


超优美的英文句子 第1篇

1. 寂寞的人总是记住生命中出现的每一个人,正如我总是意犹未尽地想起你!

2. 命里有时终需有命里无时莫强求。

3. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

4. 那些刻在椅背后的爱情会不会像水泥地上的花朵开出地老天荒的没有风的森林。

5. 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。

6. 你给我的一滴泪,我看见你心中所有的海洋。

7. 你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。

8. 我总是爱蹲下来看地上时光的痕迹,像一行一行蚂蚁穿越我的记忆。

9. 我总是这样凝望那些日升月沉无家可归的忧伤。

10. 幸福的時刻,一半是和你在一起,一半是在夢里;痛苦的時刻,一半是分離,一半是默默地想著你。

11. 既不回头,何必不忘。既然无缘,何须誓言。今日种种,似水无痕。明夕何夕,君已陌路。

12. 心微动奈何情己远,物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追。

13. 也许是前世的姻,也许是来生的缘,错在今生相见,徒增一段无果的恩怨。

14. 一年老一年,一日没一日,一秋又一秋,一辈催一辈一聚一离别,一喜一伤悲,一榻一身卧,一生一梦里寻一夥相识,他一会咱一会那一般相知,吹一会唱一会。

15. 忘掉感伤,忘掉为你圆的慌。

超优美的英文句子 第2篇









超优美的英文句子 第3篇

High-resolution(HR)images are valuable in many fields,such as in remote sensing,medical image diagnosis high-resolution video.However,due to the physical limitation of image devices,sometimes it takes high cost to obtain high-resolution images.Super-resolution(SR)method is an effective technology to obtain high-resolution image.The methods mainly include multi-frame reconstruction method[1,2,3]and learning-based method[4,5].The fundamental of reconstruction-based SR method is to extract high-frequency information from series of low-resolution images using signal processing technologies.It assumes the Low-resolution(LR)images are wrapped,blurred and down-sampled from the corresponding HR image,and HR image can be reconstructed from the sequence of LR images by modeling the image degradation process.However,it is hard to define some of the parameters of the model,especially the sub-pixel registration parameter among LR images.So this kind of method has its limitation in resolution enhancement.

Learning-based SR method has received much more attention since it was firstly presented by Freeman et al[4].Its main idea is to predict lost HR details by LR observations using a training set.In the field of learning-based SR method for face image,Baker et al[1]firstly presented the idea of face hallucination.Liu et al[6]presented a similar idea,which unified the global structure and local feature information of face image.Hertzmann et al[7]and Efros et al[8]presented a local feature transform method called as Image Analogies(IA),which is also used for learning-based SR.Chang et al[9]defined small image patches in both the low-and high-resolution images as two distinct feature spaces which are formed manifolds with similar local geometry.The model is inspired by manifold learning methods,particularly Locally Linear Embedding(LLE).

Learning-based SR algorithms usually take two steps:1)search K similar feature examples from training set;2)optimization estimation based on the K examples.The simplest method is K Nearest Neighbor(K-NN)algorithm[4].But these algorithms depend on the quality of the K candidates.That limits the freedom of the model and wastes prior information of other patches in the training set.To overcome these problems,Yang et al[10]presented a learning-based algorithm based on sparse coding(SC).The method can effectively build sparse association between high-and low-resolution image patches and get excellent results.The dictionary of their research is self-adaptive.It is usually expressed as an explicit matrix.The limitations of the dictionary include:1)i is not regular;2)it is in lack of efficiency;3)complexity constraints limit its size.To break through these limitations,Rubinstein et al[11]presented a parameter model called sparse dictionary(SD)to balance efficiency and adaptivity,which decomposed each atom in the dictionary by a basis dictionary.Compared with SR based on overcomplete dictionary,this model has a simpler and higher adaptive structure.

In this paper,we combine the ideas of the SR algorithm via sparse coding[10]and sparse dictionary[11],and present a novel SR method based on sparse dictionary.This method mainly takes three steps:1)build sparse dictionaries Ah and Al using lots of examples,which include high-and low-resolution image patches;2)calculate sparse representation of input image patches based on Al;3)estimate HR image patches via the sparse representation and Ah.Experiments with natural images show our method outperforms several other learning-based algorithms.The major contributions in this paper as follows:

This paper presents an improved super-resolution framework based on the sparse dictionary,which improves not only adaptivity and flexibility,but also its regularity and efficiency.

Compared with Yang’s sparse coding SR method,we choose the high-frequency component of the HR image patch as its feature for dictionary training,which builds the sparse association between LR image patches and HR ones with better efficiency and less training examples.

1 Sparse Representation

The key idea of sparse coding assumes that natural signals can be compactly expressed,or represented efficiently as a linear combination of atom signals,where only few coefficients are non-zero.The sparse coding of an observed signal x can be expressed as[11,12]:

Where the coefficientαis the sparse representation of x,εis the error tolerance and D=[d1,d2,…,dL]∈RN×L(N

We can also use a regularization parameterλ>0 to balance the minimal error and sparsity:

The fundamental problem of sparse representation is the selection of dictionary.There are generally two kinds of methods:analytic-based and synthetic-based(learning-based)[11].The dictionary of analytic-based model is also called implicit dictionary,which mainly includes Wavelet,Contourlet,Curvelet,etc.This kind of dictionary is fixed structured with a fast numerical implementation,but certainly in lack of adaptivity.The dictionary of learning-based is inferred by machine learning techniques from some examples with flexible structure and highly adaptability.It is typically called learned dictionary,which can get sophisticated representation and fine performance.However,the model generates an unstructured dictionary,which lost regularity and effectiveness Sparse dictionary[11]combines advantage of both aforementioned methods,where the dictionary atoms are sparsely represented over a known implicit base dictionary:D=ΦA.The new parameter model leads to a compact and flexible sparse dictionary representation which is both adaptive and efficient.More advantages of the new method include improving stability and accelerating sparse coding.

2 SR via Sparse Dictionary

This paper unifies the sparse dictionary model[11]and super-resolution idea via sparse coding[10],and presents an improved SR algorithm based on sparse dictionary.The method efficiently builds sparse association between high-frequency(HF)components of HR image patches and LR image feature patches,and defines the association as a prior knowledge to guide super-resolution reconstruction based on sparse dictionary.

2.1 Sparse Dictionary Training

Replacing D in(2)withΦA,the sparse representation problem of signals X over sparse dictionary can be defined as[10,11]:

In this case,Z is sparse representation of X,Φis implicit dictionary of D(overcomplete DCT is applied in this paper),A is sparse dictionary,which is also the coefficient of D,s and p are the levels of sparsity,the normalization constraint is commonly added for convenience.

,which denotes the training set that contains HR image feature patches Xh and LR image feature patches Yl,where,.Each example pair(xi,yi)is expressed as a column vector,xi denotes the HF component of HR image patch,yi is LR image feature patch(how to extract image feature is shown in Section 2.3).The goal of the model is to estimate sparse dictionaries using P,and define high-and low-resolution image feature patches in a unified frame,so that they share the same sparse representation.The problem can be expressed as:

Where Ah and Al are the sparse dictionaries of the HR and LR image feature patches,respectively.N and M are the dimensions of the HR and LR image feature patches in vector form,respectively.The goal is to minimize the impact of scale problem(5)can be rewritten

We apply sparse K-SVD algorithm[11]to achieve(6).Sparse dictionary learning algorithm is shown:

1)Task:estimate sparse dictionary Ah and Al;

2)Input:training set:P,implicit dictionary:Φ,sparse tolerance of A:p,sparse tolerance of Z:t,iteration number:k;


4)for each example xic in P

Sparse coding step:apply basis pursuit algorithm to the problem:

Atoms updating step:based on Lemma 1 in[8],updating each aj in A,and zj in Z.

2.2 SR via Sparse Dictionary

Given a LR image feature patch y,based on the sparse dictionary Al,we estimate the sparse representation a.Then,we can get the super-resolution image feature patch from a and sparse dictionary Ah.According to(1),the sparse representation problem of y can be defined as[10]:

Although(7)is a NP-hard problem,Donoha[12]has proved that as long as the coefficientαis sufficiently sparse,the problem can be solved by minimizing the l1-norm instead:minΦy A.However,(7)is achieved individually for each local LR image feature patch,and it does not consider the compatibility between adjacent HR feature patches.Similar to Freeman’s method[4],the patches are processed from left to right and top to bottom.The optimization problem can be rewritten:

Where the matrix R is applied to extract the region of the overlap between current target HR feature patch and previously reconstructed HR image,and w denotes the values of the previously reconstructed image feature patch in the overlap.According to(3),the optimization problem can be simplified as:

Whereβcontrols the tradeoff between LR input feature patch and overlap region of HR feature patch.To achieve(9),we can use basis pursuit algorithm[13]to estimate the most optimization result a*.Then the high-frequency component is got:x*=Φh⋅Ah⋅a*.Finally,we linearly synthesize x*and the upsampled image of y to get the initial super-resolution result X0.

According to Yang’s method[10],to enforce global reconstruction constraint,we project X0 onto the solution space of Y=D⋅H⋅X,computing

Where D is a downsampling operator,and H represents a blurring filter.This optimization problem can be solved using the back-projection(BP)method.The BP result X*is taken as our final super-resolution estimate of the input LR image.Details of SR algorithm via sparse dictionary are shown:

1)Task:estimate HR image X*;

2)Input:Al,Ah,implicit dictionaryΦ,input LR image Y0;

3)Init:caculate feature image Y from Y0;

4)for each 3×3 patch y in Y,from left to right,and top to bottom,keeping one pixel overlap region.

Estimate optimization value a*in(9).

Calculate the final optimization value x*=ΦhAha*

5)Linearly synthesize the upsampled image of y and x*,get the initial super-resolution estimation X0.

6)Calculate the final estimation X*in(10)to enforce global reconstruction constraint.

2.3 Patch Feature Representation

Since people are more sensitive to the HF content of the image for a perceptual viewpoint,the image patch feature is usually selected as HF component during SR reconstruction.In the literature,the method that extracts high-frequency feature mainly includes Laplace transform[4],Gaussian derivative filters[14],first-and second-order gradients information[9,10].During sparse dictionary coding,the training examples consist of feature patches rather than raw image patches.We select the features of LR image patch that is same with the methods of Chang et al[9]and Yang et al[10].The four filters used to extract the derivatives are:

We also use the HF components of HR image patches as the feature,which is same with the method of Freeman et al[4].Then,each training example is defined as a column vector,which contains HF component of HR image patch and four gradient features of LR image patch.Fig.1 shows the composition of training example.

3 Experiments

We use the same training images in[10],and downsize them to 1/3 of their original size.Then we use severa typical learning-based methods,i.e.,K-nearest neighbor(K-NN)[4],LLE method[9],and Yang’s SC method[10],as well as our proposed sparse dictionary based method to perform SR by a factor of 3 to up-scale these downsampled input images to their original size.3×3 LR image patches are adopted,with one pixel overlap region with adjacent patches,and the corresponding 9×9 HR image patches have three pixels overlap.According to Yang’s method[10],we also extract gradient features from the upsampled version(6×6)of the LR image by a factor of 2 instead of 3×3 LR image patches.

3.1 Results of Super-resolution

We take 50 000 HR and LR image patch pairs randomly extracted from the training images as training examples for sparse dictionary learning.In our experiments,the size of sparse dictionary is fixed as 1 024,which is a trade-off between SR quality and computational efficiency.Setting the parameterλ=0.01 andβ=1 in(9).Fig.2shows the results of our method with those of K-NN,LLE and SC method on an image of the Face.Visually,the result from K-NN has some jagged effects.LLE generates blur effects.Our method and SC have better visua effect.We compare these SR methods quantitatively in terms of their PSNR of several images(Face and Lena are color images).As the results we can see from Table 1,the SR quality of our method(SD)is improved in the terms of PSNR except the image Cameraman,which further demonstrates our method could get better SR results.

3.2 Effects of Examples Number

In the section,experiments with the image Face show the effects of the number of training examples.The results are shown in Fig.3.We select randomly 50 000,30 000,10 000,5 000 and 2 000 number of examples to train the sparse dictionary,and perform SR by a factor of 3 using our method and Yang’s algorithm(SC).As is shown in Fig.3,PSNR of our method is higher than SC algorithm with the same training examples.When the number of training examples is less than 5 000,the PSNR of the two methods falls sharply.To gain better quality the number of examples should be no less than 30 000.

3.3 Effects of the Dictionary Size

We use 30 000 examples to train the sparse dictionary.The image Face is selected for SR experiment.The dictionary size is chosen as 256,512,1 024,and 2 048,respectively.The SR results by a factor of 3 using our method and SC algorithm are shown in Fig.4.Under the conditions of the same dictionary size,our method performs well than SC algorithm.Theoretically,the larger the dictionary size is,the better SR results gained,bu with a higher computational cost.As is shown in Fig.4,when the dictionary size increases,the PSNR tends to rise gently.In practice,the dictionary size is chosen as 1 024 for a trade-off between SR quality and computation efficiency.

4 Conclusion

让状语点亮你的英文句子 第4篇


[例1]He stood there, still, except that his lips moved slightly. 他站在那里,一动也没动,只有嘴唇在轻微地抖动。(still说明主语stood时所处的状态)

[例2]Hungry, they walked into the restaurant. 由于饥饿,他们走进了一家餐馆。(hungry 说明了他们走进餐馆的原因)


[例3] 觉得筋疲力尽,我爬上床,很快就睡着了。

Exhausted(=As I was exhausted),I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.


Familiar with our local custom and culture(=As Im familiar with...),I will be able to make any related introduction to the visitors.



[例5]He went out of the room at a quarter to 23:00 last night and then disappeared into the dark. 他昨夜22点45分从房间里出来,然后消失在黑夜之中。

[例6]Well gather at the Students Club at 8 pm. this Friday, after the evening classes. 我们将在周五晚上8点,晚自习后在学生俱乐部集合。(2012 大纲卷)

[例7]Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. 我们想邀请你下星期六和我们一起去附近的敬老院陪老人们过重阳节。(2015 课标卷Ⅱ)


[例8]He is always late for school. 他上课总迟到。

[例9]I have never seen such a good person. 我从未见过这么好的人。


[例10]It is important that many people in our city have come to realize the importance of helping the disabled.→More importantly, many people in our city have come to realize the importance of helping the disabled. 重要的是,我们城市中的很多人已经意识到帮助残疾人的重要性了。

相类似的评注性状语还有:obviously, clearly, undoubtedly, surprisingly, unbelievably, fortunately, unfortunately, luckily, unluckily等等。



[例11]只要有趣有益,任何相关的东西你都可以写。(2015 课标卷Ⅰ)

You can write anything relevant so/as long as it is interesting and informative.

[例12]它(Global Mirror 周报)兼顾国内外新闻,以使我能了解到一周发生的一切重要事件。(2011 大纲卷)

It covers both national and international news so that I can learn about all important things that have happened during the week.

[例13]我从小喜爱大熊猫。(2008 全国卷Ⅰ)

I have been a panda lover since I was a child.


Please call me at 44876655, if you have any questions.



When he comes, well light the candles and sing“Happy Birthday”together for him.

→Well light the candles and sing “Happy Birthday”together for him as soon as / the minute / immediately, directly / instantly he comes.


1. 不定式短语作状语



On hearing the shot, he rushed downstairs, only to find her lying unconscious on the floor.


On behalf of the Students Union, I am writing to call on / appeal to all Senior 3 students to donate your reference materials such as the old reference books, notebooks, pocket dictionaries and so on, after the college entrance examination.

2. 现在分词和过去分词短语作状语




→When she heard the news, tears came to her eyes.

→Hearing the news, she burst into tears.


→Unfortunately, his father died, leaving his family even worse off.(人教版Module 4 Unit 3中课文中的句子)


→Tracy called, saying that she couldnt meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to.


超有意境的文艺优美句子 第5篇

2. 梦碎了一地,我还在原地等你。

3. 回忆始终抹不去,你是否和我一样还在念着曾经。

4. 永远记得你微笑的眼睛,你的答案永远缺少一个回忆。

5. 错了也不要后悔,后悔就意味真的错了、

6. 或许,有些人有些事,该放弃的就应该放弃了。

7. 请让我独自待在一个没有名字的陌生地方,忘记所有关于你的一切

8. 没有人疼爱的人,在美也会憔悴。

9. 我被画上了×,就代表我不再重要。

10. 爱情的世界,始终没有我的容身之处。

11. 深呼吸,贪婪的搜集有你存在的空气。

12. 都说有点距离才会有美感,而我们因为距离出了小三。

13. 想的太多,得到的太多,失去的也太多。

14. 海鸥掠起我记忆涟漪,让回忆画面正在上演。

15. 即使是被捧在手心,却还是不确定心里有没有你。

16. 风夹着雨丝吹在我身上,那种冰凉的折磨、习惯后就会变成享受

17. 我为你流下的眼泪,痛彻心扉谁来安慰。

18. 太美丽的东西我们往往触碰不到,彩虹就是一个榜样

19. 怀念也回不到从前,向往也不知该如何向前。

20. 永远真的太久了,对不起,我等不到那一天。

21. 我想忍住悲伤,停住眼泪,却制止不了那蔓延的情绪。

22. 爱情就是一个玩笑,被玩了还要接着笑

23. 这夜太美,勾起了不该被释放的回忆

24. 看穿你只是长的好看,可惜橱窗里不存在真爱。

咖啡的优美英文句子 第6篇


2. A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.


3.Given enought coffee, I could rule the world.


4. But first coffee.


5. Rise and grind.


6. Coffee is always good idea.


7. Coffee in the morning makes me happy.


8. All you need is coffee.


9. Java now, sleep later.


10. Give me coffee to change the thing I can and wine to accept those that I cannot.
