


口语考试怎样和考官互动 第1篇



花花:观点的描述是常考的一part, 但是要知道。


花花:The interviewer is testing your language ability, NOT your knowledge.


花花:这个问题引出一个非常严肃的话题:无论自己原来说得如何流利都好,都要留神考官提出的.round-up question , 也就是说必须跟着考官问题的思路走,这样才能避免出现“背诵考题”而打低分的误会。


花花:严重同意!!!为什么国内考生做ielts 题目就是一个劲的丢分呢? 因为整个考试压根儿就是看你会不会运用语言,而非单纯的语法积累,呵呵, 这个就是我们一直缺乏的知识技能的使用。我们不断为学员努力的就是如何激发和充分利用自己已有的语言能力,能用多少才是自己的!

口语考试怎样和考官互动 第2篇






考官会问你叫什么名字,注意这里的回答,My name’s…要连读哦,因为这是老外的习惯,而将其分开,老外会觉得你说话不流利。

在口语考试中,能连读就选择连读,除非是要强调一些句子才分开。最好给自己起一个英文名字,因为考官还会问你怎样称呼你比较合适,你可以说 Please call me John,这样的回答老外会觉得比较的亲切和自然。

还有在比如,问你从哪来,也要注意连读,I’m from China。

雅思口语part 1 准备

Part 1的问题相对简单,所以回答起来比较地轻松。值得注意的是,我建议大家在平时准备Part 1的时候不要去背别人的内容,重要的是,结合自身的情况去准备,这样在考场你也可以回答的比较的自如。

Part 1的回答遵循一定的回答方式,反应-答案-详细内容,这样可以让自己的回答比较的丰富,而且也不会冷场,没有话说。

所谓反应,就是当考官问问题的时候给出最为直接的反应,这里带入一些口语化得东西比较好,比如,well,look,you know, let me think之类的话,因为老外说话基本都这样。

所谓答案,就是给出一个简单的句子来回答,比如考官问,Do you like swimming, 你可以说,well, you know, absolutely, I’m really into swimming.

所谓详细内容,就是利用一些连接词使自己的内容更完整,更有趣,更丰富。比如,有on top of that, for the simple reason, having said that, for example或者加入一个从句也可以。


雅思口语Part 2 准备

Part 2是大家最为头疼的部分,对于我也是。在之前我准备一张话题卡要一天,但是后来学会了一些方法后,就觉得其实没有那么难了。







雅思口语Part 3 准备

Part 3 在我的考试经验看来是最为提分的部分,尤其是大家心中想要的分数。前两个部分主要是一个自我表现的部分,让考官了解到你的实力和你有实力向高分冲刺。

在这里跟大家分享一个口语考试的「 潜规则 」,这是一般规则,不适合考试非常灵活的考官。

Part 3在考官的手上实际上是分为三个分数档的,每个档有三个问题,第一个分数档5分,第二个分数档6分,第三个分数档7分。



Part 3考官一般会问4个问题。如果被问的问题比较多,那么很可能是拿了高分。如果被问的问题少于4个,很可能是因为你回答的可能不是很好。



口语考试时雅思口语考官需做的事 第3篇















Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed.

You should say:

When it was

What you ate at the dinner

Who you had dinner with

And explain why you enjoyed the dinner

I had a really enjoyable dinner with my family on my birthday. It was a few months ago, actually. We went for a buffet meal at a big hotel not far from where I live. I love seafood, and this buffet specializes in great seafood – lobsters, crabs, scallops, all sorts. Myself, my mother and father and a friend attended the dinner, and we had a really great time – we ate a tremendous amount of food, and also lots of desserts and wine. I was completely full by the end of it, and frankly felt a little bit sick. I think I had been way too greedy to be honest. But, like I said, I love seafood and this place is excellent for a stunning variety of seafood and also has an incredible range of sweets and pastries and cakes to finish off with. I’ll certainly go back again, perhaps when it’s the birthday of one of my friends or family members. Everyone had a fantastic time and said they would certainly like to return again in the future. It was a little on the expensive side, but definitely worth it.


1. What’s the difference between eating at home and eating out on a special occasion?

Well, there’s a lot of difference! Eating at home is a more everyday thing. And eating out on a special occasion is, well... a lot more special I guess! I mean, at home we would cook fairly normal tasty dishes and sit around and have dinner, maybe watch TV and chat casually. Whereas at a formal restaurant you might try much more exquisite foods, intricate dishes, and things you’d not normally be able to create at home – at least not without a lot of ingredients and preparation. So, there are a few key differences. Another difference is atmosphere. If you choose a particularly famous or elegant restaurant, your dining experience will be a lot more special – have a lot more atmosphere and put you in a totally different mood, than if you were to just sit at home and eat dinner. People also often dress up to eat out, which adds an extra element of mood at ambience.

2. Why do people like to have food on special occasions?

Food, in many cultures of the world, is an important thing to share, and dinners are a time when people relax and share food, drinks and conversation. These occasions, the world over, are often times when people relax, tell each other stories, gossip a little, and let their hair down. It’s good to get to know people better, and food is always a good way to get people together – in my culture it’s a very important social occasion and is also something that underscores many business relationships too.

3. Is a country’s identity associated with its culinary culture?

Most definitely. Some countries more than others, of course. In my culture it most certainly is. We have a large country of many regions and regional variations in cuisine. I think quite a few countries are the same actually. So it’s not only about a country’s culture, but also the culture of different regions of a country. Food also goes beyond cultural barriers and isn’t really related to politics or anything people may have contentious differences about, it’s a sort of unifying thing having dinner with people, rather than something that divides people. I think this is the positive thing about coming from a country where food is such an important part of our cultural heritage.


Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport.

You should say:

Where you were going

Who you were with

What happened during the journey

And explain why it was enjoyable

I made a really interesting journey by public transport, a few years ago. I’d like to talk about this particular journey because it sticks in my mind really strongly. I wanted to go to Dali, in Yunnan Province. We set off from Kunming, and I wanted to take the bus, so that I could see the countryside and enjoy the scenery along the way. Today you can easily get a flight from Kunming to Dali, but I didn’t want to do this. In fact, I was with 2 friends, and they tried to convince me that getting a flight there was a better idea, but I didn’t want to do it. I pushed my point and insisted that we go to the bus station and find a bus. So, they agreed. You see, I’m really into photography and I write my own blog, and I’d heard that there was lots of amazing and varied scenery on the way from Kunming to Dali, mountain views, winding country roads and all sorts. Anyway, we quite easily got a bus at the bus station and set off around 7am. The bus was a small bus and it was really packed. There wasn’t much room and it wasn’t especially comfortable. But it was okay. The weather was nice, and the other passengers were pleasant, so we were lucky. On the way we chatted, ate snacks and generally enjoyed the scenery as the bus wound through mountain roads and along highways, and through woodland areas, tunnels, and above paddy fields. I loved the scenery. However, my friend started to get motion sickness, and we had to stop the bus a couple of times for him to get out and get some fresh air and he was even sick once. The driver was pretty sympathetic to all of this actually, and the passengers were kind and patient. I must admit I felt a bit guilty because I was the person wanting to go by bus on this long 10 hour cross-country journey, rather than take the plane! Eventually we arrived at Dali, we booked into our hotel (I had already booked it online) and we had a light dinner, some drinks with the owner -a friendly local man with fascinating stories- and we turned in for the night. The rooms were really comfortable and decorated in a traditional Yunnan style. I was really happy we made the trip overland rather than by plane, but I’m not sure my friend who was car-sick felt the same as I!!


1. Do you think it’s important to go traveling?

Travelling is really good for people. Though it can be tiring, and take some preparation, patience and energy, it’s a great way to expand the mind, learn about new regions of your own country, or even different countries and cultures. I think that everyone can benefit from travelling.

2. Do you think people will go traveling more often in the future?

I think that people will travel about the same as now. People are already travelling a lot more than they used to ten years ago, actually. But I think with recent events in the world, people will start to travel less and focus on more on staying in their home cities, working more online and travelling to places closer to them.

3. What do you think is the best form of public transport?

I think the best mode of public transport is a pretty hard thing to give an opinion about! I mean, it totally depends on where you are going and the purpose of you trip! For example, if you are going from Beijing to Bangkok, and you’re going on a business trip, then of course the plane is the best way of travelling there. If you were setting off on a one-month adventure with friends, then maybe you’d enjoy taking the train. I once took a train all the way from Beijing to Vietnam and it was really exciting, but you’d not want to choose this method if you were on a business trip! So, like many things in life, it depends on your aim, your goal, your purpose and the amount of time you have, as well, of course, as your personality and preferences.

4. Do you think technology will make public transport better in the future?

考官解读雅思口语考试的三忌讳 第4篇


1.最恨两样东西 ——generalized & memorized

考官最恨两样东西,一个是过于笼统抽象的回答(generalized response),另一个是死记硬背的答案(memorized answer),并坦白地说,一旦发现有这种倾向性,会立即纠正或警告考生,而如果考生继续一意孤行的话,就把他们直接“打入地狱”。

通常的做法是 bring them back to a narrower topic或者interrupt their memorized answer and ask them a very different question,由此可见考官对整个考试的操作灵活度是相当大的,也同时对各位考生提出了一种警示:胆敢用事先背好的答案在资深考官面前“耍大刀”无异于在玩一场极其危险的游戏,而该游戏的最终失败者还是你自己!

背诵一些优秀的答案的确是有助益的,但需要注意两点,一是尽量把 memorized answer内化,即变成你思想的一部分或你自己平时讲话的一部分;二是在背诵之后,至少要能用三种不同的方式来复述一遍。能做到这两条的就能把 memorization变作一件有意义的事情!

2.话语中一定要有something original

如果你是一位雅思口语考官,每次考试要接待30个考生,而每次问到food时,30个人都会异口同声地说 delicious,这时你会有怎样的感受和心情“?You will be bored to death!”(你会郁闷到死!)



对于雅思口语考试来说,如果考生不认识或听不懂考题中的某个单词,完全有权利来问考官,而且不会被扣分。关键在于怎么问,假如你只是说一句Sorry或Sorry, I don’t know,给考官的印象就是你缺乏最基本的社交能力,甚至是一种不礼貌、不友好的态度,此类考生一定会被潜规则掉(即落入最多5分的范围)。

上一篇:发展棉纺织产业集群的调查与研究下一篇:华电 电气认识实习报告