


摘要:日常交际中,冲突话语的不当处理会削弱交际者间的人际关系,甚至导致肢体冲突,而采取适当、有效的冲突管理策略,则对人际交往产生积极影响。近年来,大部分学者从人类学、社会学、语言学等角度对冲突话语进行了大量研究。而大多数研究集中在冲突话语的结构、影响因素、语用功能及策略方法上,对于冲突话语的整体动态过程研究却很少。Helen Spencer-Oatey(2000)提出的人际关系管理理论为探究冲突话语开辟了一个新的视角。基于人际管理理论的冲突话语研究,特别是冲突话语的动态过程及其管理研究,可以全面、系统地探索人们在日常生活中是如何维持、增进或破坏和谐人际关系的。本文运用人际关系管理理论,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,根据冉永平(2010a)对冲突话语的界定,以美剧《致命女人》中的冲突话语作为语料,共78个完整片段,103分12秒,分析其整体动态过程,即冲突话语的产生、发展以及结束。首先,本文探讨了交际者如何通过言语行为威胁对方的面子和社会性权利从而引发冲突话语;其次,揭示了交际者如何通过冲突策略或缓解策略来回应冲突话语,并探讨影响策略使用的因素;最后,分析了交际者如何结束冲突话语,以及所达到的人际关系管理结果。本研究发现:(1)在冲突话语的起始阶段,《致命女人》中引发冲突话语的言语行为共有4种,按比例大小分别是阐述类、表达类、指令类和承诺类。其中,表达类和阐述类言语行为占比较高,更容易对听话者的面子和社会权利造成威胁,从而引发冲突话语。另外,威胁社会权利的言语行为比例超过威胁面子的比例。(2)在冲突话语的发展阶段,共发现12种冲突策略,即质疑、反驳、指责、命令、辩护、讽刺、拒绝、抱怨、辱骂、否认、威胁和重复;5种缓和策略,即解释、让步、隐性否定、模糊限制语和部分同意。交际者通常使用冲突策略捍卫面子和权利。其中,质疑策略的使用频率最高,用于表达说话者的不满,抱怨或异议。这一策略既有利于说话者维护自身的面子和权利,攻击性又相对较小。在缓和策略中,解释最有利于消除误解,缓和人际关系,并且不会花费说话者太多面子成本。大多情况下,交际者会使用多重策略。此外,和谐导向及语境变量会影响策略的使用,并促使冲突策略与缓和策略之间发生动态转换。(3)在冲突的终止阶段,共发现8种终止策略,即妥协、屈服、退出、第三方干预、话题转移、客观环境中止、幽默和沉默。其中,退出是最常用的冲突话语的终止策略。此外,本文仅发现两种类型的人际关系管理结果,即人际关系维持和人际关系忽略。从理论上讲,本研究以人际关系管理理论为基础,系统地分析了冲突话语的动态交际过程,证明了该理论的普适性和说服力,丰富了冲突话语的研究内容。本研究有助于我们了解冲突话语的实现形式、语用动机及其对人际关系的影响。从实践上讲,本文有助于人们了解英语语境中冲突话语的模式,并为其他语言或体裁的冲突话语提供参考。本文所探讨的冲突话语的引发、发展和结束方式,有助于引导人们管理言语行为,维护或增进人际关系,或减少冲突的可能性,有助于受众建立更健康的人际关系和更和谐的社会关系。





Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Purposes of the Study

1.3 Significance of the Study

1.4 Structure of the Study

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Clarification of Conflict Talk

2.1.1 Definition of Conflict Talk

2.1.2 Classification of Conflict Talk

2.2 An Overview of Previous Studies

2.2.1 Studies on the Structure of Conflict Talk

2.2.2 Studies on the Social Factors of Conflict Talk

2.2.3 Studies on the Pragmatics Functions of Conflict Talk

2.2.4 Studies on the Strategies and Devices of Conflict Talk

2.3 Summary

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3.1 Rapport Management Theory

3.1.1 Components of Rapport Management

3.1.2 Rapport-threatening Behaviors

3.1.3 Rapport Management Strategies

3.1.4 Factors Influencing Strategy Use

3.1.5 Rapport Management Outcome

3.2 Searle’s Classification of Speech Acts

3.3 Analytical Framework of the Study

Chapter Four Methodology

4.1 Research Questions

4.2 An Introduction of Why Women Kill

4.3 Data Collection

4.4 Data Analysis

4.4.1 Pilot Analysis

4.4.2 The Procedure of Data Analysis

Chapter Five Initiation of Conflict Talk

5.1 General Description of Speech Acts Initiating Conflict Talk

5.2 Conflict Talk Caused by Representative Speech Acts

5.2.1 Representative Speech Acts Threatening Quality Face and Identity Face

5.2.2 Representative Speech Acts Threatening Equity Rights and Association Rights

5.3 Conflict Talk Caused by Expressive Speech Acts

5.3.1 Expressive Speech Acts Threatening Quality Face and Identity Face

5.3.2 Expressive Speech Acts Threatening Equity Rights and Association Rights

5.4 Conflict Talk Caused by Directive Speech Acts

5.4.1 Directive Speech Acts Threatening Quality Face and Identity Face

5.4.2 Directive Speech Acts Threatening Equity Rights and Association Rights

5.5 Conflict Talk Caused by Commissive Speech Acts

5.5.1 Commissive Speech Acts Threatening Quality Face and Identity Face

5.5.2 Commissive Speech Acts Threatening Equity Rights and Association Rights

5.6 Summary

Chapter Six Development of Conflict Talk

6.1 General Description of Response Strategies of Conflict Talk

6.2 Conflicting Strategies

6.2.1 Question

6.2.2 Refutation

6.2.3 Accusation

6.2.4 Order

6.2.5 Defence

6.2.6 Irony

6.2.7 Rejection

6.2.8 Complaint

6.2.9 Abuse

6.2.10 Denial

6.2.11 Threat

6.2.12 Repetition

6.3 Mitigating Strategies

6.3.1 Explanation

6.3.2 Concession

6.3.3 Contradictory Statement

6.3.4 Hedge

6.3.5 Partial Agreement

6.4 Summary

Chapter Seven Termination of Conflict Talk

7.1 General Description of Termination Ways of Conflict Talk

7.2 Ways of Terminating Conflict Talk

7.2.1 Withdrawal

7.2.2 Suspended by Environment

7.2.3 Submission

7.2.4 Compromise

7.2.5 Silence

7.2.6 Third-party Intervening

7.2.7 Humor

7.2.8 Topic Shift

7.3 Summary

Chapter Eight Conclusion

8.1 Major Findings

8.2 Implication

8.3 Limitations and Suggestion



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