


大学英文简介,学校英文简介,大学介绍 第1篇

INTRODUCTION XX University, founded in XX, is one of the key universities of the province.Its five campuses are located respectively in cities of XX, covering the areas of more than XX million square metres.There are XX colleges offering XX specialties for bachelor degree and XX programs for master degree.The campuses’ libraries possess a collection of over XX million volumes of books.The apparatuses and equipments are valued at around 19 million yuan RMB.The teaching faculty is more than XXX and total enrollment is XXX.Following the motto “In education, truth could not be obtained without practice;the subtleness of matters could not be approached without experiment”, XXX has forged a tradition of running school of the combinations of teaching, research with social services.Since 1989,XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching and research.The quantity and grade of scientific and technological awards have been ranking first among the provincial universities for ten years in a row.XXX is also ranked among the top 10 universities of China for decades.

XXX is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in China, and one of the key universities of the province.

Since 1989, XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching.

Cross-disciplinary programs cover the field of agriculture, industry, basic sciences, economics, management, literature, law and iatrology.

Located in XX , one hour to XXX by train, two-hour’s trip to XXX International Airport.

XXX has established official cooperative relationship with XX world famous universities in overseas countries.

大学英文简介,学校英文简介,大学介绍 第2篇

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics(JUFE)is located in the northeast section of Nanchang and is comprised of four campus sites: Jiaoqiao, Mailu, Fenglin and Qingshan,covering a total area of 150 hectares.JUFE,founded in the 1923, is under the dual leadership of the Jiangxi provincial education commission and the ministry of finance of china.it has now been a comprehensive institution of higher learning focusing on economics and management, as well as the disciplines of law,engineering,the humanities and natural science.JUFE has 15 schools, 15 teaching and research institutes and delivers 47 undergraduate programs, 55postgraduate programs, 9doctoral programs and 4 postdoctoral programs.Currently there are 39,000 full-time students enrolled in these programs.JUFE has 1,332 instructors, including 362 PhDs, 213doctoral students, 207 professors, 370 associate professors and 53 doctoral supervisors.JUFE publishes two academic magazines: ContemporaryFinance&Economics(monthly)and journal of Jiangxiuniversity of Finance&Economics(bimonthly).contemporary Finance& Economics is rated as one of the top 100 magazines in china and the journal of Jiangxi University of finance economics is regarded as an outstanding social science magazine.JUFE has established intercollegiate relationships with more than 75 related universities and institutes from 17 countries.JUFE conducts Sino-foreign joint MBA projects with the NEW YORK Institute of technology(NYIT), U.S.A.and with the University of SouthAustralia(UniSA), Australia.There are ongoing exchange programs with 10 universities in Europe and dual degree and study abroad programs with universities in the United Kingdom,Canada,Australia,SouthKorea and NewZealand.JUFE sends a large number of students to study in our partner institutions and JUFE receives exchange students from our partner institutions.

大学英文简介,学校英文简介,大学介绍 第3篇

语言学与翻译学相互促进。语言学的新发展会给翻译学开辟新的研究领域, 提供新的角度。随着语篇语言学的发展, 翻译学上也相继出现了一系列关于语篇翻译的理论。反过来又加深了语言学理论。主位推进模式是语篇分析中的一种重要的功能手段。该文基于国内外相关学者关于主述位结构在语篇中的重要作用的论述, 运用主述结构理论, 对比分析大学中英文简介的内部结构, 探讨其翻译的方法。

主位和述位这两对概念首先是由Mathesius提出来的 (朱永生, 1995:6) 。他认为, 句子的开头部分涵盖着重要的信息, 起着非常关键的作用。它代表着话题, 即称为主位。系统功能学派的韩礼德继承并发展了这两对概念。他的观点是:话题并不等于主位, 主位的范围大于话题。主位不仅包括话题, 而且也可以表示除话题外句首的其他成分。因此他把主位又细分成了两大类。一类是单项主位, 另一类是复项主位。而复项主位又可分成语篇、人际以及话题主位。

语言学家们Fries (1983) 和Danes (1974) 认真研究了大量英语文本, 从纷繁复杂的体裁中, 总结了他们之间的共性, 发现了英语主位演变的规律。最后, 把这些规律归纳成以下四种模式。


两个或两个句子以上, 它们的主位相同, 但是述位不相同。这种类型也称作平行或放射型。有时在这种模式下, 不一定主位都完全一致, 如果他们是包含关系, 或者是同义语, 也属于此模式。在简介中, 就有这样的例子出现。第一句的主位是“学校”, 第二句的主位是“学校本部”。第三句的主语省略了, 但是很容易可以推测出主位也是“学校”。虽然第一、二句的主位并不完全相同, 但是它们处于一种包含的关系, 所以也属于该模式。


两个或多个句子中, 它们的述位相同而主位不一样, 也可称之为集中型。这里的述位并不一定完全相同, 有着相似的语义即可。在简介中, 有一个例子, 它的主位分别是师大学报的两个不同版本, 而述位是相同的, 对这两个版本的学报的信息进行详细描述, 因此属于述位同一型的。


两个或多个句子中, 前面一句话的述位或者述位一部分成为下一句的主位, 结构类似梯形, 所以也称为梯型。在介绍一大批知名专家和师大的关系时, 便采用了该种模式。即第一句的述位是“学校”, 第二句的主位是“学校”。



在福建师范大学的中文简介中, 总共有35个小句。属于主位同一型的有11句, 第二种类型的有2句, 延续型的有14句, 交叉型的在文本中没有出现。从该项统计可以看出, 在中文简介中, 主位同一型和延续型出现的比例最高。符合学校简介的特点, 即不时地突出学校这一主体。

2 英文简介的分析

福建师范大学的中文简介包括了学校的简要历史、成长历程、教学水平, 师资力量、科研实力、办学条件、服务社会、与其他学校、企业和行业之间的联系等。读者为汉语的人群。而英文简介则是面向以英语为母语或官方语言的人群。因此英文版的简介不仅要涵盖中文版中关于学校介绍的有用信息, 而且要考虑到目的语读者的可接受性, 尽可能顺应英语国家的表达规范。

2.1 延续中文简介的模式


例1:The University has, as its bases for conducting educational experiments, a high school, an elementary school and a kindergarten embedded to its institutional structure.The FNU Affiliated High School is one of the most prestigious secondary schools throughout the province...

在该例子中, 中文的简介属于延续型, 即第一句的述位的一部分“附中”是第二句的主位。英文简介中, 述位的一部分“a high school”成为第二句的主位。该翻译不仅从结构上保留了原文的风格, 而且从内容上准确地传达了中文的信息, 突出了原文的语篇功能。

例2:Both editions of the FNU Journal are designated as“core periodicals published in Chinese, ”and the humanities and social sciences edition in particular has been listed as one of China’s top-ranking journals in social sciences and widely indexed.

该句的中文简介属于述位同一型, 这在上一章已经进行了论述。在汉英转换过程中, 译文抓住了中文这一特点, 把不同的主位用“both”一词巧妙地连接起来, 然后用一句话把相同的述位表达出来。

2.2 灵活采用英文主位推进模式

英语和汉语属于两种不同的语系, 所以表达方法也大不相同。英语一般通过使用连词, 代词, 从句等语法手段将句子的逻辑关系彰显出来。而汉语则截然相反。汉语较少采用词汇语法手段, 更多的是通过文本意思连词成句。所以英语在表达上比较严密, 汉语则比较富有弹性, 语法关系则显得比较次要 (朱永生, 2000:70) 。该简介作者在翻译过程中意识到这些区别, 因此更多地采用了转换原文主位推进的模式。

例3:FNU has been paying close attention to enhancing moral edification and cultivating civic spirit among members of its community.Special efforts have also been made to render the administration of the University more transparent and efficient.What it has managed to achieve in these areas has won the University a long list of national and provincial recognitions.Over the years, FNU has been honored as one of China’s model organizations in fostering civilized behaviors among its members, as one of China’s exemplary institutions of higher learning in democratizing the management of school affairs;as one of China’s most caring employers, and one of China’s most public-spirited schools.It has also won countless kudos and honors from the province for its efforts in this respect.

在该例子中, 中文简介属于第一种类型:主位同一型。而在翻译中进行了调整。在英文简介中, 第三, 四, 五个小句谈论的都是关于“national and provincial recognitions”以及具体的荣誉, 述位都属于同一个语义场, 为述位同一型模式。在英汉转换过程中, 译者通过分号等衔接手段, 把原文各项荣誉的并列关系体现出来, 符合英语国家简明, 便于阅读的风格规范。

例4:Located in Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian province, the headquarters of FNU is made up of two campuses, the Qishan Campus and the Cangshan Campus, with a total land area of about230 hectares.

汉语是主题显著语言, 可能采用零指前的形式, 当段落中相连句子的话题是有关同一人或者事物, 构成有关话题链 (topic-chain) 的时候, 在这样的篇章或者段落中比较有可能采用零指 (许余龙, 1992:247) 。该段文字便是其中一典型例子。该例围绕着“福建师范大学”这个话题在展开。三个小句描述的话题是关于“福建师范大学”的地理位置及校园环境, 在该段落中采用了零主语的方式。译文选取“the headquarters of FNU”为主语, 构成了一个主干句子, 然后以分词“located in Fuzhou”和介词短语“with a total land area of about 230 hectares”把其他相关信息展现出来。

例5:FNU is located in Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian province and the center of the economic zone on the western coast of the Taiwan Strait, with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan close by and the countries in Southeastern Asia within easy reach.Taking full advantage of this excellent geographical location, the University has spared no efforts in promoting exchanges with academic institutions outside of the Chinese mainland, forging friendly and productive ties with colleges and research institutes in over 30 countries, including the U.S., Britain, Australia and Japan, and with UNES-CO agencies as well.

本例以学校概况这个话题展开。总共有3个小句。在第一个主位“学校”出现后, 随后相同的主位都被省略了。译文抓住了这一特点, 把该段文字分成了两个句子, 都是以“FNU”做主语, 构成主干句子。第一句以“FNU is located in Fuzhou”为主干, 加上两个同位语和介词短语“with Hong Kong...within easy reach”。第二句以“the university has spared no efforts in promoting exchanges with academic institutions outside of the Chineses mainland”为主干, 分别加上了两个动名词结构“taking full advangtage of this excellent geographical location”和“forging...as well”来补充说明主干句。

3 结束语

四种主位推进基本类型在英汉两种语言都是通用的。因此在翻译实践过程中, 应该以恰当的方式再现, 尽量保留原文的主位推进模式, 以达到形式上的对等。但是由于英汉句子结构的差异, 因此在实际翻译过程中往往要把原文的“话题+说明”句式转换成为符合英语习惯的句式, 从而达到功能上的对等。


[1]许余龙.对比语言学概论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1992.

[2]朱永生, 郑立信, 苗兴伟.英汉语篇衔接手段对比分析研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000:70.

[3]Halliday M A K, Hasan R.Language, context and text[M].V ictoria:Deakin Un iversity Press, 1985.

[4]朱永生, 严世清.系统功能语言学多维思考[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001.

大学英文简介,学校英文简介,大学介绍 第4篇

关键词元话语 分类 交际元话语 互动元话语


1 引言

语言是交际的一种手段,而交际不仅涉及信息、物品或服务的交换,而且涉及交际双方的个性、态度和观点。而元话语则可以帮助我们了解说话人或作者对语篇内容和读者/听话者(以下合称“受众”)的态度。什么是元话语?元话语一词最早由Zellig Harris 提出, 早先常常被称作“关于话语的话语”和“关于谈话的谈话”(Hyland, 2005),到现在它被定义为“用来协商语篇互动意义的自我反省表达形式,能帮助作者/说话人表达观点,与作为社会成员的读者进行交际。(Hyland, 2008)”。

语言包含两个层面:基本话语 (primary discourse) 和元话语(metadiscourse)。Hyland和T se(2004: 157)认为,对元话语的理解有狭义和广义之分,狭义的观点是,强调话语的组织篇章的功能;广义的观点是,元话语体现了作者在篇章中所表现出来的运用语言和修辞的方法以及把话语组织和话语含义结合起来的方法。元话语的分类存在许多不同意见,使人莫衷一是,但大多数分类都是基于由Vande Kopple(1985)的分类上。目前,中国社会科学院语言所的徐赳赳将元话语分为了三大类词语元话语、标点元话语、视觉元话语。


2 元话语分类及讨论



对元话语分类的讨论主要集中在词汇类,从目前研究来看,主要有三种分法: (1)篇章元话语(textual metadiscourse)和人际元话语( interpersonal metadiscourse); (2)交际元话语( interactive resources)和互动式元话语( interactional resources); (3)内部篇章元话语( intra-textual)和外部篇章元话语( inter-textual)。我们现就第二种分类来进行分析。

根据Hyland(2008)交际元话语包含:过渡语(transitions),框架标记(frame markers)回指标记(endophoric markers),言据标记(evidentials)、语码注释(code glosses);而互动元话语包含:模糊语(hedges)、增强语(boosters)、态度标记(ttitude markers)、自称语(self mentions)、介入标记(engagement markers)


But it is not just longevity and global reach过渡语

However, you can ask students and professors about their research. Also, displays of various projects are posted on the walls of most departments. 过渡语


据不完全统计,北京大学的校友和教师有400多位两院院士 言据标记



you are visiting for more detailed instructions 介入标记

we hope you have a day to spend in Cambridge 自称语、介入标记

There are labs you might not have heard of, activities that you might expect, and others that will surprise you. Let us show you around. 模糊语、介入标记

Caltech students are very friendly and approachable. They also are refreshingly honest. Most will be happy to tell you about their classes,增强语

we do not offer tours of or access to the labs.(自称语)

Perhaps the best way to get to know Caltech is to soak up(模糊语)

we are delighted that via this website you are joining that long tradition.态度标记

That is why we believe that the greater we can make Oxford, the greater its contribution to the well-being of the world you and I share. 自称语通过使用第二人称代词、评价性评语等互动话语能使作者(本文中即学校)参与到文本中从而更清晰地表达信息并激发读者参与的激情。然而,在中文学校简介中几乎很少看到有互动元话语。也这可能主要是因为中国人写文章讲求严谨,客观性,而少有考虑到与学生的互动。


在书面文本中,各种各样的标点符号及版面排版等,例如:下划线、首字母大写等也能表明文本的重点和作者的态度。(Crismore et al 1993)Hyland和Tse (2004: 157)认为,通过使用元话语,作者就可以把单调的、零散的篇章组成相互关联的、读者所喜爱的篇章,元话语还可把篇章跟语境联系起来,表达作者的人际意义,提高篇章的可信度,提高读者的阅读兴趣。从这个角度看,元话语是属于功能的范畴,因此,有些标点、句子排列的次序等都可列入元话语的范畴。在中英文学校简介中有例:

They would love the challenge!







3 结语




[1] yland,K.Metadiscourse:ExploringInteractioninWriting[M].London:Continuum,2005.

[2] Hyland,K.Metadiscourse.2008.

[3] 徐赳赳.关于元话语的范围和分类[J].当代语言学,2006(4):345~353.

香港大学简介英文版 第5篇

I’m from Tianjin Nankai High School.As the top school in Tianjin even in China, Nankai has cultivated a great number of distinguished alumni, including beloved Premier Zhou Enlai and Wen Jiabao.Its motto “Be upright and capable people, and progress with each passing day”, which is the reason why I chose Nankai as my high school, is similar to HKU’s motto “Sapientia Et Virtus”, which is also the main reason makes me want to continue my further study in HKU.Among the many remarkable faculties, the Medical Faculty holds the greatest appeal to me.My mother, who is a doctor, is the person who influences me deeply.When I was little, I often sat in the hallway outside the consulting room to wait for her.I often saw the terrible looks on the patients’ faces, and I could really feel their releases after several treatments and see the smiles from the bottom of their hearts.I can’t help dreaming to be a person like my mother.I understand that “nothing in life is easy if it’s worth having” and I always work hard to make my dream come true.As the president of the Charity Union in my school, I have launched many campaigns such as book donation grant and spreading autism knowledge.Except for Medical Faculty, mathematics is also the major I love most.As my deepest love in number and concern about the development in the future, learning math can provide me a wide choice in the future.I may not be the best student, but I must be the most suitable student for HKU.刘丹姐,我想了想,还是想把数学那点保留下来,因为医学是真的很难进,我还是说上点数学心里比较踏实….有些小地方为了省字数我又改了改,数学那部分我又缩了缩,可是字数还是超了将近20个,它要求250字内,可是我又不知道从哪下手,麻烦你帮我再删一删吧。谢啦^^

学校英文简介 第6篇

Profile of Yangtze University Yangtze University is a comprehensive institution of higher learning with the strong supports from both China Central Government and Hubei Provincial Government.Hubei Province gives its priority to run the institution.China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation and Hubei Provincial People’s Government also work together to develop Yangtze University.Yangtze University is located in the famous ancient historic and cultural city of Jingzhou, China and it has a teaching and research campus in Wuhan City, the Capital of Hubei Province.The university campuses cover an area of 251 hectares with floor space of 1,246,600 square meters.Its fixed assets are totally worth CNY 1.8 billion yuan.The university has 3,149 faculty members, of whom 2,139 are full time teachers.Among these teachers, there are 1,027 professors and associate professor, and 1,243 teachers have obtained their doctorates or master’s degree.There are 2 “part-time academicians”, 1 specially employed expert from the Hubei Province 100 Scholars Plan, 16 specially invited professors from the Chutian Scholars Project.Besides, Yangtze University has 1 teacher who won the prize of University Outstanding Young Teacher from the Ministry of Education, China, 3 national excellent teachers and 3 Hubei famous teachers, and 61 experts receiving special grants from Central and Provincial Governments with their outstanding contribution.Yangtze University has 1 postdoctoral research station, 8 doctoral programs, and 109 master’s programs.The university has been entitled to admit outstanding undergraduates for master’s degree without attending entrance examination.It also has the right of independent admission of undergraduate students.The university offers 83 undergraduate programs covering 10 disciplines, specifically economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine and management.Its full-time student body is about 34,000, including postgraduates, undergraduate students, three years students and international students.There are 22 key disciplines at provincial and ministerial level, 26 key laboratories, engineering technology research centers and experimental teaching demonstration centers at national and provincial level on its campuses.Yangtze University has 6 national unique disciplines, 3 national excellent courses, 1 national bilingual teaching demonstration course, 2 national teaching teams, 44 provincial excellent courses and quality courses.The university is prestigious and characteristic in the research fields of petroleum science and technology, agricultural science and technology, and Jingchu culture.In the 11th five-year plan period(2006-2010), its research funds totally reached 785 million yuan and the university won 2 national science and technology awards and 85 provincial science and technology awards.Since 1930s, the institution has cultivated more than 270 thousand professional talents of various kinds, among whom there are many famous elites working in scientific, political and business circles, such as Wang Tieguan who is academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gui Shiyong who is former Director of the Policy Research Center of State Council, Zhang Dinghua who is former Party Secretary of National Trade Union, Wang Shengtie and Song Yuying who are former Chairman of the Hubei People’s Political Consultative Conference, Zhang Yongyi who is Chairman of the Board of Supervision of Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises of the State Council, Liao Yongyuan who is Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, Ding Fanrong who is the President of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Zhakar who is Vice President of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.In recent years, the annual employment rate of its graduates remains above 95%.Yangtze University won excellent in the undergraduate teaching level evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education in 2007.It has been judged as Hubei Best Civilized Unit many times.

大学英文简介,学校英文简介,大学介绍 第7篇


EIMAN Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd., founded in May 2005,is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design development and production of cable equipment.We are located in GUANGZHOU CITY, with an advantageously geographical location and convenient transportation.We boast state-of-the-art automatic production lines of wire industry, domestically advanced production technologies and complete testing equipment and quality systems.It gives us a broad development space.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.In addition, all our product are high quality and low overhead and have passed the certification of ISO9001:2000.我们的主导产品包括两大部分,第一部分是线材,铜包钢(CCS),铜包铝镁(CCAM),铜盖铝(CCA),铝镁合金丝5154,所有这些都广泛使用等领域的通信,电子,电力,军事。这是纯粹的铜导体的理想替代产品,不仅节约了成本,同时也为客户创造巨大的价值。

第二部分是专业生产电线电缆设备,为客户提供整厂规划,配套设备,售后服务等一站式全程优质服务,让客户购买到最具性价比的设备,享受到最优质的售前,售中及售后服务。Our leading products include two part :

(1)Copper Covered steel(CCS),Copper Clad Aluminum Magnesium(CCAM),Copper Covered Aluminum(CCA),AL-Mg alloy wire 5154, all of which are widely used in such fields as communication, electronics, electric power and military.It’s the ideal alternative products of pure copper conductor, not only save the cost, but also create great value for customers.(2)the second part is the production of professional wire and cable equipment , to provide

Whole plant planning, corollary equipment, after-sales and in providing one-stop service.we are committed to enable customers to buy the most cost-effective equipment, enjoy the best quality pre-sale and after-sale service.该公司坚持的政策“质量第一,信誉第一,合理的价格,最好的服务”提供最好的有竞争力的产品,赢得更大的市场。如果贵公司对我们任何一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。

The company insist on the policy of ‘quality first, credit first, reasonable price, best service’ supply the best competitive products, win the bigger market.If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please contact us any time.We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.口号:严管理,高品质,讲信誉,重服务

高校网页简介英文翻译策略初探 第8篇







1. 语言方面的差异



2. 文化方面的差异





略加搜索,我们不难发现,在高校网页中,中英存在着大量的“平行文本”,即指“不同文化中的相同类型或体裁的本土文本。” (Nord, 2001:56) 这给中国高校英文网页提供了非常有价值的参照系。鉴于英汉高校网页简介在语言与文化等方面存在很大差别,为了实现信息的有效传递,笔者以功能翻译理论为指导,在已有研究的基础上,通过对实例的比较分析,提出以下三种高校网页简介英文翻译的策略,并在此求教于前辈和同行。

1. 阐释策略

阐释是公认的翻译技巧,在这里主要指阐释性增译。学教简介中往往会出现一些中国特色的表达方式,从信息内容上来讲,又属不可或缺的,这时候阐释性增译策略便有助于提高译文的可读性而无需增加读者的负担。例如,前文提到的“211工程”、如果仅仅直译为“Project 211”,译者是无法真正理解其内涵的,这时候为了能够让译文读者同样了解到学校的重要性和地位,阐释性增译不失为一剂良策。以中央财经大学网页简介为例:“中央财经大学是教育部直属的国家“211工程”重点建设高校”在译文中是这样翻译的“It is one of the 100universities to which the Chinese government has attached top priority for the 21st Century.”这样的译文完全能够让译入语读者了解到该校在中国的实力与地位。

2. 改写或重组策略

尽管改写作为翻译策略被提出来是近些年的事,但实际上许多一流翻译家早就公开提倡翻译可以对原文进行改写,而不是一味地按原语顺序与内容照直翻译。Delise认为“翻译是基于写作技巧与双语文化知识的再表现艺术”(Delise, 1980:3)。Newmark也说过:“一切翻译问题最后都归结为如何用译语写作的问题”(2001:17)。中国翻译家思果也将翻译视为是对原文的改写和提高。作为跨文化交际专家,译者应该知道什么时候什么地方应用此种策略以最大限度的达到交际目的。就学校简介而言,“平行文本”的存在无疑给文本改写提供了最直接而有力的证据。为增加信息交流的有效性或加强感染力,满足读者需求,译者有必要对原文语篇进行调整或改写,使译文更合译语习惯和读者口味。因此,对冗长的“大拼盘式”中文学校网页简介,可以按照译语传统,将信息分类整理然后重组,冠之以小标题。比如中央财经大学长达1903字的中文简介,在其英文版网页中仅有563字,并添加次级标题以版块方式出现。如:“History of CUFE”, “Mission”, “Schools and Research Institutes”, “Students”and“Faculty”。上海财经大学也以同样的信息重组方式将长达1993字的中文简介改写为六个版块669字。这样不仅使原文大大简化,更加符合网页信息迅速简洁的特点,也更加容易被译语读者接受,同时满足了读者的信息需求,实现了信息的有效传递。(参见中央财经大学网站,上海财经大学网站)按照英文写作习惯,学校简介一般包括如下几项次级标题:History, Campuses, Programs, Academic Staff, Students, Library, Centers/Bases, International Exchange, and Mission and Vision Statements.

3. 零翻译策略




摘要:高校的英文网页简介已发展成为展示学校形象的重要窗口, 但其在对外宣传过程中所起到的作用并不尽如人意, 这主要是由于英汉高校简介在语言和文化等方面存在着种种差异。本文从功能翻译理论视角对学校网页简介的翻译作了初步的探讨, 提出阐释性增译、改写或重组以及零翻译可以作为网页简介翻译的有效策略。



[1]Delisle, Jean.Translation:An Interpretive Approach[M].Eng.Trans.by Logan, P&Creery M.Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press, 1980.

[2]Nord, Christiane.Translation as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Explained[M].Shanghai:Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

[3]Newmark, Peter.Approaches to Translation.Shanghai:Foreign Language Education Press[M], 2001.

[4]范勇.中国高校英文网页存在问题研究[J].高等教育与学术研究.2008 (1) :27-29.

[5]韩孟奇.论我国高校英文版网页的翻译失误[J].河北工程大学学报 (社会科学版) .2008 (1) :115-117.


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