


初中数学解题题典 第1篇

There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power(原子能).First, the radioactive material must travel from its place of production to thc power station.Ahhough the power statkms themselves are strongly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials are not.Normally, only two methods of transport are itl use, namely road or rail.Unfortunately, both of these may have an effect on the general public, since they are sure to pass near, or even through, heavily populated areas.Second, there is the problem of waste.All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most eases will remain radioactive for thousands of years.It is impossible to make these wastes nonradioaclive, and so they must be stored iii one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented.For example, they may be hurled under the ground, or dropped into deserted mines, or sunk in the sea.However, these methods do not solve lhe problem, since an earthquake could easily break the containers.Third.there may occur the danger of a leak(泄漏)or an explosion at the power station.As with the other two dangers, this is nm very likely, so it does not provide a serious objection to the nuclear program.Itowever, it can happen.Separately, these three types of dangers are not a great cause for worry, l‟akcn to gethcr, though, the probability of disaster(灾难)is exrrtmtly high.1.Which of the following is FALSE?

A.It is possible that a leak or explosion occurs at a power station.B.It is unusual for radioactive materials to be transported across land.C.The containers are likely to be broken by an earthquake.D.Nuclear wastes remain dangerous in most cases for many years.2.The author thinks that the ways to store nuclear wastes are ______.A.easyB.impossible


3.What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The power station is a safe place.B.The dangers of nuclear energy can be prevented.C.The general public are strongly against the nuclear program.D.By itself, none of the three dangers is very likely to cause much worry.4.What is this passage about?

A.Uses of nuclear power.B.Dangers from nuclear power.C.Public anger at nuclear power.D.Accidents caused by nuclear power.答:1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B



The Fourth “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition is to be held in Shanghai.Organizers;China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network

China University English Speaking Association(协会)(CUESA)

Co-sponsors(联合主办单位): English-speaking Union(ESU);Lotus Software(Chi-na)Co, Ltd.;Times Publishing Group of Singapore;Hilton Shanghai;Pearson Educa-tion;Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press-1-

Date: March 26(Friday), 1999

Place: Hilton Shanghai

Competition Format(形式): Each student will present a prepared speech on the given topic, followed by a

three-minute offhand speech and a three-minute question and answer period with the judges.Prepared speech period: six minutes Offhand speech peri-od: three minutes Q & A period: three


Speech Topic: People and Nature: In search of harmony(和谐)in a new age—your per-sonal opinion(Topics for the

offhand speech will be given on the day ofcompetition.)

Prizes: Besides books and certificates(证书), the top two winners will be offered schol arship(奖学金)to travel to

the annual international English-speaking competi-tion, which will be held by the English-speaking Union in London in May, 1099.The third and fourth place winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore, sponsored by the Times Publishing Group.The fifth through the i0th place win-ners will be offered cash prizes.All the competitors will receive certificates from the English-speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and the Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.The teachers of the top two winners will also receive a one-year membership to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL).1.The main purpose of this passage is ______.A.to invite you to take part in the competition

B.to help to improve your spoken English

C.to tell you some information of the competition

D.to show you how to win the competition

2.Suppose you get the sixth place, you‟ll ______.A.travel to London for free

B.become a one-year member of IATEFL

C.get some money, some books and a certificate

D.get a chance to study in Singapore

3.All “offhand speech” is ______.A.a speech not longer than three minutes

B.a speech without preparation

C.a speech with a piece of paper in hand

D.a speech which is well prepared hefore

4.Which of the following statements is wrong?

A.The competitors won‟t know what they will speak about until March 26, 1999.B.The time-limit for each student is 12 minutes.C.Each student must speak on at least two topics.D.Only two students can have the chance for the international competition.答:l.C 2.C 3.A 4.C


1.考查作者的写作意图。2.考查猜测词义。3.由Competition Format一段分析可知。4.考查推理判断。由Competition Format一段可以看出本句错误。

Xin Hua tn 1999, President Jiang Zemin examined five state owned enterprises and delivered speeches about existing problems and possible solutions.His speeches gave rise to many questions.What roles should enterprise leaders play? Since economic reform and open policies were started in the early 1980s, what changes have taken

place in state owned enterprises? Readers will find answers to these questions and more in “Liaoning in Transition of Reform” a series of articles by Louise Cadieux.Louise Cadieux has done much research on China‟s state-owned enterprises.After visiting representative enterprises in l.iaoning Province, she wrote the articles with her u-nique, western view.We hope her views will help our readers better understand China‟s state-owned enrerprises.l.A state-owned enterprise is one that _____.A.belongs to one person or a group of persons

B.belongs to a country

C.a country runs

D.one or a group of persons run

2.From the passage we know it‟s true that _____.A.Louise Cadieux only answered President Jiang‟s questions

B.Louise Cadieux had more questions than President Jiang did

C.Louise Cadieux answered some of President Jiang‟s questions by her researches

D.President Jiang‟s questions are too many and too hard for Louise Cadieux to answer

3.This passage suggests that _____.A.some problems are really existing in state-owned enterprises

B.ways should be and can be found to solve the existing problems

C.it‟s time for the leaders to look back and find proper ways of management

D.all the above three

答:1.B 2.C 3.D


1.此题属事实理解题,从state-owned一词可知选项。2.从结尾一段可判断出C项。Louise Cadieux对中国的国企进行了研究。3.文中提到了国企存在的问题、解决办法及领导者应思考的管理办法,故选D项。

A branch of computer science cailled artifical intelligence uses programs that help solve problems by using human knowledge and experience.Artificial intelligence systems are al-so called expert systems, which enable computers programmed with great amounts of in formation to think about many possibilities such as diseases that certain symptoms(症状)could indicate and make a dccision for tile treatment.Computers are used in teaching as well.Programs that perform computer-aided in-struction(CAI计算机辅助教学)are designed to help students at all levels, from ele-mentary school to the university level.The student sits at a computer terminal(终端).The terminaI‟s screen displays a question for the student to answer.If the answer is wrong or incumplete, tile computer may ask the student to try again.It then may supply the correct answer and an explanation.CAf is also used in some adult education programs and as part of the employee training programs of some business companies.One of the most important uses of computers is to communicate information over long distances.They can send information to each other over telephone lines.As a result, computers keep banks, newspapers, and other institutions supplied with hnformation.A computer network consists of many computers in separate rooms, build-ings, cities, or countries, all connected together.Computer networks allow people to communicate by using electronic mail a document typed into one computer and sent to an-other.Such document generally travel in only a few minutes, even if they are being sent over a long distance.The computer‟s ability to share information with other computers over a network linked by telephone lines is a major revolution in telecommunieatitms.The Internet, an international network of computer networks, has spread out since the early 1990‟s.The Internet began as.a US network of scientific and military computers in the 1960‟s.Now it

is an international system for sending and receiving electronic mail, software, and elec-tronic documents and picture files all over the world.The Internet has already cut the cost of long-distance communicaions for many people.In the future it will completely change the way people work.With the lnternet, increasing numbers of people can work at home instead of in their office.Computers and their programs are the most complex devices in human history, and probably the most useful.Modern industrial societies now depend on them.As comput-ers become more powerful and widespread, computer education must continue to increase also.1.From the first paragraph we get to know that artificial intelligence systents _____.A.are beyond scientists‟ control

B.will take the place of doctors

C.will take the place of scientists

D.are under scientists‟ control

2.If you use E-mail to communicate with your friends, you can______.A.exchange information without paper

B.talk with your friends freely

C.talk with your friends face to face

D.exchange information without computers

3.The phrase “up-to-the-minute” in the third paragraph means ______.A.shortestB.latest


4.What is the main idea of this text? ______.A.Computers Are Dangerous

B.Computers Are Clever

C.Computers Are Useful

D.Computers Are lntercsting

答:1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C



Some doctors use magic, some use needles and others use pills.Who are they?

Among the Indians of North America the „medicine man‟ was a very important per son.He could cure illnesses, and he could speak to the spirits—the supernatural forces that controlled the world.The Indians believed that bad spirits made people ill.So, when people were ill, the medicine man tried to help them by using magic—he spoke to the good spirits and asked for their help.Many people were cured because they thought that the spirits were helping them.But really these people cured themselves.Sometimes your own mind is the best doctor for you.The medicine men were often successful for another reason, too.They knew about plants that really can eure illnesses A lot of modern medicines are made from plants that were used by medicine men hundreds of years ago.For more than five thousand years Chinese doctors have used needles to fight illnes-ses.This method is called aeupnneture(针灸).The doctor studies the sick person care fully.Then he puts needles into that person‟s body at the right places for his illness.Chi-nese doctors believe that they can control the body‟s natural forces in this way.At first, doctors in the West thought that this was just another kind of magic.Recently, however, they have found out that it is possible to cure many illnesses like this because the needles help the body to produce its own „medicines‟.In this way

the body cures itself.1.The Indians of North America enjoy_____.A.a modern medical treatment

B.an old medical treatment

C.an advanced medical treatment

D.a secret medical treatment

2.If one is iii, it is important for hint to _____.A.believe in god

B.worry about his illness

C.use magic

D.have a light heart

3.According to this passage modern medicines_____.A.have nothing to do with the old traditional medicines

B.have nothing to do with the supernatural forces

C.have nothing to do with plants

D.have nothing to do with the Indians

4.Using needles to fight illnesses_____.A.used to be popular over the world

B.is used as another kind of magic

C.is easy to learn by anyone

D.was first used by the Chinese

5.Acupuncture, in fact, ______.A.is the only way to cure many dangerous illnesses

B.can be used to cure all kinds of illnesses

C.is effective to cure many illnesses

D.is popular among the western people

答:1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C


1.美洲北部印第安人倾向药物治疗。2.从第三段Sometimes your own mind is the best doctor for you可推断出D项。3.现代的药和超自然力无关。4.针灸最早始于中国。5.文中最后一段可知。

浅析初中数学解题误区 第2篇


在初中数学教学中, 教师害怕学生出现解题错误, 对错误采取严厉禁止的态度是司空见惯的。在这种惧怕心理支配下, 教师只注重教给学生正确的结论, 而不注重揭示知识形成的过程, 害怕启发学生进行讨论会得出错误的结论。长此以往, 学生只接受了正确的知识, 但对错误的出现缺乏心理准备, 看不出错误或看出错误但改不对。持这种态度的教师, 只关心学生用对知识, 而忽视学生会用知识。例如, 在讲有理数运算时, 由于只注重得出正确的结果, 强调运算法则、运算顺序, 而对运用运算律简化运算注意不够, 但后者对发展学生运算能力却更为重要。总之, 这种对待错误的态度会对教学带来一些消极的影响。

事实上, 错误是正确的先导, 成功的开始。学生所犯错误及其对错误的认识, 是学生知识宝库的重要组成部分。因为, 数学学习实际上是不断地提出假设、修正假设, 使学生对数学的认知水平不断复杂化, 并逐渐接近成熟的过程。所以, 揭示错误是为了最后消灭错误。在教学中给学生展示的这一尝试、修正的过程, 是与学生独立解题的过程相吻合的。因而, 学生在教师教学过程中学到的不仅仅是正确的结论, 而且领略了探索、调试的过程。这对学生的解题过程会产生有益的影响, 使学生学会分析, 自己发现错误、改正错误, 提高分析问题解决问题的能力。


减少学生解题错误的方法是预防和排除干扰。为此, 作为教师必须要抓好课前、课内、课后三个环节。

(一) 课前准备要有预见性

预防错误的发生, 是减少初中学生解题错误的主要方法。讲课之前, 教师如果能预见到学生学习本课内容可能产生的错误, 就能够在课内讲解时, 有意识地指出并加以强调, 从而有效地控制错误的发生。老师备课时, 要仔细研究教科书正文中的防错文字, 例题后的注意、小结与复习中的应该注意的几个问题等, 同时还要揣摸学生在学习授课内容时的心理过程, 授业解惑, 让学生预先明了容易出错之处, 防患于未然。如果学生出现问题而未查觉, 错误没有得到及时的纠正, 则遗患无穷, 不仅影响当时的学习, 还会影响以后的学习。因此, 预见错误并有效防范能够为揭示错误、消灭错误打下基础。

(二) 课内讲解要有针对性

在课内讲解时, 要对学生可能出现的问题进行针对性的讲解。对于容易混淆的概念, 要引导学生用对比的方法, 弄清它们的区别和联系。对于规律, 应当引导学生搞清它们的来源, 分清它们的条件和结论, 了解它们的用途和适用范围, 以及应用时应注意的问题。教师要给学生展示揭示错误、排除错误的手段, 使学生会识别错误、改正错误。要通过课堂提问及时了解学生情况, 对学生的错误回答, 要分析其原因, 进行针对性讲解, 利用反面知识巩固正面知识。课堂练习是发现学生错误的另一条途径, 出现问题, 及时解决。总之, 要通过课堂教学, 不仅教会学生知识, 而且要使学生学会识别对错, 知错能改。

(三) 课后讲评要有总结性

批改作业时要认真分析学生作业中的问题, 总结出典型错误, 加以评述。通过对作业中学生出现的错误的讲评, 进行适当的复习与总结, 也是学生再经历一次调试与修正的过程, 增强识别、改正错误的能力。

初中学生数学解题误区 第3篇

首先,我们对错误要有充分的认识与分析:教师可以通过错误来发现学生的不足,也从某个角度揭示了学生分析问题的过程,这也是对于学生来说不可或缺的,是学生在学习过程中对所学知识不断尝试的结果。其次,在了解学生错误的原因后 ,就可对征下药,帮学生避免错误,提高解题正确性。

一、 老师应有教学态度 :对错误的承受与宽容

事实上,错误是正确的先导,成功的开始。学生所犯错误及其对错误的认识,是学生知识宝库的重要组成部分. 利用学生典型错误并进行正确诱导会收到良好的教学效果。 如老师讲过a2-b2=(a+b)(a-b)后,让学生去分解m4-n4。很快大家就做完了。老师一边巡视一边督促检查。但在最后教师宣布只有几个人人做对时,其他同学都感到非常吃惊 。大家把m4-n4分解为(m2+n2)(m2-n2)错在哪里呢?做对同学的答案是(m2+n2)(m+n)(m-n),两相对照,大家发现原来m2-n2还可以继续分解。于是,分解因式要进行到每个因式都不能再分解为止给每个同学都留下了深刻的印象。由此可见,教师对待错误的惧怕心理和严厉态度转变为承受心理和宽容态度是十分有意义的。

二、 解题错误的原因

学生顺利正确地完成解题,表明其在分析问题,提取、运用相应知识的环节上没有受到干扰或者说克服了干扰。在上述环节上不 能排除干扰,就会出现解题错误。就初中学生解题错误而言,造成错误的干扰来自以下两方面:

1. 小学阶段知识的干扰 如小 学数学中形成的一些结论都只是在没有学负数的情况下成立的。在小学,学生对数之和不小于其中任何一个加数,但是,学了负数后,这就不是唯一结果了。也就是说,习惯于在非负数范围内讨论问题,容易忽视字母取负数的情况,导致解题 错誤。另外,“+”、“-”号长期作为加、减号使用,学生对于1-7+4-3,习惯上看作1减7加4减3,而初中更需要把上式看成正1负7正4负3之和。对习惯看法的印象越牢固,新的看法就越难牢固树立。

2.初中阶段知识的干扰 例如,在学有理数的减法时,教师反复强调减去一个数等于加上它的相反数,因而4-8中8前面的符号“-”是减号给学生留下了深刻的印象。紧接着学习代数和,又要强调把4-8看成正 4与负8之和,“-”又成了负号。学生不禁产生到底要把“-”看成减号还是负号的困惑。这个困惑不能很好地消除,学生就会产生运算错误。

三、 数学解题错误降低的有效方法

备课时,要仔细研究教科书正文中的防错文字、例题后的注意、小结与复习 中的应该注意的几个问题等,同时还要揣摸学生学习本课内容的心理过程,授业解惑,使学生预先明了容易出错之处,防患于未然。如果学生出现问题而未察觉,错误没有得到及时的纠正,则遗患无穷,不仅影响当时的学习,还会影响以后的学习。因此,预见错误并有效防范能够为揭示错误、消灭错误打下基础。讲课之前,教师如果能预见到学生学习本课内容可能产生的错误,就能够在课内讲解时有意识地指出并加以强调,从而有效地控制错误的发生。例如,讲解方程m/0.1-(0.21-0.2m)/0.01=1之前,要预见到本题要用分式的基本性质与等式的性质,两者有可能混淆,因而要在复习提 问时准备一些分数的基本性质与等式的性质的练习,帮助学生弄清两者的不同,避免产生混乱与错误。

浅析初中数学解题误区 第4篇


















初中数学解题的“良方” 第5篇


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