


政府机构英文译名 第1篇

浙江省人民政府办公室 General Office of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province

浙江省发展计划委员会 Development and Planning Commission of Zhejiang Province 浙江省经济贸易委员会 Economic and Trade Commission of Zhejiang Province 浙江省教育厅 Department of Education of Zhejiang Province

浙江省科学技术厅 Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province

浙江省民族宗教事务委员 Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of Zhejiang浙江省计划生育委员会 Family Planning Commission of Zhejiang Province 浙江省公安厅 Department of Public Security Zhejiang Province

浙江省武警总队 Headquarters of Armed Police Force of Zhejiang Province 浙江省国家安全厅 Department of State Security of Zhejiang Province 浙江省民政厅 Department of Civil Affairs ofZhejiang Province 浙江省司法厅 Department of Justice of Zhejiang Province 浙江省财政厅 Department of Finance of Zhejiang Province 浙江省人事厅 Department of Personnel of Zhejiang Province

浙江省劳动和社会保障厅 Department of Labor and Social Security of Zhejiang Province

浙江省国土资源厅 Department of Land and Resources of Zhejiang Province 浙江省建设厅 Department of Construction of Zhejiang Province 浙江省交通厅 Department of Communication of Zhejiang Province

浙江省信息产业厅 Department of Information Industry of Zhejiang Province 浙江省农业厅 Department of Agriculture of Zhejiang Province

浙江省水利厅 Department of Water Resources of Zhejiang Province

浙江省对外贸易经济合作厅 Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省文化厅 Department of culture of Zhejiang Province 浙江省卫生厅 Department of Health of Zhejiang Province 浙江省审计厅 Department of Audit of Zhejiang Province 浙江省国税局 Bureau of State Taxation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省环境保护局 Bureau of Local Taxation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省广播电视局 Radio ,Film and Television Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省体育局 Sport Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省新闻出版局 Press and Publication Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省工商行政管理局 Industry and Commerce Administration of Zhejiang Province 浙江省质量技术监督局 Quality and Technology Supervision of Zhejiang Province 浙江省药品监督管理局 Drug Administration of Zhejiang Province

浙江省乡镇企业局 Rural and Township Enterprises Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省海洋渔业局 Oceanic and Fishery Department of Zhejiang Province

浙江省检验检疫局 Bureau for Entry –Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Zhejiang Province

浙江省通讯管理局 TeleCommunication Administration of Zhejiang Province 浙江省烟草局 Tabacco Monopoly Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省林业局 Department of Forestry of Zhejiang Province 浙江省邮政局 Post Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省电力局 Electric Power Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省气象局 Meteorological Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省地震局 Seismological Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省海事局 Marine Affairs Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省测绘局 Surveying and Mapping Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省文物局 Cultural Heritage Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省档案局 Archives Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省旅游局 Tourism Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省粮食局 Grain Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省物价局 Price Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省统计局 Statistics Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省供销合作社 Supply and Purchase Cooperation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省省直机关事务管理局 Government Office Administration of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government

浙江省人民政府外事办公室 Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People ’s Government

浙江省政府台湾事务办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government

浙江省人民政府侨务办公室 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government

浙江省经济体制改革办公室 Economic Restructuring Office of Zhejiang Province 浙江省人民政府法制办公室 Legislative Affairs Office of Zhejiang Province 浙江省人民防空办公室 Air Defence Office of Zhejiang Province 浙江省社会科学院 Social Science Academy of Zhejiang Province

政府机构英文译名 第2篇

Office Assistant 办公室助理Office Clerk 职员Operational Manager 业务经理Package Designer 包装设计师Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk 人事部职员Personnel Manager 人事部经理Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长Postal Clerk 邮政人员Private Secretary 私人秘书Product Manager 生产部经理Production Engineer 产品工程师Professional Staff 专业人员Programmer 电脑程序设计师Project Staff 项目策划人员Promotional Manager 推售部经理Proof-reader 校对员Purchasing Agent 采购进货员Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师Real Estate Staff 房地产职员Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘协调人Regional Manger 地区经理Research&.Development Engineer 研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager 饭店经理Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员Sales Assistant 销售助理Sales Clerk 店员、售货员Sales Coordinator 销售协调人Sales Engineer 销售工程师Sales Executive 销售主管Sales Manager 销售部经理Salesperson 销售员Seller Representative 销售代表Sales Supervisor 销售监管School Registrar 学校注册主任Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理Secretary 秘书Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员Security Officer 安全人员Senior Accountant 高级会计Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问Senior Employee 高级雇员Senior Secretary 高级秘书Service Manager 服务部经理Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员Software Engineer 计算机软件工程师Supervisor 监管员Systems Adviser 系统顾问Systems Engineer 系统工程师Systems Operator 系统操作员Technical Editor 技术编辑Technical Translator 技术翻译Technical Worker 技术工人Telecommunication Executive电讯(电信)员Telephonist / Operator 电话接线员、话务员 Tourist Guide 导游Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管Trainee Manager 培训部经理Translation Checker 翻译核对员Translator 翻译员Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员Typist 打字员Wordprocessor Operator 文字处理操作员

政府机构英文译名 第3篇

Hong Kong(HK)worships the same ancestor,shares one language and enjoys similar culture with Inland,although due to certain historical reasons it had been governed by Britain for as long as 150 years.So it's not strange that they share the same ideas in translating Clinton and Bill Gates,two well-known figures around the world,and they are translated as克林顿and比尔·盖茨respectively.At the same time political split and geographical division lead to some differences in translation between the two parts of China.If an Inlander comes across the name“贝理雅”in a HK newspaper,he/she will hardly know it refers to the British Prime Minister“布莱尔”.In the same way,HK people won't know“戛纳电影节”is the same film festival with“康城电影节”and will mistake it as another one.

These differences in translated terms bring inconveniences to people of the two places and impede,in one way or another,their interchange in culture,technology,ideology,literature,as well as in political contact and economic cooperation.In the following part,I'd like to tell you the ins and the outs of the phenomenon through analyzing the difference in translated terms between HK and Inland and exploring the reasons for it.

2 Phenomenon

The difference of translated terms between HK and Inland is shown in every aspect of people's life.

2.1 Name translation

In translating the famous names in political circle,HK and Inland,in most cases,are in agreement,because they both adopt the translations made by Xinhua Agency.However,there are still some exceptions.Bush,the ex-president of USA,is known as“布什”in Inland and“布殊”in HK.In translating celebrities names of other circles,the two places are diverse largely(Table1).

2.2 Place translation

The translation difference between HK and Inland is also reflected in place translation(Table 2).

2.3 Film translation

The translation of film names is another field that embodies this kind of difference(Table 3).

2.4 Technical terms

With the development of technology,many new terms have been created and appeared in this field and surged into China immediately(Table 4).

2.5 Food

Although two places have different habits in drinking and eating,they enjoy some common foods and they give some of them different Chinese names(Table 5).

2.6 Others(Table 6)

3 The Features of HK Translation

3.1 Localization

Geographically HK is adjacent to Guangdong Province and they share one dialect–Yue Dialect(a dialect of Chinese)and Mandarin(the standard Chinese)is not popular there until recent years.So in translating foreign names HK chooses Yue Dialect as the target language instead of Mandarin which Inland uses.In HK“soda”is“梳打”instead of“苏打”,“Bush”is“布殊”instead o“布什”,and“Madonna”is“玛当娜”instead of“麦当娜”.

3.2 Humanization

Another characteristic of HK translation is humanization,which is displayed to the full in translating the female's names.In order to show the specific features of the female,when translating their names,HK tends to break the limitations of syllables and use words that are of these features,such as“丽、珍、丝、芙、嘉”.The HK translation of the name“Rachel”,for instance,is“丽珍”while the Inland is“雷切尔”.Other instances are tha Michelle Jones in HK is“钟美雪”,while in Inland is“米歇尔·琼斯”and Jennifer in HK is“珍妮花”,while in Inland is“珍妮弗”.

3.3 Commercialization

HK is a city that is highly commercialized,and the characteristic of commercialization is embodied in translation,especially in the translation of film names.As we know that the name,to certain extent,decides the success or failure of a film,which is also true in its translation.Consequently,in order to attract more viewers,HK adopts the strategy of free translation instead of the literal one.If the American film Silver Strand is translated literally,its Chinese translation is“银色海滩”.But when it is released in HK,it was translated,according to the plot,as“军官、士兵和他的情人”which became more attractive immediately.The name of the film Chocolate is insipid,but in its HK translation some flavor is added to it and it is translated into“情迷朱古力”.Undoubtedly,these clever translations contribute to the success of these films in HK.

4 Reasons for the Difference

4.1 Different target language

If the method of transliteration is taken in translation,the results would depend on the target language.Although the language into which HK and Inland do the translation is Chinese,the target language adopted by the former is Yue Dialect and the latter is Mandarin.In translating the word“hacker”,for instance,HK uses the character“骇”to translate the syllable“ha-”while Inland choose another one“黑”.As a result we have two translations“骇客”and“黑客”.Other examples are“荷里活”and“好莱坞”for“Hollywood”,“梳发”and“沙发”for“sofa”,“沙律”and“沙拉”for“salad”and so on.

4.2 Different translation methods for one object

In translation,transliteration,literal translation and free translation are used by both HK and Inland,but these methods are always adopted to different objects.In translating film names,for example,Inland places“faithfulness”in the first place and usually uses literal translation while HK prefers the free one,which results in the different translations for the same film.In translating some common nouns,for another example,HK employs the method of transliteration and Inland employs free translation.So strawberry is“草莓”in Inland and“士多啤梨”in HK.Cases are the same to“boss”and“tips”and so on.

4.3 Different life style and cultural background

People in HK lead a quicker life than Inland people.Because time and energy can be saved,short and pithy terms are more welcome than long and complicated ones.If you look through the examples listed in the paper,you'll find that in most cases HK translations are at least shorter than Inland ones.

Translation is a kind of cultural activity,which means a country or region's culture can be embodied in its translation.So we see HK's translations for the films“Pay It Forward”and“Dr.Dolittle”are“拉阔爱的人”and“D笃佬日记”.If you want to know their meanings,you must know something about HK's culture.

5 Conclusion

The different translations for the same thing between HK and Inland have,to some extent,become a barrier to the exchange of the two places,no matter in economy,politics or culture.The best way to solve the problem,I think,is let nature take its course.With the exchange of HK and Inland becoming frequent,the different translations and the inconveniences with it will be less and less.And in the process,what we both should do is learn from each other's strong points and do it according to the fundamental realities of each other.







谈《内经》的英文译名 第4篇

常见职务、职位英文译名 第5篇


政助理 AdministrativeClerk行政办事员AdvertisingStaff广告工作人员AirlinealesRepresentative航空公司定座员Airlinetaff航空公司职员AlicationEngineer应用工程师AistantManager副经理BondAnalyst证券分析员BondTrader证券交易员BusineController业务主任BusineManager业务经理Buyer采购员Cashier出纳员ChemicalEngineer化学工程师CivilEngineer土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员ClerkTypist&amecretary文书打字兼秘书ComputerDataIutOperator计算机资料输入员ComputerEngineer计算机工程师ComputerProceingOperator计算机处理操作员ComputerSystemManager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人DeputyGeneralManager副总经理EconomicResearchAistant经济助究助理ElectricalEngineer电气工程师EngineeringTechnician工程技术员EnglishItructor/Teacher英语教师ExportSalesManager外销部经理ExportSaletaff外销部职员FinancialController财务主任FinancialReporter财务报告人F.X.(ForeignExchange)Clerk外汇部职员F.X.SettlementClerk外汇部核算员FundManager财务经理GeneralAuditor审计长GeneralManager/President总经理GeneralManagerAistant总经理助理GeneralManagerecretary总经理秘书HardwareEngineer(计算机)硬件工程师ImportLiaisotaff进口联络员ImportManager进口部经理IuranceActuary保险公司理赔员InternationalSaletaff国际销售员Interpreter口语翻译LegalAdviser法律顾问LineSupervisor生产线主管MaintenanceEngineer维修工程师ManagementCoultant管理顾问Manager经理ManagerforPublicRelatio公关部经理ManufacturingEngineer制造工程师ManufacturingWorker生产员工MarketAnalyst市场分析员MarketDevelopmentManager市场开发部经理MarketingManager市场销售部经理MarketingStaff市场销售员MarketingAistant销售助理MarketingExecutive销售主管MarketingRepresentative销售代表MarketingRepresentativeManager市场调研部经理MechanicalEngineer机械工程师MiningEngineer采矿工程师MusicTeacher音乐教师NavalArchitect造船工程师OfficeAistant办公室助理OfficeClerk职员OperationalManager业务经理PackageDesigner包装设计师PaengerReservatiotaff乘客票位预订员PersoelClerk人事部职员PersoelManager人事部经理Plant/FactoryManager厂长PostalClerk邮政人员PrivateSecretary私人秘书ProductManager生产部经理ProductionEngineer产品工程师ProfeionalStaff专业人员Programmer电脑程序设计师ProjectStaff(项目)策划人员PromotionalManager推售部经理Proof-reader校对员PurchasingAgent采购(进货)员QualityControlEngineer质量管理工程师RealEstateStaff房地产职员RecruitmentCo-ordinator招聘协调人

谈《内经》的英文译名 第6篇



作 者:薛崇成 杨秋莉 XUE Chongcheng YANG Qiuli  作者单位:中国中医科学院,100700 刊 名:中国科技术语 英文刊名:CHINA TERMINOLOGY 年,卷(期): 10(1) 分类号:H0 关键词: 

雨花石涵义及其英文译名 第7篇


1雨花石定义及其内涵 雨花石是我国重要的.观赏石之一,是南京特有的旅游纪念品.它因产在雨花台附近的砾石层而命名,地学上称其为雨花台砾石层,雨花台砾石层是长江流域重要的晚新生代地层,对它的研究可得到古长江发育的科学信息,有重大的科学意义.

作 者:李立文 作者单位:南京师范大学,江苏,南京,210097刊 名:江苏地质英文刊名:JIANGSU GEOLOGY年,卷(期):200529(4)分类号:关键词:

英文电影片名译名初探 第8篇

作为一种文化艺术形式, 电影已成为现代人日常生活中不可或缺的一个组成部分。近年来国外 (主要是美国) 大量影视片经港台译介涌入大陆, 一方面虽然有力地保证了不同年龄、文化层次的观众的需求, 丰富了人们的物质文化生活需要, 但另一方面又由于港台和内地影片名翻译上的不统一导致的混乱, 译名常常不仅未能起到“导视”的作用, 反而误导观众重复看片。

1 英文电影片名汉译现状

目前影视领域英文电影翻译混乱的现状突出表现在译名的混乱上, 具体表现是一部电影往往有两个甚至数个译名, 其中不乏错译、歪译。之所以一部电影有多个译名一是内地、香港、台湾三地社会政治制度和文化背景的不同 (这一点此前已有人撰文论及, 此处不再赘述) , 二是翻译的特殊性造成的。不同译者在汉译英文电影片名时由于采取了不同的翻译方法, 出现多个译名也就不足为奇了。如High Crimes有《一级重罪》、《极度重罪》、《罪大恶极》、《高度戒备》、《高度犯罪》、《案藏玄机》、《幕后机密》七个译名;Bad Company有《坏公司》、《坏蛋公司》、《神鬼拍挡》、《乌龙拍挡》、《最差拍挡》、《临时持工》、《火拼双辣》七个译名。

除了多个译名造成的混乱外, 译者对原片名中的字词在理解上缺乏灵活性, 从而使得有的译名生硬、晦涩难懂。如有人把Sea Biscuit译为《海洋饼干》就让人感到莫名其妙。查陆谷孙主编英汉大词典可知sea biscuit意为硬饼干或压缩饼干, 在电影中是一匹赛马的呢称。由此可见, 翻译工作者需勤查词典, 不能不懂装懂、生搬硬套, 否则就会贻笑大方。美国伦理道德片American Beauty最初被译为《美国美人》、《美国丽人》 (该片在央视电影频道上映时采用译名译为《美丽有罪》) 。实际上这里的beauty并非指美人, American beauty也不是什么美国美人, 而是一种杂种红玫瑰。后来笔者又见到了以下两个译名:《美国心·玫瑰情》、《美国美女·玫瑰情》算是对前译的修正。

译者知识面的贫乏造成影片名的乱译更让人啼笑皆非, 如根据英国小说家狄更斯的同名小说Great Expectations改编而成的电影的重拍版。旧版电影的译名是《孤星血泪》, 新版的两个译名《爱情有刺》和《烈爱风云》可谓别出心裁。作为小说, Great Expectations遁行的译法是《远大前程》, 翻拍片可沿用此译名以维系其严肃性。

翻译英文电影片名时还应避免落入俗套。一些主演过多部大片的明星主演的电影往往被译成一个模式, 举例来说, 大名鼎鼎的动作明星阿诺德·施瓦辛格主演的电影在台湾译名中又往往冠以“魔鬼”二字。如True Lies《魔鬼大帝》, Running Man《魔鬼阿诺》, Commando《魔鬼司令》, Total Recall《魔鬼总动员》, Kindergarten Cop《魔鬼孩子王》, The Terminator《魔鬼终结者》, Junior《魔鬼二世》, Eraser《魔鬼毁灭者》, Last Action Hero《最后魔鬼英雄》。

2 英文电影片名汉译策略

翻译中的一些基本方法都可以运用于电影片名的翻译, 如直译、意译或双管齐下。因此, 翻译英文电影片名时能直译要尽可能直译。可以直译的电影片名的例子不胜枚举, 然而直译有时却是错译。如前面提到的Bad Company七个译名中直译的译名《坏公司》明显不符合汉语表达习惯, 是一种错译。该译名的问题出在company-词的理解上。这个译名本身讲不通, 何谓坏公司?从电影内容来看, 此处company应指伙伴。这是忽视电影内容而对片名的字词理解错误的例子。本片讲述的是中央情报局探员凯文混入黑社会卧底, 在即将完成任务之时不幸被杀。由于案情的侦破已到了关键时刻, 中情局万般无奈之下, 只好安排凯文的孪生兄弟杰克继续完成任务。然而杰克终日游手好闲、无所事事, 对情报工作一窍不通, 于是中情局找来凯文的搭档盖洛德, 希望在九天之内把杰克培训成训练有素的高级特工。然而盖洛德与杰克性格迥异, 二人互不相让, 势成水火, 故事由此展开。据此, 上述译名中《临时特工》最符合片名与剧情。无独有偶, 著名影星梅尔·吉勃逊主演的Brave Heart的译名也值得商榷。这部电影共有三个译名:《勇敢的心》、《英雄本色》与《惊世未了缘》。片名中的heart是一种提喻 (synecdoche) 修辞格, 实指人。故事再现了英勇的苏格兰人民为了争取自由独立而与英军展开不屈不挠的斗争的历史。Brave Heart其实是片中主人公无畏的英雄气概的写照, 台湾意译为《英雄本色》从深层次上反映出了这一实质性的内容。香港译为《惊世未了缘》则从另一个视角反映了男女主人公虽相爱却无法摆脱生离死别的噩运。这种另起炉灶的译法虽从侧面反映了电影的部分内容, 但与本片的主旨相去甚远。原片名彰现阳刚之气, 但《惊世未了缘》却掩盖了电影所要渲染的基调。


1) 直译扩展

一些英文电影取名非常简单, 汉译时可直译。然而直译的结果是中文片名平淡无奇, 不是象科普片, 就是象风光片, 无法承载“导视”功能。在这种情况下, 须依据影片剧情, 在直译的基础上增加字词, 扩展原片名信息量, 使之真正发挥其应有功能。如Congo《刚果惊魂》, The Net《网络惊魂》, Hyper-sonic《极速惊魂》, 分别增加“惊魂”二字以示其紧张、刺激的故事情节。Mosquito《食人巨蚊》, Scream《夺命狂呼》, The Lift《恐怖电梯》, 分别增加“食人”、“夺命”、“恐怖”等词以示其恐怖的剧情。The Expert《恋爱专家》, The Specialist《炮弹专家》, 增加“恋爱”、“炮弹”以指明范围, 同时暗示出影片的类型。Caligula《暴帝卡里古拉》, Pretty Woman《风月俏佳人》, 增加“暴帝”二字指明主人公身份, 增加“风月”二字暗示出女主角所从事的职业。同时调动了观众猎奇的心理, 究竟卡里古拉有多残暴?为何漂亮的女人沦落风尘?类似的例子还有:The Beach《迷幻沙滩》, Anaconda《狂蟒之灾》, Gossip《致命流言》, Water World《未来水世界》, New York Nights《纽约风情夜》等。通过这种“扩译法”翻译的原片名, 如采取直译则显得索然寡味, 缺乏感染力与吸引力, 深度与美感。

2) 双管齐下

有的译名很难说是绝对的直译或是单纯的意译, 而是中和了二者的直意兼容的形式。如First Knight《剑侠风流》, The Fugitive《亡命天涯》, Home Alone《小鬼当家》, Easy Rider《逍遥骑士》, Alabama Sweet Home《情归阿拉巴马》, All the President's Men《总统班底》, The Bridge of Madison County《廊桥遗梦》, A Man and a Woman:The Romance Continues《男欢女爱未了缘》等。

3) 借用成语

套用汉语成语翻译电影片名其实是一种直意兼容的特殊形式。汉语成语在翻译中的作用自不待言, 而其在英文电影片名翻译中的作用同样不可小觑。恰如其分地使用成语, 可使译名生动、形象、朗朗上口。如《暴跳如雷》Flying to A Rage, 《忍无可忍》Zero Tolerance, 《惊涛骇浪》The Perfect Storm, 《逍遥法外》Catch Me If You Can, 《独一无二》The One and Only, 《凡夫俗子》Ordinary People, 《争分夺秒》Race Against Time, 《千钧一发》Nick of Time, 《疲惫不堪》Whacked, 《蛛丝蚂迹》Along Came a Spider。这些译名简洁易记且与原文形意相合, 直译与意译有机地结合在一起, 不但形似、神似, 而且意似, 符合翻译信、达、雅的标准。其实, 只要巧妙运用汉语成语, 充分发挥汉语的优势, 即可译出与原片名和内容相符的译名。

4) 另起炉灶

有时一部电影的片名无论直译还是意译都无从下手时, 可考虑避开原文的禁锢, 结合电影内容另起炉灶。如Bringing Down the House《我的野蛮网友》, Deep Impact《慧星撞地球》、《天地大冲撞》、《末日救未来》, Sea Biscuit《奔腾年代》, 达斯汀·霍夫曼和汤姆·克鲁斯联袂主演的Rain Man《手足情未了》。这样的处理方式, 看似貌离 (从电影片名上说) , 实则神合 (从电影内容上说) 。即使可以直译的片名有时也作此处理。如Python《死里逃生》。该片如直译应为《蟒蛇》, 但会被人误以为是科教片而失去大量观众。其实, 这是一部惊险、刺激的灾难恐怖片:译者没有死译片名, 而是根据剧情用《死里逃生》这样烘托紧张气氛的字眼译出。这样的译名极具动感, 它能在观众的头脑里产生在面对蟒蛇袭击时, 人们惊慌失措的意象, 从而刺激看片的欲望。再如汤姆·克鲁兹主演的Magnolia《心灵角落》, 大嘴美女朱莉亚·罗伯茨领衔主演的My Best Friend’s Wedding《新娘不是我》、《真的想嫁你》, 史蒂芬·席格Under Siege《绝处逢生》。老牌硬派明星史泰龙主演的Cobra《铁胆威龙》。

采用另起炉灶的译法要注意把握“度”。翻译的原则之一是“忠实”、“通顺”, 另起炉灶的处理方法既不是直译亦非意译, 但这和不忠实于原文又有所不同。片面的追求“忠实”只会出现翻译症。如把The Streetcar Named Desire译为《欲望号街车》, Rain Man译为《雨人》, Ghost Dog-The Way of the Samurai译为《鬼狗杀手》。这样只会使译名貌合神离。影视片名翻译的特殊之处在于它可以不忠实于原片名另行译出, 但这是以牺牲原片名形式, 但不牺牲原片内容为条件的。天马行空般地胡翻乱译只会抹杀观众的审美情趣。

3 结束语

影视片名的翻译是翻译中的一个特殊领域, 它以影视片名的剧情内容为其大语境, 可以不依据原片名, 而以其内容译出。电影片名的用语精练, 结构简单 (多为片语) 。要造成译语观众产生类似于源语观众的价值取向, 译者需匠心独具, 在方寸之间用规范、凝练的语言, 正确、通顺, 最大限度地传达出原片负载的主题思想。


[1]包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001:92-101.
