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本部分共84个单词 academic [7AkE5demik] a.①学校的,学院的;②学术的;n.学者,大学教师 【真题例句】 If the preoccupation of schools with academic (a.①) work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values.[1995年阅读4] 【例句精译】 如果学校对学业的强调减少一些,也许就有更多的时间教孩子更重要的价值观念。 【真题例句】 Mr. McWhorter‟s academic (a.②) speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of “whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.[2005年阅读4] 【例句精译】 麦克沃特先生的学术专长在于语言史和语言变化,举例来说,他认为“whom”一词的逐渐消失是很自然的,并不比旧式英语中词格的消失更让人惋惜。 【真题例句】 Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic (n.) and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much “reengineering” has been crude.[1998年阅读2] 【例句精译】 哈佛学者伦纳德·施莱辛格是一家迅速扩张的美味面包店的前总裁,他说,许多“企业重组”都不成熟。 accommodate [E5kCmEdeitv.①留宿,收容;②供应,供给;③使适应;使符合 【真题例句】 And they also need to give serious (21:thought) to how they can be best (22:accommodate) (③) such changes.[2003年完形] 【例句精译】 他们也应该认真考虑青少年是如何适应这些变化的。 acknowledge [Ek5nClidV] v.①承认,认为;②致谢;③确认 【真题例句】 Dr. Worm acknowledges (①) that these figures are conservative, one reason for this is that fishing technology has improved.[2006年阅读3] 【例句精译】 Worm博士承认这些数据还是保守的,一个原因就是捕渔技术已经改进了很多。 act [Akt] v.①行动,做事;②(on)起作用;③表演;④(for)代表,代替;n.①行为,动作;②

(一)幕;③法令,条例 【真题例句】 Governments throughout the world act (v.②) on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.[2000年翻译] 【例句精译】 世界各国的政府都基于一种观点行政,即人民的福利在很大程度上取决于本国的经济实力和国家的财富。 【真题例句】 The paid manager acting (v.④) for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away.[1996年阅读3] 【例句精译】 代表公司进行管理的领薪经理们与工人和工人的需求形成更加直接的关系,但甚至他们也很少像正在被淘汰的旧式家族企业的家长制中的雇主那样熟悉和了解工人的情况。 【真题例句】 Some , however , are less reasonable processes of different growth in which preconception of the form scientific theory ought to take, by persons in authority, act (n.①) to alter the growth pattern of different areas.[1996年翻译] 【例句精译】 然而,不同的发展过程中,有些不怎么合理——在这些发展过程中,一些权威人士对科学研究应该采取的方式有偏见,从而改变了不同科学领域的发展模式。 【真题例句】 The commercial TV channels — ITV and Channel 4 — were required by the Thatcher Government‟s Broadcasting Act (n.③) to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs.[1996年阅读2] 【例句精译】 按撒切尔政府广播法的要求,商业电视频道——第一和第四频道——正在进行商业化,彼此竞争广告业务,降低成本,裁减员工。 address [E5dres] n.地址,通讯处,致词;v.①致函,写姓名地址;②向……讲话;③处理 【真题例句】 Depending on whom you are addressing (v.②), the problems will be different.[2002年阅读1] 【例句精译】 针对不同的听众,要谈的问题也应该不同。 第 1 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

该套资料由芸芸视频整理 QQ:747883097 TL:028 8194 2202 期待广大考生咨询 推荐:09年新东方考研数学英语政治视频课程

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aggressive [E5gresiv] a.①侵略的,好斗的;②大胆的,积极的 【真题例句】 Now it is a social policy, the most important and aggressive (②) promoter of gambling in America is the government.[2006年新题型] 【例句精译】 现在这是一种社会政策,赌博业最重要的和最激进的支持者是美国政府。 anchor [5ANkE] n.①锚;②新闻节目主持人;v.抛锚,停泊 【真题例句】 Fast-food eaters, news anchors (n.②), text messengers, all smiling, smiling.[2006年阅读4] 【例句精译】 快餐食客、新闻主播、发短信的人,都在微笑、微笑。 【真题例句】 Hot spots, anchored (v.) in the deeper layers of the earth, provide the measuring instruments needed to resolve the question.[1998年阅读5] 【例句精译】 位于地壳深处的热点提供了解决该问题的测量依据。 appreciate [E5pri:Fieit] v.①感谢,感激;②正确评价,欣赏,赏识 【真题例句】 66. The change in Japanese Life-style is revealed in the fact that_____.[2000年阅读4] 【真题例句】 Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are (17:comprehensive) programs that address (v.③) the many needs of the homeless.[2006年完形] 【例句精译】 《波士顿环球日报》记者克里斯•雷迪认为只有通过全面规划来解决这些无家可归者的各种需求,这种局面才有可能得到改善。

[D] the Japanese appreciate (②) their present life 【例句精译】 6


[D] 日本人欣赏现有的生活 apprehensive [7Apri5hensiv] a.①有理解力的;②忧虑的,担心的 【真题例句】 52. What is many captive shippers‟ attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?[2003年阅读3]

[D] Apprehensive (②). 【例句精译】

52、许多受控制的托运人对铁路部门的合并是什么态度? [D] 担心,害怕 argue [5B:gju:] v.①争论,辩论;②认为,主张,论证;③说服 【真题例句】 The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing (①) about the rights of animals is fruitless.[1997年翻译] 【例句精译】 关键问题是:如果对人的权利没有共同认识,那么讨论动物的权利就是毫无结果的。 【真题例句】 He is not arguing (②), as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.[2005年阅读4] 【例句精译】 不像其他大多数人,麦克沃特先生并不认为我们说话方式不规范就不能使我们直接思考。 attach [E5tAtF] v.①(to)缚上,系上,贴上;②使依附,使隶属,使依恋;③附加,附带;④把~放在 【真题例句】 A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached (①) to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.[1998年阅读3] 【例句精译】 1996年对新闻报道的调查表明,反科学的标签也贴在了许多其他群体身上,这些人包括从提倡消灭所有现存的天花病毒的官方人士到倡议削减基础研究基金的共和党人。 【真题例句】 They (particularly Quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached (③).[2005年新题型] 【例句精译】 这些官员(尤其是魁北克省和阿伯塔省)只希望政府当局额外出钱, 如有可能,还会附带条件。 【真题例句】 The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached (④) great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.[1994年翻译] 【例句精译】 推崇技术的现代学派认为,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都非常重视科学实验中使用的不同技术信息和技术设施,并从中受益颇深。 第 2 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

该套资料由芸芸视频整理 QQ:747883097 TL:028 8194 2202 期待广大考生咨询 推荐:09年新东方考研数学英语政治视频课程

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contend [kEn5tend] v.①竞争,斗争;②坚决主张,声称,认为 【真题例句】 It is the playgoers, the RSC contends (②), who bring in much of the town‟s revenue because they spend the night (some of them four or five nights) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants.[2006年阅读2] 【例句精译】 皇家莎士比亚公司(RSC)声称是看戏的人给小镇带来了大部分收入,因为他们整个晚上(有时甚至是

四、五个晚上)都把钱花到旅馆和饭店上。 cook [kuk] n.炊事员,厨师;v.①烹调,煮,烧;②伪造 【真题例句】 If we intend to have friends to dinner, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, decide which food to cook (n.①) beam [bi:mn.①(横)梁,桁条;②(光线的)束,柱;v.①微笑;②发光 【真题例句】 Our magazines feature beaming (v.①) celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.[2006年阅读4] 【例句精译】 我们的杂志突出刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭。 cement [si5ment] n.①水泥;②胶泥,胶接剂;v.①胶合;②巩固,加强 【真题例句】 Egypt‟s leadership in the Arab world was cemented (v.②) by the Aswan High Dam.[1998年阅读1] 【例句精译】 埃及在阿拉伯世界的领导地位因阿斯旺大坝而得以巩固。 chair [tFZE] n.①椅子;②主席(职位);vt.主持,担任 【真题例句】 “It‟s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair (n.②) of psychology at Chicago‟s Medical Center,“If you don‟t like it, change it.”[2005年阅读3] 【例句精译】 芝加哥医疗中心心理部主任Rosalind Cartwright指出“这是你的梦,你不喜欢它,你可以改变它”。 【真题例句】 Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment — although no one had proposed to do so — and asked an independent panel of experts chaired (vt.) by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning.[1999年阅读4] 【例句精译】 他宣称反对利用这种非同寻常的畜牧学技术去克隆人,并下令禁止使用联邦资金做这样的实验——尽管还没有人提出那样的要求——并责令成立一个由普林斯顿大学校长哈罗德•夏皮罗为首的独立专家小组,在90天内拿出有关克隆人的国策建议,向白宫汇报。 climate [5klaimit] n.①气候;②风气,社会思潮 【真题例句】 The flight from overcrowdedness affects the migration from snow belt to more bearable climates (①).[1998年阅读4] 【例句精译】 逃离人口过度稠密区的做法改变了以前那种离开寒冷地带去气候宜人之地的趋势。 【真题例句】 When the work is well done, a (43:climate) (②) of accident-free operations is established (44:where) time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.[1999年完形] 【例句精译】 如果此项工作做得好的话,就会形成无事故作业的好风气,因此那儿的因工伤事故所造成的时间损失就会被控制在最低限度。 code [kEudn.①代码,代号,密码;②法典,法规,规划 【真题例句】 Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code (①) during World War II to send secret messages.[2004年翻译] 【例句精译】 美洲的土著语言是如此地“与众不同”,甚至美军在第二次世界大战中用土著语言Navajo发送密码。 【真题例句】 (49) But his primary task is not to think about the moral code (②), which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. [2006年翻译] 【例句精译】 (49) 但是,普通科学家的主要任务并非思考指导其行为的道德规范,正如我们并不指望商人把精力投入到商业行为的探索一样。 column [5kClEm] n.①圆柱,柱状物;②列;③(报刊中的)专栏 【真题例句】 “The test of any democratic society,”

he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column (③), “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.”[1997年阅读4] 【例句精译】 他在《华尔街日报》一篇专栏文章中写道:“对任何一个民主社会的检验标准不在于它能多有效地压制各种情感的表达,而在于是否给予了人们思考和表达的最广泛的自由,尽管有时这种结果会引起争论和愤怒。” 第 3 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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first, and such planning is an essential for any type of meal to be served.[1996年阅读1] 【例句精译】 假如我们想请朋友吃晚饭,我们就会准备菜谱、写购物单、决定先做哪道菜等,这样的筹划对于举行任何形式的宴请都是必不可少的。 【真题例句】 Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties--- he is not supposed to cook (n.②) his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports. [2006年翻译] 【例句精译】 像其他人类一样,普通科学家甚至在每天日常的工作中都遭遇到了道义上的问题——他不应该伪造他的实验、制造证据或改动他的报告。

coverage [5kQvEridV] n.①新闻报导(范围);②保险项目 【真题例句】 With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation‟s news coverage (①), as well as listen to it.[1996年阅读2] 【例句精译】 随着BBC(英国广播公司)全世界电视节目的开播,亚洲和美洲的数以百万计的人不仅可以听到它的新闻广播,而且也能看到它的电视新闻报道了。 crack [krAk] n.①裂纹,缝隙;②破裂声;v.①(使)开裂;②解决;③(get ~ing)开始 【真题例句】 As the dome grows, it develops deep fissures (cracks) (n.①); in at least a few cases the continent may break entirely along some of these fissures, so that the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean.[1998年阅读5] 【例句精译】 随着这个圆顶的增大,板块出现深深的裂缝。至少有几次,大陆可能会沿着其中的一些裂缝完全裂开,因此这个热点就引发了一个新的海洋的形成。 【真题例句】 Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked (v.①) rearview mirror and a faulty steering wheel.[1997年阅读5] 【例句精译】 因此,才会有人将货币政策的指导作用比作是驾驶一辆带有黑色挡风玻璃、破碎的后视镜及方向盘失灵的破汽车。 【真题例句】 So when the premiers gather in Niagara Falls to assemble their usual complaint list, they should also get cracking (v.③) about something in their jurisdiction that would help their budgets and patients.[2005年新题型] 【例句精译】 所以,当官员们聚集在尼亚加拉瀑布城像往常一样不停的抱怨时,他们也应该在自己的权限范围内开始做些有利于他们的预算和病人的事情。 craft [krB:ft] n.①工艺,手艺,技巧;②飞机,飞船;③行业;v.精工制作 【真题例句】 The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft (n.①) information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.[1994年翻译] 【例句精译】 推崇技术的现代学派认为,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都非常重视科学实验中使用的不同技术信息和技术设施,并从中受益颇深。 【真题例句】 The irony of the historian‟ s craft (n.③) is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process .[1999年翻译] 【例句精译】 具有讽刺意味的是,在历史学领域,历史学家都知道,他们所做的努力只不过是为一个永无止境的研究过程做一些贡献罢了。 deliver [di5livE] v.①交付,递送;②发表,表达,陈述;③释放;④接生 【真题例句】 Most notably, the Pointcast Network uses a screen saver to deliver (①) a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers‟ computer monitors.[1999年阅读2] 【例句精译】 最突出的例子是“定向投影”网络公司,该公司使用一种屏保系统,将大量最新的信息和广告不断地传送到用户的计算机显示器上。 【真题例句】 Include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver (②) in a relaxed and unforced manner.[2002年阅读1] 【例句精译】 (练习幽默)包括一些很随便的、看上去是即兴的话,你可以用轻松的、不做作的方式把它们说出来。 digest [di5dVest] v.消化;n.摘要,文摘 【真题例句】 70. This passage appears to be a digest (n.) of _____.[1996年阅读5]

[A] a book review 【例句精译】 70、本文似乎是_____的摘要。 第 4 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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[A] 一个书评 discipline [5disiplin] n.①纪律;②学科;③训练,训导;④惩罚,处罚;vt.①训练,训导;②惩罚,约束 【真题例句】 (72) Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline (n.②) and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.[1999年翻译] 【例句精译】 (72) 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。 【真题例句】 As a member of a British commission visiting here in 1853 reported, “With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline (n.③), the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.”[1996年阅读4] 【例句精译】 正如1853年访美的一个英国访问团成员所报道的那样,“由于有了学校彻底训练过的头脑,美国孩子迅速地成为技术熟练的工人。” 【真题例句】 The cruel discipline (n.④) of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other‟s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation.[1996年阅读3] 【例句精译】 罢工和封厂的无情惩罚使双方学会了互相尊重对方的力量,理解公正谈判的价值。 dismiss [dis5mis] v.①免职,解雇,开除,解散;②.不理会,不考虑 【真题例句】 He dismisses (②) a lot of the work of reengineering consultants as mere rubbish —“the worst sort of ambulance-chasing.”[1998年阅读2] 【例句精译】 他对重组顾问们所作的大量工作不屑一顾,然为那些完全是垃圾——“典型的劳而无获”。 dock [dCk] n.船坞,码头;v.入坞,停靠码头 【真题例句】 He sometimes played two slot machines at a time, all night, until the boat docked at 5 a.m , then went back aboard when the casino opened at 9 a.m.[2006年新题型] 【例句精译】 有时他一次玩两个机器,整夜的玩,直到早上5点关门,然后娱乐场早上9点开门时再回去。

doctor [5dCktEn.①博士;②医生;v.伪造,篡改 【真题例句】 “Who is that?” the new arrival asked St.Peter. “Oh, that‟s God,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks he‟s a doctor (n.②).”[2002年阅读1] 【例句精译】 “这是谁啊?”新来的人问圣彼得。“哦,那是上帝,”他回答说,“但有时也认为自己是一名医生。” 【真题例句】 Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties--- he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor (v.) his reports. [2006年翻译] 【例句精译】 像其他人类一样,普通科学家甚至在每天日常的工作中都遭遇到了道义上的问题——他不应该伪造他的实验、制造证据或改动他的报告。 document [5dCkjumEnt] n.公文,文献;vt.记载,证明 【真题例句】 Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents (vt.) is unmistakable.[2005年阅读4] 【例句精译】 麦克沃特先生从上层和下层文化中列举了一系列有趣的例子,从中我们可以看出他所记录的这种趋势不可避免。 draft [drB:ft] n.草稿,草案,草图;v.起草,草拟 【真题例句】 That group — the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) — has been working feverishly to put its wisdom on paper, and at a meeting on 17 May, members agreed on a near-final draft (n.) of their recommendations.[1999年阅读4] 【例句精译】 这个名为“全国生物伦理道德顾问委员会”(NBAC)的小组一直在非常积极的工作,集思广益,并正在将其意见写成报告;在5月17日的一次会议上,委员们就几乎定稿的建议书取得了一致意见。 【真题例句】 “Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities,” says a law professor at Cornell Law School who helped draft (v.) the new guidelines.[1999年阅读1] 【例句精译】 康奈尔大学法学院一位参与起草新纲要的教授说,“重要的信息会淹没在细枝末节的汪洋大海之中”。 dramatic [drE5mAtik] a.①戏剧的,戏剧性的;②剧烈的,激进的;③显著的,引人注目的 【真题例句】 Yet, dramatic (①) instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive.[1995年阅读5] 【例句精译】 然而戏剧性地突然遗忘某事可能会带来适应性方面的问题。 【真题例句】 As a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic (②) measures may be ineffective and painful.[2003年阅读 第 5 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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4] 【例句精译】 作为一名医生,我深知最昂贵和最激进的手段也可能是无效的和痛苦的; 【真题例句】 Straitford‟s briefs don‟t sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic (③) declarations on the chance they might be wrong.[2003年阅读1] 【例句精译】 Straitford公司的简报没有华盛顿许多其他公司常常提供的那种闪烁其词的预报,其他公司这么做是为了避免万一预报不准备人抓住把柄。 element [5elimEntn.①元素;②组成部分;③人员,分子 【真题例句】 They are different (46:in that) their elements (①) are arranged differently, and each vitamin (47:performs) one or more specific functions in the body.[1996年完形] 【例句精译】 它们的不同之处在于每种维生素内部的元素排列不同,并且每种维生素在人体内都有一种或多种特殊作用。 【真题例句】 Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element (②) in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.[1996年阅读3] 【例句精译】 对资本与企业的如此大规模的非个人操纵大大地增加了作为一个阶级的持股人的数量及其地位的重要性。这个阶层作为国计民生的一部分,不仅从地产和土地所有者的责任中脱离出来,而且几乎相应地也从企业管理的责任中脱离出来。 【真题例句】 The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element (③) and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.[1996年阅读3] 【例句精译】 通过聘用大量专业人员来适应新时代的技术要求,并防止了效率的降低,而在过去这种低效率曾使得许多旧式家族企业在精力充沛的创业者之后的第

二、三代手中破产倒闭。 engage [in5geidV] v.①(in)从事,忙于;②(to)与……订婚;③聘用;④吸引 【真题例句】 Nevertheless Williams‟s suit charged that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling” intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage (①) in conduct against his will” well.[2006年新题型] 【例句精译】 然而威廉姆斯还是控告娱乐场,明知道他“不可救药地赌博上瘾”还故意“诱惑”他“违背他自己的意愿参加赌博”。 【真题例句】 The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging (③) a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.[1996年阅读3] 【例句精译】 通过聘用大量专业人员来适应新时代的技术要求,并防止了效率的降低,而在过去这种低效率曾使得许多旧式家族企业在精力充沛的创业者之后的第

二、三代手中破产倒闭。 【真题例句】 To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage (④) sympathy.[1997年翻译] 【例句精译】 对于大多数人来说,看见一个动物在受苦,足以引起他们同情。 experiment [iks5perimEnt] n.试验;v.(on)做实验 【真题例句】 Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments (n.) it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments.[1999年阅读5] 【例句精译】 在实践中,科学成果的取得依赖于做有准备的实验,但更依赖于有思想准备的实验观察者。 【真题例句】 He experimented (vi.) with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery.[1994年阅读5] 【例句精译】 他是对抗菌物质进行了长达9年的实验才有了这项发明。 fabricate [5fAbrikeitv.①捏造,编造(谎言,借口等);②建造,制造 【真题例句】 (63) The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating (①) their data. [2004年翻译] 【例句精译】 (63) 这些新近被描述的语言和得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚地区的语言往往差别显著,以至于有些学者甚至指责Boas和Sapir编造了材料。 fair [fZE] a.①公平的,合理的;②相当的,尚好的;③晴朗的;④金发的;n.集市,交易会,博览会 【真题例句】 To be fair (a.①), this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American.[1997年阅读2] 第 6 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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【例句精译】 平心而论,人们对加拿大人也有这样的评论,因而,应当认为这是北美的普遍现象。 【真题例句】 In the United States, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs (n.) and at the industrial fairs in major cities.[1996年阅读4] 【例句精译】 在美国,奖励新发明的大量奖品在乡村集市和大城市的工业博览会上颁发。 fashion [5fAFEn] n.①流行式样(或货品),风尚,风气;②样子,方式;vt.形成,制作,塑造 【真题例句】 More recently, as the Web proved to be more than a fashion (n.①), companies have started to buy and sell products and services with one another.[1999年阅读2] 【例句精译】 最近,在网络已被证明不是一时的时髦之后,公司间便开始(在网上)交易产品和服务。 【真题例句】 His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied reengineering in a mechanistic fashion (n.②), chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.[1998年阅读2] 【例句精译】 他的同事迈克·比尔说,太多的企业以机械的方式进行重组,降低了成本却没有考虑到长远效益。 【真题例句】 If the Administration won‟t take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning (vt.) conservation measures.[2005年阅读2] 【例句精译】 假如政府当局没有采取司法行动,议会就应该协助来推广环保措施。 feature [5fi:tFE] n.①特征,特色;②(报纸或杂志)特写;③容貌,面貌;v.给显著地位 【真题例句】 The complementary coastlines and certain geological features (n.①) that seem to span the ocean are reminders of where the two continents were once joined.[1998年阅读5] 【例句精译】 但互相吻合的海岸线和某些似乎跨越海洋的地质特征表明两个大陆曾经连在一起。 【真题例句】 70. This passage appears to be a digest of _____.[1996年阅读5]

[C] a magazine feature (n.②) 【例句精译】 70、本文似乎是_____的摘要。

[C] 一份杂志特写 【真题例句】 68. Kitcher‟s book is intended to _____.[1996年阅读5] [B] expose the true features (n.③) of creationists 【例句精译】 6


[B] 披露所谓科学创世论者的真实面目 【真题例句】 Our magazines feature (v.) beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.[2006年阅读4] 【例句精译】 我们的杂志突出刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭。 field [fi:ld] n.①田,田野;②运动场;③领域,方面;④实地,野外 【真题例句】 The point is that the players who score most are the ones who take the most shots at the goal — and so it goes with innovation in any field (③) of activity.[1994年阅读5] 【例句精译】 关键在于得分最多者正是那些射门次数最多的球员,而任何领域的创新活动都是如此。 【真题例句】 Anthropology is a field-study (④) oriented discipline which makes extensive use of the comparative method in analysis.[2003年翻译] 【例句精译】 人类学是一个以实地研究为方向的学科,该学科在研究中常常大量使用对比分析方法。 figure [5figE] n.①体形;②数字;③图形;④人物;v.(out)算出,估计,推测 【真题例句】 In the year 2000, the National Cancer Institute estimates that figure (n.②) will be 75 percent.[1994年阅读4] 【例句精译】 国家癌症研究所估计,到2000年存活率将升至75%。 【真题例句】 Americans no longer expect public figures (n.④), whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift.Nor do they aspire to such command themselves.[2005年阅读4] 【例句精译】 美国人不再期望公众人物在演讲或写作文章之时可以巧妙地、富有天分地使用英语了,而他们自己本身也不奢望自己能够做到这一点。 finance [fai5nAnsn.①财政,金融;②资金;v.为……提供资金 【真题例句】 This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle the finances (n.②) necessary for production costs.[2005年翻译]

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【例句精译】 这也要求欧洲国家达成共识,并效仿能解决生产所需资金的欧洲投资银行的模式,来创立一个欧洲节目制作资源库。 【真题例句】 The English, the Germans, the Dutch and the French were investing in Britain‟s former colony.They financed (v.) them.Immigrant Americans built them.Guess who owns them now? The Americans.[2001年阅读2] 【例句精译】 英国人、德国人、荷兰人和法国人都在这个前英国殖民地投资。他们提供资金,美洲移民建造。想想看,现在谁拥有这一切?美国人。 firm [fE:m] a.11坚固的,稳固的;12坚决的,坚定的;n.21公司,商号

【真题例句】 It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. 【例句精译】 广告直接有助于商品以合理的价格销售,由此建立稳固的国内市场,并使商品能以富有竞争力的价格出口。

【真题例句】 Many an old firm was replaced by a limited liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managers.

【例句精译】 许多旧式公司被有限责任公司所取代,由领薪经理层构成其管理机构。

horizon [hE5raizn] n.①地平线;②眼界,见识;③(思想等的)范围,限度;④(on the ~)即将发生 【真题例句】 According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons (③) of scientific knowledge.[1994年翻译] 【例句精译】 新学派科学家们认为,在拓展科学知识的范围方面技术是被忽视的力量。 【真题例句】 For many of us, the “cashless society” is not on the horizon (④) — it‟s already here.[1994年阅读2] 【例句精译】 对于我们很多人来说,“无现金的社会”不是即将来临,而是已经到来。 host [hEust] n.①主人;②主持人;③东道主;④(a ~ of)许多;v.①举行;②主持;③主办 【真题例句】 In any case, basic computer skills are only complementary to the host (n.④) of real skills that are necessary to becoming any kind of professional.[1999年阅读3] 【例句精译】 无论如何,基本的计算机技能只是对成为某种专业技术人员所需的各种实际技能的补充。 【真题例句】 (71) There will be television chat shows hosted (v.②) by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.[2001年翻译] 【例句精译】 (71) 届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视访谈节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器就会使其停驶。 immediate [i5mi:djEt] a.①立即的,即时的;②直接的,最接近的 【真题例句】 But a decision among projects none of which has immediate (②) utility is more difficult.[1996年翻译] 【例句精译】 但是在没有直接效用的项目中做抉择就难多了。 import [im5pC:t,5impC:t] v.进口,输入;n.①进口,输入;②[pl.]进口商品,进口物资;③重要性 【真题例句】 On the other hand, oil-importing (v.) emerging economies — to which heavy industry has shifted — have become more energy-intensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed.[2002年阅读3] 【例句精译】 另一方面,进口石油的新兴国家由于转向了重工业,消耗能量更大,因此可能会受到石油危机的强烈影响。 【真题例句】 The OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil import (n.①) bill in rich economies by only 0.25-0.5% of GDP.That is less than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980.[2002年阅读3] 【例句精译】 国际经合组织在最近一期的《经济展望》中估计,如果油价持续一年维持在22美元左右,与1998年的13美元一桶相比,这也只会使发达国家的石油进口在支出上增加GDP的0.25%~0.5%。这还不到1974年或1980年收入减少部分的1/4。 【真题例句】 The full import (n.③) may take a while to sink in.[1997年阅读1] 【例句精译】 该法案的重要性可能需要一段时间才能为人们所理解和接受。 knowledge [5nClidV] n.①知识,学识;②知道,了解 【真题例句】 “Being learned in some branch of human knowledge (①) in one thing, living in public and industrious thoughts”, as Emersion would say, “is something else.”[2006年翻译] 【例句精译】 正如爱默生说的“在人类知识的一些分支中学习是一回事,在公众的和勤勉的思想中生存就是另外一回事了。” 【真题例句】 The “shareholders” as such had no knowledge (②) of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital 该套资料由芸芸视频整理 QQ:747883097 TL:028 8194 2202 期待广大考生咨询 推荐:09年新东方考研数学英语政治视频课程

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and labour was not good.[1996年阅读3] 【例句精译】 这种股东不了解他们所持股的公司里工人们的生活、思想和需求。他们对劳资关系也不会产生积极的影响。 第 8 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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lean [li:n] v.①倾斜,屈身;②倚,靠,依赖;a.①瘦的,无脂肪的;②精干的,效率高的;③贫瘠的 【真题例句】 They all seem to look alike (though they come from all over) --lean (a.①), pointed, dedicated faces, wearing jeans and sandals, eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing-room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10:30 a.m.[2006年阅读2] 【例句精译】 他们看起来都一个样(虽然他们从各个地方而来)——瘦削、率直、专注的脸庞,穿着牛仔裤和便鞋,吃着小圆面包,在剧场外的石板上过夜,以便能买得起20张座票和80张站票,这些票都是为那些睡觉的人准备的,并且在票房第二天上午10点半开始售票时就卖给他们。 【真题例句】 Friedman relies on a lean (a.②) staff of 20 in Austin.[2003年阅读1] 【例句精译】 弗里德曼在奥斯汀市只有20人的精干职员队伍。 lesson [5lesn] n.功课,课程;教训 【真题例句】 The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful.[1998年阅读1] 【例句精译】 建造大坝的教训是:大的未必总是好的。 local [5lEukEl] a.①地方的,当地的;②局部的 【真题例句】 The townsfolk don‟t see it this way and local (①) council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company.[2006年阅读2] 【例句精译】 但是市民们不这样认为并且当地的理事会也不会直接给皇家莎士比亚公司提供补贴。 【真题例句】 Amateurs, on the other hand, have continued to pursue local (②) studies in the old way.[2001年阅读1] 【例句精译】 另一方面,业余人员继续以旧的方式从事局部的研究。 locate [lEu5keit] v.①查找;②使……坐落于,位于 【真题例句】 Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files, and to program computers to locate (①) specific information.[1995年阅读3] 【例句精译】 计算机技术使人们可以把大量的数据储存到机器可读的文件里,还能通过计算机编程找到某一信息。 【真题例句】 65. We can see from the available statistics that _____.[1998年阅读4]

[B] the top 10 states in growth rate of population were all located (②) in the West 【例句精译】 6


[B] 人口增长率排名前十位的州都位于西部地区 maintain [mein5tein] v.①维修,保养;②维持,保持;③坚持,主张,支持 【真题例句】 Practice (or review) tends to build and maintain (②) memory for a task or for any learned material.[1995年阅读5] 【例句精译】 实践(或称复习)就是建立并保持对某一任务或所学材料的记忆。 【真题例句】 George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains (③) that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death.[2002年阅读4] 【例句精译】 波士顿大学健康法律系主任乔治·安纳斯坚持认为,只要医生是出于合理的医疗目的开药,那么即使服用此药会加速病人的死亡,医生的行为也没有违法。 model [5mCdl] n.①样式,型;②模范,典型;③模型;④原型,模特;v.(on,after)模仿,构造 【真题例句】 Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended the old economic models (n.①) that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation.[1997年阅读5] 【例句精译】 一些经济学家认为,旧的经济模式是建立在经济增长和通货膨胀历史联系的基础上的,而世界结构的巨大改变可能已使这套模式不再适用了。 【真题例句】 What they found, in attempting to model (v.) thought, is that the human brain‟s roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented — and human perception far more complicated — than previously imagined.[2002年阅读2] 【例句精译】 在试图模仿人类思维的过程中,研究人员发现,人类大脑中的近1000亿个神经细胞要比以前想像的更聪明,人类的感觉器官也比以前想像的更复杂。

mo(u)ld [mEuld] n.①模子,铸型;②霉菌;v.形成,成形

第 9 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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【真题例句】 Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold (n.②) on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then.[1994年阅读5] 【例句精译】 亚历山大·弗莱明爵士可不是像传说中的那样,看了一眼奶酪上的霉菌就立刻想到了青霉素的发明。 【真题例句】 68. The writer‟s experiment shows that downshifting _____.[2001年阅读5]

[B] helps her mold (v.) a new philosophy of life 【例句精译】 6

8、作者的尝试表明:放慢生活节奏_____。 [B] 帮助她形成了新的人生观 narrow [5nArEua.狭窄的,狭隘的;v.①限制,限定;②变窄,收缩 【真题例句】 For any job search, you should start with a narrow (a.) concept — what you think you want to do — then broaden it.[2004年阅读1] 【例句精译】 寻找任何职业,你都要从一个狭窄的概念开始,即你想干什么工作,然后再加以扩展。 【真题例句】 Narrowing (v.①) your criteria, for example, may work against you: “Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility.” says one expert.[2004年阅读1] 【例句精译】 比如把个人求职要求越具体明确就有可能对你越不利,一位专家说:“你每回答一次问题你就丧失一次机会。” 【真题例句】 It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed (v.②) as other countries grew richer.[2000年阅读1] 【例句精译】 随着其他国家日益强盛,美国从这一优势地位逐渐下降是不可避免的。 nature [5neitFE] n.①自然界,大自然;②性质,本性,天性 【真题例句】 No other species fills so many places in nature (①).[2000年阅读2] 【例句精译】 没有其他物种充斥着自然中如此多的空间。 【真题例句】 The jury agreed that the nature (②) of the game, not the helmet, was the reason for the athlete‟s injury.[1999年阅读1] 【例句精译】 陪审团也认为造成该运动员受伤的是这项运动本身的危险性,而不是头盔。 note [nEutn.①笔记,记录;②按语,注释;③便条,短笺;④钞票,纸币;⑤暗示,建议v.①记下,摘下;②表明,认为 【真题例句】 But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes (n.②) that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river — and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.”[2000年阅读3] 【例句精译】 在某首诗中,未来派诗人用一行文字描写了一名土耳其军官和一名保加利亚军官在桥上发生搏斗的场面,结果双双从桥上掉进河中;看了这首诗,有点让人摸不着头脑;后来看了注解才发现,诗把他们两人落水的声音和体重写在了一起:“扑通!扑通!185公斤。” 【真题例句】 There is a heavy note (n.⑤) of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped — with the educated themselves riding on them.[2000年阅读5] 【例句精译】 他们的说法有着浓厚的虚伪色彩,正如马从马厩跑出来后再关上马厩的门,而受过良好教育的人自己正骑在那些马背上那样的虚伪。 【真题例句】 “The term „anti-science‟ can lump together too many, quite different things,” notes (v.①) Harvard University philosopher Gerald Holton in his 1993 work Science and Anti-Science, “They have in common only one thing that they tend to annoy or threaten those who regard themselves as more enlightened.”[1998年阅读3] 【例句精译】 “„反科学‟这个词可以涵盖太多截然不同的东西”,哈佛大学的哲学家杰拉尔德·霍尔顿在其1993年的著作《科学和反科学》中写道:“它们惟一的共同点就是会激怒或威胁那些自以为更开明的人。” 【真题例句】 Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes (v.②) that the situation will improve only when there are (17:comprehensive) programs that address the many needs of the homeless.[2006年完形] 【例句精译】 《波士顿环球日报》记者克里斯•雷迪认为只有通过全面规划来解决这些无家可归者的各种需求,这种局面才有可能得到改善。 novel [5nCvEl] n.(长篇)小说;a.新奇的,新颖的 【真题例句】 Curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels (n.) later, my experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.[2001年阅读5] 第 10 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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【例句精译】 奇怪的是,大约两年半的时间我写完两部小说后,我这个被美国人称为“换低档”的试验,却使我老掉牙的借口变成了现实。 【真题例句】 60. When a novel (a.) literary idea appears, people should try to_____.[2000年阅读3]

[A] determine its purposes 【例句精译】 60、当出现新的艺术思潮时,人们应该尽力_____。 [A] 确定其目的 objective [Eb5dVektiv] n.目标,目的;a.客观的,真实的 【真题例句】 A unity of objectives (n.) that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.[2005年翻译] 【例句精译】 也就是说,既能达到我们共同的目的,又能兼顾不同国家各自的特色。 【真题例句】 They provide a quick, objective (a.) method of getting some kinds of information about what a person learned , the skills he has developed, or the kind of person he is.[1995年翻译] 【例句精译】 标准化测试提供了快速、客观地得到某些信息的方法。这些信息是有关一个人所学到的知识,他所获得的技能,或者是他属于哪一类型的人。

oblige [E5blaidV] v.①强迫;②责成;③(使)感激,施恩于 【真题例句】 Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige (①) television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.[2005年翻译] 【例句精译】 另外,欧共体的融合性也会迫使电视传媒集团在节目的制作和流通中,与他人更进一步地合作。 【真题例句】 (62) We are obliged (③) to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.[2004年翻译] 【例句精译】 (62) 我们之所以感激他们(两位先驱),是因为在此之后,这些(土著)语言中有一些已经不复存在了,这是由于说这些语言的部族或是消亡了,或是被同化而丧失了自己的本族语言。 opening [5EupniN] n.①口子,孔;②开始,开端;③空缺,机会;a.开始的,开幕的 【真题例句】 Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening (n.③).[2004年阅读1] 【例句精译】 过了三个星期,他接到第一份有职位空缺的通知。 【真题例句】 21. In the opening (a.) paragraph, the author introduces his topic by _____.[2005年阅读1] [C] making a comparison. 【例句精译】


[C] 进行对比 outlet [5autlet] n.①出路,出口;②发泄方法,排遣;③经销店 【真题例句】 In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T‟s violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet (②).[1997年阅读4] 【例句精译】 1992年公司因出品冰特乐队狂暴的说唱歌曲《警察杀手》而备受谴责时,列文把它描绘成是街头文化的合法表达方式,说它应该有自己的宣泄途径。 【真题例句】 From car dealerships to Gap outlets (③), sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending.[2004年阅读3] 【例句精译】 由于购物者节约他们的支出,从汽车代理商到Gap名牌零售折扣店,数月以来销售一直滞缓。 panel [5pAnl] n.①面,板;②控制板,仪表盘;③专门小组 【真题例句】 They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel (②) by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment.[2002年阅读2] 【例句精译】 他们建造的机器人在严格控制的工厂环境里,能够在仪表盘上识别毫米以下的误差。 【真题例句】 The panel (③) then informally accepted several general conclusions, although some details have not been settled.[1999年阅读4] 【例句精译】 随后,该小组非正式地接受了几条一般的结论,尽管有些细节尚无定论。 partial [5pB:FEl] a.①部分的,不完全的;②偏袒的,不公平的 【真题例句】 In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered, it is also frequently partial (①) or partisan.[1999年翻译]

第 11 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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【例句精译】 这样的研究中所发现的证据总是不完整的,通常也会带来片面性,还会出现帮派之争。 【真题例句】 53. The author deems that the well-known TV personality is _____.[1995年阅读1]

[D] obviously partial (②) in his views on advertising 【例句精译】


[D] 对广告的评价有明显的偏见 passage [5pAsidV] n.①段落,节;②通过,经过;③通路,走廊 【真题例句】 The hot spots and their volcanic trails are milestones that mark the passage (②) of the plates.[1998年阅读5] 【例句精译】 热点及其火山痕迹是板块移动的标志。 pattern [5pAtEn] n.①模式,式样;②图案,图样;v.仿制,模仿 【真题例句】 And, of course, speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns (n.①).[1997年阅读2] 【例句精译】 当然,会讲一种语言并不意味着就理解该语言的社会和文化内涵。 【真题例句】 Implicit within Tylor‟s definition is the concept that culture is learned, shared, and patterned (v.) behavior.[2003年翻译] 【例句精译】 泰勒的文化定义蕴含着这一概念,即文化是后天习得的,人类共有的,被模仿的行为。 pepper [5pepE] n.①胡椒粉,胡椒;②辣椒;vt.连续投(发问等) 【真题例句】 Although no such evidence was preserved, the casino‟s marketing department continued to pepper (vt.) him with mailings. And he entered the casino ad used his Fun Card without being detected.[2006年新题型] 【例句精译】 虽然并没有证据,但是娱乐场的市场部门继续向他提供邮件。他进入娱乐场并使用他的卡片,并且没有人发觉。

perfect [5pE:fikt] a.①完善的,无瑕的;②完全的,十足的;v.使完美,改进 【真题例句】 Such characteristics make them perfect (①) candidates for Dr. Brosnan‟s and Dr. de Waal‟s study.[2005年阅读1] 【例句精译】 因为这些特点,它们(猴子)成为了Brosnan和de Waal博士的最佳研究“侯选人”。 【真题例句】 However, there are still no forecasts for when faster-than-light travel will be available, or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possible.[2001年翻译] 【例句精译】 然而,对地何时能够进行超光速旅行,何时人类克隆技术能够完善,何时时间旅行成为可能,仍未作出预测。

perspective [pE5spektiv] n.①视角;②透视法;③(in ~)正确地 【真题例句】 (63) The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective (①) brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.[2003年翻译] 【例句精译】 (63) 强调收集第一手资料,加上在分析过去和现在文化形态时采用跨文化视角,使得这一研究成为一门独特并且非常重要的社会科学。 【真题例句】 Not everyone sees that process in (28:perspective) (③) .It is important to do so.[2002年完形] 【例句精译】 并不是所有人都能正确看待这一进程,虽然了解这一点非常重要。 reason [5ri:zn] n.①理由,原因;②理性,理智;v.①推论,推理;②说服,评理;③讨论,辩论 【真题例句】 That‟s one reason (n.①) why the idea of a national list hasn‟t gone anywhere, while drug costs keep rising fast.[2005年新题型] 【例句精译】 这就是为什么全国性药品名录还未出台的原因,也是药品价格居高不下的原因。 【真题例句】 And so it does — and all would be well were reason (n.②) the only judge in the creationism/evolution debate.[1996年阅读5] 【例句精译】 的确如此——如果理性是创世纪论和进化论之争的惟一标准,一切问题也就迎刃而解了。 【真题例句】 He reasoned (v.①) that because it is easier to formulate certain concepts and not others in a given language, the speakers of that language think along one track and not along another.[2004年翻译] 【例句精译】 他归因到:因为人们很容易用某一特定的语言形成一些不容混淆的概念,语言的使用者往往会沿着同一条轨迹思考问题。 review [ri5vju:] v.回顾,复习;n.①回顾,复习;②评论 【真题例句】 Practice (or review) (n.①) tends to build and maintain memory for a task or for any learned material.[1995年阅读 第 12 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

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n.火箭;v.剧增 【真题例句】 The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed (v.) and ticket prices have stayed low.[2006年阅读2] 【例句精译】 原因当然是虽然成本急剧上升,但票价仍维持在低水平。 school [sku:l] n.①学校;②(大学里的)学院,系;③学派,流派 【真题例句】 It should be observed, of course, that no school (①), vocational or not, is helped by a confusion over its purpose.[1999年阅读3] 【例句精译】 当然应该看到的是,不管是职业学校、还是普通学校,混淆计算机教学的目的,都不会受益。 【真题例句】 And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School (②) believes that people will look back on this period as “a golden age of business management in the United States.”[2000年阅读1] 【例句精译】 哈佛商学院的威廉•萨尔曼相信人们将来回顾这一时期时,会把它视为“美国企业管理的黄金时代”。 【真题例句】 According to the new school (③) of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.[1994年翻译] 【例句精译】 新学派科学家们认为,在拓展科学知识的范围方面技术是被忽视的力量。 score [skC:] n.①得分,分数;②二十;v.得(分),记(……的)分数 【真题例句】 Anyone who keeps careful score (n.①) knows that the information available is always incomplete and that the predictions are always subject to error. Standardized tests should be considered in this context.[1995年翻译] 【例句精译】 任何仔细记分的人都知道,所得到的信息总是不完全的,而且,这些预测总是会有错误的。应该根据这种观点去考察标准化考试。 【真题例句】 Innovation is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and have their shots blocked much more frequently than they score (v.).[1994年阅读5] 【例句精译】 创新就像踢足球,即使是最出色的球员也会痛失进球机会,其射门被挡出的机会大大多于进球的机会。 select [si5lekt] v.选择,挑选;a.精选的,第一流的 【真题例句】 It does not push or pull, it selects (v.), and this function is difficult to discover and analyze.[2002年翻译] 【例句精译】 环境并不具备推动或拉动的作用;它具有选择的作用,而这一作用难以发现也很难对其进行分析。 【真题例句】 In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select (a.) committee, Lord Irvine said he (37:agreed) with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not (38:offer) sufficient control.[2001年完形] 【例句精译】 在写给众议院新闻媒体特别委员会Gerald Kaufman主席的信中,Irvine勋爵说,他赞同委员会今年的报告,该报告称,对自我约束并未予以足够的监控。 shape [Feip] n.①形状,外形;②情况,状态;③种类;v.成型,塑造 【真题例句】 (63) The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping (v.) and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.[2002年翻译] 【例句精译】 (63) 自然选择在进化中的作用仅在一百多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。 sound [saund] n.声音,声响;v.①发声,响;②听起来;a.①健全的,完好的;②正当的,有根据的;③彻底的,充分的 【真题例句】 Instead of describing sounds (n.) we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will.[2000年阅读3] 【例句精译】 我们必须造出词语去模仿声音,而不应对其进行描述;我们必须在同一张纸上使用不同型号和不同颜色的墨水,任 5] 【例句精译】 实践(或称复习)就是建立并保持对某一任务或所学材料的记忆。 【真题例句】 However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be (27:wise) to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, (28:for example), publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews (n.②), (29:displaying) student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.[2003年完形] 【例句精译】 然而,青少年的生活已经充满竞争,所以为他们安排赢家多于输家的各种活动是明智的。例如,出版由学生自己编写书评的新闻小册子,展出学生的艺术品和赞助成立读书俱乐部等等。 rocket [5rCkit 第 13 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

该套资料由芸芸视频整理 QQ:747883097 TL:028 8194 2202 期待广大考生咨询 推荐:09年新东方考研数学英语政治视频课程

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spell [spel] v.①拼写;②导致,招致;n.一段时间 【真题例句】 But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing,” has spelt (v.②) the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music.[2005年阅读4] 【例句精译】 然而,“做我们自己的事”——这一对事物真实性和个性的崇拜信条,已经给正式的演讲、写作、诗歌和音乐画上了句号。 【真题例句】 Despite a spell (n.) of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.[2002年阅读2] 【例句精译】 虽然一开始在20世纪60年代和70年代有过一段乐观的时期——那时候仿佛晶体管电路和微处理器的发展将使它们在2010年能够模仿人类大脑的活动——但是最近研究人员已经开始将这个预测延后数十年,甚至数百年。 stor(e)y [5stC:ri] n.①描述;②故事;③报道;④谎话;⑤楼层 【真题例句】 If one wanted to become a computer engineer, that is, of course, an entirely different story (②).[1999年阅读3] 【例句精译】 当然如果想成为一名计算机工程师,事情就完全不同了。 【真题例句】 In other words, there is a conventional story (③) line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.[2001年阅读3] 【例句精译】 换言之,在媒介机构的新闻采编室文化中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,为纷繁复杂的新闻报道提供了一个中心思路和现成的故事编写框架。 stress [stres] n.①压力,应力;②重音;v.强调,着重 【真题例句】 We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress (n.①).[2000年阅读3] 【例句精译】 如果我们想诠释现代生活的压力,就必须加快文学发展的步伐。 【真题例句】 While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress (v.) test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expression.[2000年阅读4] 【例句精译】 虽然日本的教育因强调基础知识而经常受到外国人的赞扬,但是它往往强调考试和机械学习,而不重视创造性和自我表现。 suit [sju:t] v.①合适,适合;②相配,适应;n.①一套西服;②诉讼 【真题例句】 The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited (①) for expressing joy.[2006年阅读4] 【例句精译】 最早的艺术形式,如绘画和音乐,是最适于表达快乐的。 【真题例句】 David Williamds‟s suit (①) should trouble this gambling nation. But don‟t bet on it.[2006年新题型] 【例句精译】 大卫威廉姆斯的起诉或许会在这个赌博民族中引发一些问题,但是也并不能确信。 【真题例句】 Nevertheless Williams‟s suit (②) charged that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling” intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will” well.[2006年新题型] 【例句精译】 然而威廉姆斯还是控告娱乐场,明知道他“不可救药地赌博上瘾”还故意“诱惑”他“违背他自己的意愿参加赌博”。 target [5tB:git] n.目标,对象,靶子;vt.以……为目标 【真题例句】 That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target (n.) species is about 50% of its original levels.[2006年阅读3] 【例句精译】 这十分重要,因为理论表明在目标鱼类单位数量是原始水平的大约50%的时候,才能保证渔场可收获的最大可持 意缩短或加长词语。 【真题例句】 It sounds (v.②) like a useful, ground-clearing way to start.[1997年翻译] 【例句精译】 这听起来像是一个有效的明显开始做事的方式。 【真题例句】 If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound (a.①).[2005年阅读2] 【例句精译】 假如我们要保护我们的大气层,关键一点是:新建的电厂必须是环保安全型的。

spectacle [5spektEkl] n.①[pl.]眼镜;②场面,景观;③奇观,壮观 【真题例句】 Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles (②), which now more than ever seem in ample supply:...[2000年阅读5] 【例句精译】 相反我们目睹了比以前任何时候都多的虚伪景观; 第 14 页 《考研英语常考熟词僻义真题语境记忆》

该套资料由芸芸视频整理 QQ:747883097 TL:028 8194 2202 期待广大考生咨询 推荐:09年新东方考研数学英语政治视频课程

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在阅读题和词汇语法题中,有这几个词的选项肯定是答案:beyond, entitle, availabel, bargain, lest, except for

在“自然科学”阅读中,有这几个词的选项肯定要排除:all, only, totally, compalatly, unlimiely.在“态度题”中,有这两个词的选项要排除:indiffrent(漠不关心的),subject(主观的)作文题目强烈推荐-----“网络的利弊”


come go keep hold get put make turn bring look call ask stand lay run live



bargain(见了就选) except for(见了就选) offer(录取通知书) effects(个人财物) gap(不足、差距) mark(污点、做标记) mind(照料、看管) moment(考了8次) present(拿出) inquire deliberate advisable accuse anything but but for consume with extensive at intervals origin preferable to procedure profitable property pace point range refuse refer to relief religion relatively release rise single sole spoil stick suit surprise urgent vary tense tolerant trace vacant weaken wear off


1. call off(取消、放弃) 和 call up(召集、唤起) 2. adapt to 和 adopt

3. arise 和 arouse 4. count on = rely on 5. cope with = deal with

6. no doubt 和 in doubt 7. employee 和 employer 8. general 和 generous

9. instant 和 constant 10. lie(及物) 和 lay(不及物) 11. regulate 和 regular

12. supply(有目的提供) 和 offer(无目的提供)


1. 虚拟语气:

表示建议的几个词:wish, would rather, had rather;

it is time that + 过去式;

it is high time that + 过去式;

but for、lest、as if、as though、would、should、could、might +动词原型。

2. 非谓语动词:

最常考:不定式 表示主动、将来,通常爱做后置定语;

其次考:分词 现在分词表示主动进行,过去分词表示被动完成。通常做状语。

再次考:动名词 动词名词化,做主语和宾语。

3. 时态:


4. 语态:



什么样的英雄是你心目中的英雄 (有可能出)

适合才是找工作的关键 (有可能出)


谈一下你对atm机的看法 (有可能出)






网络的利弊 ----------------------------(最有可能!)阅读:







提示:读什么选什么。*只要有 all 或only 的选项就排除。


1. 转折原则:出现but、however肯定出题;

2. 原因原则:出现because、reason、witse(由于)、be dule to(由于)肯定出题;

3. 比较原则:在读文章时,遇到比较原则的特征词做出标记,以便定位;







1. 文章议论顺序和出题顺序一致;

2. 从题干中寻找典型的特征词回原文中定位;


3. 从选项当中寻找一个与所定位内容意思最接近的作为正确答案。

排除法:1。分清有无,2。分清强弱,3。分清主次,4。分清正反,5。分清宽窄,6。分清全偏。* **选项中有以下几个词则排除:totally, compalatly, unlimitely.





中立: objective(客观的) 在自然科学文章中常作正确选项

neutral(中立的) 在自然科学文章中常作正确选项




1. 文章的topic(议论对象、说明对象)必须存在于正确答案当中;


2. 排除:文章所谈的细节内容和段落内容永远不可能成为答案;

3. 主题句的出处:文章首句 或 首段末句 或 二段首句。


1. 基本原则:从选项当中寻找一个与原文意思最相近的作为正确答案;

2. 从选项下手,运用排除法。


1. 指代:在文章中找到位置往前找,离它最近的名词、词组和句子;

2. 词汇:从该词附近的定语从句、同位语、同位语从句、逗号和破折号中间的插入语并列结构去猜词。

(一) 听力题型分析

i、a节(section a)

1、 问题类型



1) 问"是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类"等,如:

what is the man's answer?

what does the woman want for lunch?

what are they talking about?

what kind of books does the man want to borrow?

2) 问"做什么",如:

what does the woman tell the man to do first?

what are the speakers doing now?

what will happen if john fails the exam?

3) 问"什么含义",如:

what does the man mean (imply) ?

what does the woman's answer suggest?

4) 问"从对话中能获得什么信息或结论",如:

what can we learn from the conversation?

what can be concluded from this conversation?

5) 问"对某人或某事有什么看法",如:

what does the man think of miss brown?

what does the woman think of the plan?


where does this conversation most probably take place?

where does this conversation most likely occur?

where are the man and woman?


1) 问钟点(可用替换),如:

man (m): what time did yesterday's football match start?

woman (w): it was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour.

question(q): when did the game finally start?

2) 问在哪个星期或星期几(后者可用替换),如:

w: i thought to go to town now. i have some shopping to do.

m: don't spend too much, i won't get paid until next week.

q: when will he be paid?

3) 问日期,如:

when will the winter vacation begin?


why is the man late?

why did the man repair the car by himself?

e、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况,如: w: may i help you ,sir?

m: i hope so. it's my watch. i brought it in to be repaired, but i've lost the


q: who is the man?


1) 问做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如:

how did the teacher usually begin his class?

how does the man usually go to work?

2) 问"对某事的感受如何",如:

how does the man feel about the movie?

how do you like the film?


how many persons ...?

how many dozens of ... does ... want?

how much does ...?

how old is ...?

how long does it take ... to ...?


(二) 2、 对话内容分类



w: your library books are due on december 13th. if you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.

m: thank you very much . i only need them for a few days.

q: when must the man return his books to the library?


w: do you live in a college dormitory?

m: yes, i do. it's a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.

q: how many people share the suite now?


m: i need to cash this check?

w: will you step right over to the teller's window, please?

q: where is the conversation most probably taking place?


此类对话既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定词,也有 but,although等转折词,或由would rather,too...to结构及虚拟语气等表达。因此,对于后者要特别加以注意。如:

m: ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me?

w: i wish i could help you. i went shopping yesterday. now i have only two dollars till the end of the week. q: will the man borrow any money from the woman?

此题的答案肯定是no。听这段话时要抓住i wish i could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面上看是

肯定式,但却隐含着i'm sorry i can't help you.的意思。


包括人物关系、人物身份两类。此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份。如: m: good evening, madam. there is a table for two over there. this way, please.

w: thank you. could i see the menu, please?

q: what's the relationship between the man and woman?

a) husband and wife. b) waiter and customer.

c) salesman and customer. d) host and guest.




w: are you going to new york next weekend?

m: yes, i'm going to look up bill while i'm there.

q: what's the man going to do?


(三) 3、 几种常见的解题方法

a节中的对话虽然简短,但多数情况下,往往不能从听到的内容中找到与选择项内容完全相同的部分,即对话中一般没有现成的答案。因此,在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词(组)用辨别法答题(解活动类多用此方法),或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。用这种方法答题,类型不仅仅限于诸如"what does the man mean?"这样的题目,其它如含蓄人物类、人物身份类、含蓄地点类、否定类题目也与此类似。如:

w: how do you like the play you saw last night?

m: well, i should have stayed at home.

q: what does the man think of the play?

a) it is exciting. b) it is boring.

c) he didn't see the play. d) he like it very much.

对话中"i should have stayed at home."(我真该待在家里),这句话已婉转地表明他不喜欢这出戏,而对没有待在家里表示遗憾、后悔(should have done something这种结构可用来表示"对应该发生而实际上没有发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔或谴责)。能使他产生此感想的原因自然是"the play is boring."(演出令人厌烦),因而b是正确的答案。否定类题目多含有虚拟语气、语气否定、暗示比喻、强化意见等形式。这一节属于此数字类题目的对话中,多出现两处,甚至

三、四处数字或时间,因此,除了用辨别方法外,有时必须用计算方法才能得出正确答案.(四) 四六级英语写作类型

1. 体裁:说明文,议论文 最近几年的四六级作文的体裁以说明文和议论文为主。说明文如:how to succeed in a job interview (2000,12,四级), how i finance my college education(2000,1 四级), practice makes perfect, haste makes waste(97,1 六级)议论文如:don't hesitate to say "no"(99,1 四级和六级), can money buy happiness(95,1 四级), is a test of spoken english necessary?(2000,6 四级) reading selectively or extensively? (99,6六级),do "lucky numbers" really bring good luck? (98,6 四级和六级)

2.段落类型:比较/对比,列举,程序等 说明和议论文章所采用的文章扩展模式一般以比较/对照,举例、列举、因果、程序等者居多。如:don't hesitate to say "no", reading selectively or extensively等很多四六级写作中都涉及到两种观点的对比,整体的段落类型为对照型。practice makes perfect, harmfulness of

fake commodities等可采用因果行的段落结构模式,也可以采用举例说明的结构模式。advantages of a job interview则应采用列举的段落扩展模式。

3. 出题方式:提纲式写作,中文提纲,一般为三句或两句。如:99年1月份考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: don't hesitate to say "no". you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below.

1. 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不"。2. 为什么有些人在该说"不"的时候不说"不"。3. 该说"不"时不说"不"的坏处。

再如:98年一月分考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: harmfulness of fake commodities. you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below.

1. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种情况2. 举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。

(五) 论文类的常考思路:

1.题目难拟 2.资料难查 3.打字(机房总被占用)


打字: laptop 手提电脑 坏了

打印: type it out -->printer/computer

摘要: do some research -->labrary

【research】 1.论文 2.报纸 3.文件 4.纸张


演讲:(speech,address,report)-->考点:1.提问难 2.应穿着正式的衣服(对话涉及) 3.感到紧张(feeling nervous)


1.想借的书借不到 2.想还的书(已经过期)


关于费用:fare 交通费 rent 租金 fee 杂费 utilities 水电费 postage 邮资 tuition 学费tuition feee 学杂费



校内食堂 cafeteria

关于make a reseration/book/reserve a table/menu/order/

餐厅:fansy restanrant (豪华的)/meal ticket(饭票)/plate(盘子)/helpings(一人一份)


1.票已经卖完 2.接人晚点 3.送人伤感


board 登机

airplane/direct flight/first class (头等舱)/economy class(经济舱)/seat belt/take over/land(降落)/ wing(1.附楼 2.机翼)/terminal 1.终端 2.终点站 3.后机厅


交通阻塞:1.traffic jam 2.back up

罚款(fine):1.break rules 2.go speeding

交通晚点:1.behind schedule = delay 2.on schedule = on time


1.要约会的人约不到 2.约会去不了 3.电话打不通或者打错电话


coin:wrong out of coins ->cut off (被动) ->hang up (主动) ->hook (挂钩) ->receiver (话筒) -> slot (硬币投币口)

过程: look up/pick up/drop coin in the slot/dial


1.医生难找 2.病情如何 getting better/worse 3.有病耽误 miss the class {reason:1.get ill


例如, 在教身体部位时, 我设计了一个“Simon Says” 的游戏:我可以跟学生说:“Simon is a boy, if he says ‘Simon says touch your nose’, you should quickly touch your nose. If he doesn’t say the words‘Simon says’, but just say‘touch your nose’, don’t do it.”



类似这样的游戏,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,这既符合孩子们乐于模仿与好玩的天性,又充分发挥了主观能动性与创造性, 还调节了学习节奏, 在轻松, 愉快的气氛中,巩固学到的语言知识,锻炼了运用语言的能力。


在成长阶段,首先要让孩子突破“敢”。碰到英语不发怵,开口就说。 然后再关注他们听说的准确性和流利度。听说能力是孩子自然拼读学习的前提,而掌握自然拼读规律将为孩子读写能力的提高打下坚实的基础。

这个阶段,孩子一定要进入一个标准的课程体系进行学习,并保持相对稳定。理想 的课程体系能够对接有广泛国际认可度的英语标准或证书考试,能够延伸到 孩子高中阶段(至少满足两到三年以上的学习量)。切记不要在两个或多个 不同的课程体系中频繁切换。

攻坚阶段是对孩子的考验。孩子听说能 力强是本能使然,只要坚持, 不需要太费劲就可以做得很好。读写却是对孩子能力的考验。



孩子在小学阶段到底能学会多少单词呢?我们计算一下: 每天学会一个,每年至少能掌握250个,那么六年下来,就能学会1500个单词,小学毕业时,词汇量已经达到了初中水平,孩子的听.说.读写能力相应也会达到较高水平,考试成绩也会名列前茅。






一 、逻辑性:

1、让步转折:although、even if、while、but、however


(2) 果:sothusthereforetherebyhenceconsequently

(3) 导致: causelead toresult ingive rise/birth tocontribute to

(4) 其他 :arise/come/result/originate/derive/stem from 来自Attribute/own A to B 把A归因于B

Owing to由于due to因为


二 、实词(学术类)

1、abstract 抽象 specific/concrete 具体

2、technique/technology 技术-方法

3、行为:behavior、conduct、act(ion,ivity) 、endeavor(还有努力)

4、reason 推理reveal 揭示 moral 道德




8、education 教育





13、criticism 评论 judge判断

14、observe观察 explanation解释analysis分析 data数据、资料 explore探索

15、process过程 create创造




2. However, this idea is now being questioned by more and more experts, who point out that it is unhealthy for children who always stay with their parents at home.


3. Although parent would be able to devote much more time and energy to their children, it must be admitted that, parent has less experience and knowledge about how to educate and supervise children, when compared with professional teachers working in kindergartens or nursery schools


4. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that, although the parents‘ desire to look after children by themselves is understandable, its disadvantages far outweigh the advantages


5. Parents should be encouraged to send their children to nursery schools, which will bring about profound impacts on children and families, and even the society as a whole.


6. Many leaders of government always go into raptures at the mere mention of artistic and cultural projects. They are forever talking about the nice parks, the smart sculptures in central city and the art galleries with various valuable rarities. Nothing, they maintain, is more essential than such projects in the economic growth. 只要一提起艺术和文化项目,一些政府领导就会兴奋不已,他们滔滔不绝地说着美丽的公园,城市中心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是稀世珍宝的艺术展览馆。他们认为在经济发展中,没有什么比这些艺术项目更重要了

7. But is it really the case? The information I‘ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that artistic and cultural projects may be less useful than many governments think. In fact, basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority


8. Those who are in favor of artistic and cultural projects advocate that cultural environment will attract more tourists, which will bring huge profits to local residents. Some people even equate the build of such projects with the improving of economic construction


9. Unfortunately, there is very few evidence that big companies are willing to invest a huge sums of money in a place without sufficient basic projects, such as supplies of electricity and water




DearI am writing to inform you about the decision to resign from my current position. There are a few factors involved.

First and foremost, .

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the rewarding experience that I have enjoyed during my employment.

I sincerely wish you could approve of my resignation, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience thus caused.


DearI am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as company / organization, there are a few reasons that force me to give up my current work.

For one . For Moreover / Besides / In I appreciate the plenty of help and encouragement from you constantly, and I am

very sorry for any inconvenience thus caused. I promise that I will stay through the next month to help you find a replacement for my position.




I am/ can provide me with the information of . The reasons for my urgent need of are as.

Therefore, I will be much obliged if you can help me to call me at

Thank you for your time and patience, and I look forward to your prompt reply.模板2:


My name is , and I am . I have made up my mind to write to you in the hope that you can furnish me with the information regarding .

At the present I am preparing / doing and am in lack ofthat is crucial for the work / project / program. Therefore, it would be of great help if I can have your help for as I have tosoon.

I am praying for your reply with full appreciation.



I am very glad to hear that you want to seek some suggestions aboutin order toFrom my point of . Also, to you, I highly recommend

that is unnecessary for you to .

I hope that my opinions are of help to you, and please feel free to contact me for

more questions.



I am writing to express my views concerning In the first place, I

would like to say thank you for the help and everything else you have been offering to

us. Meanwhile, I also want to make some advice to betterFirstly, we have found that . Secondly, we want to . Finally,

we hope thatI am looking forwards to your consideration about my proposals. Thanks in

advance for that.



To Whom It May Concern,

I have learnt from yesterday’s newspaper that you are employing I

wish to be considered as an applicant for the position, and beg to state my

qualifications as follows:

I amyears old, a major student ofUniversity

/ College. During my academic years, I have shown excellent performance and have

been awarded first-class scholarship each year. In addition to my educational

background, I have the rich work experience in the fields of . Therefore, I

believe I can be of value to your company.

Enclosed is my resume for your reference, and I shall be glad to call at your

office if you desire an interview. Thank you.



I learned from my university BBS that there is a vacancy for a

position which I am very interested in.

I am a senior student from University, majoring in . Under

the influence of the courses I have taken, I develop a special interest in Moreover, I have attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field due to my

internship at role ofin such a company as yours.

For further information please refer to my attached resume. I should be please to

attend for an interview at your convenience.



I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to .

The reason is that . I am sorry that I cannot finishin time,

but is it possible that I make up the loss by aside toI do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.



Much to my regret / I am terribly sorry that I am unable to It is

mainly because at that time I will be full occupied bywhich is quite out

of my expectation, and that conflicts with your . Therefore I am forced to

adjust my schedule and cannot make my presence on your I sincerely

hope that you will enjoy a good time. By the way, can we have dinner together some

time next week? I hope to see you soon.

I am really sorry again and I trust that you will understand.




I should like this message to be taken as an expression of heartfelt gratitude to

you and If it had not been for your assistance in giving me aid

and I fear that During the , you have given me

generous help and continuous guidance byThus, I really appreciate by

Finally, I feel most obliged to thank you once more.



On behalf of I would like to extend our most sincere gratitude

for . We appreciate greatly your aid in not only , but

also .

It is said that your that we could enjoy such a wonderful trip / arrive

at such splendid achievements, and we will never forget your painstaking labor and

full cooperation / warm hospitality.

With this letter we would also like to formally invite you to so

that . WE look forwards to hosting you .

With personal regards.



To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to apply for the master’s program in department of your

university, an opportunity that I have dreamed since

To briefly introduce myself, I am a senior student majoring infromUniversity. During my undergraduate study I have demonstrated excellent academic

ability, which is reflected in my grades and accomplishment. I have attached to this

letter my resume, a complete transcript, and three recommendation letters.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly consider my application. If you

require more information, please feel free to contact me at

Looking forwards to your reply.


I am a senior student in the Department of My major interests are and I understand your university has a good

program in those fields. Therefore, I would like to apply for a place at your graduate


It would be great if you can mail me copies of the required application forms.

Meanwhile, I also would like to apply for a scholarship, so could you please send me

this application form as well?

Your assistance will be highly appreciated. I am looking forwards to hearing

from you.



Dear Manager,

Last week I bought at your store and when I got it home it did not

work at all. When I tried to return it to the store, I was told that I could not get


The sign in your store says that money is returned within 7 days of purchase if

any problem exists, and I did that within the said time. Thus I insist that I should have

my money back by return to you store。If I do not receive any

satisfying response, I will further complain to the Consumer Protection Association.


To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to complain about the poor service of your I

received when .

The reasons for my dissatisfaction lie upon three points as follows:

. Under these circumstances, I find

it difficult toI am sure that you are able to thoroughly understand my discontent, which you

are bound to replace with a satisfactory solution. I would be grateful if you couldas soon as possible.




I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide some information regardingCurrently, I am doing / planning / organizing and am in urgent need of the following things. First of all, . Thirdly, .

I would also like to inquire ifYour prompt attention would be highly appreciated, and thank you for your consideration.



I am , and I would like to have some information aboutAt the present, I am doingand I intend to . Therefore, I should be very obliged if you would kindly furnish me with details concerning .

I am expecting your reply with heartfelt appreciation.




I will be holdingatonin order to As you are a close friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to join us inand share our joy.

The occasion will start at and activities include ,and time.

My family would feel honored by your presence.


DearOn behalf of hometown for

It would give us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech on the topic ofduring the visit, because toifDuring your stay in we would like to offer you with .

We would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation.




Congratulations on your . I know how hard you have been working and I am very proud of you for your achievement.

I understand for sure that it is your hard work / your excellent ability that leads

you to the current success. This new position, on the other hand, adds a new dimension to your life and is bound to What’s more, I also believe that .

May all goes beautifully in your new post!


