



词汇表I A

a (an) art. 一个(只,把,台……) *able

adj. 能够的,有才能的

about prep. / ad. 关于,涉及,在……方面 *above prep. 在上方,过于,超出 *accept v. 接受 accident n. 事故

across prep. 横过,在地面 act

n. / v. 表演,演戏


n. 动作,行动,行为 active

adj. 活跃的,积极的 activity n. 活动


v. 增加,添加

address n. 通讯处,地址

advertisement n. 广告,广告活动 afford v. 负担得起,买得起 afraid

adj. 害怕的,犯愁的

after adv, prep. / conj. 在……之后 afternoon

n. 下午,午后 again

adv. 再一次,又一次 against prep. 反对 age n. 年龄,年纪

ago adv. (距……)以前 agree v. 同意,赞成 *air n. 空气,空中 *airplane n. 飞机 airport n. 机场

alive adj. 活着的;在世的 all adj. / pron. 全部(的) *almost

adv. 几乎,差不多 allow v. 允许;承认

alone adj. 单独地,孤独地

*along adv. / prep. 往前,顺着,沿着 *aloud

adv. 大声地

already adv. 早已,先前 also adv. 也,亦,并且 always adv. 总是,始终 *America

n. 美国

American adj. / n. 美国的;美洲的 *among prep. 在…之中,…之一 and conj.和,又,而且 angry adj. 愤怒的,生气的 animal

n. 动物

another adj. / pron. 又一的,再一的 answer

n. / v. 回答,答复,答案 any

pron. / adj. 任何一个,无论哪个 anybody

pron. 任何人 anyone

pron. 任何人


pron. 任何事,无论何事 anywhere adv. 任何地方

appear v. 出现,露面,(公开)演出 apple

n. 苹果 April n. 四月

area n. 地区,地域 arm n.臂;胳臂

around prep. / adv. 大约 arrive

v. 到达,抵达 art n .艺术,美术,艺术品

as adv, conj. / prep.以……的方式;如同……那样

Asia n. 亚洲

Asian adj. / n. 亚洲的,亚洲人 ask v. 问

asleep adj. 睡着的

at prep. 在(里面或附近),在(点刻) attention n. 注意


n. 姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母 autumn

n. 秋天 awake v. 醒着的


adj. 向远处,离开,向另一方向



n. 婴儿;小孩 back adv. / n. 后背

bad ( worse, worst) adj. 坏的,劣质的 bag n. 书包,提包,口袋 ball n. 球


n. 香蕉

*bank n. 银行,堤,岸 baseball n.棒球 basket

n. 篮;筐 basketball n. 篮球 bathroom

n. 浴室

be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) aux. / v. 是(表存在,状态等) beach n. 海滩


v. / n. 敲打,打败


adj. 美丽的,美好的 because conj. 因为

become (became, become) v. 成为,变成 bed n. 床


n. 卧室,寝室 *bee n. 蜜蜂 beef n. 牛肉

before prep. / adv. / conj.(指时间)在……以前,(指位置)在……前面 begin (began, begun) v. 开始 behind prep. 在……之后 believe v. 相信,认为 bell n. 钟,铃,门铃

below prep. 在……的下面,低于…… beside

prep. 在……旁边,在……附近

besides prep. / adv. 而且;除……之外 between

prep. 介于(两这或多者)之间 big

adj. 大的:广大的,重大的 bike =bicycle n. 自行车,脚踏车

*bill n. 帐单,票据 bird

n. 鸟


n. 生日 bit n. 一点儿,少许 black adj. / n. 黑色(的) blind adj. 盲的

blue n. / adj. 蓝色(的) boat

n. 小船


n. 身体,躯体 book n. 书

boring adj. 无聊的;令人愉快的 *born

adj. 天生的,出生的 borrow v. 借,借人,借用


pron. / adj. 两个(都),两者(都) box n. 盒子,方格,方框 boy n. 男孩

brave adj. 勇敢的;无畏的 bread

n. 面包

*break (broke, broken) v. 打破,n. 休息 breakfast

n. 早餐


n. 桥

bright adj. 明亮的,发亮的

bring (brought, brought) v. 拿来,取来,带来 brother n. 兄;弟

brown n. / a. 棕色的,褐色的 build (built, built) v. 体格,体形 building n. 建筑物,房屋

burn (-ed, ed/burnt, burnt) v. 烧伤,烧坏 bus

n. 公共汽车

business n. 商业,生意


adj. 忙的,繁忙的,忙碌的 but

conj. 但是

buy (bought, bought)

v. 购买,买 by prep. 表示交通、传递等的方式 *bye inter. 再见


cake n. 蛋糕;糕、饼类食品


v. / n.把...叫做,称呼,为...取(名) camera

n. 照相机 *camp

n. / v. 露营


modal v. 能,可能,会 candy n. 糖果

cap n. (无帽沿的)帽子 capital n. 省会,首都 car

n. 小汽车


n. 卡,卡片,纸牌

care v. / n. 对...在意,对...计较 *careful

adj. 小心的,仔细的 *careless adj. 粗心的,疏忽的 carry

v. 搬运;携带 cat n. 猫

catch (caught, caught) v. 赶上(车船等),捕获 cause n. / v. 造成 centre n. 中央,中心 century

n. 世纪;百年 certain adj. 确实的;无疑的 chair n. 椅子

chance n. 机会,机遇 change v. (使)改变,变化 cheap

adj. 廉价的,便宜的 cheese

n. 干酪,奶酪 check n. / v. 核对,检查 chess n. 国际象棋 chicken n. 鸡,鸡肉

child (pl. children) n. 孩子;儿女 China

n. 中国


adj. / n. 中文,中国人adj.中国的,中国人的 church n. 教堂

CD(=compact disc) n. 激光唱片 cinema

n. 电影院

circle n. / v. 有共同的兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层 city n. 城市

choose (chose, chosen) v. 选择 class

n. 上课;(一节)课,班级


n. 同班同学 classroom

n. 教室

clean adj. / v. 打扫,清除


adj. 清楚的,清澈的,光亮的 clever adj. 聪明的,机灵的 climb v. 攀登,爬 clock

n. 时钟


v. / adj. 近的,接近的关闭 clothes

n. 衣服,服装 *cloud n. 云


adj. 多云的,阴天的

club n. 社团;俱乐部 *coat

n. 外套,上衣


adj. 寒冷的; n.伤风,感冒 collect

v. 收集,搜集

colour (Am color) n. 色,颜色;v. 着色 come (came, come) v. 来,到来 comfortable adj. 舒适的,安逸的 company n. 公司,伙伴 *compare v. 比较,相比


adj. / v. 全部的,完成 computer

n. 电脑;电子计算机 concert n. 音乐会

cook v. 烹调,煮;n. 厨师


adj. 凉爽的,酷的,另类的


n. 复印件,副本;v. 复制,抄袭 corner

n. 角落,街角,墙角


n. 价值(若干);v. 花(多少钱) could modal v. can过去式可以,能,可能 country

n. 国家

cover n. 盖子;v. 覆盖;遮掩 cow n. 奶牛,母奶 coffee

n. 咖啡 coin n. 钱币;硬币


v. / adj. 对的;正确的;准确的 cough n. / v. 咳嗽

*crazy adj. 疯狂的,狂热的 cross

v. / n. 穿过;横过;越过 cry

n. / v.流泪,哭泣 culture

n. 文化


n. 小茶杯,一杯的容量 cut (cut, cut)

v. / n. 切,割,削


dad (daddy) n. (非正式用语)爸爸


adj. / adv. 每日的,日常的;n. 每天 dance

v. / n. 跳舞,舞蹈 danger n. 危险

dangerous adj. 危险的 dark

adj. / n. 黄昏;黑暗 date n. 日期


n. 女儿


n. 天;日间;白天;一日 deaf adj. 聋的


adj. 冠于信函中的称谓以示礼貌)亲爱的 December n. 十二月 decide v. 决定,下决心 deep adj. / adv. 深的 delicious adj. 美味的 *dentist n. 牙科医生 *depend v. 依靠,依赖 describe

v. 描述,形容 desk n. 书桌,课桌

develop v. (使)发展,(使)成长,(使)发达 dictionary n. 字典,词典 *die v. 死亡

difference n. 不同,差异,区别 different adj. 差异的,不同的 difficult

adj. 困难的 dinner

n. 正餐,晚餐 dirty adj. 肮脏的


v. 发现,发觉 discuss

v. 讨论,议论 *discussion n. 讨论 dish n. 盘,碟

*divide v. 分,划分,分开,隔开

do (did, done) v. (构成否定句、疑问句的助动词无意义);做,干,行动 doctor

n. 医生 dog n. 狗

dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单元,符号为$ door n. 门

*double adj. / n. 两倍,双重的


adv. / prep. 向下,下去,沿着 draw (drew, drawn) v. 画

dream (-ed, -ed/dreamt, dreamt) v. / n. 梦,梦想,幻想 dress n. / v. 穿衣

drink (drank, drunk) v.喝,饮; n. 饮料 drive (drove, driven)

v. 驾驶,驱车旅行 *driver n. 驾驶员


n. / v. 落下,掉下


v. / adj. 干的,使干燥的 duck n. 鸭子 dumpling n. 饺子

during prep. 在……期间 duty n. 责任,义务

DVD(=digital video disk) n.数字化视频光盘


each adj. / pron. 每个 ear

n. 耳朵

early adj. / adv. 早的;提早的 earth

n. 地球

*east n., adj. / adv. 东方(的)

easy adj.安逸的,自在的,容易的,不费力的 eat (ate, eaten) v. 吃 egg

n. 蛋,鸡蛋 eight num. 八

eighteen num.十八 *eighth num. 第八 *eighty num. 八十

either adj, conj. / adv. 任一的,(两方中的)每一方的 elephant n.大象 eleven

num. 十一 else

adj. 其他的

e-mail n. / v. 电子邮件


adj. 空的;v.排空,倒出 encourage v. 鼓励


n. / v. 结束,结尾

English n. / adj. 英语,英文 enjoy v. 享受…的乐趣,享受

enough adj. / adv. 充足的,充分的 enter v.参加;进入 environment n. 环境

eraser n. 橡皮,铅笔擦,黑板擦 even adv. 甚至

evening n. 傍晚,黄昏,晚上 ever

adv. 曾,曾经 every

adj. 每个;每一


pron. 每人,人人,各人 everyone

pron. 每个人 everything pron. 每件事物 everywhere

adv. 各地,到处

exam =examination

n. 考试,检查

example n. 例子,实例 excellent adj. 卓越的;极好的 except prep. 除,把--除外 exercise v. / n. 锻炼,运动 expect v. 期待,预料

expensive adj. 昂贵的,价高的 experience n. 经历,体验 experiment n. 试验,实验 explain

v. 解释,说明 eye n. 眼睛



n. 面部;

v. 面临,面对,正视 * fact n. 事实 factory n. 工厂 fail v. 失败

fall (fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌落,变为 family

n. 家,家庭


adj. 著名的,出名的 fan

n. 迷;狂热迷

far (farther, farthest/further, furthest) adj. / adv. 远的;遥远的 farm n. 农场,农庄 farmer n. 农夫,农场主


adj. / adv. 快的,迅速的 fat adj. 胖的,肥的 father n. 爸爸;父亲

favourite (Am favorite) adj. / n. 最喜爱的(东西) February

n. 二月

feed (fed, fed) v. 喂养,饲养 feel (felt, felt) v. 感到,觉得 * feeling n. 感情;情绪 festival n. 节,节日 fever n. 发烧 few

pron. / adj. (表示否定)很少的,几乎没有的 *fifth num. 第五 fifty num. 五十

fight (fought, fought ) v. / n. 打架,争吵 fill v. 装满,填满 film n. 电影

find (found, found) v. 寻找,查找 fine adj. 美好的,优良的 finger

n. 手指


v. 结束,完毕,完成 *fire n. 火


num. / adj. / adv. 第一 fish

n. 鱼,鱼肉

fit adj. 强健的,健康的;v. 适合,适应 five num. 五 fix v. 修理

flag n. 旗,旗帜 floor n. 地板,地面 flower n. 花 *flu

n. 流感

fly1 (flew, flown) v. 飞行 fly2 n. 苍蝇

follow v. 跟随,追随 food n. 食物

foot (pl. feet) n. 脚,足

football n. 足球


prep. 对于;关于,在……方面;(表示时间、距离、数量)达;计(表示对象、用途等)为;给;对


adj. 外国的,在外国的,对外的,外来的 foreigner

n. 外国人 forest n. 森林

forget (forgot, forgot) v. 忘记,忘却 * fork n. 餐叉,叉

form n. 表格;v. 构成,组成 forty num. 四十 four num. 四

fourteen num. 十四 fourth num. 第四 fox n. 狐狸

free adj. 空闲的;自由的;免费的, freeze (froze, frozen) v. 冻,结冰 *fresh adj. 新鲜的 Friday


fridge (=refrigerator) n. 冰箱 friend

n. 朋友


adj. 友好的

friendship n. 友情,友谊,友爱 from

prep. 从,从……起 front adj. / n. 前面,前边 fruit n. 水果

full adj. 吃饱的,充满的 fun

n. 有趣的人或物

funny adj. (口)有趣的;令人愉快的 future n. 将来,未来


game n. 运动;游戏 garden

n. (菜、花)园 *gate

n. 大门

get (got, got)

v. 变得 gift

n. 礼物,赠品 girl n. 女孩

give (gave, given)

v. 给,授予 *glad

adj. 高兴的,乐意的

glass n. 玻璃,(pl.)眼镜:glasses *glove

n. 手套

go (went, gone) v. 去

gold n. 黄金,金币; adj. 金的,金制的

good ( better, best) adj. 良好的,令人满意的 goodbye (bye-bye) inter. 再见 grade n. 分数,成绩,年级 *grandchild n. 孙子,孙女 *granddaughter n.(外)孙女

grandma = grandmother n.(外)祖母 grandpa = grandfather n.(外)祖父 grandparent

n.(外)祖父/母 grandson n. 孙子,外孙 grass

n. 草


adj. 美妙的,伟大的 green adj. / n. 绿色(的) *greeting n. 祝贺,问候 group n. 团体,组

grow (grew, grown) v. 生长,发育 *guess

v. 猜,推测 *guest

n. 宾客;来宾


habit n. 习惯,习性 hair

n. 头发,毛发


adj. 一半的; n. 一半 *hall n. 走廊,会堂,大厅 hand

n. 手

*handbag n. 手提包

hang (hung, hung) v. 徘徊,逗留 happen

v. 发生


adj. 快乐的,幸福的


adv. 努力地,辛苦地; adj. 坚硬的,坚固的 hardly adv. 几乎不,几乎没有 hat n. 帽子

hate v. / n. 憎恨,憎恶

have ( has, had, had)

v. 有,吃,饮 he pron. 他

head n. 头;头部 headache n. 头疼

health n. 健康,健康状况 healthy

adj. 健康的,强健的

hear (heard, heard) v. 听见,听说 heart

n. 心,内心 heat n. 加热,使变热 heavy

adj. 重的

hello (hi) interj(表示问候)喂 help v. / n. 帮助,援助

helpful adj. 有帮助的;有用的 hen

n. 母鸡 her pron. 她的

here adv. 这里,在这里 hero n. 英雄 herself

pron. (反身代词)她自己 *hide (hid, hidden) v. 隐瞒;隐藏 *high adj. 高的 *hill n. 山


pron. 他


pron. 他自己 his pron. 他的 history n. 历史

hit (hit, hit ) v. 打击,捧撞 *hobby n. 嗜好 *holiday n. 假期

hold (held, held) v.举行,召集,主持 home

n. / adv. 家

hometown n. 家乡,故乡


n. 家庭作业,课外作业 *honest adj. 诚实的


n. 希望,愿望;v. 期望 *horse

n. 马


n. 医院

hot adj. 炎热的 *hotdog n. 热狗

hotel n. 旅馆 hour

n. 小时

house n. 房子,住宅

housework n. 家务,家务事


ad v.(指程度)多么,何等,怎样 however adv. / conj. 然而 huge adj. 巨大的,庞大的 human adj. / n. 人,人类 hundred num. 一百 hungry

adj. 饥饿的

*hurry v. 匆(急,慌)忙,仓促,急切 hurt (hurt, hurt) v. 受伤 husband

n. 丈夫


pron. 我 ice

n. 冰


n. 冰淇淋

idea n. 意见,主意,念头 if

conj. 如果


adj. 生病的;不健康的 illness n. 疾病,生病

important adj. 重要的,重大的


adj. 不可能的,很少会发生的 improve v. 改进,改善 in prep. 在……里面 include v. 包括,包含

increase v. / n. 增大,增加 information n. 信息

*inside prep. 里面,内部

instead adv. 代替,顶替,更换,而不是 interest n. 兴趣,爱好

interesting adj.有趣的;令人生厌的 Internet n.网络,互联

interview n. / v. 面试,面谈


prep. 到……里,进入到…之内 invent v. 发明,创造

invention n. 发明(才能),创造(力) invite

v. 邀请,恳请 island

n. 岛屿 it prop. 它


pron. 它的


pron. (反身代词)它自己,它本身



n. 一月 Japan n. 日本 *jeans n. 牛仔裤

job n. 工作,零工,任务,职位 join

v. 参加,加入 joke

n. / v. 笑话,玩笑


n. 高兴, 愉快 juice

n. 汁, 液, 浆 July

n. 七月


v. 跳, 跳跃 June

n. 六月

*just adj. / adv. 公正的,合理的,刚刚好


keep (kept, kept) v. 保持使保持某种状态 key

n. 钥匙 *kick

v. / n. 踢


n. 开玩笑,戏弄,欺骗 kill v. 杀死,致死

*kilo = kilogram

n. 公斤,千克 kilometer n. 千米


adj. 和蔼的,仁慈的,友好的亲切的 kind2

n. 种类

king n. 有权力者;巨头,国王 kiss

n. / v. 吻,亲吻 kitchen

n. 厨房 kite n. 风筝


n. 膝盖;膝

knife (pl. knives)

n. 刀,餐刀 knock v. / n. 敲;击;碰撞

know (knew, known) v. 知道,了解


lab = laboratory

n. 实验室 lady n. 女士,贵妇人,淑女 lake n. 湖,湖泊 lamb n. 羔羊,小羊 lamp n. 灯,台灯

land n. 国家,国土,土地 / v. 着陆 language

n. 语言

large adj. 大的,宽广的

last adj. 最后的,上一个的 / v. 持续 late adj. 迟的,晚的 / adv. 晚 later adv. 稍后;随后 laugh

n. / v. 笑,发笑 law n. 法律 lazy adj. 懒惰的,懒散的 lead (led, led) v. 带路;引领 leader n. 领导者,指挥者 leaf (pl. leaves) n. 叶,树叶

learn (learnt, learnt) v. 学习,学会 leave (left, left)

v. 离开,出发 left adj. / n. 向左,左边 leg

n. 腿;腿部

lend (lent, lent) v. 借给,借出 lesson

n. 课;课程 let (let, let)

v. 允许,让 letter n. 信

level n. 标准,水平,层次,级别 library n. 图书馆 lie1 (lay, lain)

v. 躺 lie v. 说谎;n. 谎言 life n. 生命

lift v. 举起,抬起,提升

light n. 灯,光线; v. 点燃,点着;adj. 轻的 like v. 喜欢; prep. 像,如同 line n. 排,队,列 lion n. 狮子

list n. 清单;v. 列举,列出,列表 listen v. 听


adj. 少许的,少量的 live

v. 居住

lively adj. 充满活力的,生气勃勃的,活泼的 lock n. / v. 锁,锁上

lonely adj. 独孤的,寂寞的 long adj. 长的

look v. 看,望,看起来;n. 外表,外貌,看,注视 lose (lost, lost) v. 失去,丧失 lot

n. 许多,很多

loud adj. 高声的,大声的,(声音)响亮的,喧闹的 love v. / n. 爱

lovely adj. 令人愉快的,美好的 low adj. / adv. 低的 luck n. 运气,幸运 lucky

adj. 幸运的 lunch

n. 午餐


mad adj. 疯狂的

magazine n. 杂志,期刊 magic a. 有魔力的

mail n. 邮件,邮包,邮政 main adj. 主要的,首要的

make (made, made) v. 做,制作,使,促使,迫使

* n. 记号,符号 man (pl. men)

n. 男人,人,人类 many ( more, most) pron. / adj. 大量的 map

n. 地图,图 March n. 三月

mark n. / v. 标志,标记,分数 market n. 市场,市集

marry v. 嫁,娶,与…结婚 master v. / n. 精通,掌握,主人 match v. / n. 比赛,竞赛

math(s) = mathematics n. 数学 may modal v. 可能,可以 May n. 五月

maybe adv. 或许,大概 me pron. 我(宾格) meal n. 膳食,一餐

mean (meant, meant) v. 表示…的意思,作…的解释 meaning

n. 意思,含义 meat

n. (食用)肉,肉类 medicine n. 药,药物,药剂 meet (met, met) v. 遇见,相逢 meeting

n. 会议,集会 member

n. 会员,成员 memory n. 记忆,记忆力 mend v. 修理 menu

n. 菜单


n. 消息,信息

metre (Am meter)

n. 米,公尺 middle

n. 中间,中部,中央 might modal v. 可能,may的过去式 mile n. 英里 milk

n. 牛奶 mind n. / v. 介意 minepron. 我的 minute n. 分钟 mirror n. 镜子

miss1 n. 思念;想念

miss2 v. 错过,遗漏,思念,想念

mistake (mistook, mistaken) v. / n. 犯错;错误 model

n. 模型

modern adj. 现代的,现代化的

mom (Am mum) n. (非正式用语)妈妈 moment n. 瞬间,片刻 Monday n. 星期一


n. 钱,金钱,货币 monitor n. 班长 monkey n. 猴子 month

n. 月,月份 moon

n. 月亮,月球

more adj. / adv. (用于构成部分形容词及副词的比较级,(比…)更,更多的,更大的

morning n. 早晨,上午

most adj. 大多数的,大部分的,几乎全部的;adv. (many, much的最高级)最

mother n. 妈妈,母亲 mountain

n. 山,山脉 mouse (pl. mice) n. 老鼠 mouth n. 嘴,口,口腔 move v. 移动,搬动 movie n. 电影

Mr. (mister) n. 先生(冠于男子之性或姓名之前的称呼) Mrs. (mistress) n. 夫人,太太(冠于已婚女子之姓或姓名之前的称呼) Ms. n. 女士

much adj. 十分;非常 museum n. 博物馆 music n. 音乐

must modal v. 必须,(表示推测)一定 my pron. 我的

myself pron. (反身代词)我自己,我本人



1名词2.冠词 3.数词4.形容词 5.副词6.代词7.介词8.连词9.动词(时态/语态/不定式/动名词/) 10.情态动词11.图示/情景交际



1. 陈述句(肯、否) 2. 疑问句一般疑问句特殊疑问句选择疑问句反意疑问句 3. 祈使句4. 感叹句 5. 倒装句6.形式主/宾语 7. 主谓一致 8.反意疑问句及回答


1. 宾语从句2.定语从句 3.状语从句(时间/条件/结果/原因)


完型填空1阅读理解3任务型阅读1综合填空1 书面表达1



1名词2.冠词 3.数词4.形容词 5.副词6.代词7.介词8.连词9.动词(时态/语态/不定式/动名词/) 10.情态动词11.图示/情景交际



4. 陈述句(肯、否) 5. 疑问句一般疑问句特殊疑问句选择疑问句反意疑问句 6. 祈使句4. 感叹句 5. 倒装句6.形式主/宾语 7. 主谓一致 8.反意疑问句及回答


1.宾语从句2.定语从句 3.状语从句(时间/条件/结果/原因)


完型填空1阅读理解3任务型阅读1综合填空1 书面表达1


A dditional competition 附加赛 additional trail 附加试跳、掷 age group 年龄组 Aggregate score 累积分 announcement of results 成绩宣告

announcer 宣告员 Apparatus 器材 approuach 助跑 arc 投掷弧

Assembly line 集合线 athlete 田径运动员 athlete`s lounge 运动员休息室

Athletic association 田径协会

athletic stadium 田径场 B

baton 接力棒 Bend 弯道

board of competition 竞赛委员会 bronze medal 铜牌 Bulletin board 公告栏 C

cage 护笼

call room judge 检录裁判员Centre of the circle 投掷圈圆心

championship 锦标赛 check in 检录

Chief judge 主裁判 circle 投掷圈 clear the bar 越过横杆 Closing ceremony 闭幕式 clothing 服装 combined events 全能

competition order 比赛顺序 competition information 竞赛须知

competion site 比赛场地 competitor 参赛者 course 比赛路线 croach start 蹲踞式起跑 cross country running 越野跑cross-bar 横杆 curve 弯道 D

date of entrance 报名日期 decathlon 十项全能 delay 延误 delivery 最后用力 discus throw 掷铁饼 disqualification 取消比赛资格

disqualify 取消比赛资格

distance between hurdles 栏间距离 doping 兴奋剂

doping control兴奋剂检查 draw for order道次抽签 drawing by lot 抽签 drinking station 饮水站 E

each lap 每圈

echelon start 梯形起跑 eliminate淘汰 entry 报名 entry from 报名表 entry standards 报名标准 equipmen 设备 F

false start 起跑犯规 field events 田径项目 final 决赛

final place 决赛名次 final results 决赛成绩 finalist 决赛者 finish line 终点线

first grade judge 一级裁判员first leg 第一棒 first place 第一名 forgo 弃权

fresh start 重新起跑 fullyautomatic timming 全自动计时 G glide 滑步 gold medal 金牌

grand prix meeting 大奖赛

grip 把手

gun 发令枪

H hammer grip 链球把手

hammer head 链球球体 hammer throw 掷链球 hammer wire 链球链子 hand timing 手计时 head of javelin 标枪头 heat组次 heats 分组赛

height of hurdle 栏高 heptathlon 七项全能 hight jump 跳高 hurdle race 跨栏赛跑 I

IAAF 国际业余田径联合会 indoor athletic competition 室内田径赛 inner edge 内沿

invalid 无效

iron band 铁圈


javeli throw 掷标枪 jostle 冲撞 judge 裁判员 jump 跳跃

jumping standards 跳高架 junior men 青年男子 junior women 青年女子


kerb 突沿

landing area 落地区


landing sector 扇形落地区lane 分道

lane order 道次

lap 圈

lap scorer 计圈员 l

ong jump 跳远

loss of contact 腾空


marathon 马拉松 marching in 入场 maching out 退场 marker 助跑标志

measurement judge测量裁判员 middle distance runing 跑 中长N

national judge 国家级裁判 number 号码


obstruct 阻碍

offend 犯规

official record 正式纪录

oficial time 正式成绩

olympic games 奥运会

on your makers 各就位

opening ceremony 开幕式

organising committee 组委会

P performance 成绩 photo -finish camera 终点摄像机

photo -finish judge 终点摄像机计时裁判 place 名次

plasticine indicator board 橡皮泥显示板 pole vault 撑竿跳高 preliminary round 预赛 programme 程序册 protest 抗议 Q quailifying round 及格赛 qualifying standard 及格标准R race walking 竞走 ranking 名次排列

reaction times 起跑反应时 recaller 召回发令员 record 记录 recorder 记录员 recovery 缓冲动作 referee 裁判长

referee for field events 田赛裁判长

referee for track events 径赛裁判长 release 出手 relay team 接力队 road race 公路赛跑 round 轮次、赛次 round2,heat3 次赛第三组 rule 规则 run up 助跑

running in lanes 分道跑 running shoes 跑鞋

runway 助跑道 S

scoring tables 全能评分表 second place 第二名 semifinal 半决赛,复赛 set 预备

shaft of javelin 标枪身 shot 铅球 shot put 推铅球s ilver medal 银牌 siultaneous entries 兼项 spike 鞋钉

sponging station 用水站 spirnt 短跑 stadium 运动场

standing start 站立式起跑 start lists 检录单 starter 发令员

start’s assistant 助理发令员

starting apparatus 发令器材 starting blocks 起跑器 starting height 起跳高度 starting line 起跑线 starting signal 起跑信号 steeplechase 障碍跑 stop board 抵趾板 straight 直道

synthetic track 塑胶跑道 T

tail of javelin 标枪尾 take off 起跳

take off line 起跳线 take off area 起跳区 take off board 起跳板 take over zone 接力区 technical delegate 技术代表

teachnical official 技术官员 technical regulations of the competition 竞赛规程 the laped competitior 被超圈的运动员 the last lap 最后一圈 the third place 第三名 throw 投掷 tie 名次相等 time limit 时限 time scale 时标 timekeeper 计时员

timetable of events 比赛日程 timing device 计时器 tip of the metal head 标枪尖 track and field 田径 track events 径赛项目 trial 试跳、掷 triple jump 三级跳远


wind velocity 风速 umpire for track events world record 世界纪录


无故延误 uprights 立柱 V

valid 有效

valid throw 有效试掷 vail trial 有效试掷、试跳 vaulting box 穴斗 vaulting pole 撑竿 victory ceremony 发奖仪式 W

walking judge 竞走裁判员 warm up 准备活动 wind gauge 风速仪 wind fauge operator 风速测量员

wind measurement 风速测量


1、 Lookafter照顾



4、lookover 检查



































































每天都要正能量:今天你要说的七句积极的话 tory. Your words create the essence of your inner culture and the core of your identity and destiny.


Your ability to write a happy life story hinges on your language. It is your inner and outer verbal expression that makes your joy possible and that infuses your life with purpose, meaning and vitality.


So today I challenge you to say…


1. “I have a choice.”


It is not your talents or abilities, but your choices that ultimately decide your fate. You ARE your choices.


Until you can look at yourself in the mirror and honestly say, ―I have a choice. I am here now because of the choices I’ve made in the past,‖ you will never be able to say, ―I choose differently.‖

直到你能看着镜子中的自己然后诚实地说,―我可以选择,我现在能变成这样是因为我过去做的那些选择,‖ 你才可能有资格说:―我还有不同的选择。‖

2. “Let’s get started!”


You can’t build anything wonderful with ideas of what you are going to do someday. If you want something, you have to make a little noise, declare it and then get started.


A goal is far more than a mental exercise. In fact, without the intent of action a goal is nothing more than a lie. Make your decisions real and present in your life; give them the time and attention they deserve.


3. “I have what it takes.”


The worst enemy of today is your self-doubt. The moment you doubt whether you can do something is the moment it becomes impossible for you.


You have to believe in yourself. You have to trust yourself. You might be nervous, but do not you ever let any source of negativity in the world convince you that you don’t have what it takes.


Give yourself a pep talk if you need one. State some facts, some evidence of your greatness. Recall your past victories. Speak them out loud – ―I aced that test.‖ ―I earned that big raise.‖ ―I ran that 5K without stopping.‖ ―My best friend loved my wedding speech.‖ And so on and so forth… Give a positive voice to your past victories and you will find the strength to repeat history.

如果需要你可以给自己打气。说出一些事实,给出一些你很棒的证据。回想你过去的成功,然后大声地讲出来——―我在考试中得了A。‖ ―我获得了大幅度加薪。‖ ―我不休息连续跑了五公里。‖ ―我最好的朋友喜欢我写的婚礼祝词。‖ 等等…… 给你过去的成功一个积极的声音,然后你就能找到力量去重复这些成功。

4. “Hello, how can I help you?”


In life, you get what you put in.


Generally speaking, the unhappiest people you will ever meet will be those who are utterly self-absorbed; the happiest people you will ever meet will be those who lose themselves in the joy and challenge of helping others.


Happiness is always attained by giving it away without expectation. Those who help others are eventually helped. You have two hands, one to help yourself and the other to help those around you. If you can lie down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone’s day just a little brighter, you have something to smile about.


5. “Look how far I’ve come.”


The way you move a mountain is by moving one stone at a time. Every stone you move, no matter how small, is progress.


Sometimes it may be hard to see your progress. Sometimes it will be frustrating when the results you seek don’t appear as quickly as you had hoped. Still, you are advancing. You may be moving along slowly, but you are still moving a mountain.


Achievement, after all, is an enduring process, not a single event. To achieve any worthwhile goal you must cover a lot of ground. You need to learn what works by trial and error. You must explore possibilities, many of which will only

show you what doesn’t work. Just keep in mind that the mistakes and setbacks are a vital part of the process.


Take a break every now and then and pat yourself on the back. Applaud yourself for doing what needs to be done. And be careful not to spend so much time looking at how far you still have to go, that you forget to appreciate how far you’ve already come.


6. “I have more than enough to be happy.”


The happiest of people aren’t the luckiest, and they usually don’t have the best of everything either. They simply make the most of everything they do have. The reason so many people are unhappy is because they tend to look at what’s missing in their life, instead of what’s present.


Take a stand and flip the switch. Stop wishing you had more. Stop wishing you were somewhere else. Stop wishing you looked like someone else. Love your quirks enough to let them shine. Appreciate your body and use it to it’s full potential. Appreciate the things you have that so many others dream about. Scream it out loud if you must: ―I am lucky to be alive! I am happy to be me right now! My life isn’t perfect, it’s just pretty darn good!‖



7. “ … ”


That blank space denoted by ― … ‖ is no mistake. That space represents silence. 上面用―……‖的空白并不是写错了,那些空白代表沉默。

Silence is soothing. Silence is peace. Silence is divine. The more silent you are, the more you can hear yourself think.

沉默能抚慰人心,沉默能带来平和,沉默是神圣的。你越沉默,你能听到更多自己的想法。 Have you ever heard the silence just before the sun peaks over the horizon? Or the hush of a country road at midnight? Or the peaceful calm just after a thunderstorm ends? Or perhaps you know the silence in the back of your city library, or the eager pause of anauditorium full of people when the lights dim for the main event, or, best of all, the moment just after the front door shuts and you suddenly have the whole house to yourself?


Each silent moment is different, yet all are beautiful if you listen carefully. Leave enough space in your day to enjoy the space between the commotions. Say nothing, think quietly, just be and breathe.


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