


大学英语四级写作方法 第1篇


Where possible, reduce the use of “which,” “who” “that” “whom” “whether... or not” etc.


学会运用关系代词是你学习英文过程中的一个重要的阶段。学会少用它们则表明你取得了更大的进步。在校对你的作品时,仔细检查一下所有的which’s, who’s that’s和whom’s是否必要。删除不必要的`关系代词会使你的文章更精彩。


Unnecessary: It is a truth that is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

(用两个 that’s,读起来很别扭)

Better: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

-- Jane Austin


Unnecessary: In 1970 India dedicated a nuclear power plant near Bombay, which was built with American assistance.

Improved: In 1970 India dedicated a nuclear power plant near Bombay, built with American assistance.

Unnecessary: During this period, Churchill spoke for a nation which was undivided and curiously happy, as it has never been in my lifetime, before or since.

Improved: During this period, Churchill spoke for a nation undivided and curiously happy, as it has never been in my lifetime, before or since.

Unnecessary: Justice theories have a long tradition, which goes back to Plato and Aristotle in the 5th century B.C.

Improved: Justice theories have a long tradition, going back to Plato and Aristotle in the 5th century B.C.

Unnecessary: Shirley Temple’s father blew nearly the entire $3 million that she made by tap dancing which made her famous in the movies.

Improved: Shirley Temple’s father blew nearly the entire $3 million she made tap dancing her way to fame in the movies.

Unnecessary: We told them they were the victims who deserved sympathy the most.

Improved: We told them they were the victims, most deserving of sympathy.

Unnecessary: Only a person who is oblivious* to the facts of modern life would doubt the need of vocational education today.

Better: Only a person oblivious to the facts of modern life would doubt the need of vocational education today.

Unnecessary: Not everyone in North America likes the taste of green tea, whether it contains caffeine or not.

Better: With or without caffeine, not everyone in North America likes the taste of green tea.

Unnecessary: Usually the Washington family married people who were socially better off than themselves, but the second marriage of George’s father was an exception.

Better: Usually the Washingtons married their social betters, but the second marriage of George’s father was an exception.

Unnecessary: In some instances, a letter can take ten days by air and six to eight weeks by ship to reach the person to whom the letter is addressed.

Better: In some instances, a letter can take ten days by air and six to eight weeks by ship to reach its intended receiver.

大学英语四级写作方法 第2篇









Complaint About Noise

June 18,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am your neighbor living downstairs in the same building. lamjwriting you to complain of the noise you make during the night.

Recently the noise during the night disturbed my rest. Almost every night, there comes some noise from your apartment just as I go to bed and am on my way to a dream. I wonder what the noise is. Are you repairing your furniture? Are you doing physical exercises? Whatever you do at that time of the night, you have to take your neighbors’ rest into consideration. In a word, you are disturbing both your other neighbors and me.

I heard you are always a friendly and considerate neighbor. Please stojp making noise at night. Thank you. Take care.

Yours friendly neighbor


I am writing you to complain of ... take ... into consideration 将

我写信投诉…… 考虑进去

disturb v.打扰 in a word 总之

on my way to a dream 即将入睡 considerate adj.考虑周到的

take care请注意

英语四级写作材料:On Online Chatting

With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people.

However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.

As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it.

control we can use it cientifically and properlyandcurbjits bad effect to the greatest extent. (159 words)


increasingly adv.渐增地 vary v.变化

a waste of ...浪费

misleading adj.引入歧途的

cyberspace n.网络空间

imaginary space虚构的空间

fictional adj.虚幻的,虚构的

advocate n.支持者

recreation n.媒:乐,消遣

release v.释放

so long as 只要

curb v.控制

大学英语认知过程写作方法 第3篇



在传统的写作教学中, 我们一直采用的是“结果教学法”。这种教学方法把重点放在写作成品上, 首先由教师提供范文, 进行分析、讲解, 然后学生模仿范文进行写作, 最后由教师进行批改、打分。学生的整个写作过程都是在教师的完全支配下完成的, 写作成了机械的输入和输出的过程。教师耗费大量时间和精力批改作文, 而学生只关心分数的高低, 同样的错误在以后的作文中依然会出现。批改中还存在教师注重语言形式, 忽视内容, 和学生对评语理解出现偏差的弊端。因此, 这样的教学方法违背了“以人为本, 发挥学生能动性”的教学理念, 显然结果教学法已不适应当前的英语写作教学。

针对结果教学法的不足, 根据现代语言学, 教育学和心理学原理, 结合自己的教学实践, 我们认为写作是一个循环式的心理认知过程、思维创作过程和社会交互过程, 必须强调学生在写作过程中的自主性及交互性, 使他们在写作过程中提高认知能力、交互能力和书面表达能力。因此, 应该采用认知过程写作教学方法。


写作过程是一个极为复杂的心理认知过程和创造过程。大致可以分为计划 (Planning) 、转换 (Translating) 、检查 (Reviewing) 三个阶段, 其中每个阶段还包括次一级环节。这些阶段互相交叉、循环反复, 整个写作教学都围绕这三阶段展开。

1. 计划阶段

计划包括长期目标计划和具体计划。英语有听、说、读、写四种技能, 其中听、读是接受性技能, 说、写是产出性技能。产出是建立在接受的基础之上的, 而且四种技能又是交互的, 是相辅相成的。那么长期计划应包括坚持听、说、读的训练, 还应包括长期的写作计划, 如和讲英语国家的人建立笔友关系、利用互联网用英语通信、写英文日记、读后感等。

具体的计划阶段就是构思阶段, 要求学生搜集素材, 选定题材和体裁, 教师可以用以下方法启发学生思维, 让学生积极投入写前准备。

(1) 选择话题。选择话题有自选话题和指定话题。无论是自选还是老师指定话题, 无论是提供题目还是图示, 话题应该贴近生活, 符合学生的认知水平, 让他们有话可说。比如, My Father。

(2) 自由联想。当确定话题之后, 教师就要求学生展开自由联想, 把有关话题的所有信息随意地记录下来, 不要考虑有没有用, 只要能想到的全部记下来, 不必考虑逻辑顺序。如, My Father, 学生会想到爸爸的长相、工作、善良、严格、乐于助人、邋遢等等。

(3) 确定主题。当爸爸的所有信息点又呈现在学生面前时, 要求他们对这些信息进行归类, 来确定写作的主题。比如, 学生最终确定写My father is the kindest man I’ve ever seen. (我爸爸是我见过最善良的人) 。

(4) 收集细节。围绕“爸爸的善良”再次搜集材料, 对自由联系获得的信息进行取舍, 保留有用信息, 并进行添加。也许学生会得到这样的一些细节:在家爸爸总是让着妈妈、干很多家务、对我从不发火、给灾区捐款、帮助邻居等等, 不一而足。

(5) 列提纲。细节收集之后, 要求学生列提纲。列提纲有两种方式:主题提纲和句子提纲。让学生根据自己文章的内容和习惯, 选择一种方式。两种列提纲的方式各有所长:前者省时、便捷;后者便于行文。一般建议学生采取句子提纲方式。在这个环节中, 学生应该考虑文章的段落、每段的主题、以及主题下一些细节、逻辑顺序, 写作方法等。

2. 转换阶段

学生经过写前认真计划和构思, 即可进入转换表达阶段, 此阶段要求学生把此前的构思表达出来, 并要求他们把注意力集中在表达内容上, 而不必考虑用词是否得当、句子是否正确的形式问题。因为写作是一个反复的过程, 学生要构思、修改、再修改直至终稿。

3. 检查阶段

检查包括修改和评价。实际上, 修改和评价贯穿于整个写作过程。

(1) 修改。修改应注意语言表达形式上的错误, 其中包括句子结构、语法、拼写、标点符号、大小写等等。学生作文的修改, 可以由自己或他人、由同伴或老师、由个人或小组多种形式。学生应重视反馈意见, 并虚心接受批评意见。

(2) 重写。经过教师的监督和指导、同伴的介入和反馈以及学生自己的反复思考和重审, 学生对自己的初稿进行修改, 在此基础上进行重写。而后, 教师和同伴对重写的文章再一次作出反馈, 学生将收到的信息加以汇总, 必要时, 再进行修改和重写, 如此反复, 直至形成最终成品。


总之, 我们认为写作过程是一个循环式的心理认知过程、思维创作过程和社会交互过程, 认知过程写作教学方法符合写作教学的实质。认知过程写作教学方法给英语写作和教学提供一个新的视角, 它能优化写作教学过程, 建立新型的师生关系;能培养学生主动学习, 提高学生学习写作的兴趣和参与度, 同时让各类学生都能亲身经历合作学习, 提高写作能力, 语言学习能力, 最终能够使学生成为成功的学习者。


[1]邓鹂鸣等.过程写作法的系统研究及其对大学英语写作教学改革的启示[J].外语教学, 2003 (6)

[2]李森.改进英语写作教学的新举措:过程教学法.外语界2000 (1)

[3]刘上扶.英语写作论[M].广西教育出版社, 1998

大学英语写作教学常见方法 第4篇


1 通过加强阅读训练来提高写作水平


教育者在为提高写作水平而指导学生有针对性地阅读材料时,首先要选好阅读材料。难易要达到或稍高于学生现有英语水平。材料要选择正规的、权威的英文书籍和报刊中的文章,而不是仅仅从一些应试资料中找一些阅读理解材料。在指导学生阅读这些材料时,教育者最好可以找到内容相同但出自不同材料或作者的文章进行对比分析,分析不同材料、不同作者对相同意思是如何表达的,哪一种表达更好且各自的句型和语法结构有何不同。比如,就中国钓鱼岛事件,China Daily和21century各自是如何写的[2]。更进一步,还可以让学生就同一主题的两篇不同文章的句法结构和用词等进行书面评论,如写读后报告、阅读札记和文评或写出所阅读文章的提纲等等。也可以让学生博采众长,写作与所阅读文章题材类似的文章,做到边阅读、边写作。这样的写作教学设计会使学生对文章结构印象深刻,从而借鉴、积累写作技巧和写作经验,最终达到提高写作水平的目标。

2 任务型教学法在写作教学中的应用

2.1 任务前阶段(10分钟)


2.2 任务中阶段(30分钟)


2.3 任务后阶段(10分钟)


3 通过互评和纠错来提高写作效果


4 通过教师的批改和反馈改进大学生写作水平


5 总结



1 郜进.大学英语写作教学模式的思考——基于任务教学法[J].西南农业大学学报(社会科学版),2013(7)

2 贺莉.大学英语专业写作教学新思路[J].赤峰学院学报(自然科学版),2013(13)

3 邵贵君,胡多军.大学英语写作教学的文化与思维转向[J].价值工程,2013(15)

大学英语四级写作 第5篇

For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling.You should write at least 120words following the outline given below:





I.fewer and fewer students pay attention to their word-spelling

1.can only imitate the pronunciation of a word but be incapable of spelling it

II.There are some causes for it

1.fewer and fewer students need to write English essays

2.the goal of most students to learn English is to speak it and pass the examination

3.the wide use of electronic devices such as e-dictionaries and computers

III.Measures should be taken to solve the problem.1.we need to attach great importance to word-spelling.2.should write English as much as they can

3.the dictations should be reinforced in the class.满分范文:

Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling

Nowadays, students attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study.This phenomenon greatly influences students’ writing and brings on worries among teachers.There are possibly three reasons contributing to this phenomenon.First, exam-oriented education makes the students pay less attention to spelling.Second, some teachers should also be responsible for it because they don’t emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching.Last but not least, some students are too lazy to recite words.Since spelling is one of the most important factors in English study, due attention should be given to it.As for me, I think, first, exams should be modified to add some factors into it, which would help student pay more attention to spelling.Then, schools should also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as well as the students to realize the importance.Finally, for students themselves, they can, through other ways, make them be interested in word spelling.Only by these can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement.大学生应该学选择什么书读?

Reading regularly has long become a common part of people’s life.And reading preference has always aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is according to the table, the percentage of book circulation in an American university library, which shows that the circulation of popular fictions, general nonfictions, science/technology/education books and art/ literature/poetry books accounts for 65.9%,18.2%,10.8%and 5.1% respectively.The reasons for the phenomenon are varied.Among the various reasons, the appealing content of the popular fictions plays an important part.That is to say, thanks to its appealing plot, popular fictions attract more people than other

types of books do.What is more, science and art books which require readers’ knowledge on

relevant fields are highly demanding.For example, it’s hard for students majoring in chemistry to

understand Browning’s poems, and vice versa.When talking about my reading preference, I think I prefer to science books.On the one hand,in order to deepen what I’m specializing in, I need read more books relevant to my major.On the

other hand, these books can also broaden our horizons.In brief, college students should choose

books according to their interests and needs.2.对比选择型作文模板

1.Different people have different views on——

2.Some people prefer,——.3.Others tend to, ——.4.As to me, I agree with /to ——

5.Of course,——.6.For example,——


8.The following reasons can account for my preference——

9.The main reason is ——.10.A good example to illustrate is ——

11.Fur another,——

12.From the foregoing(综上所述),——











Is a test of spoken necessary?

A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English

Test(CET).Different people have different views on it.Some prefer to have such a test.Others

tend to decline any kind of test of spoken English.As to me, I agree with the first statement.Of course, a test of spoken English is very difficult to handle and the test time is not long

enough to fully display participants’ ability to spoken in English.For example, if a candidate

draws a topic which he or she is not familiar with, it’s hard to show his or her command of spoken

English.But without such a test, some people may not have motivation to practise spoken English.The following reasons can account for my preference.The main reason is that such a test enhances college students’ awareness of the importance

of spoken English.A good example to illustrate is that several years ago, college students only

stressed reading and writing skills, ignoring to building up listening and speaking ability.For

another, a certificate of such a test will make job-hunting easier.From the foregoing, I think a test

of spoken English is of necessity.3.问题解决型作文模板

1.Withthedevelopment/improvementof ——,——.2.It is necessary that——.3.On the one hand, ——.4.On the other hand, ——

5.Therefore, how to —— is worth paying attention.6.Firstly——7.Secondly——

8.For example,——9.Thirdly, ——.10.In other words,——

11.In fact, ways to —— are countless.12.It’s time that ——












Reduce Waste on Campus

With the improvement of living standard, waste on campus is increasingly serious.It is

necessary that something should be done to reduce waste on campus.On the one hand, our waste

has already caused a great loss of precious resources, such as water and electricity.On the other

hand, our waste adds our parents as well as our society a burden.Therefore, how to eliminate waste on campus is worth paying attention.Firstly, we should

turn off the light when we leave our dorms or classrooms so as to save electricity as much as

possible.Secondly, we should stop wasting water when we bath, or wash clothes and dishes.For

example, we should use a basin when we clean faces.Thirdly, we should be economical.In other

words, when go shopping, we should buy only what we really need.In fact, the ways to reduce waste on campus are countless.It’s time that we cultivate the

habit of thrift in every possible way.4.观点论证型作文模板

1.It is true that——.2.However,——.3.I think——.4.—— can be listed as follow.5.First of all, ——

6.Secondly ——

7.For example——


9.A case in point is ——.10.It goes without saying that ——

11.There is no doubt that ——

12.In conclusion ——












It Pays to Be Honest

It is true that most of us value honesty highly.However, nowadays we often confront

confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities, etc.I think that we should be

honest.The reasons can be listed as follows.Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends

over a long period of time.Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people,can make our life easier and more harmonious.For example, consumers will not be afraid of being

overcharged if dealers are honest, and on the contrary dealers can win more customers.Thirdly,honesty can make our society more stable.A case in point is that Singapore which is a society of

trustworthiness and integrity has a comparatively low criminal rate.It goes without saying that being honesty is of benefit to both the collective and the

individual.There is no doubt that we should foster the spirit of honesty.In conclusion, laying

stress on honesty will become the public morals in our society.应用文作文模板



1.I am delighted to learn that——.2.It——.3.In my opinion,——.4.On the one hand,——.5.On the other hand, ——

6.As to the——, I suggest——.7.If ——

8.It is unnecessary for you to——

9.In addition,——.10.I am sure——

11.Please inform me ——

12.I am looking forward to ——















A Letter to a Schoolmate

June 7th, 2010

Dear Wang,I am delighted to learn that you will visit me for a week during this national days.It has been

several years since we departed last time, and I am looking forward to your visit.In my opinion,Nanjing is your best choice for this holiday.On the one hand, there are many places of interest and

historical sites in Nanjing.On the other hand, Nanjing is a cultural center with various artistic and

musical performances.As to the famous sites, I suggest that you should visit the Confucius Temple and Dr.Sun

Yat-sen Mausoleum.If you are interested in parks, the XXX park will be your best choice.It is not

necessary for you to bring anything except your sweaters since it is a little chill in the evening.In

addition, as there will be many people at the railway station, you should not leave your belongings

unattended!I am sure you will enjoy your visit in Nanjing.Please inform me once you have made your decision.I am looking forward to seeing you


英语四级写作技巧方法 第6篇

一 、审题




Directions: For this part ,your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Trying to Be A Good University Student .You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese ) below :










二 、确定主题句


It is very necessary to be a good university student . (议论体的主题句)

There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student .(说明体的主题句)

What I will do in the future is the following .(描述体主题句)


Good Health

Importance of good health

Ways to keep fit

My own practice


It is very important to have good health .(将名词 importance变成形容词important)

There are four ways to keep fit for me .(用 there be 句型)

My own practices are the following .(采用原词)

三 、确保文章条理清楚

保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。就拿上例Good health 来说,第一段保持正反面要清楚救应这样写:正面(With good health ,we can...),反面(Without good health ,we can do nothing .We can’t do...)

为了使文章更具有条理性,我们可以用first(ly) second(ly) third(ly)等副词,他们可以是文章的条例性更加突出。作文是主观题,想得告分就必须引起老师的主意,老师的时间很短(每篇作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),所以我们在列调试最好不用: To be with,... after that ,...And then, ... The next , ... The following , ... As last ... 。因为用这样的词语不利于老师看出你作文的条理性。

四 、保证作文符合字数要求的十二句作文法

