 以及作文的复习

近几年考试形势,2B的考察必不可少,考察要求学生能根据背诵填上文中重点单词。针对此项考试,利用PPT,让学生反复练习根据短文选词填空题。每单元给学生提供两篇与课文题材相关的作文,让学生背诵,并提供类似题材,让学生模仿2B和范文,进行写作训练。 4.听力和阅读的复习


时间安排: 12月20日 结束新课

12月23日----12月24日 Unit9针对四部分的逐步复习 12月25日----12月26日 Unit8针对四部分的逐步复习 12月27日----12月30日 Unit7针对四部分的逐步复习 12月31日----1月1日 Unit6针对四部分的逐步复习 1月2日----1月3日 Unit5针对四部分的逐步复习 1月6日 Unit5- Unit9 1月7日-1月8日 starter one 1月9日-1月10日 综合检测与评


⒈ 你最喜欢的科目是什么? ______ your __________ subject?

⒉ 附近有超市吗? Is there a supermarket _______________? ⒊ 请问到你们学校怎么走? Excuse me, _______ is the _______ to your school?

⒋ 我打算去云南度暑假。 I am going to Yunnan ______ my summer ___________.


91. 他在夜晚起床吃树叶。

________ night he gets up and ________ _________.

92. 小偷们不喜欢去警察局。

________ don’t like ________ to the police station.

93. Julie在看电视吗?不,没有。

________ Julie ________TV now ?No, she ________.

94. 我们为你提供一份当老师的工作。

We have a job ________ you ________a teacher.


1. 我肯定明天是个好天。

I _____________ tomorrow _____________goodday.


My work is _________ but ____________________.


I ____________ Canada and I can _____________and_______.


_______________ photo, father _____ sister __________ TV.


_____ a student, we should ____________.


1. Tom会说日语和一点儿法语

Tom can speak _____________ and ________ ________ ________

2. 我有一个笔友,他在东京工作I have a pen pal. He ____ in Tokyo.

3. 她和她父母住在中国She ______ in China _____ her parents.

4. 我不喜欢数学,因为太难了

I _________ __________ math because it’s __________ __________

5. Jack在澳大利亚有许多笔友

Jack ________ many pen pals _______ __________

6. 我爷爷每晚都喜欢看电视

My grandfather _________ __________ TV every evening

7. 你能马上给我写信吗?Can you _______ _____ _____ soon?

8. 请告诉我你班里的情况

__________ me something _________ your class, please.

9. 沿着大桥街走,在明珠超市向左拐

_____ _____ Bridge Street and _____ ____ at Mingzhu Supermarket

10. 我希望你旅途愉快I _______ you ________ a good ________

11. 公园是散步的好去处The park is a good place to _____ ___ ___

12. 你可以乘出租车去旅馆 You can _____ ____ ___ to go to the hotel

13. 咱们先去同孩子们玩耍

Let’s ____________ _________ the children ___________

14. 你们在谈论什么动物?

_________ __________ are you ________ __________?

15. 请安静,小孩在睡觉

Please ____________ _________. The little baby ______ _________

16. 工人们白天努力工作,晚上休息

The workers work hard _____ _____ _____ and relax ____ ______

17. 我妈妈在忙着做饭My mother _____ ______ ________

18. 他为一家电脑公司工作He ______ ______ a computer company.

19. 他在与Tom谈论那场足球赛

He talks ______ Tom ______ the football game

20. 人们在购物大厅里买东西People buy things _____ _____ _____

21. 中国人对外国人很友好

Chinese _________ _________ ________ the foreigners


1. 明天他们将带我们参观北京。They will ___________________________ Beijing tomorrow.

2. 我的姐姐擅长弹钢琴。My sister ____________________________ the piano.

3. 这次旅程花了我一个月的时间.This journey _____________________________.

4. 对老人来说,学好英语不容易.It is not easy _______ old people ________________ English well.

5. 纽约位于美国的西海岸. New York is _____________________________________ of the USA.

6. 英国以剑桥大学出名.England _______________________________the Cambridge University.

7. 上海是个有着1300万人口的城市.Shanghai is a city _________a______________13 million.

8. 汕头大约有130年的历史.Shantou is about ____________________________________________.

9. 广东在华南. Guangdong is in ____________________________________.

10. 浙江在中国的东部. Zhejiang is ______________________________________ China.

11. 香港有700万人口.1) Hong Kong has ___________________________________ 7 million.

2)______________________________________ Hong kong is 7 million.

12.在将来生活将会更舒适.Life will be more comfortable ____________________________.

13.我正期待着看这部电影.I_________________________________________ this film.

14. 你正在复习备考吗? Are you _________________________ a test?

15.他打算明天进行一次野餐.He ______________________________________ tomorrow.

16.此时,我们正在唱歌. ______________________________, We are singing.

17.这里一年四季都炎热. It’s hot here ________________________________.

18.你们正在为奥运会做准备吗? Are you ___________________________ the Olympic


19.他们不想扫去好运.They don’t want ________________________________ good luck.

20.他们喜欢用花装饰房间.They like ___________________the room _______ flowers.

21.每个人的桌子上都将有一台电脑.There ______________________ a computer on everyone’s desk.

22. 你在等谁? Who are you _______________________?

23.他正在和谁谈话? Who is he ____________________________?

24.我们将在星期天照相.We _____________________________________ on Sunday.

25.你们将什么时候到达这里?When _______________________________here?

26.你的兄弟比你大还是比你小?Is your brother _____________________________________ you?

27.那些山大约有1200米高.Those mountains are about __________________________.

28.今晚将有大风和大雨.There will ____________________and _____________________


29.他们每周上5天学. They go to school


30.金先生一家打算坐飞机去旅行.The King family _____________________ travel


31.看,他们正躺在沙滩上,并享受阳光. Look!They _____________________ on the beach and

________the sun.

32.他现在玩得开心吗? Is he _______________________________________now?

33.他是香港最受欢迎的歌手之一. He is _______________________________________ in

Hong Kong .

34.他住得离学校最近. He lives ____________________________________ the school.

35.夏天是一年最热的季节. Summer is _____________________________ season


36.那个年轻人需要考虑一下这个问题. The young man ___________________________ this


37.他们很快就会到达车站. They ________________________________ the station soon.

38.香港是个比上海新的城市. Hong Kong is a ____________________________Shanghai.

39.你比他大2 岁. You are ___________________________________________ him.

40.他们打算登上长城. They ________________________________________ the Great Wall.

41.孩子们正在穿衣服.The children __________________________________.

42.成千上万的人将会来中国. __________________________________ people will come to


43.下个星期天气将会变暖和吗? Will the weather _________________ next week?

44.他们正在逛商店买礼物。They _______________________________ presents.

45.长江比黄河宽吗?Is the Changjiang River _________________________ the Yellow River? 六,


I _______________________ hamburgers,pizza ___ ice tea.




I_______________people ________her new look.


He______a little _______his father.


My mother________________________________ today.



61. 有很多人在这儿度假。

There are ________________ here ________________.

62. 他们在谈论什么?

What are they________________?

63. They had fun last Wednesday!(改为同义句)

They _____________________Wednesday! (对画线部分提问)

you for ?

65. 我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。

I am ________ they can play soccer ________________________.


1. 有很多人在这儿度假。

There are ________________ here ________________.

2. 我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。

We are in Paris, ________ in the ________. It’s ________ beautiful, ________ day.

3. –天空正在下雨时,你在干什么?-我在看书。

-What are you ________ when it’s ________?-I am ________ a ________.

4. 一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在骑自行车。

In the park, ________ are ________ songs, ________ are ________ bikes.

5. 我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。

I am ________ they can play soccer ________________________.


1.你们去年在哪度假的?Where _________ you go _________ vacation last year?

2.你假期过得怎么样?_________________ your vacation?

3.他们决定去看电影。They _________________ go to the movies.

4.那个小男孩迷路了。That little boy __________________.

5.你觉得你们的假期怎么样?What did you ________________ your vacation?

6.我们在水里玩得很快乐。We __________ great fun ___________ in the water.

7.她发现一个小女孩在角落哭。She found a_________ girl _________ in the corner.

8.我没有任何钱付出租车费。I didn’t ________ any money __________ a taxi.

9.他们从早饭一直玩到晚饭。They played _________ breakfast__________ dinner.
