高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业


高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业(精选6篇)

高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业 第1篇

必修五Unit 2 课后作业 1 Ⅰ.单项填空

1.If what you say is not________with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children.A.controversialB.consistentC.confidentD.considerate

2.—What about your journey to Mount Hua?

—Everything was wonderful except that the car we rented________on the way back.A.broke upB.broke downC.broke outD.broke in

3.Five men and three women make up the temporary group to look into the case.In other words,it _____ eight people.A.consists ofB.is consisted ofC.is consisting ofD.is being consisted of

4.There were no seats _____ for today’s performance so we went shopping instead.A.availableB.valuableC.expensiveD.enthusiastic

5.Though computers can do a lot of work man can’t do,they can’t completely ___ human beings.A.replace withB.instead ofC.take placeD.take the place of

6.If I were you,I would take it easy;______ is no need to be nervous.A.itB.thisC.thereD.which

7.He tried to deal with the increasing burden of his work,but he finally ____ and had to take a complete rest.A.broke offB.broke awayC.broke outD.broke down

8.The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than _____ in the newspaper.A.itB.thoseC.oneD.that

9.Miss Yang ______ at 5∶00 for the meeting,but she didn’t appear.A.should have arrivedB.should arriveC.can have arrivedD.can arrive

10.— Could you please tell us about some good ways to learn English?

— My suggestion is that reading often and writing regularly________.A.are neededB.is neededC.be neededD.should need


Valentine’s Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life.Over the years I fondly(天真地“Valentine man”. ’s Day came when I was six.That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a gift-wrapped package at my chair.The card was “Love, Dad”and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to birthstone, a ruby(红宝石超越). and always included a signed “Love, Dad”.In those years my thank-you became 敷衍的,and I took it for granted gifts from“significant others”and “Love, Dad”just didn’His final card remains on my desk today.It’love with simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.Those things never,nor does the memory of a man who never my valentine.1.A.ofB.aboutC.upD.over






















I am trying to muster(鼓起)the courage to my mobile phone to enjoy a more peaceful and ring-free life.Can you imagine not having your mobile phone? In our high-tech, in-a-hurry age, a cell-free life is a hard concept to swallow.Our mobile phones can now access the Internet, and many people feel the need to express their every thought on their blog pages.If I gave up my cellphone, people would think I was mad.I wish I had the strength to toss away my technology.I have an office phone, a home phone, an e-mail and if people want to contact me, they can.If I’m out, people can leave a message.Do they really need to find me 24/7? However, I’m a bit like Frodo in the movie Lord of the Rings.The power of the ring is too strong and I can’t let it go.Mobile phones have become necessary tools in our busy life.For most people, they hold all contacts and many of us don’t write up address books any more.The latest phones carry our music, pictures, movies and everything else.We feel lost without this device and when we do misplace it, we feel cut off from our fellows.“Where have you been?” said a friend,who saw me a week after I lost my cellphone, “I tried calling you, but you disappeared.You disappeared off the face of the Earth.” See, when you don’t have a mobile phone, you don’t exist.I’m not really going to toss my mobile phone away, in fact.We humans are such social animals and mobile phones serve us well.So in 2010, I’ve decided not to serve my mobile phone.Like all machines, I can always turn it off.1.What does the underlined phrase “toss away” mean?

A.give awayB.get awayC.break awayD.throw away

2.The writer mentions Frodo to ________.A.show it is difficult to get rid of the mobile phoneB.introduce a film character to us

C.show how much he likes FrodoD.suggest a cell-free life is what he wants

3.What do we know about mobile phones in the 4th paragraph?

A.Mobile phones can do anything for us.B.Mobile phones have become very important inour life.C.We could not live without mobile phones.D.We would be cut off by our fellows without mobile phones.4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.The writer is not really going to toss his mobile phone away.B.When you don’t have a mobile phone, you don’t exist.C.The writer decides not to serve his mobile phone.D.We humans can control ourselves and machines.B

While I was waiting outside my wife’s office building for her to get out of work,I saw a bum(流浪乞丐)coming my way.“I hope he won’t ask me for any money,” I thought.He came and sat in front of the bus stop.After a few minutes he spoke.“That’s a very pretty car,” he said.He was in rags,but he had an air of dignity(尊严)about him.I gave him a smile and continued cleaning my car.He sat there quietly as I worked.The expected asking for money never came.As the silence between us widened,it seemed that a voice inside me said,“Ask him if he needs any help.”

“Do you need any help?” I asked.He answered in three simple but meaningful words that I shall never forget.We often look for wisdom in great men and women,and we expect it from those of higher learning and achievements.I expected nothing but an outstretched(伸出的)dirty hand from him,but he said three words that shook me.“Don’t we all?” he said.,until those three words hit me like a shot.Don’t we all?

I needed help.Maybe not for a bus fare or for a place to sleep,but I needed help.I reached in my wallet and gave him not only enough for a bus fare,but enough to get a warm meal and shelter for the day.Those three little words still ring true.No matter how much you have,you need help,too.No matter how little you have,no matter how loaded you are with problems,even without money or a place to sleep,you can give help.Maybe God looked down,called an angel,dressed him like a bum,and then said,“Go to that man cleaning the car.That man needs help.”

【解题导语】 “我们不都需要帮助吗?”一位乞丐的话敲响了“我”心中的那份情感:只要人人充满爱,世界就会变得很精彩。

5.The writer was near the bus stop________.A.to meet the bumB.to wait for his wifeC.to wait for a busD.to clean his car

6.At the sight of the bum,the writer________.A.asked him if he needed any helpB.hoped to give the bum some money

C.wished the bum not to ask him for moneyD.pretended to be cleaning his car

7.The underlined part in the passage means “________”.

A.I thought I’m better in any way than the bumC.I felt I liked the bum very much

B.I felt the bum is as good in some ways as I amD.I thought I should respect the bum

8.What does the story mainly tell us?

A.Those who are poor are in greater need of help.B.Anybody should give help to others.C.Poor as a man may be,he has dignity.D.Whatever we are,we need help.Keys: Ⅰ.单项填空

1.解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。be consistent with与„„一致。句意:如果你言行不一的话,这将对你的孩子产生不好的影响。controversial争论的,争议的;confident自信的,确信的;considerate考虑周到的。

2.解析:选B。考查短语辨析。break down(车辆、机器等)坏了。break up散开,放假,分散;break out爆发;break in插嘴,非法进入。

3.解析:选A。考查consist of的用法。consist of意为“由„„组成”,通常不用于被动语态和进行时态。


5.解析:选D。take the place of代替;replace取代,代替,为及物动词;instead of代替,为副词短语,此处不合适;take place发生,不合题意。

6.解析:选C。there is no need to do/be是固定句型,意为“没有必要„„”。

7.解析:选D。题干中提到他忙于不断增加的工作负担,最后累倒(broke down)了;break down在此意为“身体垮了”。break off突然停止;break away逃脱,脱离;break out爆发。


9.解析:选A。句意:杨小姐应该5点到会,但她没来。should have done本该做但实际没做。



1.解析:选A。think of...as...是固定短语,意为“把„„视为/看作„„”。


3.解析:选D。卡片上有父亲的签名。该选项从第三段第一句中的“included a...card signed‘Love,Dad’”可得到提示。


5.解析:选B。依据下文的with pride可知,该处用little。对一个六岁的孩子而言,红玻璃和红宝石没有什么不同。




9.解析:选B。随着我年龄的增加,礼物变成装满了我最喜爱的巧克力的心形盒子。give way to是固定短语,意为“为„„所代替”。







16.解析:选B。来自父亲的贺卡似乎远远不够(满足女儿的需要)。与上文的from “significant others”相照应。




20.解析:选D。stop doing sth.“停止做某事”符合语境。stop与上文提及的两个never正好照应。



1.解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“enjoy a more peaceful and ring-free life”可知,如果我们想要过没有手机干扰的平静的生活,我们需要把手机扔掉。故短语toss away 此处意为“扔掉”,与throw away同义。

2.解析:选A。推理判断题。第三段中的“However, I’m a bit like Frodo in the movie Lord of the Rings.The power of the ring is too strong and I can’t let it go.”表明作者认为自己就像《指环王》中的人物Frodo,他无法摆脱指环,而作者也不能摆脱手机。这个例子是用来证明摆脱手机有多么困难。因此答案为A。

3.解析:选B。段落大意题。文章的第四段紧紧围绕主题句“Mobile phones have become necessary tools in our busy life.”来写,阐述手机在我们生活中的重要性。

4.解析:选D。推理判断题。在最后一段作者表明,我们不能扔掉手机,因为人类有交际的需求,而手机又能很好地为人类服务。所以在2010年,“我”决定不为手机服务,而是该关闭的时候关闭手机,让它为“我”服务。最后一句“Like all machines, I can always turn it off.”暗示答案为D。





8.解析:选D。主旨大意题。由文章主题句“Don’t we all?”可以推断出本题选D。

高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业 第2篇

1. How many countries does the UK consist of?


2. You can easily clarify this question if you study British history.


3. Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.


4. However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.


5. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas.


6. England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.


7. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.


8. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.


9. It looked splendid when first built.


10. What interested her most was the longitude line.

高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业 第3篇


1.作业目的认识不清。随着素质教育正如火如荼进行, 但高中英语课后作业布置依然受应试教育影响, 大搞标准化、形式化, 部分教师只知道课后需要布置作业, 并将其作为一种任务, 至于布置作业的目的在哪儿, 如何进行课后作业设置达到预期目的则一无所知。部分学校各年级作业布置雷同, 教师也存在对教学检查的敷衍心态, 作业设计针对性差, 不能因材施教, 遏制学生个性发展。

2.作业内容枯燥、形式单一。类型单一、内容枯燥、乏味, 缺乏创新是当下高中英语课后作业布置存在的重要问题, 英语作业类型大多以各种资料做题为主, 索然无味, 长此以往, 学生的兴趣和信心便大打折扣, 主动性与创造性完全被扼杀。再者, 教师在内容方面不能精选作业材料, 进行多样化编制, 未能实现知识性、趣味性、科学性的统一。而对于此种情况, 学生也叫苦连天, 无能为力。

3.作业评价存在缺陷。作业评价与作业设计、作业实施具有同样重要的地位, 因此, 教师在应该花更多精力关注课后作业评价。但是, 据相关调查可知, 相当一部分英语教师在作业评价时, 过分重视作业对错、交作业是否及时等方面, 但在作业批改方面存在欠缺, 如评语缺乏个人感情、过于机械化, 积极性与激励性缺失, 对惩罚性作业的布置也止步于重复, 未能彰显创新等。


1.转变理念, 提升对作业布置的认识。高中英语教师想提升课后作业设计的高效性, 转变理念, 突破应试教育束缚, 提升对课后祖作业的认识, 全面、客观、公正地看待课后作业是基础与前提。首先, 教师要做到从内容到目的上对课后作业的重视。拒绝标准化、同步化的作业布置模式, 在形式、内容上凸显个性化与创新性, 严禁完全照搬复习资料布置强度作业的做法。其次, 明确作业布置的真实目的。即在巩固英语基础知识的基础上, 提升其对知识的综合运用能力, 而不是单纯为了应付教学检查而做的无用功。最后, 拒绝作业课后作业布置的低效性, 基于学生的个性发展进行高效、科学的作业设计、实施与评价。

2.精巧设计, 凸显趣味性、探究性、创新性。内容的枯燥性, 类型的单一、机械化完全挫伤了学生英语学习的积极主动性, 因此, 教师要精心巧妙设计英语课后作业, 凸显作业内容与形式的趣味性、探究性与创新性, 让课后作业一改雷同乏味的现状, 给学生耳目一新的感觉。教师在作业设计时应研究学生的英语认知与学习兴趣, 基于学生的最近发展区进行作业设计, 注重培养其创新精神与实践能力, 在作业类型上, 除了写的形式之外, 还有听、说、读等, 只有既趣味、创新与探究于一体的作业才能充分极大学生的学习潜能。

3.因材施教, 层次性与多样性双管齐下。在高中英语课后作业布置上, 教师一定要根据学生的个性特征因材施教, 凸显课后作业的层次性与多样化。不同学生在认知和能力方面具有很大差异, 为了达到不同层次、不同类型学生的全面健康发展, 教师的作业布置应满足不同学生的发展需求。例如, 对于简单的基础知识, 可以要求全班同学共同完成, 题目较难, 对能力和发展有一定要求的仅要求程度相对较好的学生来完成。在作业设计中, 要尽可能凸显层次性与多样性, 使学生们从作业中各有所得, 又不会挫伤其积极性。

4.科学评价, 重视创新、多元化评价。科学评价, 重视创新、多元化评价是提升课后作业布置高效性的重要途径, 教师应一改以往只改不评、机械评论、缺乏人文关怀和激励性的评价方式, 凸显作业评价的高效性, 增强学生对作业评语的重视度, 不断提升学生改正错误的欲望与信心, 引领其树立正确的作业观。教师要做到几点:一是建立和谐师生关系, 详细了解学习, 提升评价的针对性。二是制定明确的评价目标, 多元化评价方式 (师评、他评、自评) 。三是制定人性化奖惩措施, 提升积极性。四是创设一定情境, 激发兴趣、调动激情, 增进自信。五是对不同程度的学习实施层次性评价, 赋予其无限成就感、自信感。

综上所述, 应将英语课后作业放在与课堂教学同等重要的地位, 及时发现作业布置中存在问题, 对症下药, 找出解决对策才是目前高中英语作业布置的新出路。当前高中英语课后作业布置存在针对性不强、内容枯燥、类型单一、评价不科学等问题, 各教师应充分发挥主观能动性, 在实践中不断探索与思考, 以创新、科学、高效的课后作业设计激发学生英语学习兴趣与激情, 循序渐进地提升其英语综合素养。


[1]李东.高中英语课后作业现状分析及对策[J].英语广场, 2015, 04:147-149.

高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业 第4篇

1. diet

【考纲释义】 n. 饮食,食物; (适合某种疾病的) 特种饮食v.节食;吃限定食物

Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。

No chocolate, please. I’m on a diet.请不要放巧克力,我正在节食。

No sugar in my coffee, please; I’m dieting.请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。

【知识拓展】 go on a diet节食;吃限定食物 be on a diet 在节食中

2. balance

【考纲释义】n.平衡;均衡;天平;秤vt. (1) 使平衡;保持……的平衡;权衡;比较

The child couldn’t keep his balance on his new bicycle.孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。

In what way is a laboratory balance different from a balance found in a store? 实验室的天平与商店里的秤在什么方面有所不同?

In order to balance their trade, they would have to buy less goods in the United States. 为了平衡贸易,他们将不得不减少在美国购货。

You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages. 你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。

【知识拓展】 in the balance(命运)未定,在危急中;不确定 off balance不稳on balance总的来说 balanced adj. 均衡的;平衡的a balanced diet 均衡的饮食

3. strength

【考纲释义】 n. 强项;长处;力量

I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet. 我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。

The growing strength of the Third World — and of the most populous country, China, in particular — is an important factor for world peace. 第三世界的力量,特别是第三世界国家中人口最多的中国的力量,是世界和平力量发展的重要因素。

Although English is not my strength, you should learn it hard. To master a foreign language is quite important. 尽管英语不是我的长处,你还是应该好好学,掌握一门外语很重要。

【知识拓展】 strengthenv. 增强get the strength to do something 鼓起勇气做某事 to strengthen one’s character使自己的性格变坚强

power, strength, force辨析:


4. benefit

【考纲释义】 n.利益;好处 vt. & vi. 有益于;有助于

We shall derive much benefit from reading good novels. 我们将从优秀小说中获得很大好处。

These facilities have benefited the whole town.这些设施使用权全城受益。

Who is likely to benefit most by the new tax laws?什么人可能从新的税法中得到最大的好处。

【知识拓展】 for / to sb.’s benefit 为了某人的利益 by the benefit of 由于……的恩惠 acquire(get, have, receive) the benefit of 获得……之益 give sb. the benefit 给予某人利益lose the benefit of 丧失……的利益benefit from / by sth.

5. combine

【考纲释义】 vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合

What chemicals combine together to form water? 什么化学元素化合成水?

The two teams combined and did very well in the sports meet. 在运动会上这两个队合并成一个队,成绩很好。

We consider it necessary to combine theory with practice. 我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。

【知识拓展】词语辨析: combine, join,和connect.

join指把性质相同但形体上分离的东西直接“连接”起来,使其结合在一起,成为较大的集体或物体,关系较connect密切;combine指原来性质或成分不同的的东西合并成一体,“合并、联合”,联合之后使得个体被忽略,强调整体性; connect表示“连接、结合”,指两者相互连接,但仍保持各自原有的特征或状态,强调用连接物或通过某种方式把孤立的东西联系起来。

6. consult

【考纲释义】 vt. 咨询;请教;商量

If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 若要主意好,老人须请教。

If you are ill, consult a doctor.如果你病了,就找医生看病。

It is important that consult with expert before you make a decision. 在做重大决定之前和专家商量是很重要的。

【知识拓展】 consult with同……商量


1. get away with被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚

I won’t let him get away with that excuse. 我不会让他用那种借口蒙混过去。

For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine. 他犯了那么严重的过失, 却侥幸只交罚款了事。

Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it. 那些撒谎和欺骗别人的人决不会逃得过惩罚。

2. get rid of 摆脱;除去

The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight. 这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

How can you get rid of a bad habit? 你怎样才能改掉坏习惯呢?

I should like to get rid of the responsibility for this job, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone. 我真想摆脱对这项工作的责任,但是看来没有合适的人可以交出去。

3. in debt欠债

She was in debt when she was poor, but has been out of debt since she got rich. 以前穷的时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就没欠债了。

We should reduce our expenses, or we will be in debt. 我们得减少支出,否则就要负债了。

【知识拓展】 in sb’s debt 欠某人的人情debt crisis 债务危机deep in debt 负债累累 pay one’s debt 还债pay off one’s debt 还清债务 run / get into debt 欠债

4. throw away扔掉;丢弃

Don’t throw away those rotten vegetables, we can feed them to the pigs. There’s nothing so bad as not to be good for something. 不要把那些腐烂的蔬菜扔了,我们可能拿它来喂猪。凡物无论好坏,各有所用。

Fires are often caused by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. 火灾经常是由人们不小心扔掉的烟蒂引起的。

【知识拓展】 throw about乱丢(东西),乱花(钱) throw down推倒throw light on使明白,阐明throw up呕吐


1. Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did. 如果茂昌不像往常那样来和他一起吃饭,那就一定是发生了什么可怕的事情。

句中的must + have + 过去分词,表示对过去动作或状态的推测,意为“(过去)一定做过某事”。例如:

It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.昨天晚上一定是下雨了,因为今晨地面是潮湿的。

此外,should (ought to) have + 过去分词表示过去应该做而(实际)没有做的事情,含有责备或遗憾的语气,意为“本应该……”;其否定形式为“should not / ought not to have + 过去分词”,表示某种行为不该发生但却发生了; “needn’t have + 过去分词”表示过去没有必要做某事, 但实际上做了某事;“may / might have + 过去分词”表示对过去情况的一种不太有把握的可能性推测,表示“过去可能 / 大概已做了某事”;否定句表示“过去可能还没有做某事”;“can / could have + 过去分词”表示“过去本来可以做某事,但实际上没有做”;否定句表示“不可能已做了某事”;疑问句表示“可能 / 也许已做了某事吗?”。例如:

You shouldn’t / ought not to have been here so early. 你本不应该来这里这么早的。

He may have been at home for about two hours. 他也许在家等了两小时了。

It could have been seen from here if it had not been so dark. 如果天不那么黑,你会从这儿望见他的。

She can’t / couldn’t have been waiting for us so long. 她不大可能等我们那么久。(对过去的事情的否定的判断。

2. They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather than fried them. 他们供应汉堡包加生冷蔬菜,和水煮土豆,而不是油炸土豆。

rather than用作连词,相当于but not,意为“而不”、“不是……(而是)”、“与其……(不如)”,前后连接的成分应该是平行的,可为名词、代词、动名词、形容词、谓语动词、动词不定式或介词短语等。例如:

He is a writer rather than a teacher. 与其说他是教师还不如说他是作家。

You are doing this for yourself rather than for others. 你做这件事不是为别人而是为你自己。

Taking exercise every day makes him look younger rather than older.每天锻炼身体使他显得年轻而不是年老。

He would die rather than give up smoking.他宁死也不愿戒烟。

We’ll have tea in the garden rather than in the house.我们要在花园里喝茶而不想在屋里喝茶。

注意:若 rather than 位于句首,其后的不定式通常不带to (也可用动名词)。如:

Rather than go there by air, I’d take the slowest train. 我宁可乘最慢的火车去也不愿坐飞机去。

Rather than waste (wasting) your time doing it yourself, why don’t you call in a build-er? 你为什么宁愿浪费时间自己干而不愿去请一个包工呢?

rather than连接两个成分作主语时,其谓语动词的数通常与前面一个主语保持一致。如:

高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业 第5篇

1. debate vi. 辩论,争辩,考虑,思考 debate sth./ doing sth.

①The government is debating the education laws. ___政府正在就教育法进行辩论.___

②__He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend


n. 讨论,辩论会

①Who opens the debate? 谁先发言

②It is ___a___ __debate_ about ___the _______ _punishment___ for criminals.


beyond debate _无可争辩___ hold a debate _举行辩论会

a warm debate_激烈的辩论____ debate sth. with sb. __与某人争论某事

debate with oneself 仔细考虑,盘算

2. awful adj. 可怕的,威严的


__We had an awful earthquake here last year.___

②It will cost an awful lot of money. __这要花很多钱_______

3. flow vi. 流动,漂浮

①The Yalu River flows between China and Korea. ____鸭绿江介于中国和朝鲜之间


__My sister’s hair flowed down her back._

n. 流动,流量,流畅

①There was a heavy flow of traffic on the road. __那条路上车水马龙.

②The government is trying to stop the increasing flow of refugees entering the country.


flow away __流走___________ flow from ___从…中产生__________

flow into __流入___________ flow down_流下____________

4. in addition 也,另外,加之 in addition to/besides 除……还

①There is, in addition, one further point to say. ___此外还有一点要说

②In addition to gene intelligence also depends on a good education and a decent home environment. __除了遗传基因外,智力的高低还取决于良好的教育和良好的家庭环境.

③此外,天气很糟 __In addition, the weather is very bad._______

5. lay vt. 产卵,下蛋,摆放,放置

①午饭好了,请摆设餐具。_Lunch is ready. Please lay the table.__

②这种动物在水中产卵。 ___This kind of animal lays its eggs in water.________________

lie, lay, lain, lying 躺,位于

lie, lied, lied, lying 撒谎

lay, laid, laid, laying 放置,产(卵)


__Tom , lying in bed lied to his friend, “My hen laid an egg yesterday.”__

③There is a ladder _lying___against the wall.

④She often complains that her hens don’t __lay______ well.

⑤__Lay______ the book where you took it.

⑥The boy often tells ___lies_____, so hardly anyone believes him.

6. approach vt. 接近,靠近n. 方法,入口,通路

①圣诞节快到了。_The Christmas Day is approaching.__

②他是一个难以接近的人。_He is a man hard to approach._____

③该题有多种解法。 _The question has many approaches.__

7. beneficial adj. 有益的 be beneficial to 对……有益=be of benefit to

利益,好处,受益 v. 有益于 benefit from

① 好朋友对你一生有益。_A good friend is beneficial to you all your life__

② His words benefited me a lot. __他的话让我受益匪浅

③每天锻炼对我们有益。_We benefit from daily exercise___

8. concern v. 对……有重要性,在意

concern n. 关系, 关心 concerned adj. 关心的,担心的

show concern for 对表示关心

be concerned about/ for 为……担忧

be concerned with 与……有关

as far as sb. be concerned 就……而言

①He is greatly _concerned____ ____about____ his parents’ health.

②He wrote a report __concerning____ the accident.

③_As__ __for___ ___as____ cooking is _concerned___, none of us can match Tom.

9. responsibility n. 责任,职责 responsible adj. 负责的

be responsible for 为……负责任

take responsibility for 为……负责任


__Now that we are adults now, we should take responsibility for our words and deeds._


_Who will bear/ take/ accept responsibility for the accident.__

10. run out of =use up用光,用尽 run into 偶遇

sth. run out run after 追逐

①I have run out of my ink.=My ink has __run_______ __out_______.


__Unluckily, we had run out of petrol before we got there.__

11. economy n. 经济 national economy 国民经济

economic adj. 经济的 economical adj. 节俭的,节约的

economics n. 经济学 economist n. 经济学家

12. environment n. 环境

environmental adj. 环境的,与环境有关的

environmentally adv. environmentalist 环境保护者

13. shock n. 撞击,使人震惊的事,电击

vt. 使……震惊

① Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan. _在日本经常可以感觉出地震.__

② 他的死使全家人十分震惊。__His death was a great shock to the family.__

③ get a shock from a wire _碰着电线而触电.________

④ in shock 处于休克状态

⑤I was shocked by/ at his rudeness __我对他的粗鲁感到震惊.__

14. obvious adj. 明显的 It is obvious that +句子.

①很明显他错了。 __ It is obvious that he is wrong.

15. disappoint vt. 使……失望 disappointment n.

disappointing/ disappointed adj.

be disappointed at sth. / with / in sb.

a disappointed man __一个失意的人________________

a disappointing man __一个令人失望的人______

不要使我失望 ___Don’t disappoint me.____

同类词:surprise, puzzle, interest, excite, please, satisfy

16. arrest vt. 逮捕,拘留

arrest sb. for sth. under house arrest 软禁

be put/ held/ placed under arrest 被捕,在拘留中

17. range n. 范围 a (wide) range of 从……到各种种类

射程,航程 range from …to… 从……到……不等

①The shop keeps ____a wide range of goods__________.(商店里有种各样的商品)

②Her children’s ages range from 3 to 18.


③The missile(导弹) has a range of 1200km. _射程达1200公里

18. rely on 依靠,信赖 reliable adj. ①rely on sb. to do sth.

②rely on one’s doing sth. ③rely on it that +句子

④rely on sb. for sth.


_You can rely on it that he must come here on tome.______


_We can rely on Mary not to tell anyone.___

⑶Tom always relies on his wife for advice on clothes. Tom在穿着上总以来他旗子的指点. 19. appreciate doing __感激________________

There is no time remaining (left). __剩下的_________________________

under way _在进行中_________________ result in=lead to =cause

decrease 反increase in the form of _以…形式_________________

高中英语必修五-unit 2 课后作业 第6篇


1.(2013·河北质量检测)—I’ve got the job I’ve been looking forward to.—________!

A.Wish you success

C.Sounds great

B.Good luck D.Congratulations 2.The washing machine which I had just bought________,so I called the repairman to see if he could put it right.A.broke down

C.set down

B.broke up D.set up 3.He didn’t go back home until I promised to keep him________of how we were getting along with the project.A.informing


B.to be informed D.informed 4.The church,________was built in the 1890s,is in terrible condition and needs to be repaired.A.where


B.which D.what 5.It is greatly to her________that Zhang Lili saved two students at the risk of losing her life.A.honour


B.credit D.relief 6.People usually have what they hunt for at Taobao.com________by the express company.A.delivering

C.to deliver

7.—Where are you living? —Just nearby.Come and see me whenever________.A.it is convenient

C.you have convenience

B.you are convenient D.there is convenience B.delivered D.deliver 8.You should________the facts related to this problem,which can make others know you are innocent.A.clarify


B.judge D.express 9.My parents check our package carefully to make sure we don’t________anything

we will need on the trip.A.leave off

C.leave about

B.leave out D.leave for 10.If what you say is not________with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children.A.controversial


B.consistent D.considerate 11.—Do you know when________accident happened? —I was not there,so I don’t know the exact date.But it must be________Sunday because I was off duty only on Sundays.A.the;a


B.a;a D.the;/ 12.Compared with that of last year,the price of housing in my county has increased by________10% so far.A.secretly


B.roughly D.deeply 13.—How was your journey to the countryside? —It was great.The scenery was beautiful beyond________.A.institution


B.administration D.description 14.(2013·天津十二区县联考)I have to reschedule the appointment with you since there is a________in my arrangement.A.contract


B.contrast D.conflict 15.There are more than two million farmers,________two thirds of the total population of the province.A.made up of

C.consisted of



(2013·苏北四市三调)Most people watching Jeremy Lin these past two months saw Jeremy Lin,New York Knicks star;but I,watching him,saw someone else.That was my elder brother,Bob,who is athletic and energetic.He could never sit still when he was in second grade;he had to get up every now and then and run around the room.And sure enough,he grew

B.making up D.consisting of

up to be a starting player for an NCAA championship lacrosse(长曲棍球)team.He was a Nike­endorsed marathoner,too,and reached the top of Mt.Everest,unguided,in his 50s.And yet my family never watched his lacrosse games.We did watch some of his marathons,but that wasn’t until he was in his 20s.When Bob was in his glory days,our Shanghainese­born parents were bent on getting him into medical school.There was a loving aspect to it:I can remember my father working through math books with him,lesson by lesson,at the big blackboard in the attic.Bob never did become a doctor,though;and neither did I.It wasn’t until my younger sister came along that someone in the family finally wore a white coat.Bob today could be the fittest 58­year­old on the planet.His doctor estimates his biological age at 35;he’s still big mountains in the Himalayas.And,like Jeremy Lin,he’s charming.No one sees Bob without leaving with a laugh.He sometimes jokes he could be mayor of his building,and it’s true.To know him is to cheer for him.And yet my parents did not cheer for him.What if my mother had sat on the sidelines with her statistics,like Jeremy Lin’s mother?What if my father had played videos of athletes for my brother to watch and imitate?It’s hard not to wonder.And how did Jeremy Lin’s parents manage to do these remarkable things?Amy Chua,the tiger mother,recalls her immigrant father beating the kids whenever they mispronounced a Chinese word.How is it that Jeremy Lin’s immigrant father in particular,Gie­Ming Lin,encouraged his son to follow such an untraditional path? 1.Bob’s glory days were those________.A.when he was doing well in math B.when he was in second grade C.when he was made mayor of his building D.when he showed his talents in sports 2.From the passage we can tell that Bob is________.A.active and optimistic B.clever and determined C.brave and helpful D.considerate and independent 3.Which of the following statements is probably TRUE? A.Bob was always ignored by his parents.B.Bob could also have been a sport star.C.Bob’s parents often watched his games.D.Nobody in the author’s family was a doctor.4.From the last two paragraphs we can infer that________.A.parents should always study together with their children B.parents should know how to educate their children properly C.children should be punished when they do anything wrong D.children should try to live up to the hopes of their parents


(2013·南京第一次模拟)It is a plain fact that we are in a world where competition is going on in all areas and at all levels.This is exciting.Yet,on the other hand,competition breezes a pragmatic(讲究实际的)attitude.People choose to learn things that are useful,and do things that are profitable.Today’s college education is also affected by this general sense of utilitarianism(功利主义).

Many college students choose Business,Law not Computer Programming as their majors convinced that these professions are where the big money is.It is not unusual to see the college students taking a part­time job as a warm­up for the real battle.I often see my friends taking GRE tests,working on English or computer certificates and taking the driving tests to get a license.Well,I have nothing against being practical.As the competition in the job market gets more and more severe,students do have reasons to be practical.However,we should never forget that college education is much more than skill training.Just imagine,if your utilitarianism becomes the main trend on campus,leaving no space for the cultivation(培养)of students’ minds,or development of their soul.We will see university is training out well­trained spiritless working machines.If utilitarianism controls society,we will see people lost in the money­making adventures;we will see humanity losing their grace and dignity,and that would be disastrous.I’d like to think society as encouraging and people regard profit or fame only as a horse that pulls the courage.Yet without the driver picking direction,the courage would go straight and may even end out in a dangerous situation.A certificate may give you some advantages,but not broad horizons,positive attitudes and personal integrity(诚实正直),which are the wealth you cannot acquire through any quick fixed way.Although in today’s world,the highest level of competition may not be that of skills or expertise(专门技能),but vision and strategy,your intellectual quality largely determines how far you can go in your

career.5.The author’s attitude toward today’s college education is________.A.positive


B.cautious D.doubtful 6.Many college students choose to major in Business because________.A.a businessman is very likely to make big money B.studying business is less competitive C.too many students have chosen Computer Programming D.Computer Programming is not a must for them 7.The author does strongly suggest that________.A.more competition be encouraged on college campus B.people not ignore the value of broad horizons,positive attitudes and personal integrity C.intellectual quality determine how far one can go in his career D.college students get as many part­time jobs as possible 8.In the author’s opinion,________.A.college students are not pragmatic enough B.college students should have drivers pick direction for them C.college education should provide students with more business courses D.college education should value the cultivation of students’minds




1.解析: 考查交际用语。句意为:——我得到了我一直想要的那份工作。——祝贺你。根据句意可知,应选D,表示祝贺。Wish you success祝你成功;Good luck祝你好运;Sounds great听起来很好,一般用来表示对某个主意、想法的赞同。

答案: D 2.解析: 句意为:我刚买的洗衣机坏了,因此我请修理工检查一下,看看他能否修好它。break down(机器等)出故障;break up分解;set down记下;set up建立。

答案: A 3.解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:直到我答应让他知道我们的工作进展情况他才回家。him与inform构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。

答案: D

4.解析: 考查定语从句。先行词the church在后面的定语从句中作主语,又是非限制性定语从句,故用which引导定语从句。

答案: B 5.解析: 句意为:张丽莉冒着失去自己生命的危险救了两名学生是非常值得赞扬的。to one’s credit值得赞扬。

答案: B 6.解析:


答案: B 7.解析: 句意为:——你在哪里?——就在附近。方便时来看我吧。it is convenient for sb.to do something某人方便做某事,符合句意。

答案: A 8.解析: 考查动词辨析。语意为:你应当澄清与此问题有关的事实,让别人知道你是无辜的。clarify澄清;judge判断;explain解释;express表达。

答案: A 9.解析: 考查短语动词辨析。“父母仔细检查包裹”的目的是为了“不要遗漏(leave out)任何东西”。leave off停止,中断;leave about乱放;leave for动身去„„。

答案: B 10.解析: 考查形容词辨析。be consistent with与„„一致。句意为:如果你言行不一的话,这将对你的孩子产生不好的影响。controversial争论的,争议的;confident自信的,确信的;considerate考虑周到的。

答案: B 11.解析: 考查冠词。根据句意可知此处accident是指双方都知道的事,故其前应用定冠词;而Sunday此处是指某一个星期天,其前应用不定冠词。

答案: A 12.解析: 考查副词辨析。句意为:与去年的房价相比,到目前为止,我们县今年的房价上涨了大约10%。secretly秘密地;roughly粗略地;originally最初地,原始地;deeply深深地。

答案: B 13.解析: 考查名词辨析。答语意为:风景美丽得难以形容。institution制度;administration实施,行政;collection收藏品;description描述。

答案: D 14.解析: 句意为:我得重新安排跟你约会的时间,因为我的安排中有冲突。conflict冲突,矛盾;contract合同;contrast对比;connection联系。

答案: D

15.解析: 句意为:有二百多万农民,占这个省份总人口数的三分之二。空格处表示“组成;构成”之意,与farmers为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用现在分词making up。A、D两项意思为“由„„组成”,不符合句意。

答案: B Ⅱ.阅读理解

语篇解读: 林书豪的成功,使人们开始反思什么是最合适的教育方式。家长是应该把自己的意愿强加给孩子还是发挥孩子的特长呢?

1.解析: 推理判断题。根据文章一、二两段内容可知,鲍勃20多岁时在体育方面的表现很优秀,由此可推知,鲍勃最辉煌的时期应是他在体育运动中展现他的特长时。

答案: D 2.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段的第三、四、五句内容可知,鲍勃积极、乐观,故A项当选。

答案: A 3.解析: 正误判断题。根据文章第一段内容可知,鲍勃曾经在体育方面的表现非常优秀,多次获奖,若能坚持下去,他也许会成为一名体育明星,故B项正确。

答案: B 4.解析: 推理判断题。在文章最后两段中,作者用反问句暗示出家长应该给孩子正确的教育,而不是强迫他们做这做那。

答案: B 语篇解读: 本文作者用批判的语调告诉我们,现在的大学教育是一种功利主义的教育。这样的教育对学生的成长弊大于利,针对这种情况,作者对大学教育提出了一些建议。

5.解析: 作者态度题。通读全文尤其是文章第一段可知,作者认为现在的大学教育追求的是功利主义,由此可推知作者对其持批评的态度,故选C项。

答案: C 6.解析: 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第一句“Many college students choose Business,Law not Computer Programming as their majors convinced that these professions are where the big money is.”可知A项正确。

答案: A 7.解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句可知B项正确。答案: B 8.解析: 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段前两句的内容可知,在作者看来,大学教育应该重视培养学生的思想,故D项符合题意。
